Belle sat in the bath a short while just relaxing. It felt so great and sort of reminded her of when she was at her father's castle. However, the thought felt weird, surreal, like she was looking into a false life. The life had been hers once upon a time; however, she did not miss it. She was rather fond of her life now. It is an adventure unto itself and then there was Rumplestiltskin. The troubled man making wrong choices and a showman above all else. However, his guise couldn't fool her for she saw into his heart; she loved what she saw there and loved what she saw on the outside too. Many would think she was mad or possessed, and it is said that love will make people do crazy things. Still, Belle had decided she wanted to stand by this man for the rest of her life, even if she withers away long before him. She could see how much he loves her, and the thought of leaving him behind for anything, even her own death. It broke her heart, and she knew it would do the same to him.

Belle continued thinking on Rumple and wondered how he enjoyed his bathing? Did he take his time or did he hurry along? She couldn't stop her mind's curiosity of him naked or even if he pleasured himself. Belle could feel her face burn enough till it felt as though it was blistering. She let herself submerge so to cool off. Even though she was so flustered, she couldn't completely do so. She had been raised a lady and had never seen a man - indecent. Still the aspect had her all flustered. Now she wanted to see him in the throes of passion.

After she could no longer hold her breath, Belle came back up for air. She felt a little better. Belle did her best to push her naughty thoughts away as she bathed.

It wasn't until she was finished bathing, Belle realized she did not bring anything but her robe to wear back to her room. She slipped into her robe, tying it neatly. Once she had her folded clothes in hand Belle slipped out the bathing room.

The corridors were chillier by this time of day. Belle turned onto the corridor that her chamber was on and right into Rumplestiltskin. "Oh I'm sorry." Belle yelped and took a step back.

"No matter," he merely replied, running his hands down his waistcoat. She watched his hands run down and she felt heat flooding into her cheeks. "Enjoy your bath, dearest?"

"Uh," she said closing her eyes and then looking at him. "How did you?" Surely he couldn't and wouldn't look in on her while she was bathing. He raised a brow because of her odd behavior.

"Your hair, dearest, it's still wet." He stated gently as he caught a lock of her hair with a curled index finger.

"Oh, I see. Yes, it was very refreshing." She answered sounding slightly off. She moved to hold her clothes down in front of her waist with both hands. She couldn't look him in the eye, for this encounter was bringing back her shameful thoughts.

"Are you ill?" Rumple asked, his voice leaking concern. "You are rather flushed." He said gently, checking her forehead before cupping her cheek.

"I am fine," she said assertively but still unable to look at him. "Thank you for your concern." She continued rather sternly, which wasn't at all how she meant to sound.

"I see," he said stiffly, withdrawing his hand and looking away. "You'll want to hurry and change so you won't catch cold." He muttered flatly. Then he walked past her but stopped abruptly. Belle had caught his hand and held tight.

"A moment ago - my tone, it was not because of you. So don't think I don't want you near." She pleaded for his understanding. Belle knew all too well how Rumple thinks himself hideous and undesirable. However many times he tried to be a monster to prove a point, it never ever worked on her because she saw with more than her eyes. "I am ashamed of myself for - for something that came into my head." She muttered letting him go, looking away, and blushing deeply. To be honest, she was afraid to see how he would react if he knew she was lusting after him. "Don't let it bother you okay?" Belle was now holding her clothes at her diaphragm causing her robe to loosen up top.

Rumple finally turned and looked at her. Belle finally could breath again once he looked at her. They said nothing fora few moments. Rumple reached over to her, took hold of collar of her robe, and closed it. Belle blushed more. She placed on his, holding it there on her heart. "Thank you," she said gently. They stood there like that for a moment. It was starting to make him nervous, keeping his hand there. Belle saw his nervousness and released him. "We're you heading down to your wheel?" She asked lowly, holding her own robe now.

"Yes, I do my best thinking there." Rumple said with a soft smile.

"I'll be down after a bit." Belle informed him with a loving sweetness. She had a bright smile and her eyes were sparkling with happiness. Her concern over the misunderstanding pushed her shame away. In addition, Belle now looked forward to her rendezvous with Rumple in the common room. A shiver coursed through her body, making her cringe.

"Hurry on, dearest," Rumple said and gave a gentle shove at the small of her back. Belle moved forward a few steps and turned back with a small smile on her face. He just shooed her with his hands. His eyes shimmering with affection. Bella's lips curled so as to not let loose a giggle.

Belle did as Rumple bid and hurried onto her room. As she looked through her wardrobe, she decided her magenta dress was the best choice. It was a half sleeve with ruffles at the end and the bottom trim of the dress, all lighter than the body of the dress. The bodice had trim just above her breasts and then around her shoulders. Her woolen stockings should be enough to help keep her warm in a room with a lit hearth. Once all was donned and her hair pulled back into a neat ponytail. Belle selected the book she was reading before she left.