Hello everybody! Mr. sparky jr. here with some more hunger games. but this time, things take an interesting turn. This will be from a different P.O.V. who is actually unaware that he is living in an arena. May this person find a life in the hunger games?

I'm sorry for the extensive wait. It's been a lot. Like a lot a lot. I'm sorry, I'm just not in my prime anymore. February through April, I had produced more than 40,000 words. Now, I'm lucky to get a 1,000 words a month out. I was actually teased for this website, so I can partly blame that too.

Genesis 24's P.O.V

I walked along the sandy beach, running my hand through the water. I shivered as the water brushed against my feet. I remembered when I first came here. In a glass box. I was alone. I didn't hear anything, but I was small. I remembered blurred vision, and a stone building with chests. I remembered people. They came as soon as I had decided I was alone. There was an onslaught. Terrible. Red liquid flowed everywhere. So I hid. I was seven. What was happening! I saw people running around, much older than me. So I stayed where I was. I was so confused. I was terribly afraid of one man, with blonde hair, that had gone on a spree…..

I approach my house, trying to block out the memories. Every morning I did a walk along the beach to calm myself down. Every night. Something had happened. For the past few days, I've been seeing things. People running around. Exploding underground building, with people tossing TNT in. A man with silver hair. A group of four running from a forest fire. These were all dreams of course, but ever so vivid. I could see what was going to happen, I could see hidden people, but I couldn't hear anything. I could only hear very faint voices, and yells as the silver haired man took on a group of five, and injured a few before leaving. But more troubling, is that I see mostly the same group. First, a group of four. Then the forest fire, and they split up.

Two, a male and a female, ambushed a stone building like the one I had seen when I had woken up here. An explosion. The underground base. Another explosion. More people. New people. The male destroying the base. I was confused. I couldn't tell them anything. I had yelled at the male, scolded, even cried at him to leave, as I knew what he would do. I sighed inwardly as the male finally raged like I predicted, and lead a group of people with TNT to the base.

I try to put this aside, but I can't! I can honestly say I don't want to sleep. I try to keep myself up, but I soon drift off, and end up seeing the whole story over again, or new scenes. Does this mean there are other human beings? I finally manage to shove these things aside, and open the door to my house.

I lived by myself, with only a cat to keep me company, named Cheeto. I fed him some cooked fish and then ate some cooked pork chop myself. If you were wondering how I'm alive, I learned how to live the hard way. I honed my skills after many years, and finally the hardship payed off. I had half a stack of coal left, so I decided to go get some more. I had completely drained my usual cave, so I searched for a new one, careful not to stray too far from my house. Then I found a fair sized cave and went in. I brought four stacks of torches but nonetheless used them sparingly.

I heard a groan and turned around. The once alive sickly green humanoid stared at me, before raising his arm to attack me. I simply smirked and jumped to the side, and then swung my sword and the zombies head toppled off and it died, leaving the experience orbs and the rotten flesh. I picked both up and journeyed farther into the cave, with my iron pickaxe and sword, lighting up torches every ten blocks. Suddenly I felt warmer. Dirt was ahead of me. I cautiously mined some of the dirt and I found lava, with water only a few blocks away.

I couldn't believe my luck. Some diamonds rested near the lava and I hastily made a bridge towards them. My bridge was made out of stone, but it didn't connect very well. I mined some diamonds. There was seven diamonds before the vein went dry. SEVEN! I was rich. I smiled to myself and mined some gold, near the diamond. Then I made another bridge to the water and mined the stone separating it. Instantly, obsidian popped up and I happily mined it until I had a stack of it. This was a very profitable cave.

I was about to go up, when my bridge slumped into the lava. I sighed and started to make some more and went through, only to find a half dozen mobs waiting for me. A creeper blew up in a corner that I didn't even see, and I flew back, hitting the stone hard. Dangit! A couple of zombies started towards me, eager for revenge for the brethen. I slashed them down, but more came. I was still a bit shell shocked from the creeper explosion. I mined some stone behind me and ran through it and covered it up.

I lay panting. This is great. Mobs were trying to barge through the stone. I could just mine my way up though...BOOM! The explosion shook the room and the stone was gone. The zombies once again charged at me. I held my sword high in the air. There were too many. I could see more zombies charging at me trying to be first to get fresh flesh. I swung my sword down and cut the first one. I kicked the next and stabbed it. Two more ran at me, but they were gone in seconds too. I sidestepped and slashed a few, but there were too many.

Three more, one with leather armor and a hoe attacked me. I was thrown back by the iron hoe. I got up and swung my iron sword lifting the hoe out of it's hand. I threw it and it nailed a zombie between the eyes (not that it matters).

I cut the leather armored one down and did a flurry of slashes leaving a zombie salad behind. A spider attack me but dodged and stabbed it's abdomen. I turned around just in time to face a skeleton archer, and an arrow almost hit me, whizzing past my face. Thank Notch for their really bad aim. I ran at it and completely destroyed it. Phew…

Too many of them. I try to escape, but I'm cornered. This is the end by creed started playing. I glared at the invisible radio and it stopped. I started back at this topic but it was too late. A zombie glared at me and raised its pickaxe. Oh, well this is fabulous. But no, I don't close my eyes and wait for it to come. Way too cliched, if you ask me. I roll, and reach for a stone block that looked good enough for a handhold. I kick the zombie's head and it falls over. I swing myself over to another hand hold. The mobs get angry and try to get at me. Spiders come at me from the walls, and Skeletons raise their bows. Well guess what. I don't give a #$%. I jump down, looking epic, and twirl around with my sword, destroying the mobs around me. I leap to the edge of the lava, and then, with the luck I have, slip into the lava. At first I wait for the heat. But it doesn't come. Then I make the greatest discovery in the world. This lava wasn't lava. Think of swimming of microwaved jelly, for ten seconds. Then imagine it looks like lava. Yeah. I start swimming. In twenty minutes, I get thirty blocks. I'm going real slow.

It seems like air doesn't really matter here. This was getting weirder and weirder. I finally emerge, and I'd probably #$% myself if my vision was blurry. I reappeared on a single spot of lava, with three...people! I read floating boxes above their heads. BenRexRex, Kira, and Grapesoda313. Looks like they were using the lava as light. Oh boy. this was going to be a fun one…...