The Power of Darkrai
This story is set after the movie 'The Rise of Darkrai'. It starts at when Darkrai is standing on top of the Space Time Tower. It takes place in Alamos Town. Enjoy.
Alamos Town
Alamos Town was a fairly happy town. It was surrounded by mountains that cut it off from the world but it was a very popular place to be. Alamos Town was famous for its contests and the single tower could be seen over all the mountains and lakes surrounding it. It was known as the Space Time Tower.
A lone Pokémon stood at the top of Space Time Tower. Its body was pitch-black and it had white flowing hair like a cape that floated skywards. It had a red collar and it was standing with 2 thin legs. The Pokémon's name was Darkrai. Its single turquoise eye scanned its surroundings and then zeroed in on the 5 people at the canopy a little over a hundred feet away from it.
The group would look odd from anywhere except for Alamos Town. There was a nerd, a pretty blonde woman, a spiky haired teenager, a blue haired girl and a very special boy with untamable, black, spiky hair.
The boy's name was Ash Ketchum. Ash Ketchum was many things. He was a Pokémon Trainer, a child prodigy and the Chosen One that was supposed to save the world. All though his usual dunce behavior didn't explain he was a prodigy, he was just as smart as Gary and Paul, his longtime rivals. His training methods were harsh, but not as harsh as Paul's or Gary's. Overall, he was a fantastic Pokémon Trainer.
Darkrai's legs retracted into his body. He leapt off the tower in a leap of faith and shot off like a dart toward our heroes. Its body blended in with the shadows that came with sunset. From afar, he looked like a black bullet.
Perspective Change
Ash was overjoyed. He just found out Darkrai didn't die when Palia incinerated him. But for some reason Darkrai was flying toward his little group of friends like there was no tomorrow. The pitch-black Pokémon came to a stop in front of the group. Darkrai's gaze swept over the group and its eyes landed on the blonde. Surprisingly, it went out and hugged her, who was known as Alice. As Darkrai's arms wrapped around her, the group head Darkrai's voice inside their head.
"Goodbye Alice. I will miss you. Thank your grandmother's grave for letting me stay in the garden. But now I must forge my own destiny instead of staying in Alamos Town. I have not gotten any stronger in the past decade, but now I have found a person to help me in my chosen one has just saved this town from destruction, that alone proves his worth. What's more is he also saved me."
Ash felt Darkrai's eye lock onto him. Dawn and Brock were watching with silent awe. Everything was silent for a full minute before Ash realized what Darkrai meant.
"Me?" Ash croaked in disbelief.
Darkrai nodded. "You are the Chosen One, if not you, then who else? You are the only person in the world who can handle a legendary's power. Will you train me?"
Ash gulped. Dare he take that responsibility? Could he handle a legendary's power? Ash's nervousness was suddenly turned into determination.
"Wait Darkrai, are you sure? I don't want you to get hurt. There are people out there who will do anything to get their hands on you. I do not doubt that Ash is a good person, but will he be able to train you enough so that you could defend yourself." Alice cut in with hesitation in her voice.
Ash replied quickly, "I will take that responsibility Alice. I will make Darkrai strong and together with him at my side, we will be unstoppable."
Darkrai's turquoise eye flashed white.
Ash nodded and stuck out his hand. "Welcome to the team, partner."
Darkrai looked at the hand and finally, raised its claw and shook Ash's hand firmly.
Alice gave a weak smile at the scene, "You better not let anything happen to him."
Tonio stepped up and wrapped his arms about Alice. "Alice, I for one have every ounce of trust in Ash, he just saved Alamos Town and Darkrai. He saved our whole dimension! Don't worry, he will be safe. He is the Chosen One or whatever that means after all."
Alice only nodded, not able to do anything else.
"Now remember Darkrai, once you get captured in the Poke ball, you will be transported to Kanto. You will be put in a large Pokémon conservatory; full of Trainer's captured Pokémon. A man with a white coat and gray hair will greet you. Whatever you do, do not attack him or harm him in any way. He is a Pokémon Professor. I'll swap you out, just be patient."
Darkrai nodded. "I will oblige, master."
Ash reeled back in disbelief. "Master? Don't call me that. We are friends Darkrai. You became my friend as soon as you joined my team. Do you see Pikachu calling me master?"
Darkrai looked confused, "But Pokémon have to do what their trainer says right? So it's more of a master-student relationship."
