Hey guys! So this is my newest fanfic :) I know i have 9 other ones that aren't yet complete, but the plot bunnies kept on pushing me to write this.

I hope you guys like it!


Elijah has a bachelor party at a bar two days before his wedding and while at the bar Klaus meets a girl named Caroline. They both eventually get drunk… One thing leads to another and then a month later Caroline finds out she's pregnant. Klaus is supposed to marry Tatia in one month so what happens when he finds out that a woman is expecting his child and that woman isn't Tatia?

Enjoy ;)

"Elijah! It's time to go to your bachelor party!" Kol yelled out from the living room.

"Hold on Kol. Elijah is on the phone with Katherine." Klaus said in a sing-song voice as he entered the living room and made his way towards the couch.

"Shut up you two." Finn hissed because he was having a phone conversation with his beloved wife Sage.

Kol and Klaus looked over at Finn and they scowled at him. Both of their brothers were acting like some sort of love-sick puppies. Klaus never acted that way when he was around Tatia and she was going to be his wife in two months. Kol never really had a steady girlfriend to begin with so he didn't understand why his older brothers were so love struck.

"Nik!" Henrik yelled out from his room.

"What is it bud?" Klaus yelled back.

"I need some advice." Henrik called out.

"I'll be right back," Klaus said to Kol. Kol nodded to Klaus and Klaus made his way towards Henrik's bedroom.

"What's going on?" He asked as he entered the room.

Henrik was sitting at his desk with a whole bunch of textbooks. "There's this girl…" Henrik started to say.

"You're only 16, Henry." Klaus said.

"So what, you had your first girlfriend when you were like 14." Henrik said as he narrowed his blue eyes at his older brother.

"Right," Klaus said.

"So there's this girl, and I really like her but I don't know how to ask her out." Henrik said.

"Just ask her out, go up to her and simply ask. I'm sure she won't be able to turn you down because you obviously are a Mikaelson and the girls' go crazy over us." Klaus said with a smirk.

"Yeah, I shouldn't have asked you. Forget it." Henrik said.

Klaus shrugged and walked out of the bedroom and knocked on Elijah's bedroom.

"I'm coming," Elijah called out.

Klaus stood outside of his brother's room and waited until he would come out. When Elijah finally came out he looked nervous.

"Maybe we shouldn't go out. I don't need a bachelor party."

"Yes you do, let's go 'Lijah. In a couple of days you will no longer be a free man." Klaus said.

"And you will not be a free man in two months." Elijah said as he chuckled.

"Yup," Klaus said and walked away from Elijah.

"Caroline!" Bonnie called out from her bedroom.

"What is it?" Caroline yelled out from the living room.

"Let's go out tonight. I just broke up with Jamie and I just really want to let loose." Bonnie said as she ran to the living room.

"I can't, I have work tomorrow." Caroline said to her best friend and roommate.

"So do I, come on please?" Bonnie pleaded and looked at Caroline sadly.

"Fine, but you're buying the drinks. Is Elena also going to come?" Caroline asked.

"Yay! Nah, Elena can't make it she has to go over to Katherine's because they have a few last minute things to set up for the wedding." Bonnie replied.

"I can't believe Kat is getting married in two days. Remember back when we were kids she swore that she would never get married and here she is planning her wedding." Caroline said as a smile formed on her lips.

"I know! I don't think any of us were against marriage like her and here she is getting married first." Bonnie said.

Caroline nodded and said, "So where we going?"

"To a bar because I could really use some shots of tequila," Bonnie said.

"You and me both, but if I get drunk I am going to kill you myself for dragging me out into a bar." Caroline said as she looked at Bonnie seriously.

"Sure you will, get dressed already! I don't have all day." Bonnie said as she walked back into her bedroom.

Caroline smiled at her best friend's retrieving figure and made her way towards her own bedroom. When Caroline was in her bedroom she quickly opened up her closet and picked out a white blouse and a pair of blue high-wasted shorts. She pulled them on and then applied some makeup onto her face. She put on some mascara, black eyeliner, and lip gloss. She decided to keep her hair naturally wavy.

It was good that she was finally going out because after her breakup with Tyler she hasn't really had much fun and that was going to change tonight.

"Are you ready yet?" Bonnie yelled out.

"Yeah," Caroline yelled back and made her way towards the door. Caroline walked into the hallway and Bonnie was already standing there dressed. She wore a strapless black leather dress with red stilettos.

