PLZ comment. Disclaimer: I do not own minecraft. . This is my first fanfic plz be nice. This is in-game where they are actually them and can freely move around not like minecraft.

Chapter one

I walked around, exploring the territory. I saw guys getting a lava bath. I joined in. We didn't die because we had all our health and the game hadn't started yet. I got out and decided I needed to find some friends before the game started.
I saw two guys talking.

"Hey guys, want to ally?"I said nervously. "Yeah sure we are already allies." said one with a skin that looked like a normal guy with a blue flaming t shirt and blue army pants. "Whatever,sure" said the one next to him who was simpler with a green shirt and a blue beany with sunglasses.

" My names Kenny101 ( said flaming t shirt dude) and he's Kristywoohoo." said Kenny101.

"Cool I'm Sparkguy," I said, glad that they allied with me. "We were making plans. I am an archer, and Kenny is a boxer. What's your kit?" said Kristy.

"I am a soldier. I get a stone sword to begin and four porkchop." I said.

"First we need to get to the cornucopia for food. Then we should go far away and maybe hunt some people down afterwards, not to mention get some wood. So first cornucopia, then you guys follow me and we get wood. Then we should a makeshift shelter." said Kenny.

"Are you the boss?" I asked happy to go under somebodies command.
"No we're all partners but I am just putting out an idea." said Kenny.

"I'm fine with that." I said. "Me too" said Kristywoohoo ( now Kristy.)

Suddenly we heard a booming "30 seconds till the game starts!"

"Okay guys lets do this." said Kenny.

"20 seconds till the game starts!"

"Wait! Can I ally with you!" said a girl. "I'm Kira." "Fine but no more" said Kristy. "Okay Kira the plan is go to the cornucopia then get wood and follow us. I'm Sparkguy he's Kenny and thats Kristy. " I said gesturing to each one of them.

"Okay. I'm an explorer. It gives me a map of everything and I get to see where other players are.

" There are 100 players. Let the games begin!" We were transported to little glass holding thingamajigs.

It was there for about 5 seconds before it disappeared. Kristy and Kira were on my right while Kenny was on my left. The game started and we all ran to the cornucopia. I opened a chest and got a wooden axe and an apple with two wood.

I went to the next chest only to be shoved back by a big looking guy. He had an stone axe so I was guessing he had the brute kit. He raised his axe above me only to be shot by Kristy. He stumbled but he turned around and wacked him in the stomach with the blunt part of his axe.

I lunged forward and slashed at him with my sword. He fell but got back up and swung his axe at me. I ducked and stuck my foot out and he tripped. I attacked him over and over until he died. He then disappeared.

Then I helped Kristy up. He had recovered and we ran to where Kenny was. He was fighting an archer. He couldn't get close range. The guys name was goofball33. Well he was certainly a goofball for messing around with us. Kristy shot an arrow and it hit Goofballs bow arm. I ran at him and before he could get up I attacked him repeatedly.

We then ran for the woods. Kira joined us with a wooden pickaxe. She had a leather helmet and a leather pair of leggings. We mined some wood before meeting two opponents. We saw them first. The nametags on top of them said Cuddlekins and GRbot.

Ira ran at them with a wooden pickaxe and hooked Cuddlekins and brought towards her but then took a sword and it went right through him. She let him fall. There was fire in her eyes. I didn't really have time to think about but she was pretty. She was also pretty experienced in killing.

Then we started attacking GRbot who was killed soon after Cuddlekins with three arrows in him. It was beginning to look nighttime ish. Then suddenly an arrow whizzed out of nowhere. An archer a werewolf and a cannibal all came at us. Awww...shoot I thought.

We weren't a match since we had almost no food and we were hungry and then were nourished plus they had a werewolf and that werewolf was weak in the day but strong in the night and it was currently sundown. We ran like we had never before.

"Guys go I'll distract them." said Kenny.

"What the heck thats suicidal" we said in unison.

"Well we can't out-BOOM!" there was a really big boom and suddenly trees blew up and all of us were thrown forwards. I caught a glimpse of the team that was chasing us get incinerated. Somebody must have set up a tripwire hook and TNT ( possibly from one of the richest chests) and we luckily missed it while the other team stepped on it.

The TNT still threw us forwards though and we landed on the ground dazed. I saw a single guy that said Kungfu_boy come out of the shadows and wielding an iron sword. I got up, the only one to do it, and lunged attacked him by surprised thinking we would all be knocked out.

I slashed to the side, feinted (that is not spelled wrong it is the turn to pretend to attack one way but actually attack the other) then used the hilt of my sword to knock his head. He was obviously a nerd but he had no sword skills whatsoever.

I then hacked at him over and over until he died/disappeared. I grabbed his last 4 of TNT and 13 redstone and a compass.
The rest of my teammates slowly got up.

"Guys I killed the TNT man here. We need to run and find shelter. I'm sure everybody must have heard the explosion and are heading here right now, so unless you get up now and run we will have to repeat the chase all over again." after that everybody got up and ran north fast.

"Thanks man we would all be dead if it wasn't for you," said Kristy.
"There! We could use that as a shelter!" said Kira who was pointing at a swampy like land with a river and next to the river there were lots of vine and then a cave. "Nice spot" I said and we went in. We went deep and mined some cobblestone.

