This is not entirely my idea, one of my friends helped me. We were talking about the devil-chicken, and one thing led to another, and this was the result! Reyn and Nastasya are married. Hope you like!
Reyn knew something was wrong when he heard the scream coming from outside his house. Nastasya was out getting eggs from their henhouse. Yes, even though they were not technically living in River's Edge, they still had to do their fair share. His beserker instincts kicked in and he rushed out to see...
His wife with a deranged chicken in her hair and some fluffy little chicks gathered around her ankles. She screamed a string of curse words in several languages, some of them not spoken today. He laughed and ran back inside. He grabbed a camera and started taking a video.
"Wait for it, wait for it!"
"Oh my gods!" River screamed.
"This is the best part!" Asher said.
The Nastasya on the laptop screamed, "Reyn! You little jerk! GET OVER HERE! Don't just take a video! Stupid DEVIL CHICKEN!"
The room roared with laughter. Everyone was gathered around the dining room table in River's Edge, watching Reyn's video of Natashya' chicken freak-out. Everyone except Nastasya, that is. She was sulking in a corner, plotting her revenge on her husband and everyone who laughed at her pain. That chicken had it out for her! How dare they all laugh at it!
"Okay, ready? This has THREE THOUSAND views! It's been up for a day!" Reyn said.
"What? You put it on Youtube?! Reyn..." Nastasya's voice got dangerously low. Everyone backed away from the table. Natashya in a mood was bad for your health if you got in her way.
The rest of the evening was spent avoiding Reyn and Nastasya at all costs.