Hello everyone!

This is a gift to my dear friend Goshikku Hime wa Yami-san! But I hope you all will like it.

"Of Angels and Gods" is a series of two one-shots based on two of my original stories I wrote. So all Yu-Gi-Oh characters involved can be out of character. Well, before I talk to much just have fun reading it.

The rating is for this chapter, just to make sure.

Summary: He just wants to take a drink and forget his problems for a moment. To bad that his own personal stalker wants to play psychiatrist.

Genre:Well, I guess Family, hints on hurt and my own kind of Humor.

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! I make no profit from the following, which was done purely to entertain all of you and myself.

There it is. That loud place humans search to find salvation from their petty problems. Stupid. I can't count the ignorant fools I had to bother to fetch because they found it entertaining to drink their selves to death. A dumb way to die I might add. Sometimes even their souls are so annoying drunk that you have to rub their faces into their own urine for them to get the hint.

I see a woman with clothes that would be better described as two thin straps of textile but with boots up to her knees entering the bar. Humans and their strange sense of fashion. If she at least would wear black leather and not this cheap and pink stuff. Such an eyesore. Well, she will be dead by the end of the night if everything works out smoothly.

Which reminds me why I'm here at this godforsaken place.

I enter the bar; a few humans look my way most probably because of my star-shaped tri-colored hair as if I'm the only one with strange hair. Idiots. I ignore all of them, no problem, but the stench is hard to ignore, the stench of thick smoke of cigarettes, the alcohol and bad perfume, the sweat and want of these hormone-driven creatures.

I sit down at a table in a secluded part of this shitty place and wait for the annoying waitress to arrive. Fifteen more flirts and she won't have to worry about getting a man that could pay her bills ever again if everything goes smoothly.

And again I'm reminded why I'm here. Fuck. That bitch would better hurry up. Luckily for her I don't have to wait long. She swings her hips and flutters with her eyelashes. Fourteen flirts to go. "What can I do for you?" If I hadn't sworn myself to never show any kind of emotion I would have vomited right on her shiny fake-leather shoes.

"Get me the strongest drink you have." I order her in my typical of any emotion void voice. She blinks at me. "Move." Or saying goodbye to your life comes a few hours earlier. I can arrange that, trust me.

She looks hurt. As if I would give a fuck. Besides, I'm sure here are enough brainless cretins that will make her feel better to get into her pants. Humans.

"That wasn't very nice." Me and my fucking luck. Welcome to my own personal stalker since birth. "Do you mind if I join you?"

Go and fuck yourself with a glowing iron rod. "No." And why ask? You already have planted your ass on that seat. Stupid moron.

"I knew you would say that." He smirks at me.

Oh, yeah? Would you mind if I get a rusty knife and cut out that cheerful smile of yours? Or if I would burn out those sparkling eyes? "What?" I ask him casually.

His smile widens and he rests his chin on the back of his hand. "The usual. I'm just happy to see you. And you?"

"The usual." I'm wondering if there is a way to end your existence. I'm set to not let you tickle the smallest emotion out of me, well, meaning I will not show them through my mimic and gestures, my eyes, my voice since I'm regretfully truly pissed off right now. All the fault of that little- "Doing work."

"Awww, you'll work yourself to death." And it begins.

I'm already dead you dimwit. "Nothing better to do." Where is that woman and my fucking drink? If I have to listen to that shit again then...

"You're such a workaholic. You should enjoy yourself more." He gives me that creepy gaze. His smile gone. "Like you used to."

You could jump down in an active volcano. I'm sure I could bring myself to show a smile after that. I roll my eyes at him. Fuck. He got me again. "I still do." If you mean imagine you and all my subordinates to die. Very amusing, indeed.

He raises one brow, sighs dramatically and shakes his head. "You're so hopeless. Where have I gone wrong with you?" Breath. Just ignore him. He isn't worth getting another migraine. I have more than enough of those.

