George Lucas stared at the bonfire, and smiled.

Fourty thousand pages of expanded universe were going up in smoke.

He thought to himself "I'm free of all those stories, and characters, I can now make sure episodes seven to nine, and the spin off movies are the way I want them"

Star Wars was his, his story, his vision, he'd make sure that only the characters he wanted would be used, and the only stories told, would be the ones he wanted.

In that moment on the plain next to him stood the only characters he cared about.

Luke, Leia, and Han looked completely disoriented, they'd been ripped out of the universe they'd known for over forty years. Luke was the first one to speak in a groggy voice, "where are we, where's Ben?"

Han and Leia, were yelling for the'r Granddaughter Allana.

"You won't find them" George told them, "they don't exist anymore" "What" all three of them yelled at the same time, It looked like Han was about to charge at George, when out of nowhere, two long shaggy red arms, attached to a wookie, they never though they'd see again. Pulled him back.

And Han in shock, went down on his knees, looking up into yhe eyes of the friend he thought, he'd lost forever. "What's happening, how are you here?" Chewie just stared and shrugged.

"The universe where you lost him is gone now, to make way for the new Star Wars Movies. that universe did it's job, as a placholder, and it's time for it to go." George sid with a beaming smile.

"our families, my wife, our memories, my Jedi" Luke said with a grief that threatened to crush him. "You'll forget them, and when you wake up, you'll have all new ones, remember the only thing that will count from now on is what shows up on the movies screen"

Leia felt like she did, on the Death Star after Alderaan blew up, only this time she didn't just lose a planet, she'd lost a universr, but before she could process it, George waved his hand, put them to sleep, and placed them to sleep, in a Millenium Falcon pllayset, brought them inside his house, and placed them

on a shelf, and started watching his six movies, and swept off the ashes of the expanded universe, and whispered the imperial march.