Chapter 24

I drown the rest of water and set it aside on the little table. I start up the movie again. I left off at the "fish are friends not food" bit. While listening to Bruce talk, my mind drifted back into my thoughts. A great white shark is quite dangerous; I can imagine not a lot of creatures can go up against one. Just then Sebastian's face flashed in my mind. Ah yes, that man or better yet, demon. The first and hopefully last demon I will ever encounter.

I was never to hold out on my curiosity even with my old shy self. I would do almost anything to find out the truth; I just wouldn't be blunt about it. About two weeks after meeting Ciel and his house servants, I tried my best to find an answer to my questions only to come up with nothing. I got tired of looking and was about to give up when I saw my chance. Sammy boi had class and couldn't come out to Ciel's place, so I went by myself. I remembered when I got to Ciel's office; I waited until Sebastian was in the room before I asked. As if I had enough guts to ask Sebastian by myself. I was such a coward at that time.


"I can do this, I can do this. Come on, Cassie open your fucking trap. It's now or never." I chanted through my mind while picking at my fingernails. I mean, what's the worst that can happen? Shit, I hope I didn't jinx myself.

"I have a question," I look up from my hands and towards Ciel and Sebastian, "Um, what are you, Sebastian? And don't you dare say one hell of a butler either." I must've heard him say that over twenty times by now.

The two of them exchange looks and Ciel kept up his poker face, "What are you on about now, Cassie?" He sat back in his chair and places his hands behind his head.

"Oh c'mon! I know he's not a human! He doesn't feel like a human and those set of eyes should be a dead giveaway! I also know he's not that either, I'm just so curious."

"That?" He raised an eyebrow, "Just what do you mean by that?"
"Oi, I'll trade information if only you go along with it too, dude." I leaned forward in my chair with a sly smile. I need to know.

"Humor me."

"Okay, so you do know vampires exist, right?" I stared right into his eye, and his eyebrow twitched a little. My smile grew larger when he glanced at Sebastian out of the corner of his eye. He didn't know. Sebastian gave a faint nod and an overly cheerful smile. I struck a nerve.

"You didn't know~"

"I never said that—"

"Let's trade info! You first," I smirked at the irritated boy. I finally know something he doesn't know and I am gonna milk this—the air! The air in this room just got very thin. Fuck! I jolt, gasping for breath while grasping my throat. What's going on?! I look over at the bewildered Ciel and then frantically at Sebastian. That grinning bastard! He's only doing this to me!

"Sebastian. Stop. Do not harm her unless I order you to. Do not disobey me." Ciel spoke in a calm but yet stern voice. He sat up and straightens the papers on his desk.

What the living fuck did I get myself into?

"How about you tell me what I need to know and then I'll see if it's worth trading information." Did he… No, did they know I was up to something? Was I this obvious? Well, that is gonna change as soon as I leave…if I leave.

"Ugh, fine," I coughed and cleared my throat, "It's a long story, but I assume you have the time." I mimicked his accent while I made my way towards the windows. I need to catch my breath and anywhere far away from that thing is good enough.


"So from what you're telling me is that not only are there different species of vampires but there is also different categories of—"

"Ciel…we've been through this three times. How can you not understand? Does wittle Ciel-y poo not understand the vampy world~?" I purred at irked Ciel while leaning over his desk. After talking about an hour with some fun stories, I got comfortable enough to return to my seat.

I told them everything, but the identities and certain locations; which really wasn't much. Chaotic's grandfather, he was kind of like a "Dracula" type vampire to put it simply. The burning in the sunlight and no reflection in the mirror type. Chaotic's grandmother is a pureblood. Chaotic's family took after her genes since it was more of a dominate trait. However, Chaotic, unlike his family members, can get sunburned easily and is allergic to garlic. He's a hybrid in a way, I'm guessing. However, Ciel and Sebastian have no need to know that.

"If your explanation was better, I wouldn't have to repeat myself." He scoffed at me before sipping on newly made tea. I roll my eyes, I hate explaining, and my mouth gets all mixed up with words.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, tell me something I don't know." I waved my hand around and pushed up my glasses while glancing at Sebastian out of the corner of my eye.

"Why do you even want to know? No one would believe you."

"It's hard to explain, but I've already been kicked out of my family. I don't really have anything to lose. You're the only person, I've told about vampires. And no one needs to know, it's just personal knowledge. There are a lot of things I don't know about the world and I would like to learn—"

"Even if world is deadly? You wouldn't last a day in my world. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. You're better off ignorant." He squints his eye. His eye portrays him to look older than his physical body.