"Your drink sir." About time damn woman. I say nothing as she places the glass in front of me. I can see her shooting a curious glance at the biggest pain in my ass ever existed. Okay, someone is not far away from stealing his status. Never thought that this would be possible.

"What can I bring you?" she asks him cautious.

"I would love it, if you lovely lady would bring me two glasses of cheery juice." He and his annoying cheery juice fetish. He then suddenly takes hold of my drink. Oh no, he wouldn't dare. I need that. I hate alcohol, but I really need a drink. That I would sink so low. All the fault of that little one, thanks to him and his constant whining about having to do his job it gets really hard for me to suppress my emotions. He really giving me the rest. Fuck, I need that drink. "And would you please take this with you?" He did. Fucking asshole. You just took away my only reason for being here so early.

That woman blushes and smiles lightly. "Of course, I'll be right back." And she leaves with a bounce in her steps. I can barely keep myself from making her slip and break her neck. Give me that damn drink back. I want to get wasted for once in my existence.

"Oh my, that woman has legs. Don't you agree?" He flashes me a bright smile.

Don't try to set me up again. We both know you will only get bitchy at me afterwards. Fucking hypocrite. "One of yours?" It would fit perfectly. Flirting is a hobby of both of them. I know better though.

He shakes his head. Didn't see that coming. "No, but I know you. I just want to make her last night a good one." It's really frustrating. How can that bastard read me so damn well? "You should try that too. You know firsthand how it is." Yes, a drink would really do me a favor right now. "And we need to talk about that." He points with his thumb in the direction that woman left to. "You hate alcohol." No shit. And then there is that fucking smirk of his. "And with your seventeen years you're too young."

"Considering that we exist for several thousand years," 5029 years, six months, one weak and three days to be exact. Yeah, I count the freaking days I have to endure him. Your point? "Your argument is invalid." I retort.

He pouts at me. Yes, pouts. Sometimes I wonder how old he thinks he is. "But as your older brother I have to protect you, even from yourself."

Not this talk again. "We're twins. You only lived six years longer than me, oh high and mighty Pharaoh." And fuck my existence he got me again. If this continues he will get all hyper.

His eyes sparkle. That jerk is obviously satisfied with my damn reaction. "But I also was born first my precious little one." Maybe I should just slaughter everyone in this bar. Sounds great. I can leave sooner; have a little fun and knowing my new charge I'll save us a lot of time.

That woman comes back with our new drinks. Have I mentioned that I hate cheery juice? No? You want to know why? I fear you will find out soon enough. She leaves and that idiot winks at me, raising his glass. "The most beautiful color in the world. Blood red, nearly black like your beautiful eyes." Now you know. Sick bastard. I'm pretty sure a twin shouldn't speak like that to his sibling, but he always has done that. Nowadays he does it to get me all riled up. He hates it when I show no emotions at all. Still, does he know how lame he sounds?

"Where is your icy shadow?"

And that dumb pout returns. "Why do you ask? Can it be that you love him more than me?" He looks mortified before his expression turns into a tearful one. Such an actor. "Is it because he's more suited to be one of yours?" I would rather be tied to you.

"Atem." I growl out. He blinks at me and suddenly he latches himself onto me. What the fuck?

"You haven't said my name in over eight hundred years! I'm so happy!" And I'll fucking kill you. Get the hell of off me! Note to self: Don't call him by his name ever again or rip your tongue out.

I shove him away as far as his tight hold would let me. How is it fair that he is stronger than me? "And that is exactly the reason why I asked where he is." I don't like that former priest, never did. But that idiotic twin of mine behaves absolute decent in the presence of our uptight cousin.

Suddenly all the playfulness from his eyes vanishes. I haven't seen him look that serious at me since I broke my leg due to my freaking clumsiness, got blood poisoning and died. Creepy. "Tell me what's bothering you." And he goes all bossy on me. How dare he? Do I look like one of his subordinates? I don't think so.

"Nothing." But your closeness, you in general, my and your subordinates, a few of them especially and my annoying job and my tiring existence. To sum it up: nothing worth talking about.

