Magnus PoV

My various golden and silver rings were clattering against each other as I was drumming my fingers on the shiny surface of the bar waiting for something unexpected to happen. I threw my head back, the bright lights of the club blinding me momentarily. I blinked and looked down again seeing white spots all over making the scene look grotesque. I was standing in the very middle of the bar and eying the bar tender while chipping my nails due to my drumming. I started counting how long he would hold up the bottle of Smirnoff over the coke that was already painting the insides of the glass a rich golden –brown. I must admit, even though I am a party animal and I go wild, I really had something to do today. I wasn't here to be entertained, but I was here to discuss business with one of the most famous and dangerous mafia clans in New York City. I started tapping my foot along the dupstep music and watched as the rich and famous walked to the dance floor, their eyes big and their smiles wide, while mine was nonexistent. I rolled my eyes at two beautiful girls who were laughing as loud as a sea gull. It was annoying the shit out of me.

"Hey, what can I get you?"

I turned around to see the bar tender grinning at me with white perfect teeth. He was dressed all in black with some piercing in his ears and a silver star around his neck. Morgenstern. Not only did this name stand for one of the most expensive clubs in town, but also for The Boss. Only a few have had the privilege to be in his presents. Me? Not one of them, and I doubted that I would ever be. I would never get as high as to be able to even glimpse at The Boss. I was but a mere soldier, in other words; The one that does the dirty work, or as the mob likes to call it, the man of honor.

"Nothing, thanks"

I decided that it would be best to stay clear headed when dealing with the most powerful mafia. My eyes followed a guy with a great body built, golden curls and a fantastic smile. The color of his eyes was impossible to make out in the distance, but man he looked good. I smiled thinking about all the things I could do with a boy like that, but my smile died on my lips as another thought came crashing into my head. I needed to stay focused. I had no idea why 'Doctor Condori' would want to meet me here. With doctor, I do not mean your nice house doctor who gives you aspirin and crap. They just call him like that. The Doctor Condori was the man I wanted to meet tonight to see if I could work for the mafia or for 'Their Cause' as they liked to say. The bar tender had turned around to satisfy another client in desperate need of the burning liquid. I was never much of a drinker, or smoker, nor did I do drugs, like ever. I was the good boy who had studied Law in Washington DC, till that incident that made me do, what I am about to do now. How ironic, really. First Law, now La Cosa Nostra. Well, my momma would be proud of me, would she even acknowledge that I'm her son.

If my mood had been bad this morning, now it had just hit rock bottom in like two seconds. Thinking of it and my mother was just not good for my health. Good thing I was goona go see a doctor.

I looked down and tugged at my silky sleeves. I had chosen my attire very carefully this morning. Not that I was living under the bridge, but meeting with the mafia even made me second guess. Starting from the bottom, I had put on black, shiny, pointy leather shoes, very classic I must say, a pair of not-so-skinny- jeans, also in black. With a silver blouse and a black vest I had finished my outfit feeling colorless and somehow naked. I had only had time to put on a bit of gel in my hair and the makeup, consisted of black eyeliner as usual. I looked up as I heard someone cough slightly and was met with a beautiful creature. He had silky raven hair that was shorter on the sides and was styled at the front. His pale skin looked like porcelain and his high cheekbones were covered with a light flush. My eyes moved to his and finally I had my 'unexpected thing'. Those eyes, I swear I will never forget. Azure blue at the very edge, turquoise surrounding the pupil that looked like an isle in the Caribbean Sea. He was two or three inches shorter than me, which was hot. His brought shoulders were clothed in a black suit that looked a lot like Armani to me. His tie was a nice silver color and had dark grey stripes. His lips formed a small smile and he chuckled lightly. I must have looked like an idiot. And even though it was indeed unexpected, I couldn't shake the feeling off, that I somehow knew him.

"Sorry, but could you move, please?" he said and his voice sounded exactly right for this angel. Not as strong as mine, but still melodic and calming.

"Move? Where to, darling? "My flirting- instinct got activated by itself and I couldn't help the words forming in my mouth.

His amazing eyes opened just a fraction more and the look of surprise was one that I couldn't understand. Did this guy never get hit on? What was up with the world? He chuckled lightly again and I just felt my knees weaken. Good thing that I wanted to keep my head straight. Great work Magnus, now mommy would surely be proud.

"Um…move out of the way. I'd like to get a drink" he said and looked me in the eye.