I may not know what I'm getting myself into, but I need to know. "Ciel! I gave you my information and I swear," I glared up at Sebastian, "If you don't stop poking my mind, I am going to go ape shit." I kept feeling something poking my head. Chaotic placed some kind of spell on my mind so that no one or thing can either get into my head or cause mental damage to me. He also showed me what it felt like as if someone was trying to read my mind. It's as if someone is poking your head and after five minutes, it gets old. "Yeah I might not know what the fuck I'm talking about, but I'm so curious Ciel! Wouldn't it be easier on you? Talking to someone? You look so stressed and busy; everyone needs someone to open up to—"

"I barely know you—"

"Then let me prove myself to you! I swear, I won't tell anyone without your permission for as long as both of us shall live. You can trust me, Ciel. I refuse to let you down." My hands shook as I rose to my feet. I'm scared and I know what I'm doing is completely stupid and dangerous. It's just, the more knowledge I know makes me feel alive and not as sheltered. However, I may regret this in the future. I clasp my arms behind my back and bounced lightly on my toes.

Ciel took a deep breath and glanced out towards the window, "If you go against me or pose any threat to me, I will have you taken care of." I scoffed and was about to say something when he started again, "Sebastian is a demon. We made a contract, I want revenge from an event that happened years ago and with him I'll find the culprits. You will not get in my way. Do you understand?" Ciel glared up at me and lifted his eye patch. There was a symbol of an upside down star and a circle around it. The "classic" devil mark as they say in my hometown.

I glance up at Sebastian; his red eyes were glowing and had the shape of cat's eyes when it's too bright out. He looked absolutely wicked and I felt the color drain from my body. What's wrong with me? I've seen Chaotic and October's eyes changed to a red glow a whole bunch of times. Hell, Chaotic even did the slit eyes. But this, this is completely different. Sebastian started talking but I was too focused on his fangs and a black fog that appeared out behind him. He looks exactly like a vampire but this is really toxic. I don't like him, but for the sake of Ciel, I'll put up with him.

"Are you even listening?" Ciel snapped at me losing patience. I glance down slowly as the fog cleared my ears. I nod and cleared my throat. 'Bout the only thing I could do. "After our contract is finished, he'll consume my soul."

"So you could…die at any time?" my voice was a little bit above a whisper. He's so young; despite how he acts, he's just a kid. What has this boy gone through to get to this point?!

Ciel rubbed his head and sighed. Sebastian was back to "normal" where his eyes weren't glowing and his fangs were gone. However, he had on that ever so cheerful smile, "I will obey my master's orders until our contract is up. If I were to break it ahead of time, I'd be ruining my meal."

I sat back down in front of Ciel's desk and rested my head against it. My color was back and I could actually take deep breaths now. There has to be a way out of this for Ciel. There just has to.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, just putting my thoughts in order… So what's for supper?"

"You don't want anything to do with this?" Ciel smirked down at me.

"Nah I'm fine. But like I said I'm putting my thoughts in order. It's just you're so young Ciel and…" I will do anything within my power to protect you. Is what I wanted to say but I couldn't. My voice broke and I looked out the window to the cloudy sky and cursed. I can't do much but give support.

****Flashback Over****

"We will be landing in fifty minutes. Please go back to your seats and secure your seatbelts. We'll start handing out immigration paperwork for you to enter the UK." A stewardess's voice came out from the speakers. That totally didn't scare the shit out of me and made me jump out of my skin. Nope, that didn't happen at all. I smacked my head, causing my now awake neighbor to look at me strange. Who could blame him?

It's just those eyes, Sebastian's eyes. Well, his whole being makes me uneasy. As weeks went by after I found out about Sebastian, I grew used to him. Perhaps it's his charm, but there are moments where I hate him. Probably, since I have no control over the whole situation with Ciel's soul. I will do my best to make it hard to take his soul. That is my only wish while I'm visiting in England.

A/N: heeeeyyy guys! ... if you all are still here. .. been nearly two years, yeah? Well, I decided to upload smaller chapters in order to get this story going again. Personally, I liked have a location being different in each chapter buuuut it's gonna be like this for now.

My grandpa passed in early January 2016. I unfortunately had to take care of him during his final month. I had to watch him die. Then family drama and needed to find a job. Fun drama ahaha but I'm fine now ^^ I have two jobs and live by myself with a demon cat. I barely have time but I think of this story a lot and I want to continue it! I also read a lot of fanfics that makes me wanna write.

Right when I publish this chapter I'm visiting Scotland! And I caught up on sleep and I can write now so happy! Anyway, I hope you're still with me and this story. If not, I'll still update either way ahahaha