Hi everyone! Sorry I've been taking so long on updating, I just got like 3 new video games and I've been playing them instead and the keyboard on my nook broke so I need to write everything on the computer again, and I went to camp with no internet for a week, and a lot of other stuff . :3 I'll try to update faster from now on. The Hero's army Allegiances will be at the end this time :3 (that doesn't mean you can't send in characters anymore.)


Blazing Bright Streak of Light: I will work on that, thank you :3

Bagotheman: I will try to be clearer about POVs in the future.

Guest: BECAUSE! Becausebecausebecausebecause! You'll find out soon enough. They aren't that confusing, are they? It goes from Creeperpaw to the others and back, I didn't think they were that bad. Because. Thank you, I just did.

Raven eclipse: thank you! I will :3

Person: Thank you :D

Mistysplash: I know, I think there should be a place to put all the Youtuber stories so people can still post them, but I don't need to dig through them to find non youtuber stories. I am trying to work on my grammar, but English is an annoying language so it might take a while.

Gracekim1: thank you!

Creeper cat: I will.

Doom cat raven: just did.

MoonstarTheWarriorCat: yay, you're back! Thank you for reading and sending in Grey moon, he was fun to write about :3

Harmonic Sound of Rain: I'm glad you found it again! My computer does things like that too sometimes, it's fine.

maali725: there are going to be about 20 chapters, I promise I won't abandon any of my stories. I've just been busy. Yes, that is how you make a speed potion; you can look up the recipes for all the potions on Wikipedia.

Chapter 16

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The small cream and grey tabby blinked open her eyes, her head felt like it had been hit by a mine cart and she was starving. There wasn't much light in…wherever she was and she couldn't hear anything but her own breathing. She tried to get up and look around but she was being held down by something that felt like really thick string. Suddenly a small, flickering light came on and the sound of footsteps echoed in the empty room.

"H-hello?" Creeperpaw rasped. Her throat was dry and it hurt to talk. "Is-is someone there?" the footsteps stopped somewhere behind her and she began to hyperventilate as the lights flickered one more time then went out.



Haven and Luke walked through the tunnels quickly, heading for the main cave. Haven had sent several blazes to take the girl to a healer so they could check her for injuries. When they arrived at the cave Haven stopped and called her enderman, Ater, and teleported with her to the soldiers cave. Luke paused for a moment then took out a small black stone. It glowed dark purple when he touched it. After he and Kayden had bonded a cave spider had taken his knife and come back with the strange rock. Luke hadn't asked where it came from; He had a pretty good theory.

"Kayden, I need your help." He whispered to the stone. The enderman appeared moments later, wearing his enchanted boots and helmet and carrying his large Enchanting book.

The two of them arrived in the soldiers cave just as Haven was leaving. She was followed by Markus, Pebble and Fred, who were some of the most experienced soldiers, and a squid named derp (who was being carried by Fred in a water bucket).

"Oh, sorry Luke, I forgot to tell you your job... I would like you to get a few healers to come." Haven said as she teleported away again with the soldiers. Luke sighed.

"She's a very weird person." He said quietly. Kayden laughed as they teleported into the Healers cave. It was the cleanest place in the camp. Its walls were made of cobble stone and the floors were obsidian, there were several tables covered in shimmering potions in glass bottles, bandages soaking in bowls filled with pinkish liquid (regeneration potion) and boxes filled with golden apples.

"Kayden!" a pure black female enderman appeared in front of them in a small puff of dark purple mist to match her eyes. "I was wondering when you'd visit. Who's this?" at those last words her voice became a bit less friendly.

"Xarnea, this is Luke, He's my player. Luke, this is Xarnea, she's a friend of mine from the End." Kayden explained, looking slightly embarrassed. "We're getting some healers to come on a rescue mission."

"A rescue mission? What happened? Is everyone alright?" Xarnea asked worriedly. Luke quietly walked away to examine the potions while Kayden described what had happened. He recognized a few of them, but most were new to him. An oddly shaped bottle filled with a thick, white liquid was in the front of one row, it looked important.

"Don't touch that!" a small grey wolf barked as Luke reached out to do just that. "It's important!"

"Oh, um, sorry. I was just curious…"

"Well don't do it again- wait a minute… you're a chosen!" the wolf yelped.

"Does that mean you forgive me and will let me go with a warning?" Luke asked.

"No it means you should have known better and will get a worse punishment."

A larger wolf stepped between them and glared at the younger one.

