Hope you like my story.

Disclaimer - I don't not own PeterPan or any thing surrounding it.

Chapter 1 - The Jolly Rodger

I was unconscious, laying on the creaky wooden floor of the pirates ship. It was the sudden bang of the cannon not to far away from me what made me stir. I started to rub my eyes, my mind a haze and the chaos around me not helping. But I was slightly glad, as none of my captors seem to notice that I was awake. I put myself into an upright position, and leaned against the wall. It creaked loudly and I thought for a moment that they check on me, but they continued with the task ahead.

I looked around the ship, my vision blurry but slowly clearing. The pirates were sprawling around the ship firing the cannons in all directions, it was hard to get a clear view of them because they mostly were turned away from me or running in an awkward direction and I couldn't get a sideways glance and my blurry vision didn't help.

One thing I did see in common was the tattoo they all had, it may of been in different places on all of the men, but it was distinctive so I noticed it on almost all of them. It was a usual pirate skull but it seemed to have red blood dripping off it and I swore on my life it smirked at me, and made be shiver down to the bone. I looked away, my imagination can get the best of me at times. My mind was just about clear now, I knew I had to escape and I knew, in the chaos was the best time to do so.

I pulled my self to my feet, I found it strange I wasn't bound or gaged but now really wasn't the best time to start contemplating others actions. I made sure to stay out of sight. They knew I was here, well of course they knew they did kidnap me after all, but they didn't know I was awake. I was in a small corner, and the stairs to my left gave me more cover which I was grateful for. I turned around and tiptoed to see what was up deck.

I could see two men one relatively old, with grey streaks in his loose curly black hair. But most was hidden by the huge, worn red hat, placed on his head. It had a worn golden feather in it, which made it look even more rugged and the random pale red patches didn't help his look either. I moved towards his face. He was pale, it was wrinkled in a few places which showed me I was older than I thought. Most of his face covered in his hair as the wind swept it freely around his face. But one thing that stood out was his evil smile, and his eyes, his eyes shadowed making the smile look like it just came from the devil himself. And from what I could see he was wearing a red coat in immaculate condition, that's deep red match that of his unique hat and it had large golden buttons. I couldn't see much else so I moved on the man next to him. He was young, about my age. Probably a bit older. I'm really bad at guessing ages. He had relatively long hair at the top that gave him a side fringe but it was shorter at the sides. He seemed to be more tanned than the older guy. He was quite handsome, with an enticing face but his nose seem crooked. Probably gotten into too many fight, but that doesn't surprise me here with all these pirates. He seemed to be wearing a black leather waist coat that seemed to have the arms pulled off giving it a rugged edge. His mouth was pursed in a straight line from what I could see and he look frustrated about something as he glared at the man in the red hat. He pulled his fingers through his hair and I could see he was muscular but it made me shiver in a bad way.

I couldn't see much else. I dropped down an focused on the task at hand. Getting off this boat as fast as I could. I looked over board, I thought about jumping but then a angry crocodile jumped out of the water and snapped it jaws at me. I stepped back, and turned to see who looked, but the cannon sounds seemed to overpower that of the snapping crocodile jaw. I went back to leaning on the wall, to concoct a plan on how to get out. But there I was, running out of time, this fight going on wouldn't last forever and I'm running out of options.