He pierces me with his gaze. Sometimes I'm really sure that he's bipolar, but I know that he isn't. "Yami. You barley can keep up your mask you had on for over 4000 years. I can see the emotions in your eyes." Fuck. Have I just heard right? "And as happy as I am that I can't see anything left from your disinterest, indifference, boredom and slight annoyance at everything," I got it. Do you want a hug for being able to list all the feelings I permit myself to have consciously? "It worries me to see you like that."

I stare at him and take a sip of that damn cheery juice. Hm...maybe I can make him drown on it. It would free me from him for twenty minutes. Tempting. Damn the consequences. "Like what?" Isn't this what you wanted?

He fixes me with his purple respect demanding eyes. I really warm up to the thought of burning them out. The candle sits right in front of us. Accidents happen so easily. "You look like you're at your breaking point." Wow, never would have guessed that. Dimwit. "Hey Yami, let's pretend for a minute that we're still inseparable twins that tell each other everything."

"Why?" Do I really have to tell you that you always pretend that? You better get your brain checked. On the other hand I'm pretty sure that all help for you is lost.

"If you don't then I'll take a vacation and won't leave your side until you tell me what bothers you." Shit. I know he would do that. He already did once. Don't need that again or all his annoying fangirls and boys under my subordinates at our heels or all that chaos or our cousin giving him and me a lecture that takes hours. But most importantly, I don't need his fucking flirting.

He has the nerve to ruffle my hair. "I see we understand us. Well, then you can tell me everything. Why don't start from the beginning?"

I glare at him. "Fine." You fucking extortionist, have it your way. "It all started with your death...


I was dead for a little over six years and that was my first job as death angel without my babysitter having an eye on me. Of course I was beyond annoyed, especially after I heard what would become out of you considering that I never wanted to see you again.

So, there you were, deadly wounded from your stupid battle with that Roman. War, the dumbest invention of humankind. Your wife was crying and the rest of your people stood there as if the world would end. Well, that would have been really nice. A reason to celebrate, not to grief over.

Whatever. Suddenly you wanted them all to leave and after an irritating and absolute unnecessary argument they left. Even half dead you can't stop being a bossy asshole. And then you called out to me.

"Yami, I know you're here." I have to admit that I was shocked. No matter how near someone is to his death he shouldn't notice the presence of a death angel as long as he hides in the shadows. I just glared at you, which made you pout at me.

"Don't play hard to get." You whined. You always had a thing for lame pick-up phrases. Don't look at me like that.

After listening to your pathetic pleas for ten minutes I left the shadows and sat down next to you. You were overjoyed to see me. I explained why I was there and you took it just like that. I ended your life and you became a freaking guardian angel that started to stalk me and would interfere in everything I do like I wouldn't be able to handle things on my own. Then you had that annoying idea that I need someone special in my life, tried to set me up and got all possessive over me when one of those people you dragged in front of me showed interest in me. Then you started to seduce every death angel you laid eyes on as soon as I became the leader of all of them. Of course you only played with them, they came to me and whined, complained about you not loving them and wanted me to comfort them. And now you have a freaking fan club that chases me whenever they think I don't treat you well enough or think that I would keep them from you or want to get into my pants when they can't get in yours.

You have no idea what I all have done to get rid of them. It's really sad that we can't kill each other not even with our scythes. I burned them. I ripped them to shreds. Gave them the cruelest illnesses in the world. But even after all the pains they had to go through most of them still wouldn't get the hint.


I take another sip from that stupid juice. Gods, ripping someone in little pieces sounds so good right now. Maybe that teen over there. He will become a speculator. I'm pretty sure there are already enough out there.

"Wow, I haven't heard you talk that much in one week since we were fourteen." I really want to kill him. So very much. I glare at him and he raises his hands in surrender, but that huge and dumb smile stays fixed on his face. "Okay, I'll cut the flirting down. Sounds good?"