"Snowy, this human is our guest and is of a higher rank than you, you will treat him with respect." The dark grey wolf growled.

"No, I'm sorry for messing with medical stuff; I should get some kind of punishment." Luke sighed. 'I hate being responsible sometimes'

"You will be punished by someone of a higher rank when this 'rescue mission' thing is over. For now you are important to the mission." The wolf barked. "Do you need anyone specific?"

"Uh…" Luke glanced at Kayden, who was still talking to Xarnea, the looked back at the wolf. "No, I'm just supposed to get two or three experienced healers." The wolf nodded and turned toward a small passage way.

"Everybody get up here! We have an emergency!" the wolf howled. Only three people came through the passage, an enderman and two cats.

"We came as fast as we could, storm, what's the emergency?"

"I have no idea. This young chosen knows though" the wolf, Storm, barked. Luke looked at the healers, not used to giving orders.

"Um, a few hours ago a group of apprentices were attacked by some players. One of the apprentices was captured, so I'm supposed to help gather a rescue party or something." Luke said awkwardly. The healers all stared at him.

"I need two people- um, two of you who are experienced and willing to come." he smiled, hoping he hadn't insulted any of them. The two cats glanced at each other before padding back into the passage; the enderman had teleported away halfway through.

"Do not worry, chosen, I will go. You might need someone experienced with healing children." the wolf glanced at snowy, who was dusting the potions with her tail, then turned toward the exit. "I am Storm, I am in charge when Frost is gone, which is often."

"I'm Luke, Haven's apprentice." The wolf looked surprised.

"Really? I am sorry to question you, chosen, but did Haven really get an apprentice?" Storm mumbled to herself and was about to continue speaking when Xarnea teleported in front of them.

"I volunteer!" she said, a soft static-like sound echoing in the air around her. Her claws seemed longer than before and her eyes were a darker shade of purple. "The players will pay for this." She hissed.

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The dark grey tom growled in frustration, his paws sore from running on the rough netherrack and his black eyes dry from the heat.

"Akira!" he yowled, he was pretty sure he was losing his voice from the near constant shouting.

"shhh, I think I hear her…" Nightpaw whispered. Ghost stopped and turned to his friend.

"Where?" he mewled, his sore throat preventing him from speaking loudly. The black tom was already padding toward a patch of glowstone, his ears folded back and his long tail twitching, Ghost sighed and followed. As they got closer the grey apprentice could make out the sound of crying muffled by static.

"Akira?" asked Nightpaw quietly. A soft poof was the only reply. The two toms whipped around to see the albino enderman staring at them, her red eyes glowed in the dim light and the white mist surrounding her thickened, obscuring her from view until only her silhouette and blazing red eyes could be seen.

"A-Akira, Creeperpaw is in trouble, you need to help!" Ghost mewed. There was no response.

"Akira, calm down. The Twolegs are gone; you don't need to worry anymore." Nightpaw said his voice soft and kind. "We need you to come with us, please." Ghost stared at the black apprentice, his ears drooping slightly. 'I've had moons of experience with this kind of thing, how is he better at it than me?'

Ghost glanced back at the cloud of mist as a new sound came from it. Well not a new sound, the crying just got louder. Nightpaw whispered something and flicked his tail at the panicking enderchild. Suddenly she froze, grey mist mixing with her white fog.

"What-?" Ghost mewed as red smoke began swirling around him. "What is this?!"

"It worked! It finally worked!" Nightpaw yelped, tiny blue sparks dancing around his paws.

"You know a spell?" Ghost asked. "When did you learn that?"

"Herobrine taught me. I haven't been able to get it to work until now." The black apprentice smiled, red mist beginning to surround him as well. "Now we just need to carry her back!"

"What did you do to her anyway?" Ghost mewed softly, black eyes narrowed in worry. "Why isn't she moving?" the grey healer stepped between his friends and glared at Nightpaw.

"C-calm down! It's just slowness! It's like she drank a really powerful potion or something. I gave us strength so we could lift her." Nightpaw mewed, the blue sparks vanishing. Ghost glanced at Akira, the enderchild had moved slightly. Her hand was raised toward them and her mouth was open as if she was about to speak.

"Reverse it." He hissed softly, his claws unsheathing and his tail tip twitching.


"Fix her!" he yowled. "We can calm her down! Can't you see she's scared?!" black sparks surrounded his paws as he prepared his only spell, an illusion that makes sounds. It wouldn't be effective in a battle, but hopefully the black sparks caused by his magic would be intimidating.