"Damn Bon, Jamie is a fucking idiot for breaking it off with you." Caroline said honestly.

"Oh I know," Bonnie said with a small smirk on her face.

Caroline giggled and so did Bonnie.

"You look gorgeous Caroline." Bonnie said to her friend.

"Thank you," Caroline said with a little bow.

"Let's go!" Bonnie said as she pulled on Caroline's arm.

"Let me put on my shoes woman!" Caroline yelled out.

Caroline walked over to the shoe closet and took out her black heels. She pulled them on and then grabbed her blue blazer.

"Now I am ready to go."

"Finally!" Bonnie said as she unlocked the door.

Bonnie and Caroline made their way downstairs and then grabbed a taxi. They decided to go to the bar that was located on Lexington Avenue.

Klaus, Elijah, Kol, and Finn drove to the bar on Lexington Avenue. They went to that bar because it was Elijah's favorite place.

"Is anybody else coming?" Kol asked.

"Galen is coming but Stefan and Damon couldn't make it." Klaus said.

"No Salvatore's tonight then? It must be my lucky day." Kol said with a smirk.

"Don't pretend like you don't enjoy their company, brother." Elijah said.

"We all know you're in love with Damon's eyes." Finn said with a chuckle.

"Who cares? He has nice eyes okay? At least I'm not in love with Stefan like Klaus is." Kol stated.

"Shut up, Kol. Yes, I love Stefan as a brother but I am not in love with him." Klaus said.

All of the men burst out into laughter and Klaus joined them soon after.

When they got to the bar they made their way to the table that Galen was sitting in.

"Vaughn, you made it." Elijah said and smiled at his old friend.

"Of course I did! My best friend is getting married in two days!" Galen said in his accented voice. Elijah and Galen have been best friends ever since their high school years.

"First round of drinks are on me." Kol said before walking into the direction of the bar.

Bonnie and Caroline were sitting at the bar when Caroline noticed a man walking towards the bar.

"Hot guy alert!" Caroline whispered nudging Bonnie. Bonnie was on her second shot of tequila and she turned to face the guy that Caroline was talking about.

"Holy shit," Bonnie said as her green eyes widened.

Kol sat down on the barstool and the bartender made his way towards him.

"What would you like?" The bartender asked Kol.

"Let me get 10 shots of your finest tequila." Kol said as he took out his wallet and laid the 100 dollar bill on the table.

The bartender nodded and grabbed the bottle of tequila. He lined up the 10 shot glasses and poured the tequila into them.

Kol turned to the two girls that were sitting beside him and he laid his eyes on the tanned beauty.

Caroline nudged Bonnie again because she noticed that the man was looking at her best friend. Bonnie looked up and Caroline made a head movement towards the hot guy that was sitting next to them.

Bonnie smiled at him seductively and he smiled back at her.

"I'll be right back," Caroline said as she slid out of the bar stool. She made her way towards the bathroom and she passed Elijah's table.

"Caroline?" She heard someone say.

Caroline turned to face the person that called her name and she noticed that Elijah was sitting there with two other men.

"Elijah! How are you?" Caroline asked happily.

"I'm good, how are you?"

"I'm alright," Caroline said.

"Good," Elijah said as he smiled at his future wife's best friend.

"It was really nice seeing you, but if you'll excuse me." Caroline said because she really wanted to use the restroom.

"Oh yes, of course. I'll see you on Saturday then?"

"Yes you will," Caroline said before she walked off.

Klaus came back into the restaurant because he went out for a smoke and he made his way towards the table.

"You have to stop smoking, Niklaus." Finn said and Elijah nodded.

"I'd rather not, but thanks for your concern, brothers'." Klaus said with a smirk on his face.

Kol moved over to Caroline's seat because he wanted to sit closer to the tanned beauty.

"What's your name?" He asked as he smiled at her.

"Bonnie, and you are?"

"Kol," He answered.

"So do you want to buy me a drink or what?" Bonnie asked.

"Of course I do!" Kol said.

"Good," Bonnie said with a smile.

"Yo! Bartender!" Kol called out.

"Yes?" The bartender asked.

"Do you mind if I make something?" Kol asked.

"I'm sorry sir, that's not allowed."

Kol took out his wallet and put a 100 dollar bill on the table, "Are you sure?" He asked.