Why don't stop your annoying stalking altogether? Hm...I wonder...What happens when I make him a coffin out of cement and throw him into the deepest part of the ocean? Why have I never thought about that? "Fine." A plan already forms in my head. I'm sure that I even would get help.

"So, who else is your problem?" He asks seriously. "Let me guess, is it our dear cousin?"

I narrow my eyes. I load that bastard for all he has done. But regardless..."Not really. He knows how to keep you in check." And most of the time he stays out of my way as long as he doesn't think it is necessary to scold or lecture me because of my brother. Has its benefits to be one of the favorites of Death.

He sighs. "True. Tell me about Bakura and Marik."

Do I really have to? Our eyes lock and I know he wouldn't leave me alone until I told him everything that bothers me. Jerk.


Those two. Where to begin? They're bastards. I never cared about them disobeying the rules until I got the leader. In our younger years I even helped them to slaughter a few villages and towns, terrorizing humans and mask our traces. We really had a lot of fun. But then I became the fucking leader and it became bothersome when they started natural catastrophes, diseases, the plague being one of their favorite inventions, or got themselves involved into wars only because they were bored and had nothing better to do. Well, it's kind of hilarious to see how humans get reminded so cruelly that this planet doesn't belong to them.

What else? They like to play who gets the most and so steal the job of other death angles what makes those lazy as fuck.

Not to mention that stupid affection Bakura has to that Ryou, ripping out hearts to give them to him, Ryou, the kind type of guy who loves everyone, he who got raped and died in the process. I remember that his rapist was going to get murdered a day later since Karma is as you know a true bitch. Of course Bakura wasn't satisfied with the human who wanted to go through with the deed and took matters in his own hands, showing him how to do it right.

He castrated the man, making sure that he wouldn't bleed to death, and let him eat his own penis, meanwhile rapping him with the knife. Then he showed that human how to skin others alive without killing them. He let rats feed on the rapist, using his powers to keep the man alive and conscious. All the while giving that other human a lecture of how to kill and torture right, making sure is victim heard every word loud and clearly. He even demonstrated a few things while explaining, like setting the man on fire, shock-freeze parts of his body and shattering those, poured bleach and salt over him, broke every bone as slowly as he could. Must have been really painful I guess and a great show.

Bakura really had his fun and in the process created one of the first serial killers. H. H. Holmes. (AN) That man was a bother, finding the humans in that hotel was irritating.

Oh and Marik felt challenged and created his own serial killer. It soon became a hobby of theirs to create ones, betting on who of those humans was the worst, keeping them save from the police until they got bored with them. Keeping humans save is your job not ours, it annoyed me to no end.


There wasn't really more to say. They are my best friends. Irritating as all hell but truly good friends. And they do their job fast and correct as long as it isn't beneath them. What they do in their free time is none of my concern.

Atem blinks at me. Wait. Have I just thought his name? Fuck. "Of course you're more bothered over the fact that they protect those murderers instead of creating them."

I shrug. "They do the paperwork." And as long as I don't have to do it they can do whatever they want, even if the scolding of our boss is anything but pleasant. But what should he do? We are the best and he loves us for all the chaos we create and we never leave anything behind that sells us out. Hell, he only scolds us because the boss of my annoying stalker wants him to.

"You're impossible. But I guess it is my fault." Oh no, not that again. "I should have protected you more."

For the love of..."Drop it. I'm over it." And really there wasn't anything you could have done. Stupid, overprotective conceited ass.

He glares at me. Oh no, I'm so scared. "Very well, if that is your wish." He leans forward. "Anything else?"

I snore. Oh yes, there is a heck of a lot. "Since those stupid life-prolonging measures I have to deal with more lazy death angles that have dumb ideas. Rather living like humans instead of doing their real jobs." My gaze wanders over the waitresses. "Anzu," She had been one, tried to seduce me as I came to get her. "She wants to open a dance academy. Mai wants to sell her own fashion and Jonouchi wants to open more institutions that help humans." That blond. I tell you he wants to kill me with his goofiness.