"I'd like that too." I moved out of the way to let him lean against the bar as well, but I didn't go. I stood beside him, our elbows touching and my heart beating like crazy. He glanced at me and I winked. The blush I was hoping for never came. He only raised his hand to get the bar tenders' attention. I was about to tell the beauty that this simple gesture would not get the bar tender to come running to us, but I kept my mouth shut when I saw that it actually worked.

The bar tender quit flirting with a brown haired, lonely girl who was sitting on a golden bar stool drinking her worries away. He had a little red umbrella behind her ear and was holding her head up by her bent elbow that was resting on a puddle on the bar.

The beauty beside me wrinkled up his nose in disgust at the pitiful creature. Well the bodyguards will remove her soon enough as it was one of the finest clubs in Manhattan.

The bar tender came to a halt in front of us and asked the angel what he'd like to order.

The boy, he looked really too young to be in this +21 club, didn't need time to think.

"One Jameson on the Rocks and a Dark Horse, please" he said and the bar tender began mixing the latter drink, seeing as the first one was really just Irish whiskey.

"So, which one's for me?" I asked cockily and he smiled a bit, even though I somehow got the impression that he didn't want to.

His eyes wandered from the bar tender who was trying to do as best as he could, like he was afraid that the beauty might turn into a monster and bite his head off if he didn't approve of the drink.

"Neither of them" he answered me and although I already knew that, it stung.

"Well how about you let the Jameson go and come have a drink with me, beautiful?" I asked him looking into his eyes and noticing how full his dark lashes were. Damn.

"I won't, sorry" he said smiling but still determined. I sighed and he smiled turning away from me once more. At this two huge man, all in black, walked past us and started their attempts at waking up the woman, who seemed to have fallen asleep on the bar. The men took her arm lightly and carried her away. The Morgenstern Club was clean and safe again, halleluiah.

"There you go" The bar tender said and smiled nervously. The boy took the drinks in his pale and elegant hands. I knew, now was the moment.

I took his slender wrist and stopped him from getting away that easily. He looked up at me and had to tilt his head a bit to look me in the eyes.

"Please. Don't go like that. I would really love to get to know you" I said and held on to his wrist like it was saving me from drowning and dying a horrible death. His sapphire colored eyes didn't make the prospect of drowning any better.

He bit his lip and I thought I needed to kiss him right that instant. Then he said:

"Look, I have a boyfriend okay?"

"So?" That had never been a problem before. He just looked at me like I was crazy.

"So…I don't want to cheat on him and I love him." He said in such a voice that it made me feel like a five year old, or an idiot. You choose.

"Well, give me your number at least" I pleaded. God, I was so desperate.

He shook his head looking down. His hands must have turned into chunks of ice, with all the 'on the rocks' and stuff.

"I can't, please, let me leave." He said and it made me feel awful. But it would make me feel even worse if I had to just let him go. I needed something. Anything that I could stalk him with….I mean…yeah.

"You're name. Just you're name."

But he shook his head again, not looking down anymore, but over my shoulder. Maybe he was searching for his boyfriend. Maybe his boyfriend was a professional wrestler and-

Stop it Bane!

I shook my head to get rid of very disturbing images in my head and said:

"C'mon, what harm will it do to know you're name, huh?"

I knew that inside his pretty head, a conflict was raging like a wild fire. On the outside though, he just looked nervous and anxious.

"Please, just let me leave okay" he said and tried to get this wrists free, but I wouldn't let him go that easily. I haven't had any in months and this boy was just too beautiful to be true. The boy tried to walk passed me, but I stood in his way and touched his cheekbone with the hand that wasn't keeping his wrist in shackles. He recoiled like I had burned him and shouted: "Jace!"