Then we made a cobblestone pickaxe and mined coal, for torches and the cooking of our food. We went far down the cave tunnel and then lit the place, so the light wouldn't be spotted. We made a furnace and used the remaining coal to cook 5 porkchop that was gotten by Kristy.

"Guys I'm going to look for some meat. Be back soon." said Kira.
For some weird reason I said I would go to. We went out of the cave. We went around quietly.

I poked Kira. There was a cow. Actually a small herd of cows. We slowly approached it in the dark and killed six of them but the other four got away. We got 9 raw beef. we walked on and found a puddle with three chicken. We approached and killed them too. Then we got out a bucket (also gotten by Kristy) and scooped up some water. We headed back. We were almost there when a man came stumbling out I immediately put the bucket down and held his sword to his throat.

"Please don't kill me. PLEASE!" he moaned. "I'm on your side."
"Why should I trust you?" I answered coldly. His name was foxer22.
And also, I knew all about deception. I had heard once a girl had gotten away with almost everything by pleading her way out of it then killing them later. I wasn't about trust this guy.

"Sure you can. Come with us." said Kira. "What!" I said staring at Kira.
"He's desperate." I looked into his eyes. I saw no desperation. "No"I flat out said. I knew as soon as we got back to the cave everybody else would shove him off to survive on his own, maybe even killing him. Even though that was true I wanted to get rid of him now.

"Foxer wait a second we need to talk." said Kira, gesturing towards me.
As soon we were out of earshot she said "He's desperate! Why can't we help him!" "You sound desperate too. Have you ever heard of deception?" I said staring into her eyes. "I have for a matter a fact! And I'm not desperate." she said with a raised voice. Standing closer to me.
Suddenly I thought, what am I doing! I'm arguing with Kira. I shouldn't be. I looked into her eyes another time but not with the same expression. "Why are you looking at me like that?" she said suddenly backing away. I used my arm and brought her closer to me and we kissed.

"She looked at me curiously, then confused, then angry. What the heck!" she said. My face turned red. "I'm sorry. I don't what came over me." "You better." she said and stalked away. "He's coming with us.

I didn't have anymore energy to argue. I followed her. Foxer22 trailed behind me. When we got back to the cave Ken raised an eyebrow. Kira mad, me sort of ashamed/ embarrassed/blushing, and a random dude following us was not normal.

Kira told Ken and Kristy that Foxer was now part of the team. Foxer waved nervously. Ken narrowed his eyes a tiny bit but Kristy was fine...she also said that I had agreed to it, which was not technically true. She glared at me while she said that and I forcefully nodded. She showed them the bucket of water, 7 feathers, three raw chicken, and 9 raw beef that sealed the deal.

Ken also raised an eyebrow at the glaring but Kristy didn't notice. Once we all went to sleep Ken stayed up to watch. We all went to sleep except for me. I just lay there awake thinking what had happened the whole day and night. Then Ken said "Okay what really happened?"

I sighed then blushed. "What." he repeated. He got up and dragged me deeper into the cave so we could talk in normal voices and suddenly I blurted out "I very accidentally kissed Kira." Ken's eyebrow raised to the limit, maybe over to the limit but he didn't gawk.

"Tell me the whole story." he said. " I explained everything. After that he nodded. " Go to sleep." "I nodded now tired but relieved. I felt like a huge burden had been lifted off me. Then I saw him. Foxer22 with a sword was towering over Kira with his sword lifted up to kill. Ken saw him too but I leapt at him first and knocked him to the floor. Ken followed pinning him to the ground. Kira woke up to see me jumping Foxer with a sword in his hand with Ken pounding him with his fists afterwards (he's a boxer which is a really good kit which basically means you fists do twice as much damage)

"Traitor." I said.

"You do what you have to do to survive." he said. This time Kira was standing up and so was Kristy, both looking surprised.

"I trusted you!" said Kira. "Sucker."he said speaking freely since he knew he was going to die.

"You deserve worse than dying right now." said Kira. His face flickered with surprise. She threw him deep into the cave and took Kristy's obsidian ( does he have everything or what?) and put it up. Now he was stuck. Instantly we could hear banging. "I'm sorry!" I was desperate!" We all have to kill each other sometime!" we could hear through the obsidian.

Those words gave a chill through my body so that now I knew (well I already did) that I would have to kill these guys or vice versa.

"Guys it's day. We should head out." said Kristy. We mined down the torch but left the furnace since those are impossible to get from mining. We headed. up. We heard one last "Don't leave me!" and then nothing.

We started walking at a slow pace. Kira was mad. She went up ahead. I followed her. " I...I'm sorry." She said. " I shouldn't have trusted him."

" Totally okay." I said. "You're okay with it?" she said wonderingly. "Yeah.
"Let's do it properly this time." I was wondering what she meant when she leaned forward and kissed me, and I kissed her back full on. Then Kristy and Kenny came. Kristy jaw dropped all the way to the nether but Kenny just smiled. We separated immediately and backed away from each other nervously blushing the ripest peaches in minecraftia (of course there actually peaches in minecraft but who cares. " Um I think we should get on. We might get caught with you lovebirds kissing like that" said Kenny.

Kira glared at him and we all hurriedly walked on.

Hi everybody does anybody want to be added into the story if so comment please.