"Well, Seth has his own company..." He trails of and sighs. "I know what you mean. I always get an earful from my boss." You bet. None of our kind is allowed to interfere in the matters of the living. Not that anyone keeps to that rule. "So, Jonouchi still wants to make the world a better place?"

I can barely stop myself from banging my head against the table. "Yes."

"Tell me."


Jonouchi. It all started during a famine, don't remember which one. I only remember that he died from one of the very firsts since I had to get him. Whatever. There was this famine and it was his first job all alone and to such measurements. Instead of taking lives he gave them something to eat and drink. Which death angle in his right mind does something like that? I had to go there and kill them all by myself, okay, Bakura and Marik helped when they heard of it. They found it hilarious and he whined the whole day over the lost food that could have helped others. What the fuck?

That blond moron proceeded in helping those that were hungry and sick and his fucking job to take care of. At some point he finally got the hint, but instead of giving up he created charities. Oh, Bakura and Marik have a hell of fun destroying those, but even they need time to do that. At least the humans are still arrogant and selfish enough to ignore his plans on how to make sure that each living thing on the planet has enough to fill their stomachs. Plans that actually work. You have to wonder how someone as stupid as him gets such ideas.

And I can't count the times he got shoot or slaughtered because he wanted to make peace between two parties, be it gangs or countries. Che. I can't deny that he succeeds somewhat. They hate him and want to get rid of him, working together to accomplish that. Fuck, all the stress I had to make sure the humans wouldn't notice how he just left a mortuary or awoke in the middle of an autopsy. And all he does is grinning and laughing it off, wanting to celebrate his victory, not caring that he is on the wanted list of the FBI, CIA and all the like.

Now he has a new hobby, though. One day he stole all of our clothes deeming them as too fancy for us and replaced them with simple clothes only based on fibers given by mother nature only. He accused me of murdering innocent animals for my leather clothes. But he has nothing against killing animals to get meat, fucking hypocrite, as long as they had been treated humanely. Yesterday he stole all of Mai's make-up. That was the rest for her. She nearly destroyed our town in her want to murder him.


"Ah, so he's going back to his phase from the seventies." He interrupts me. I nod. "I have to admit I find his flower-power mentality quite amusing and he had gotten so many humans to follow his view of things back then. It made my work easier." Of course.

"Amusing?" My hand still aches from all that paperwork at that time. And don't remind me of the drugs. My death angles had been so stoned that they couldn't do shit and a lot of them still haven't overcome that phase. They like to party a lot and fight each time when a human dies in a disco or some party.

"Somewhat." He confirms. "Is he trying to pull off a new revolution?"

Ah, yes, Jonouchi and his revolutions. Let's just say his newest idea is to stop death itself. All for life or some shit like that. "You could say that."

"As bothersome as all this sounds I know that you're used to all of it." That's true and isn't that sad? "So let me get this straight. It's the little one, isn't it?"

This time I bang my head against the table. I hear him laughing lightly at me. Marik once showed me how to rip out vocal cords without killing. Maybe I should try it just to make sure that I still can do it.

"Come on Yami-chan," Maybe he wants me to kill him, knowing him it could be a turn on for him. He taps against my head. "He isn't that bad, a little clumsy, but-"

"A little clumsy?" I growl out. "You don't even know the half of it."


Yuugi Mutou, the first death angel since over thousand years directly under my care, since one of my subordinates once again screwed up. He should have become a guardian angel like Ryou since even though his life was cruel and he was clumsy as hell his soul isn't made to take lives.

The first time I took him with me to end the life of an old man he started to cry uncontrollable which got only worse when the grandchildren of that old man came to visit. He begged me to keep the man alive and wasn't speaking a word with me for two days after I did what I had to, only said that I was a cruel bastard without a heart.