"Well yeah, that's only in battle and if something comes up. But otherwise you're free as a bird."
If Darkrai could smile, he certainly would have.
Ash inhaled. He and Darkrai faced each other again. Ash plucked a spare Poke ball from his belt and held it up. Darkrai wielded a trembling hand up to the Poke ball, before tapping the button in the center determinedly. It was considered a shame for a legendary to be caught but Darkrai knew this was the right decision He was sucked in a flash of red light. The ball's center glowed without ever resisting; a successful capture. The Poke ball disappeared.
Ash turned to Tonio and Alice, "Thanks a lot for the ride Alice. It was quite an adventure."
Alice nodded and gave a half-hearted smile, "Your welcome Ash. Go to The Lily of the Valley Conference and win for me and Darkrai. be sure that nothing happens to him."
Ah nodded dutifully and beckoned to Dawn and Brock, who were watching in shock. They snapped out of their stupor.
"Do you even know where to go?" Dawn asked faintly after the whole thing.
"Of course. We go northeast. That's where Oreburgh City is and I can register for the Lily of the Valley Conference. I'll also pick up Darkrai and get some training in." Ash replied.
Dawn nodded slowly before walking with Ash. Brock waved a feeble goodbye to Tonio and Alice, before catching up to the Ash and Dawn. When our heroes were all gone; Alice leaned back in Tonio's embrace and said,"I hope their journey goes well."
Tonio smiled and replied, "Do not fret my love, they are destined for greatness. Especially Ash and one particular Darkrai."
3 Days Later
A tired and hungry Ash walked into the Pokemon Center in Oreburgh City. Dawn and Brock were right behind him, they were in better shape than him, but not by much. Ash took a deep breath and walked up to the video phone in the corner of the great room. No one was in the Pokemon center right now, it was 11 o clock and everyone was resting except for Nurse Joy. For her, the night was still young. With so many trainers that have emergencies, she could barely afford any sleep.
Dawn and Brock immediately collapsed on a couch in huge room. Bock was so tired that he couldn't even flirt with Nurse Joy. He didn't know how Ash still had the strength to walk. They had been traveling for 3 days with only about one rest stop a day. Ash was sure determined to get Darkrai and train.
By the corner of the Pokémon Center, Ash was already dialing Professor Oak's number.
The phone rang for a few seconds before an image of Professor Oak in his lab coat showed up. He looked at Ash sternly before breaking into an excited grin.
"Ash, do you realize what you have done?" The professor asked in a trembling voice, "You caught a legendary Pokémon! At first i didn't know what it was but I asked Professor Rowan about it and he told me it was a Darkrai. Only the most skillful of trainer's can catch that. However….there is a problem; your Darkrai is hostile to all but your Pokémon. It's terrifying to look at and sends a chill down my neck every time I look at it. It is very troublesome to my research. "
Ash frowned. and cleared his head. "Darkrai has a very serious nature. It brings bad dreams so that's why he's warning people to keep away from it. He's trying to protect you professor."
"Well in that case, that's great. So what did you call for? Maybe you need a check up for your POkemon? Or maybe-"
Ash nodded impatiently and tried to understand, "I came for Darkrai, can I switch out my Gible for him now?"
Professor Oak hesitated, "Well alright, but you must promise to let me study him after. Why do you need him?"
He noted Ash was very haggard and pale. He was also a bit ruder than usual.
"I'm going to compete in the Lily of the Valley Conference. I'll be training for it for the remaining 3 months we have."
Professor Oak smiled and beckoned to something of screen. Darkrai's face soon appeared on the screen. When he saw Ash, he was overjoyed he was finally being switched out. Being at the ranch was nice but he was tired after spreading his aura over all the Pokemon there to keep them from having bad dreams.
"Ash you have to realize that many people in the world will want to have him. You have to take that responsibility and train him to be powerful. He must be able to defend himself."
Ash nodded in determination and a little of something else, impatience maybe?
Professor Oak put Darkrai back in his Poke ball and put it in a slot. Ash did the same with Gibble's Poke ball. The Video Phone fizzed out for a second before flashing white. Darkrai's Poke ball appeared in the slot he previously had put Gibble's Poke ball. He hung up with one last wave.
Ash grabbed the Poke ball and walked to the counter. His every step showed fatigue.
"Nurse Joy. Can I have a room please?" The black haired trainer asked tiredly.
