A figure dressed in black and red emerged from a tight hole in the building with their hands up. SHIELD agents were surrounding the building and aimed their guns at the figure. The figure stopped dead in its track, seeing the guns pointed at them.

"Don't shoot!" it screamed at them. "He's gone!"

Tony in his Iron Man suit and Thor landed next to the scared figure. "Julie?" Julie asked, the mask on his suit pulling back to show his face. "What are you doing here?"

"This is not Julie; it's one of Loki's tricks," Thor accused, grabbing Julie arm. He yanked her back a few feet with a glare and the brunette winced in pain as she fell to the ground.

"Thor, buddy, I'm pretty sure it's actually her," Tony said, helping Julie up. "So what happened in there?"

Shrugging, Julie answered, "It's an old hangout in town and when I went in, he was already there hiding. When you got here, he disappeared. I'm not sure where he went."

Steve walked over in his Captain America suit, overhearing the conversation and asked, "So he's gone then?"

Julie nodded and replied, "He just disappeared into thin air. He didn't say where he went."

"Don't worry, kid, we'll find him," Tony assured her with a smirk.

"Good luck with that," the girl muttered unsurely. "Can I head home?" Julie crossed her arms, uncomfortable where she was.

Tony's smirk fell a bit and he nodded. "Yeah, sure, you're good to go," he told Julie. She gave the man in the metal suit a small smile and walked away from the chaos.

Bang bang into the room, I know you want it. Bang bang- Julie's phone went off in her pocket. She took it out and answered it, "Julie Sadler."

"Hello Ms. Sadler, this is San Francisco General Hospital. I'm calling to inform you that your father is out of surgery and you can see him if you want," a woman's voice came through.

Julie got a small smile, "Thank you so much! I'll be right there." She hung up phone and began running to the hospital. She went inside and up to her dad's hospital room, completely ignoring the disgusting smell of disinfectants and medical fluids.

A hand grabbed her shoulder before she could enter the room. "Miss Sadler, we need to talk before you go in there." Julie turned to a see a man in his mid-thirties with a doctor's coat on. 'This can't be good,' the brunette thought.

"It's alright if I call you Julie right?" The girl nodded. "Well Julie, the surgery we performed on your father was a success and the cuts we sewed up should be healing well, but it did come at a cost," the doctor explained.

Julie sighed, remembering Tony's warning and repeated, "He'll be paralyzed from the waist down." She frowned and looked at the oak wood door she would never see her father walk out of.

The doctor nodded sadly, "I'm very sorry Julie; you can see him now." The doctor walked away to where Julie assumed was another patient's room.

The young brunette stood outside the door for what seemed like eternities to her, too scared of what was on the other side. She had the same sick feeling she had in her stomach when she was younger when she was in the same situation with her mother.

"Why can't we see Mom?" the little ten-year-old Julie asked, her hazel eyes big and pleading. "Are you gonna ask her to marry you again, is that why we're here?"

Julie's father, Robert, sighed and leaned back in his chair. "No, that's not why we're hear sweetheart," he told her, putting his hand on his daughter's back and rubbing little circles on it.

Julie put her elbows on her knees and rested her head in her hands. "Why's she in there Dad? Is mom okay?" the child kept questioning. Her father's heart felt heavier and heavier with every question. He couldn't tell his daughter, not yet. Her mother was her world, and to have her have a doubt that her mother would live would be catastrophic.

The brunette stood up from her chair and stood in front of the door. "ICU Room 7, what does ICU mean dad?" she questioned, sitting in front of the large oak door that was much bigger than her. Her mind reread the room number over and over. If her father had given her an answer, she wouldn't have heard it.

"Room 239, 239," Julie read aloud, pushing the door open and walking in. Her father was asleep in his hospital bed. The specially made wheelchair the hospital got for him was in the corner. Just the sight of it made tears well in the girl's eyes. The thought of her father living out the rest of his life in it was the worst thought for her in that moment.

"Why did you have to go?" she asked bitterly, "Why'd you have to go to work that day? Why did that stupid, idiot god ever have to come here?!" She fell back into the old, cushioned blue chair next to the bed angrily as the tears spilled from her eyes.

She heard a groan come from the bed and a groggy voice asked, "Lyla, is that you?" Julie looked up at her father confused. His eyes were shut and his head was bouncing to the sides. "Lyla, what are you doing here sweetie? You should be with the baby." More tears began to flow from Julie's eyes as she realized what her father was talking about.

"Dad, mom's not here; it's just me," Julie told him. Her father's head finally stopped its bouncing and faced her, eyes still closed. The look on his face made him look as though he were confused by something.

"What are you talking about, sweetheart? Go home and take care of Julie," he told her with a smile on his face. His daughter frowned and practically ran out of the room, tears continuing to flow down her cheeks.

"Julie?" Elsa's voice called from the end of the hallway. She ran to her friend and helped Julie dry her tears. "What's wrong?"

Elsa wrapped her arms around her friend and held her there as Julie put her head on her shoulder sobbing. "This is that idiot god's fault," she accused between her sobs.

"Julie, is he-" Elsa stopped, not wanting to say anything that would make Julie's sobbing worse.

Julie pulled her head back up and began to try and wipe away the tears. "He thought I was my mom. He kept calling me by her name and to go take care of the baby back home," she answered.

"Oh Jewls, you know it's just the pain meds," Elsa assured her, Julie nodded with a frown. "I know it's hard, but he'll be back on his feet soon."

Julie shook her head and explained, "No, he won't, he's paralyzed from the waist down."