Again I was struck with his odd behavior. First the bar tender that ran to us like a sick puppy with just a hand sign, when he was clearly busy with something else, and now this. The remix of Rihanna's' single Diamonds was louder than my heartbeat and this boy just shouted 'Jace' like he was calling for someone close by. It was impossible that said 'Jace' , his boyfriend as I guessed, would hear him so I just touched his cheek again.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" The boys' eyes were not a summer day in Jamaica anymore, but the Atlantic on a stormy night, high up in the north. To this day I still don't know why I did what I did next; I just know what the consequences were. As ridden by the devil himself I leaned closer to the boy who let the drinks fall down on the white marble floor. The sound of glasses breaking and liquid spreading all over the floor was lost in the music. I ignored it, everything and anyone, except this boy in front of me who was crushed between me and the bar. It sure as hell must not have been pleasant. In a moment I captured his lips with mine, taking in all the different flavors of his mouth. He was struggling against me but I didn't notice. I never did. The moment was so hot and I wanted it to never end, but my prayers were not heard. Suddenly there were four hands, two around my neck and two around my arm. I felt them twist my arm behind my back and I whimpered. Man that fucking hurt. I opened my eyes, I didn't even notice when I closed them (must have been the kiss…) , and found myself nose to nose with a golden eyed muscled man, that didn't look much older than the beauty I was kissing. Wait?! What? Kissing?! How the hell did that happened. I didn't have time to think about my instincts going on autopilot, because the amber eyes didn't look very happy about this whole situation. The other male, I was sure it was one, held both of my hands in a vice grip behind my back. My whole vision was the very handsome face of the golden haired boy that I had admired earlier. Any thoughts about him, eradicated with one look of those deep blue eyes. Talking about him. The boy was standing, his fingers on his full lips, behind the blond dude, like he was being protected. Yeah, protected from who, you idiot? How could I do that? What the- What the fuck is wrong with me?

"Who the hell are you?" asked blondie and I decided that I already didn't like him.

"Can I answer that without being in danger of having broken my arms?" I said drily and his eyebrows disappeared up his hairline.

"Trust me, you are in no position to ask me that"

Shit, this was some serious crap.

"Jace…" I heard the boy whisper nervously and the blond dude, Jace, turned to look at him. His expression turned from 'Iwillripyouintopieces' to 'wowiamsoconsernedaboutyou'.

"You should go to Seb"

"He didn't do anything"

To say that Jace was surprised to hearing this would have been the understatement of the year. Even I was surprised. This boy was even more interesting than I thought.

"It was just a misunderstanding, he confused me for someone else" the boy said and even without knowing him, I knew he was a horrible liar. Jace looked a second longer at the boy before turning back around.

"Is that true? Did you just mistake him for someone else?" he wanted to know and I felt like in an old Western movie. Soon there would be guns and some cheesy music in the background instead of David Guettas' She Wolf.

I gulped and thought no, but said: "Yeah"

Jace nodded and after a few tense seconds, said: "Jordan, let him go"

I instantly felt the blood returning to my poor fingers as the man behind me stepped away in front of the boy. He was a bit taller than Jace, had brown hair and green eyes. The surfer type, should have known. In his face there was no threat or danger, not like in Jaces'. I understand if your boyfriend is an overprotective freak, but two guys? What was up with that?

"Sorry 'bout that man, can't be too careful" Jordan said and I nodded. Thank you God there are still some normal people left. I felt Jaces' amber eyes on me but I ignored him and tried to step forward to apologize to the boy I had just involuntarily kissed. And I was not even drunk. Jace it seemed didn't like the idea of me being near his boyfriend and I took the hint.

"I'm sorry, darling. I... You just look a lot like a friend of mine" This was not even a lie, just a mild exaggeration. The boys' cheeks finally turned a hot pink and I smiled a bit. He was till so fucking hot.

"It's okay. Don't worry." He mumbled before turning away and walking toward the VIP area of the club. Jordan was on his heels which I thought was kind of weird seeing as Jace was his boyfriend, right?

Jace finger pocked me in the chest.

"Listen to me. If you ever pull that stunt off again, I will have to make sure you cannot even walk out of this club, do you understand?"

I had no voice left so I just nodded like a frightened school girl.

"Good. Now, scram" he said and that I did. It's not as if I am the bravest of them all, I mean, yeah sure I am about to meet with the mafia –

Shit! The fucking meeting! Shit! I looked at my silver watch and saw that I was already five minutes too late. I cursed again, and made my way to the VIP area. The areas were separated by a heavy black curtain that sparkled in the dancing lights of the club. I took one last look at the bursting dance floor, seeing a Chinese woman cleaning up the mess of the spilled drinks. Wow, great Magnus, you didn't just ruin the boys night, you also let him go home thirsty. So proud mom was the only thing I could think of as I tried not to fall over my own feet. The only light that helped me find my way around the VIP lounge were little red lights at the sides of the room. Everything was kept in black and silver. Black chairs, black bar, black suits, silver dresses. The VIP area was also full, but at the very end I could make out a silver door with The Morgenstern printed across of it in bold letters. Before the double doors were two huge men in black suits. A skin colored ear bud in their ears letting them know what their order was. In this case I'd take a wild guess and say: Guard the door. I walked up to the two men that eyed me like I was some sort of insect which they wanted to crush beneath their heavy boots. I fumbled nervously with my sleeves till I was standing right in front of them. I took a breath and opened my mouth to talk, when the door opened and a man came out with a warm smile on his lips.