And then there was that incident with his best friend Malik or rather Marik's new obsession. He was on Marik's list and Yuugi did everything to rescue his friend with the help of Jonouchi, who of course was thrilled. It is rather needless to say that the boy got the shock of his life upon seeing Yuugi who was already dead for one year. And of course that little one had nothing better to do than to explain our workings to the Egyptian.


"I remember that." And I get interrupted once more by that smirking pain in my ass. "You nearly begged me on your knees to take Malik under my wing."

I feel my left eye twitch. "Don't exaggerate." It had been the first time my control over my emotions had slipped, but I'm pretty sure I pushed him against a wall and had him at his throat.

"Hey, I have bent the rules for you." That is true. Dammit. I hate it, but if he hadn't I would have another Yuugi. Oh god no, anything but that.

"But now he does his work, doesn't he?"

I groan. Oh he does his work alright. Finally got the hang on how to take a life. Controlling and wanting to do this is a whole lot different story...


It was our first test. Yuugi, after all his abilities as death angle had fully awakened, finally had been able to stand in a forest without killing anything due to his mere presence. It's sad that I had to sacrifice whole forests and all the animals in there. The humans went all crazy over it and my two psychos couldn't stop laughing and created fires to hide our traces. That were interesting grill parties.

But that's not important anymore. Back to that test. Maybe I should have checked if anything could get in our way, but I had grown impatient and I needed to get home because Jonouchi had once more a small war with Seth since our cousin refused to help him with the money he had made with his company.

So we were at a mall on a Saturday. I wanted to test if the little one could move through a crowd without killing someone. Everything went smooth at first but then that little one saw a camera from some TV station. He became curios but freaked out when one of the reporters spoke to him. In under a second everyone in that mall died. I could do nothing but face-palm.

"Uh...is that bad?" He asked weakly, again near tears.

Oh why should it have been bad? The whole thing had been live, which meant that we couldn't repair the damage done. He killed around nine hundred really healthy people within a second without adding a cause to those deaths and so broke the record of Bakura, who then decided to go with a new natural catastrophe to set that right, the catastrophe only to hide that he just let over thousand people drop dead. The only good thing was that no camera could make a picture of us. Oh, and no one important had died either. "No." I answered him. "I'm sure Bakura and Marik will celebrate with you." My dry statement made him cry.

Then there was that time we were in a hospital. I figured it would be easier for the little one to fetch someone that was already dying through cancer. That human was surrounded by his family and a doctor was standing over him. Yuugi only had to touch the human and we could have gone.

It was the doctor who broke down dead due to cancer and the other human was healed. Yes, try to explain that.

It wasn't the only time he did something like that. There was that old woman that had breast cancer. Her husband died instead. A politician was to die at a heart attack in the middle of a conference with his fellow bloodsuckers. Half of them died. He fell into a depression after he accidentally killed a bunch of school kids when he only should have end the life of the bus driver, who of course wasn't dead.

I then decided to pick people that were alone. After a lot of whining I even let him make their last day a good one. Each time he killed everything in a radius of several meters without noticing.

He still gets incredible sad when he has to take a life. He should have read the job description before taking the scythe of one of us. Why can't he see why our work is so important?

I brought him to those that wanted to end their lives. I know suicide is stupid, but it isn't our duty to talk people out of it, what he did.

And now he got best friends with Jonouchi and wants to turn the world into paradise. He collects money for the poor and makes sure they get medical treatment. With his huge innocent eyes he already has pulled more than half of my subordinates on their side to help the humans. Bakura and Marik start to get irritated, especially after the others wanted them to stop what they do and complained that they enjoyed their job too much. In their rage they slaughtered a few of them. Of course we don't stay dead for long. Only I know how.

I than had to handle a crowd of angry subordinates that wanted me to punish those two, two psychos that wanted me to punish them and our boss that found that funny and couldn't stop laughing.

I ended it after it got too much. It is really useful that my subordinates have to obey my every word.

Yuugi now is sulking and complains 24/7 about pretty much everything and criticizes my personality altogether, saying I have no heart and don't care of taking lives and that I shouldn't force him to.


