A/N: Well you really did not think I would end the story just so now did you?

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A biological abomination sat quietly within his personal chamber, as his mind raced with pain and curiosity. What should have been a simple task of manipulation and sabotage on a galactic scale had suddenly come to a screeching halt, hundreds of agents which he had sent into this new galaxy to pave the way for their glorious crusade, suddenly fell silent. The last piece of information which the Supreme Overlord had received from this galaxy was that a massive war had broken out between the ga major factions and that as a result, a number of his agents had been caught in the cross fire.

But something told the Vong leader that there was much more to this sudden silents which met the deformed eye. One particular piece of information he had received prior to the silence, was that of a race of people who like themselves, had come from beyond the galaxy. But unlike his people, these... Terrans allowed themselves to be assimilated and corrupted by the artificial constructs which plagued this galaxy. A galaxy which would become the new home for his race.

But these Terrans were said to be very cunning and ferocious when it came to the ways of war, if that were the case then these Terrans as a whole had to be eliminated once and for all before his plans for crusade can begin.

"Supreme Overlord. You are requested to be present in the command chamber." a voice suddenly filled the the head of the leader of the Yuuzhan Vong. With not much of a grunt or groan, the pain filled body that was Shimrra Jamaane got up and made his way out of the organically created chamber and made his way to his "vessel's" command center.

"What do you have" the Vong growled out, as he glared down at the Master Shaper.

"Your Lordship, I regret to inform you that we have lost contact with all out fleets in the galaxy." the deformed creature replied, his voice showing both uncertainty and fear as he spoke to his superior.

"What do you mean you lost contact with our fleets?" Jammane sounded a bit irritated at the Shaper's statement.

"We... we have lost all contact with our fleets." the creature replied. "The last reports stated that they were in position and ready to attack. But after that.. nothing."

"My lord... we are... receiving a transmission..." another Shaper suddenly spoke up. A surprised tone could clearly be heard in his voice.

"A transmission..." the Overlord asked out load. "From whom?"

"Sir... the... Terrans." the creature replied, disbelief strong in his voice.

"What does it say?"

"It... It says... 'If you value your lives... find somewhere else to be. This is your final warning."

Absolute rage and anger filled the Vong supreme leader, just who did these people think they were threatening him and his people. "Where did that transmission come from?"

"From... from the Terran system."

"What?" the Vong screeched out in disbelief, as she voice could be heard through out the biologically engineered vessel.

Meanwhile in space, hundreds of dark gray cylinders with U.N.S.C. markings suddenly decloaked and and shot towards the Vong fleet from all directions. While just a few light years away, a formation of Forerunner inspired vessels entered slip space with a moon sized object closely following behind them. A artificial voice within the "moon" cheerfully exclaiming...

"It's Time! Its TIME! Its... VADER TIME!"