"You have five minutes." The bartender said before walking off.

Kol smirked and Bonnie smiled at him impressed. Kol made his way around the bar and took out all of the necessary ingredients.

A couple of minutes later his cocktail was ready and he took a glass out. He poured the cocktail into the glass and then slipped the glass to Bonnie. Bonnie looked at it and Kol said, "It's good, I promise."

"Okay then," Bonnie said before taking a drink from the glass. "Damnnnnnn!" She said happily. It tasted really fucking amazing, she thought.

"I'm guessing you like it?"

"Oh yeah," Bonnie said as she took another drink from the glass.

"Slow down there darling. I wouldn't want to get you drunk so early in the evening."

"Is that so?"

"Yes," Kol said as he smirked at her playfully.

"Do you want to get out of here?" Bonnie asked. She knew it was wrong to hook up with some stranger but she really needed it.

"What about your friend?"

"She'll understand."

"Okay, sure why not. Just give me a minute."

"Okay," Bonnie said.

Kol winked at her and ran back to the table with the 10 shots.

"What the hell took so long?" Klaus asked.

"I'm leaving," Kol said.

"Right now?" Elijah asked.

"Yes," Kol said.

Caroline was coming out of the restroom when she noticed that Bonnie was leaving with the hot guy. She rolled her eyes at her best friend and then made her way to her stool.

"One shot of tequila, please." Caroline said to the bartender.

The bartender nodded and handed her the shot of tequila. Caroline gulped it down immediately and then asked for another one.

As the night progressed the men continued to drink.

"I should get going." Galen said.

"Why?" Elijah asked.

"I promised my sister I would pick her up from college."

"You're drunk though." Klaus stated.

"I know and that is why I am going to take a taxi to Hunter College."

"Alright Galen, thanks for coming mate." Elijah said as he patted his best friend on the shoulder.

"No problem, I'll see you on Saturday, alright?"


Galen nodded and said, "Goodbye fellas'."

Finn got out of his chair as well. "I need to get home as well. Sage is exhausted because she has been watching after the baby for the whole day so I got to go and help her."

"Of course you do because your fiery red-haired wife is tired." Klaus said and smirked at his older brother. Elijah smirked as well.

When Finn left, Elijah and Klaus were the only ones left.

"Looks like it's just me and you," Klaus said and patted his brother on the back. Elijah's phone began to go off and he said, "Hold that thought."

Elijah answered it and Katherine was on the other end of the line.

"Elijah I'm freaking out!" She shrieked from the other end of the line.

"What's going on?" Elijah asked.

"The photographer cancelled and the caterers said they can't make it. This is a disaster!" She whined.

"Katherine, everything will be okay." He heard Katherine's twin sister say.

"No it's not 'Lena! My wedding is in two days. For the love of god what did I do to deserve this?" Katherine said and began to cry.

"Sweetheart, relax. I'll be right there and we'll figure this all out." Elijah said.

"Okay," Katherine sobbed and then put the phone down.

"I got to go Niklaus. Kat is freaking out."

"Fine…" Klaus mumbled.

Elijah nodded at him and ran out of the restaurant without a second glance.

Klaus huffed in annoyance because there he was out of tequila and he made his way to the bar.

"Give me a bottle of tequila." He demanded.

Caroline was still sitting there nursing her glass of wine when she saw him. She turned to look at him and her eyes widened. He looked like a fucking sex god for crying out loud!

Klaus noticed that the blonde was looking at him funny and he turned away from her. When the bartender gave him the bottle he drank straight from it.

An hour later they were both drunk and they still sat together. They haven't spoken yet.

"How the hell did you just down that bottle?" Caroline asked surprised. She has never seen anyone finish a bottle in such a short amount of time by themselves.

"It's a gift." Klaus said with a shrug. He was seeing the blonde double.

Caroline's blue eyes widened, he had a fucking accent, she thought.

"What's your name, love?" Klaus asked drunkenly.

"Caroline," She answered.

"I'm Klaus." He said.

Caroline nodded at him and Klaus put his arm around her.

"What do you say we get out of here? This place is starting to bore me." He said looking at her through bloodshot eyes.

Caroline just nodded and he took a hold of her hand.

There you have it! I hope you guys like it so far.

Sexy time will happen in the next chapter :)

Please Review!

Tell me what you think! Should I continue?

~Hana :)