[Soulmates]: Vampire Diaries/Harry Potter (Draco/Elena)

Summary: After she gives up on Stefan, Elena receives a letter to Hogwarts after the sacrifice ritual awakes the magic in her doppelganger blood. Bonnie, Caroline, Tyler, Jeremy, Damon, and Alaric decide to go with her. On the train, she meets Draco, and he realizes she's his Veela mate, and he decides to get to know her. However, some unwanted guests show up on day...

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Everything belongs to their respectful owners. The plot and idea belongs to TheElegantFaerie, who allowed me to take this challenge. I hope this is what you had in mind. So, nothing really belongs to me except the words. This takes place after Disturbing Behavior in season 3 for Vampire Diaries, and in Seventh year for Harry Potter, though sixth year never happened. Draco IS NOT a Death Eater; he's thinking about joining The Order, and Voldemort's laying low... for now...

Chapter 1:

Elena lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling for a couple of minutes before pulling her diary out. She needed to get her thoughts on paper; maybe they would help her make sense of them, and maybe she'd finally get some sleep.

Dear Diary,

Those strange things keep happening, which I still have no explanation for. The things a regular, normal human shouldn't be able to do. Well, if you count being a doppelganger normal. At first, I assumed they were after effects of Klaus' ritual and the spell Bonnie cast tying John's soul to mine, but as they're still happening, I've thrown that idea out the window. In fact, some of the things I've noticed I can do are eerily similar to the things Bonnie can do. Like yesterday, I just got so frustrated at the Stefan situation, and the glasses nearest to be burst into tiny pieces. But that's absurd- there's no way I can be a witch! I would have known years ago if I was. I haven't told anyone about them though, we all have enough to worry about without worrying wither or not I'm going insane or if this a further side effect of being a doppelganger.

On top of all that though, I've been trying to decide whither or not to give up on Stefan. Things are becoming clearer and clearer that the Stefan I knew won't be coming back within my lifetime. If I'm being honest with myself, a large part of me wants to. Otherwise, I'll just be throwing my life away. Though there's a part of me that wants to hold on to him, wants to keep searching for him.

Elena paused for a moment, and reread her writing, before sighing and returning to staring at the ceiling, trying to make a decision on Stefan. After a few long moments of pondering all the different outcomes of each choice, she made her decision.

I've decided that I will give up on him; if the Stefan I know isn't going to come back anytime soon, then I need to give up- I won't waste my life anymore. Now all I need is to figure out what exactly it is happening to me.

Elena closed her leather green diary and set it on her bedside table before getting up and heading downstairs. As she was about to leave her room however, someone or something tapped at her window. She whipped around and saw… a gray barn owl? What the-? She thought, stunned, staring at the owl as it continued to peck at her window. It stared back calmly, like it was used to being outside teenager's windows in the middle of the day. She hesitantly approached it, and opened the window to shoo it away.

"Get out of here! Shoo!" She shouted, waving her arms at it. "What's this?" She spotted something that looked like a letter tied around the bird's leg. Cautiously, with one eye on the owl warily, she quickly snatched it and moved out of its beak's range.

The letter was a faded yellow, addressed to her, with a red wax seal on the back that had Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry on it and a coat of arms consistent of a badger, a raven, a serpent, and a lion. This must be a prank from Bonnie. She though as she opened it slowly. Something to help get my mind of everything. She raised an eyebrow as she read it.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc. Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Miss Gilbert,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The Headmaster will be along shortly to explain further.

Please find enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall,

Deputy Headmistress

Definitely a prank from Bonnie. Elena thought as she finished reading it. A school of Witchcraft and Wizardry called Hogwarts? Order of Merlin? Grand Sorcerer Chief Warlock? She shook her head and placed the letter on her bed before grabbing her phone and dialing Bonnie.

"Hello?" She heard her best friend answer.

"Hey. Do you mind if I ask you something?"

"Uh, now isn't a very good time Elena."

"Did you send this letter addressed to me from some Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? If so, good prank. I actually really needed that."

"Elena, what are you talking about? I didn't send you anything. I actually got a letter similar to yours. Headmaster Albus Dumbledore? Some sort of Order of Merlin?"