"Mr. Bane, I presume?" he asked and I nodded, thinking that they must have already been awaiting me.

"A pleasure meeting you. My name is Mark Cook, but they all call me Hook" he said and I took his hand and greeted him. He was older than me, 35 or something, his handshake was strong and his skin was rough. He had a friendly face, ginger hair like a carrot, which I truly admired, (I love ginger hair!). His eyes had a warm shade of brown and his lips were so fine that when he laughed they would disappear.

"Please, come with me Mr. Bane, I'll take you to Doctor Condori"

"Thank you very much" I answered. One should watch his mouth while dealing with the mafia, and more if they were of a higher rank than you. Hook was definitely a Capo. His suit, his tie, his shoes; all fine materials and a very nice design. As I was walking behind him, I noticed how the colors changed again. Now everything was black and red. I felt like I didn't really belong, with ordinary clothes and my ordinary car. Everything was luxurious in this place. The tapestry looked even more expensive than my motorcycle. I had to remind myself that I wasn't totally foreign to this world. They all knew my father.

We arrived at yet another door, this one even more beautiful and impressive than the other one; all gold and white. Well The Morgenstern isn't the club for nothing. The two men that stood before this door looked exactly like the ones outside the other one. Black, big, bombastic.

I tried to smile at them, but they just stared right ahead, not even acknowledging me as Hook opened the door for me. I stepped in a room with chocolate brown walls, nice comfortable and very expensive looking chaise lounges and a diamond chandelier high above. The dim light made me want to curl up and just take a nap, but I was here for business. I wasn't alone in the room. There , of course, were more men that looked at me like I was the enemy number one. This time I didn't try to smile.

"Why don't you sit down while I go get Doctor Condori, Mr. Bane?" Hook suggested with another smile. I nodded and he left through another door. I sat down on the chairs and felt myself relax. Luxury feels nice. As I sat there I thought about home; Washington DC. I had booked a room in a hotel in Brooklyn; Manhattan was just way too expensive. I just hoped that this wouldn't take too long. Sitting on a comfortable, fluffy chair conjured up images of blue eyes and porcelain skin. Wow, I still couldn't believe what I had done to the poor boy. He must have thought I was a freak. But why did he defend me then? My thought were interrupted as the door opened and I saw Hook coming in, followed by more men in suits, I swear to God they are like cockroaches, and a man in a white suit that had little rhinestones on his tie. His skin was a darker shade, a bit like mine, only that I had Asian roots and he looked like a South American. His teeth shined abnormally white and his eyes were such a dark brown that I couldn't see his pupil. He didn't have a strong built but he looked healthy and around 30. More or less. I stood up in a fluid and elegant movement and shook the mans' outstretched hand.

"Mr. Bane, we were waiting for you" he said and his light accents tinged his deep voice. The other men sat around a huge dark wooden table which was surely used to play poker on. The green mat was clean and looked new.

"Please let's sit down" he said and so I did. The chairs were too comfortable to be good. Hook also sat on the table but the other men stayed where they were.

"I am Raphael Condori, but in the familgia they call me The Doctor Condori as you might have heard" When he started to speak I noticed how the other men stopped moving and concentrated on us. They were just silent observers.

"Yes I did. Well like I see you already know who I am" At that The Doctor smiled. It wasn't a warm smile, not to me anyway.

"I know you're name, but that doesn't mean that I know you, Mr. Bane" he said and I nodded

"It takes more to get to know somebody. If you really want to know how and what someone thinks, you have to watch him closely, over time. It takes a lot of wit let me tell you" he said and winked at me.

"It sounds like you have experience with that, yet you don't seem much older than I am"

"I am 30 years old and yes, to answer your question, I have already had my share of it" With that said he made a hand sign and a man left the room. The sign was the same that the beautiful blue eyed boy used at the bar. This seemed such a long time ago. I wondered briefly where he was. With Jace? I couldn't stop the jealousy that spread through my veins at the thought of the blondie.