Cassie came up behind the two with Katie upon hearing the conversation and commented, "But your dad said-"

"He lied, didn't want me to worry. Tony had to take me out into the hall and tell me what was really going on," she confessed frustrated. She ran her hands through her hair and sighed, the tears that were on her face drying.

Katie looked at her friend shocked and consoled her, "Julie, I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault Katie, don't worry," Julie assured her. "But the next time I see that damn god, I'm going to kill him slowly and painfully."

Frowning, Cassie put a hand on the brunette's shoulder, "Julie, calm down, your dad will be better soon. He'll be the same guy he's always been, you know that."

"I guess so," Julie shrugged.

"Julie?" a voice called from the room next to girls. "Julie, are you still out there?" Julie told the other to go back to the house and went into her father's room. "Thank god. I'm sorry sweetie; I didn't mean to say all that.

Julie nodded and assured him, "I'm okay, Dad, it was just the pain meds getting to you, I know, but how'd they wear off so fast?"

"I woke up two or three hours ago and it wore off then, I think it's because I just woke back up that I did all that. I should be good now though," he told his daughter with his usual bright smile. "Are you okay though, Julie?"

Julie gave him a fake smile and shrugged, "Its fine, Dad, don't worry."

"I'm you dad, it's my job to worry about you," he told her smugly.

The brunette shook her head with a sigh before sitting down in the chair next to his bed. She sat there for a few minutes, lost in her thoughts, before asking, "Dad, can I ask you a few question?"

"Sure sweetie, anything," he answered, attempting to sit up and quickly giving up when he realized the pain and his daughter were both going to stop him if he tried.

With a sigh, Julie leaned back in her chair and thought again. "You told me my parents put me up for adoption because of teenage pregnancy; did you know anything else about them?" she asked hesitantly, keeping her gaze on the ground.

"Julie, there's a lot I haven't told you about your parents," Mr. Sadler confessed. He held Julie's hand with and gave her an apologetic look. "First off, you were never put up for adoption, you were given to us." He paused when he saw Julie's look of absolute confusion. "You're ready to be told all this, right?" Julie nodded. "Well, your mom and I were friends with your real parents and they had, they didn't want you to be a part of it."

"What could possibly be so bad they'd give up a child?" Julie interrupted, pain in her voice.

Her father sighed, "They worked for SHIELD. They didn't want you to get sucked into the terrible things SHIELD does so they asked if we would take you in and raise you."

"Are they still alive?" the brunette asked. It was impossible to read her face; it was all just blank, but her mind was a jumbled mess of anger, sadness, and confusion. The answers she'd thought she'd get from the questions terrified her, but she had to find out.

Mr. Sadler faced the sickly white ceiling above him; his grip on Julie's hand tightened. "That was the one part I didn't lie about. I'm sorry, sweetheart," he answered, not able to meet his daughter's terrified and sad eyes.

Julie let her head fall back and let out a breath she'd been holding in while she waited for the answer. "What were they like?" she asked, trying to push the answer of her old question out of her mind.

"Well, your adopted mother was a SHIELD agent with your real mom, that's why they burnt her house down all those years ago. She'd been your real mom's old partner but left SHIELD. When you were born, we were the only one's your parents trusted," he started, "Your mom thought, she and her husband were great, incredibly nice people. They were scary when they wanted to be though. The two of them and your mom were extremely high ranking people in SHIELD, but they never hurt anyone innocent and they knew right from wrongs. Apparently a lot of SHIELD agents didn't.

Julie had a slight smile hearing about her parents while her eyes glistened with tears. "So am I like them?"

"In a good way, yes," Mr. Sadler told her. "I'm sorry, I know this is all confusing."

"No, no it's not, I think I've got it," Julie assured him.

Mr. Sadler looked at Julie sadly. From his perspective, she looked just like his five-year-old little girl who got hurt on the playground, but he knew it was much worse than getting a scraped up leg. It hurt him to her the way she was and not be able to do anything about it. She's probably going to leave, it wouldn't surprise me, he thought.

"So that's it?" the brunette asked, her eyes directed at the ground. She had a million thoughts in her head and kept holding onto her father's hand like a scared child, like she was trying to hold onto the past.

Her father nodded, "They were never very open people; most SHIELD agents are like that, but you would've liked them."

"Dad?" Julie asked, interrupting him again.

He looked up to meet her hazel eyes and replied, "Yes, Julie?"

"You said when mom died in the fire, it was because she was a SHIELD agent, what were you talking about?" she questioned him.

Mr. Sadler bit his lip and answered, "It was planned. There's another organization other than SHIELD called Hydra. They supposedly died with World War Two, but we were wrong; they've been hiding in SHIELD and taking out their agents ever since SHIELD was established."

"The attack on DC," Julie whispered to herself. Her father nodded, confirming her assumption. "They killed Mom?"

"They killed a lot of people, sweetheart," he answered sadly. "It's terrible what they do, and I'm sure they're still out there doing it."

The two sat together in silence for almost an hour, taking in everything they'd talked about before Julie's father spoke up again, "Your friends are probably back home, you should go too and get some sleep."

Julie glanced out the window and saw the sunset's red and orange hues in the sky. She stood up from the chair. "Are you sure you'll be okay?"

Her father smiled. "Go, Julie. And get the keys to the attic from your friends; I've got some pictures of your real parents in there if you want to see them."

Julie smiled at her father and nodded. "Thanks Dad."

Sorry this chapter took so long, I'm a fast writer and I write a lot at school, but when I have to transfer everything I get really lazy about it, so sorry about that. Your choices for the next chapter are:

Bring more Hydra

Have the girls go to the Avengers about finding more information about Julie's parents

Nick Fury comes in

As usual I need votes to make the next chapter and I want you guys' opinions too so comments with those. Thanks!