Prank Wars

"So you are telling me you have never fallen for a prank or been pranked?" I ask the twins, "How is that even possible when all you do is prank others?"

"We are just that good Mia." Fred said making me blush at the use of my nickname only he can get away with calling me, "Anyone who tries, fails and then we seek revenge on them for even thinking they would have the ability to pull one over on us."

"It really is just more pain then it is worth." George concludes.

"You can't possibly have ever not fallen for pranks." I say, "It is highly improbable."

"Do not doubt our abilities Mia," Fred says.

"It will only end up bad for you in the end." George adds, "So don't try and prank us."

"We wouldn't want you to get hurt love." Fred finishes.

"Oh, why ever would I ever try the so called kings of pranks?" I ask teasingly and walk away laughing.

"We need to watch out for that one," I hear George say as I walk away; "She is too smart for her own good and knows more than both of us combined."

"Yeah," Fred agrees.

I head up to the room I share with Ginny to start plotting ways to prank the twins that they will never see coming. I come up with a plan and put it into action when the boys and Ginny decide to go play Quidditch and I stay back to read. I sneak into their room and set up the prank. A couple hours later I hear Mrs. Weasley calling everybody in to clean up before dinner. They all come in to take a quick shower. I'm sitting at the table with everyone else when we hear the thunderous steps of two angry twins. They walk into the kitchen with dubious looks on their faces not knowing how they ended up with hair that was rapidly changing to different colors.

"This was you wasn't it?" Fred exclaimed pointing at me.

"Now how could I the little bookworm prank the so called prank kings who have never fallen for a prank?" I ask innocently.

"Bloody brilliant." Fred says in awe getting hit over the head by George.

"This means revenge lover boy. I'd watch your back Granger." George says sitting down and starting to eat.