"So, Mr. Bane, tell me, how's your father?" Raphael asked. I was surprised, yes, not a lot of people had the bravery to ask me that question. Not because I am such an intimidating character, but because my father is. Or was. I don't even know.

"He is…behind bars" I said and heard The Doctors' laugh echo around the room. I looked at him as the door opened again and the man that had left before came through the door with two drinks in his hand, two Black Velvets. The golden brown liquid danced in the glass as the man sat it down in front of me.

"Thank you. How did you know what I drink?" I asked Raphael

"Like I said, I have had experience getting to know people" I decided to leave it at that and after taking a sip of the drink I sat the glass back down on the green mat.

"Well, let's talk business" said Raphael and I nodded. "What do you want from us, Mr. Bane? " By us he meant the most powerful mafia in New York City.

I leaded forward and said: "I want to work for you"

The Doctor leaned back and put his hands together. "Hm"

"Hm?" I asked after a few seconds.

Raphael eyed me with a pensive expression like he was deciding if I was worth it or not.

"Okay." He finally said. My eyes got wide with surprise and I looked at Hook that hadn't said anything the entire time.

"Just like that? No…Test?"

"Test? What do you mean?" Raphael said with a smile.

"I dunno, to see if I am trustworthy, if I'm working for the police-"

"Are you?" he interrupted me with a serious expression

"Of course not but-"

"You heard my answer Mr. Bane" he stopped me and I fell silent, my face still a confused mask. "But there is nothing to worry about. You have already passed our test."

"I…did?" I couldn't remember any tests.

The Doctor chuckled and nodded. "Your father is proof enough for us"

So this was about my father after all. I should have guessed that I was going to bump into friends of his. The Doctor seemed like one of them.

"Alright. So, as soldier, what are-"

But Raphael interrupted me yet again raising his hand. His dark brown eyes looked at me with amusement and arrogance. I gulped but my back was straight. I would have to learn how to stand straight and look proud in front of them in order for them to respect me.

"You won't be a mere soldier, Mr. Bane, no, you are far too valuable for us" Raphael said and my eyebrows showed my astonishment.

"Valuable?" I mean, yeah, I look like a fucking God and my fashion sense is better than Versace's and I have a degree in law, but that's pretty much it. I have nothing that the mafia would want from me, or do I ?

"Indeed, Mr. Bane. Valuable"

Doctor Condori raised his glass to his lips and before taking a sip he added: "I have to discuss it with The Boss still, but I'm pretty sure you will be able to work as a Capo "

I nearly choked on my own spit.


At this Hook also turned to Raphael and looked at him incredulously.

"But Raphael -"

"Shut it Hook" he said with a final tone and Hook seemed to shrink in this chair. Under the dim light of the chandelier I could make out some sweat pearls that had gathered on this temple. With shaky hands he tried to wipe them away. I noticed that the man hadn't brought him a drink.

"Mr. Bane, the Boss will be the one to decide which position you take. But let me assure you that you are worth a lot more that some other Capos I know." At this he looked at Hook. "And as you know, I am good at figuring people out." He winked and leaned forward again, whispering in my ear that it send shivers over my skin.

"Hook is not even the half of you"

I wanted to ask what exactly he meant by that when the door opened for the hundredth time it seemed. In stepped a tall and broad man with blond hair that was so light that it seemed white. He had a strong jaw and eyes black as the night. Under the luxurious Prada suit (I was sure it was Prada) I could see his muscles moving, it made him look like a dangerous animal. Maybe it was the whole situation, the dim light, Raphael's' unnaturally white teeth, the cold drink that had turned my stomach into a chunk of ice or the smell of the green poker mat; I still don't know what it was that made goosebumbs break out all over my body. I was cold, and then I was hot. My tongue felt rough and furry, my rings seemed to drain my fingers of their blood. As I felt the mans' eyes on me, I froze, I was unable to move and wave after wave of fear hit me like a brick wall, ramming into my brain and turning it into mush.

I was so caught up, trying to make myself smaller so that that predator would just ignore me, that I didn't notice the second person entering the room.

"Mr. Bane let me introduce you to The Boss" Raphael said. I felt stupid for ever shivering at the Doctors' voice. I stood up and noticed with some satisfaction that the Boss was a bit shorter than me. Not much, but enough for my ego to feel a bit better.

