Fiolee- an Offer

I murmur the smallest plea, and the portal opens. I sweep through it, and am surrounded by the horrible flames and screams of agony that make up the Nightosphere. I become a shadow, unseen to those around me.

I find my way onto the street. No one is there. Why? It must be something very important for my mother to call off labors.

Something that has to do with me.

I sweep down the street, turning a corner. I know where Fiona will be- imprisoned in the dungeon of my mothers palace. It's not hard to find, looming menacingly over the city. It's made from black stone, strung with red gems decorating its corners. It glows against the dark walls of the Nightosphere.

I lift off the ground, still invisible, and speed across the city. I notice that no one is in the streets. They must be at the palace. To see….. I can't even think about it.

It's easy, maybe a little too easy, to find my way into the castle. I get over the wall, still invisible, and intot he courtyard, I realize why no one is in town.

In the courtyard, a raised stage has been set up, with every demon int the kingdom surrounding it. My eyes search the stage, looking for what the fuss is about. I see my mom, in her finest, standing. She's holding something. Then, behind her, I see Fiona.

With cords binding her bloody wrists, my whife is kneeling in the middle of the stage. Her head hangs, so I can't feel her face. My stomach tightens, and I want to turn into the moster inside me; to destroy everyone here who might harm her. I fight it back. If I'm seen she's dead.

I drift closer, and I realize that what my mom is holding is a whip.


The cords dig into my wrist. I bow my head, almost in shame before this roaring crowed, awaiting my torture. Undoubtedly Marshal is there, seeing this all. He needs to keep it together. He needs to keep himself alive.

"People of the Nightosphere!" Abadears voice booms, "We are here to punish a trespasser. This foolish girl has decided that she is enough to mary myson. For this, she will pay,"

She gets right to the point, and I cringe at what is undoubtedly to come. I'm still in my wedding dress. I still have beads in my veil lays before me, torn.I focus my eyes on if. Silence. Be as silent as you can. If you crie out to much, you could jeopradise his life. Just think of him.

I can't help from crying out as the whip snaps against my back for the first time. 'Marhshal!' I scream in my head. 'Keep quiet! Keep him alive!". But the pain is like nothing I have felt before.

Another slice against my back. I clench my teeth. Seering pain goes up my spine.

The lashings repeat, over and over. Each is worst than the last, deepening cuts. Tears and blood drip onto my veil.

Finally she stopps, coming in front of me. Thank god Marshal hadn't shown himself. Or better yet, he didn't see.

"And now for the final punishment," Abadear says, coming into my line of vision.

There's more? Dose this never end.

Getout of here, Marshal. I will him silently.

The cords are removed, and my wrist brought in front of me. They have red bracelet cuts on them. Marshal's mom comes to me, and reveals a silver dagger. She leaps forward, to fast for me to see, and steps back. I look down at my wrists, and see deep cuts in each of them. I scream as they begin to spurt blood.


I'm on my kness in front of the stage, sobbing silently as the horrible sounds of agony escape Fiona. Then she's slashed across the wrist, and her small body collapses. She dragged away, so pale and fragile and bloody.

My head pounds. I can't see. I'm in a coma of mental pain for a few never ending moments, when I look up to see everyone's gone.

My body moves for me as I find myself heading down to the dungeons. The dank hall is lined with barred doors, and behind them are true criminals- the ones who had cause enough crime in this place to deserve being here- and the innocents, like Fiona- The ones who shouldn't be here.

I glance in each cell as I pass, desperately looking for her. My heart sinks as I near the last cell, knowing that she would be in it. I couldn't wait to see her, but would I be seeing her whole? Fear leaches my thoughts as I find her in the corner of a cell. Her blonde hair is streaked with the blood that leaks from her wrists. He looks so pale…

"Fiona," I choke out, rushing to her.

She cringes, pulling away from me.

"No," she sobs wearily, "No. Get away from me. No more!"

"F-Fiona," I gasp, hastily rubbing her arm, "Fiona! It's ok, it's ok. It's me,"

Her eyes clear, "Marshal,"

"Fiona, how are you-"

She flings herself at me, knocking us to the ground. It doesn't hurt, but I'm shocked by her sudden mood swing.

"Marsh!" she sobs, clinging to my black t-shirt.

I try to smile down at her, but am stopped by the cuts and scrapes snaking down her body.

"Fi!" I gasp, my fingers lingering helplessly over her damage.

She begins to shake, fingers grasping me like a lifeline.


She looks up at me, her eyes violently blue in her red face.

"I'm so sorry Fi," I whisper, broken, "I'm sorry I got you into this,"

She stills.

"Marshal," she says harshly, "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I had to save-"

"No, no, no, no," she pulls away, "Get out of here Marshal, this is what she wants,"

"Don't worry about me," I say, stepping closer to her, "We need to worry about getting you out of here,"

"If she finds you…" she looks up at me fearfully.

"I can deal with her," I say finally, "And anyways, we won't let that happen,"

She sighs, "Alright,"

She begins to make her way to the cell door, but stumbles. I catch her, my heart aching to see her so mutilated.

"I don't think I can…"

"It's ok, I got you," I scoop her up gently, afraid that she'll break in this fragile state.

I step into the dimly lit hall.

"Ok," I whisper to her, "This is going to be harder, since I'll have to mask us both. I need you to as quiet as possible,"

"Ok," she breaths.

I concentrate, and look down at her. She gasps when her outline begins to fade. I focus, and finally she's transparent. I feel her breath shakily.

I make my way past the cells, careful to hold Fiona as silently as possible. I breath a sigh of elief when we reach the castle wall.

"I knew you would come, honey," a menacingly sweet voice said behind me.

I cussed, setting Fiona down.

"Let us go, mother," I said, glaring at her. She stood in her tweed business suit.

She smiled with false maternity.

"Hon, why must you leave so soon? I can be very hospitable,"

I growled, "I have to time for this. What do you want?"

"I just want my little trooper to come home," she says.

I hiss, crouching.

She sighs, "I didn't want to do this, but you know. Business,"

I hear Fiona screech behind me, and turn to see her locked helplessly in the arms of my mother right hand man, Insetha. She bites and claws at him. I know she hates being restrained, unable to fight.

I mindlessly leap toward the petty assistant, but can't move forward. I can feel my mother's aura grow. How was she doing this?

"You like my new shield, son?" she says with a sneer, "I've been cooperating with the Lich, lately,"

"Are you insane?" I turn reluctantly away from Fiona, "It wants to kill everyone. What did you give him?"

"That," she grins, "Is none of your business, little one,"

I glare at her.

"So, darling, you may be wondering why I brought you here,"

When I don't respond, she continues, noting the crimson light burning in my irises.

"You very well know what I've always wanted- always expected- out of you,"

"No! I will not rule this horrid world!" I yell. We'd been over this. I try to advance but this odd shield hold me back.

"I know you don' find it ideal," she says almost reasonably, if not for the her mask of greed, "But I'm making a once in a lifetime offer. Well once in her lifetime, which may be very short if you don't agree. If you agree to rule, I am willing to let her be your queen,"


"What I'm saying is, you can both live, if you rule the Nightosphere. Of course, you'll need to turn her, but we can wait for later to get that issue resolved,"

I stop trying to kill her, and stand to realize what she's offering. My life, and more importantly Fiona's life, if we agree to rule.

"Fine," I say.