Nurse Joy looked at the boy in front of her. He was dirty and his clothes were ragged. He had bags under his eyes, but she could still see a fire burning in his chocolate brown orbs. She nodded immediately and gave him a key.
"Your room is on your right." The pink haired nurse said.
Ash nodded. He beckoned to Brock and Dawn. The two dragged themselves off the couch and limped to their room. Ash was so tired he just collapsed on one of the beds the room had to offer. Dawn and Brock just looked at each other, shrugged and did the same.
The Next Day
Ash woke up to the rising sun. He felt great and rejuvenated. He looked to his right; Dawn and Brock both haven't woken up yet. He decided to get some training in with Darkrai. Ash grabbed his ragged clothes and threw them on hastily. He quickly walked out the door of the Pokemon Center and walked into the woods to Jubilife City. He didn't want anyone to see him in this state. Pretty soon, Ash had found a clearing. It was perfect, with trees surrounding it and nothing in sight.
He called out all his Pokemon; Infernape, Torterra, Pikachu, Buizel, Staraptor and finally, Darkrai. All 6 Pokémon appeared in a flash of light. They came out jubilant and with a loud cry. The first one to notice Darkrai was Infernape. He leapt back in shock, then immediately bowed to him. Torterra lowered its head in submission while Staraptor fanned its wings. Buizel nodded to the pitch-black Pokémon. Pikachu just waved and said "Pikapiiii!"
"Guys," Ash cleared his throat, "This is Darkrai. He is the newest addition to our family. Welcome him like a brother please. He is a legendary Pokemon from Sinnoh."
"infernnnape!" The fire monkey greeted.
"Greetings fellow Pokémon, my name is Darkrai. I hope that my performance in this team is satisfactory. That is all." Darkrai said with telepathy.
All the Pokemon looked at him weirdly. Then Pikachu started laughing. He was followed by Staraptor and Infernape. Torterra chuckled a bit while Buizel managed a grin. The chuckles soon became a full blown laughing fest.
Darkrai looked at Ash, "What are they laughing about?"
"Darkrai, no need to be so serious, lighten up for once. We do train hard on this team, sure, but we don't have to be that serious." Ash replied, chuckling mentally.
A tint of pink appeared on Darkrai's collar. Ash's Pokémon laughed even harder.
Ash cleared his throat loudly. "Alright guys, Darkrai is right for now, it's time to get down to business. We had our laughs. The Lily of the Valley Conference is coming up in 3 months. I want to win that thing. I'm thinking of bringing an old friend back to battle with us. He currently resides in Charicific Valley. I'll call him tomorrow and ask him to pick up another friend I met back in Kanto. He's the second Pokemon I caught. Anyway, back to business, we need a place to train, anyone have any ideas?"
Pikachu grinned at the mention of Charizard. Ash's other Pokémon looked confused but infernape answered Ash's question.
"Infernape! Nape!"
"Good idea Infernape, but Mt. Cornet is too cold and uncivilized. We need a flat meadow with enough room to maneuver and plenty of Pokémon to train against; nothing too gentle, but nothing too rough."
Darkrai grimaced in the background. He knew of one place like that. He was willing to go there for Ash even though he didn't like it.
"There is one place like that that I know of. It suits your needs perfectly." Darkrai cut in.
Ash spun around. "Really? Do you know how to get there?"
He was so excited he didn't notice Darkrai's look of pain.
"It is called New Moon Island. I was born on that island."
That caused a lot of weird looks.
Even Ash was confused. "But then why were you in Alamos Town?"
"My counterpart; Cresselia, banished me. I suppose it was my fault. I was too arrogant back then. Cresselia and the Pokémon on New Moon Island banished me to Alamos Town, where Alicia found me. I was very weak and ill when she found me."
Ash looked down, "We don't have to go there if you don't want-"
"NO! Don't let my past mistakes stop you. You are my trainer and I will do anything to help you. It is high time that I rectified my mistake. It will also be a bonus if you somehow managed to capture Cresselia too."
Ash grinned at that last idea, "Then it's settled. How do we get to New Moon Island?"
"We teleport. Grab my hands everyone.I've always had a connection to my birthplace."
Ash joined hands with Darkrai. Infernape grabbed his other hand. All of Ash's Pokemon somehow managed to find contact of Darkrai.