Seeing him up close the Boss looked even scarier. It were his eyes, I was sure of it. Those soulless, pitiless eyes that seemed to drain all life out of me. Not only I was affected, I noticed that the men moved around nervously and their eyes were glued on the Boss' movements. I understood them, he was magnetic.

I shook his hand and said with a firm voice: "Nice to meet you"

The Boss smiled crookedly and let go of my hand. His shake had been very strong and I resisted the urge to see if he had left any bruises.

"Mr. Bane, I have already heard all about you" his voice was rich and deep and mine seemed like Mickey Mouse' beside his.

"Really?" I asked a bit out of breath. There was someone else in the room but the he was sitting on of the chairs, in the shadows.

"Yeah" he said and turned to Raphael.

"Did you talk about his position already?" He asked and when he did I felt the power surrounding him like a halo of light. He was magnetic. I never thought about meeting the Boss, so naturally I never thought about how the Boss might be. He was young and handsome, which was a curse and a blessing for me. Why did they all have to have those muscles? Don't they know that it's very distracting? The Boss had pale skin, not as pale as the boy that I kissed at the bar, but still; pale. How was he so young?

"Yes" answered Raphael and looked down on the chairs.

"Alexander, what a nice surprise. I didn't know you'd come today. I would have put on something else" he said and I screwed up my eyes to see into the shadows. I noticed the Boss' look of disapproval and light growl. The figure stood up and walked into the light and I had a strange feeling of déjà vu. Piercing sapphire eyes, porcelain skin, tall, lanky, lashes, raven hair…fuck.

The boy walked up to stand in front of Raphael but his eyes danced to me. He was smiling lightly.

"Hello Raphael" he greeted the South American. Raphael took his hands and kissed it and I was sure that he'd blush again like he did before. But it never came. No rosy cheeks. What a disappointment.

"It is always nice to see you my dear friend" Raphael let go of his hand and to my surprise he looked me straight in the eye.

"It is a pleasure to meet you … Mr. Bane" he said and he chuckled lightly. Oh God, I already wanted to kiss him again.

"The pleasure is all mine Mr…?" I said and took his hand.

"Lightwood. But call me Alexander, please" he said and I could feel that he was thinking about our real, first encounter.

"Of course" I said.

"Hook!" said the Boss and almost everyone jumped a bit. The one being called stood up and grinned at Alexander.

"Hey Alex-"

"Come here!" the Boss said and two of the men in black walked up to Hook and guided him out the door. The Boss was about to turn around and follow them when Alexander stopped.

"Sebastian…let it be. He didn't do it" I was surprised at the warmth and gentleness those words expressed. Alexander was looking at the Boss, Sebastian, with pleading eyes. His hand around Sebastian's' biceps looked smaller than it really was.

Sebastian nodded and Alexander smiled and just like that the beast was gone and an ordinary man stood before me.

"They'll take care of it" the Boss said and Alexander's smile disappeared. He shook his head and lowered his head.

"So, Mr. Bane, please sit down, I'll tell you about you duties in the famiglia" he said and I sat down again. Raphael waited till Alexander was about to sit down to get his chair for him. Alexander murmured a tiny 'thanks' and sat down between Sebastian and the Doctor. He looked small somehow between those two, even though he wasn't.

"Let me get right to the point Mr. Bane. As you know our areas that we have specialized on are drug dealing and prostitution, also wind energy, but that'll not be of your concern. "

I nodded, I already knew that. Alexander's reaction when Sebastian said 'prostitution' was the more interesting thing. It looked like he flinched but I couldn't be sure.

"Right now Mitchell Rose is the Capo leading the Drug business. But you see Mr. Bane, he is already in his 50's which is not the best age if you know what I mean. Well, I want you to take over this area. You will have to stay in contact with Spain and Ireland; those are the two European countries that work more closely with us. You job will be supervising three soldiers and six associates. You will have to distribute the different drugs to the last person. When the drugs come via ship, you will be the one making sure that they get to where they are supposed to get."

I nodded. I knew that

"If the police catch our drugs we lose millions of dollars, so; don't screw up. Do you think you will be able to do this, Mr. Bane?"


I said and risked a quick look at Alexander. He had his head bowed, looking down at the green mat. He was so beautiful.

"Good" Sebastian said "Where are you staying?" he asked then.