"Okay, calm down, I was trying to speed this up…" Nightpaw mewed. Akira stumbled and teleported in a cloud of white before she hit the ground, ending up directly behind Ghost.

"What happened?" she asked.

"I-um, I used a spell to temporarily freeze you so we could take you back. Sorry." Nightpaw mumbled awkwardly. An unnatural sound filled the air as Akira stared at the Black apprentice in shock and anger.

"We need to get you back to the cave and you weren't responding! It was the first thing I could think of!"

The noise faded slightly as the white apprentice calmed down, looking confused instead of furious.

"Why do you need me?" she asked. Ghost looked up at her, his black eyes filled with worry.

"Creeperpaw is in trouble."


The rescue team was gathered at the Nether portal, waiting for the last three members of the group to arrive. Luke stood by his new teacher who dad decided that, despite his lack of training, he should go in her place.

"I have been advised not to go," the white eyed girl whispered, shooting a glare at the wolf, cat and sheep that stood several feed behind them. "I'm 'too important to risk losing'. You will have to go instead."

"But I don't know anything about fighting or anything! The only things I've ever had to kill were weeds!" Luke protested as an enderman quickly crafted and placed armor on him.

"You hopefully won't need to fight, not only will this be a stealth mission but you are also taking several soldiers and witches. Everything will be fine." Haven said, placing her hand on his shoulder. "We Chosen are famous for being lucky."

"We're all going to die…" he muttered, Kayden laughed. The enderman was working on enchanting a chest plate with a modified Thorns enchantment that damaged enemies who stood to close to the wearer. Luke hoped that he would never face Kayden in battle. A quiet poof announced the arrival of Akira, Nightpaw and Ghost.

"Good, everyone's here. Um… "Luke glanced at storm who nodded for him to continue. "As you probably all know, a group of players has found their way into the nether and captured one of our apprentices. Our mission is to rescue her and destroy their nether portal so they can't come back." The group waited in silence while he thought of what to say next. "The soldiers will go first to make sure there aren't any guards, send Marcus back out if it's safe. Once we get the signal everyone else will go in and Akira will track down Creeperpaw with everyone but Fred, storm, and derp who will be guarding the nether portal just in case. Are the invisibility potions done yet?"

"Yes, Chosen." One of the witches responded.

"Alright, everyone grab two, we'll drink them once we're inside. Everyone ready?" Luke asked. There was a chorus of shouts as everyone stood up.

"Then let's go!"

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Creeperpaw opened her eyes. The first thing she noticed was that it was suddenly much brighter in the room, she shut her eyes again. The next thing she noticed was that everything hurt. She groaned, curling into a tight ball and whimpering, she wondered for a brief moment why she hadn't noticed that first.

"You're awake? Good. We have some things to talk about." Oh, not him she probably would have rather heard any other voice right now, even Grassclaw would've been preferable to this!

"Leave-leave me alone." She rasped. She gasped as a hand grabbed the scruff of her neck and lifted her into the air.

"no." he growled. She yowled in pain as he shook her and dumped her back onto whatever hard surface she had been on before. "I still want to know some things." 'Still? What does he mean 'still'? I haven't said anything! …have I…?' Creeperpaw opened her eyes slightly and looked at the brown haired twoleg.

"I need more information about the location of your 'cave' before we can let you go."

"M-more?" she mewled weakly.

"Yes, more! I- oh… you don't remember do you?" he laughed, taking a small dagger out of his back pocket and began doing strange little tricks with it. "I'd heard that this happened sometimes, but I had no idea it actually did."

"What did I forget? What happened?!" she pushed herself into an unsteady sitting position and hissed in pain.

"I gave you a weakness potion, you told me all about how your weird little society works the amount of warriors you have and where they sleep before it wore off and you fainted." At that moment Creeperpaw would have given almost anything for some way to make it untrue, but she knew that couldn't happen. No matter what she did, no matter how much she denied it, she could remember now. He'd gotten frustrated; he dropped the dagger and took out a small glass bottle filled with grey liquid that seemed to drain the energy from the room even in its glass prison. She could remember the crash as the glass had shattered against her already injured shoulder. The cream-colored apprentice whimpered, closing her eyes and trying to forget again.



The black apprentice charged toward the portal as soon as it was lit and leaped through, the other soldiers close behind. He was now in a small room with white walls. It was much brighter than the dim red glow of the nether and the light reached every corner of the room. Nightpaw looked around, not seeing any guards nearby.

This is what I have so far; the rest will come out eventually.