The world suddenly fell sideways and they appeared on a beautiful island. Ash suddenly remembered Dawn and Brock. He started panicking. How would they react when they woke up and Ash was gone. His mom would be devastated.
"Relax Ash, I already placed a letter in their room stating for them to meet you at the Lily of the Valley Conference 3 months later. It also tells them to spread the word. Is that to your expectations?"
Ash nodded, relieved, "Thanks Darkrai."
The island was rocky for a fourth of the part. The other part was filled with dense woods and at the heart of the island; a giant mountain loomed over everything. The land was flat and formed a natural training ground.
Ash looked up; the sky was black and unforgiving. The moon shone brightly in the sky.
"Wasn't it morning when we got here?" Ash asked Darkrai.
"It is always night at New Moon Island Ash." Darkrai replied, nervously looking at the mountain.
Ash shrugged and said, "Alright, let's get training."
His Pokémon cheered. Suddenly, Darkrai stopped him, "Wait Ash."
Darkrai lifted a claw of his already outstretched hand. A black bolt of energy zoomed towards Ash's chest. An aura of shadow energy covered Ash. When the black light disappeared, Ash was standing in clothes that were completely new. His old hat was replaced by a brand new flat bill with a purple Poke ball. He had a black vest instead of the blue he always wore. His under shirt was white with a red lightning bolt on it. His jeans were now black too. He was wearing a blood red cape that flowed down his back. Pikachu nodded approvingly.
However, the bolt of night energy had alerted someone else on this island of his presence.
Ash checked himself out, "Whoa! This is awesome. Thanks Darkrai! I'm going to have to check out your moves with my PokeDex later."
Darkrai nodded, pleased with himself. Then he asked, "What is a….PokeDex"
"A PokeDex is a device that gives me information on my Pokemon." Ash said, pulling out his red PokeDex. He said it he was going to check it later but since Darkrai was curious, why not show it to him now and scan him.
He pointed it at Darkrai.
Darkrai, the Pitch-Black Pokémon. Legend has it that on a moonless night, Darkrai lull people to sleep and make them dream. Ability: Bad Dreams, Sex: Male, Moves: Ominous wind, Disable, Quick Attack, Hypnosis, Faint Attack, Nightmare, Double Team, Haze, Dark Void, Nasty Plot, Dream Eater, Dark Pulse, Hyper Beam, Blizzard, Ice Beam, Shadow Claw, Payback, Brick Break, Thunder, Thunderbolt, X Scissor, Strength, Will-o-Wisp, Giga Impact, Flash, Snarl, Cut, Teleport and Protect.
Ash looked at the PokeDex in his hands in shock. Darkrai's power was simply amazing!
"You really are a powerhouse Darkrai. I simply cannot believe this! You know such powerful moves!" Ash said to Darkrai appraisingly
Darkrai's eye flashed in thanks, "I did not survive by being a weakling. This is the power of legendary Pokémon."
Ash nodded in shock, "I see…."
The mismatched group started walking towards the woods. Ash was so excited he kept tripping over his cape. He knew Darkrai was powerful, but this was insane! Even Charizard would have a hard time standing up to the pitch-black Pokémon.
Suddenly, a voice boomed into the everlasting night of New Moon Island. "You should not have come back."
It was beautiful but cold at the same time. It was a voice used to commanding. Ash stopped in his tracks.
Darkrai flinched. His turquoise eye narrowed and glared at the mountain looming over the trees. Wild Pokémon started coming forth from the woods. They made a circle around Ash and his Pokémon. There were Bidoof, Starly, Buizel, Shinx, and even some Geodude. They glared at Darkrai.
A multi color ball of light burst out of the top of the mountain and started speeding towards them. It looked beautiful, but Ash knew that it was bringing bad news. A Pokémon with a slender pink body and gold circlets around its body appeared before them. It shone with an unnatural light. All the wild Pokémon nodded along with it. It seemed to focus on Darkrai. Darkrai glared heatedly back.
"You should not have come back," Cresselia, the lunar Pokémon repeated, her every word confident and with command.
Hi guys Orion here. I know that you think that I'm abandoning my other stories, but I'm not. I have chapter 4 of 'Starting in Sinnoh' ready. And I'm working on chapter 5 of 'A New Beginning'. This story is my biggest accomplishment yet. So yeah please review. It's about 30 seconds of your wonderful life. Just a simple "Update" will do. Until next time.