I gulp down the rest of that juice. "Can I now have that drink oh my Pharaoh?"

He smiles sympathetic. "Sounds like you really need one." He sighs. "Drinking is no solution." It is not? That are really big news to me. "So, you're here to play his babysitter?"

"Why else?" My gaze wanders to the entrance. He should be here any second. He can't fight against my orders. "Satisfied?"

No answer. That is strange. Reluctantly I look back at Atem. He gives me a strange look before shaking his head and smiles. "Not yet, but I'm getting there." What the fuck does that mean? "I probably should thank the little one."

I nearly fall from my seat. "You truly have gone nuts." He just laughs at me. Haven't seen him that happy since we were sixteen. Not that I care. Idiot.

The door opens and I can't believe my eyes. Yuugi smirks at me. Oh, you don't know with whom you're messing. He walks over to us.

"Hello Atem-san." He bows at my brother. He is startled when Atem simply stares at him. It confuses me too. He normally is all over the little one like a lovesick bastard. But I have more important things to do.

I get to my feet and walk over to the human that came with Yuugi. He talks with the bartender, telling him that he wants to change his life to the better and that his eyes were opened. Yuugi is by my side in a second.

"What are you doing?" He hisses at me.

"Doing my job." What do you think? Go over there and talk nicely to that human. "And you will do yours." I order him. He stiffens and glares furiously at me.

I lay my hand on the shoulder of that man. I hate touching others. The things I have to do to make things right. I probably should buy disinfectants.

The man freezes for a moment before standing up and turning around. He pulls out his pistol from under his jacket and starts to shoot aimlessly. Next to me Yuugi screams and closes his eyes.

I look around. Cheap pink stuff falls down with a new hole in her head as does the flirting waitress together with others I don't care to take a better look on. The humans scream with Yuugi and want to flee the scene. A click tells me that the man is finished. "Well, then Yuugi. You shouldn't let them wait."

The bartender attacks the human and they roll around on the floor. Of course, now that that scumbag has no bullets over the weakling wants to play hero. Humans.

Yuugi starts to cry. "You really love your job, don't you?"

"Sometimes." But really, work is work.

"For someone that loves humans that much you leave them to suffer quite a long time." Atem interrupts our glaring match.

Yuugi blushes furiously and with tears in his eyes walks over to the people that shall die. Inwardly I count down from three to zero. Instead of four, eight people drop dead, including the bartender and that human, but that woman with the hole in the head lives.

A new record. Only eight people dead and only one from four whose time was up is still alive. A reason to celebrate. "You get better." I state dryly.

Yuugi turns on his heels, tears running down his cheeks. "I hate doing this."

I look around. For once no witnesses. Also a new record. I know it's useless, because humans are greedy and stupid creatures but I set things straight.

The little one hears the groans and looks at the former dead people. "How?"

If he would listen for once he would know. "Simple. We're death angels. Get that in your head."

Atem chuckles and has the great idea to wrap his arms around me. Maybe Marik has still some acid left. I think my brother needs a shower. "And don't forget that my precious little one is the best." Oh yes, he really needs a shower.

"The best in being an asshole." The little one storms out of the bar and slams the door shut. I wonder how he will react to Bakura's plan to celebrate his newest failure. I'm sure my friend already knows. He has a sixth sense for things like that.

I let go of a breath. That kid is such a drama queen. Billions of humans that would love to have my job and I'm stuck with one who hates it. The irony. Frustrating.

"Want to annoy Seth?" Atem asks me.

A smirk finds his way to my lips. "Like in the old days?"

He gives me the same smirk. "Indeed."

I don't need to think long about it. "The best idea you had in a long time." And again he simply laughs.

AN: H. H. Holmes (May 16, 1861– May 8, 1896) was supposedly the first serial killer. He had built a hotel for the simple reason to murder people in it using several methods.

I hope that all of you could enjoy reading this. Leave a review to let me know.

Goshikku Hime wa Yami-san I hope your Hikami could make you happy!