Elena froze momentarily. "Yeah, that's what mine said. Are you sure you didn't send it? Because there's no way this can be real. "

"No. I didn't. I have no idea what it's talking about, other than some school for magic. I'll have to get back to you. Caroline's calling. Let me know if you find out any more about the letter."

"I will." Elena said before hanging up. She looked at the letter before grabbing it and heading downstairs, knowing she had to tell Jeremy and Alaric about this.

She was greeted with Jeremy sitting at the table, looking at some sort of paper with a confused expression on his face. "Hey." She greeted, taking a seat next to him. "What's that?"

"Just a letter to some magic school called Hogwarts. Probably a prank from Bonnie. Don't tell me you got one too." He said, glancing up at her. She nodded. "It's not a prank, Jer. Bonnie got one too." She said.

"Then why would we get a letter to some sort of magic school? Last time I checked, neither one of us came from a magical bloodline." Jeremy asked.

As if on cue, there was a loud crack in the living room. Elena and Jeremy looked at each other before creeping towards it. Footsteps thudded down the stairs, and they both heard Alaric exclaim "What the hell?"

In the living room stood a tall, elderly man with silver hair down to his waist and a silver beard that could be easily tucked in his belt. He was dressed in dark, midnight blue robe-like garments, dotted with silver stars. He wore half-moon spectacles, and his blue eyes seemed to almost twinkle. He turned to Elena and Jeremy, who were staring at him openly, and smiled. "Hello, Mr and Miss Gilbert. We have some important things to discuss."

"Who are you?" Alaric interrupted, giving the man a distrustful look.

"Ah, my apologies. My mind seems to be going as I get older. I am Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I assumed Mr and Miss Gilbert would have explained it to you by now." The man, Dumbledore, said.

"Explained what?" Alaric asked, looking between Elena and Jeremy. Jeremy grabbed the letters and handed them to Alaric. "How is this possible?" He asked when he finished reading.

"That is what I am going to discuss, please, sit." Dumbledore said. Ignoring the fact he told them to sit like they were in his house instead of their own, the three of them sat and listened to Dumbledore's explanation.


"So you're saying my doppelganger blood somehow gives me the ability to perform magic, and that Jeremy's medium abilities give him the ability as well?" Elena summed up once he had finished.

"Yes. The ritual awoke, so to speak, your magic. And when the witches helped Miss Bennett bring Jeremy back, they not only gave him the ability to talk to those that have passed, but some magic as well. I must admit, you three are taking this rather calmly, though suspect it has to do with your involvement with vampires and other creatures." Dumbledore said.

So the letter and Hogwarts is real. Elena thought. "Will it just be me and Jeremy?" She asked, wondering who else she knew was going. She also figured if someone else they knew were going, it might put Alaric at ease knowing that they weren't going to some other country where they don't know anyone with a thousand year old hybrid after them.

"Yes. Miss Bennett, as you probably already know, also received a letter like yours. If she excepts, she will be going with you. Miss Forbes and Mr Lockwood also received a letter as well. I would also like you, Mr. Saltzman, and Damon Salvatore to come as well." Dumbledore said.

"Why would you want me and Damon?" Alaric asked. "It's not like we have any magical abilities."

"For protection, not just for Miss Gilbert, but also for another student, who probably needs the most protection of anyone. I would also like you two to co-teach a new class about defensive skills and vampire hunting. I will explain more if the two of you choose to come." He replied.

"Well, I must be going. I must visit Miss Forbes and Mr Lockwood still. I expect your answers by July 31." Dumbledore continued, before disappearing with the same crack as before, leaving three stunned people behind.


Wow, this chapter sucks. I'm probably going to go back and completely redo it, though I wanted to see how this goes. I'm so sorry if this sounds similar to AlisaPhenom's 'Opposites Attract'. I tried to make it different, but I probably failed. The pairings will be: Draco/Elena, Damon/Luna, Jeremy/Bonnie, Caroline/Tyler, Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione.

Let me know if I should redo it. (I'll probably redo it anyway, but I want to see what you guys think.)