"I booked a room in a hotel in Brooklyn" I answered meeting his fierce gaze.

"Brooklyn?" he said like I had just announced to be living in a spillway. I nodded either way.

"You will stay with us" he said and I was speechless. With the Boss and…yeah, and who? Who is us?

"With you?" I asked cautiously

Sebastian nodded and said: "I live here in Manhattan in a penthouse with Alec."

I needed a moment to process that. The Boss of the most powerful mafia Clan was the boyfriend of the beautiful boy that I had kissed and flirted with before? Holy. Shit. I think my face turned green.

Alexander, or Alec, blushed as Sebastian took his hand and stood up dragging him with him.

"I'm tired, we are going home now. Raphael, make sure that Hook learn this lesson, I don't want him screwing up again."

Raphael nodded and shook Sebastian's hand. He kissed Alec's hand again and I also said my goodbyes.

"Thank you for everything" I said and he just smiled

"Get a good night's rest, tomorrow you'll be having another meeting with me and then I'll tell you more about your job. Buenas noches Señor Bane."

I smiled a last time and followed Alec and Sebastian out of the room. I walked behind them and watched as they held hands. Suddenly Sebastian let Alec go and walked beside me, letting Alec walk alone by himself.

"I hope you aren't afraid of heights" he said and grinned like a lion.

"No. Why?"

"Penthouse and all"

"Ah..right" I said and didn't know what else to tell him. Why was he walking beside me and not his boyfriend?

Alec looked kind of sad, walking all by himself. We walked out of the first VIP room and then out of the second, but we didn't go back in the club. We took a turn left and there were two men waiting at the door. When they saw Alec they opened the door for him and waited till we also were through. The cold winter night hit me like a fist and I had to pull my scarf tighter around my neck. A white Porsche Cayenne was waiting a few steps away. I looked back at the club, noticing that from behind it was just an old dirty and grey building.

"Keys?" said Sebastian and one of the men that had been following us all the way outside, gave him silver car keys without saying anything. Sebastian opened the passenger door for Alec that gave him a grateful smile and got in.

"Do you want to drive Mr. Bane?" Sebastian asked me and I just shook my head. I have never even seen a car like that. Well, not that I remember.

"I'll sit behind" I said

"Suit yourself" was the last thing the Boss said and we both got in the car.

The engine buzzed and I looked around. The inside of the car was even more impressive than the outward appearance. The seats were a dark rich brown leather and the rest was cream –colored. There were little plasma TV's on the back of the front seats and everything smelled like vanilla.

"If you're wondering about the smell, it's Alec" said Sebastian and laughed when Alec hit him on the arm.

"Well, I like vanilla, what can I say?" he said and smiled at me. I got that warm fuzzy feeling again and had to stop myself before I started fantasizing about the boy again.

"It's a good smell" I said and Alec blushing just a tiny bit.

"Did you know that Raphael's idol is Elvis?" said Sebastian looking for just a second at Alec.

Alec chuckled but said :" No he's not."

"I swear he is" said Sebastian and I saw how he smiled lightly when Alec said:" Why would you say that?"

"Didn't you see what he was wearing today? I swear he looked like Elvis" Sebastian laughed and I saw how Alec looked at him lovingly. Fuck, the jealousy is back.

"Well he is nice" said Alec and at that Sebastian's expression sobered.

"He is not nice Alec. He is just nice to you" he growled and Alec frowned.

"He is always nice to you too"

"When you're with me" Sebastian said and turned left. The city lights made his face look like a mask.

"He does it on purpose you know. He just wants your a-"

"Sebastian! Thant's not true!" shouted Alec but Sebastian seemed dead serious.

"What do you think Magnus?"

"About what?" I asked thinking that they had already forgotten me.

"About what we were talking about obviously"

"Right. Well…He was nice to me as well, but he did kiss the back of your hand which is not …normal" What the hell was I even saying. Ah! Right it was not me speaking but the stupid jealousy.

Sebastian though seemed satisfied.

"See even he has noticed it" he said and Alec remained silent.

"I don't like people touching what's mine" Sebastian said before driving into a garage and parking the car. He turned around and grinned at me like a wolf would grin at his prey.

"Welcome home"

A/N: Hello! So first of all thank you for reading as always and second, I did not forget my other story and I will continue it as soon as possible now that I have time again. Hope you enjoyed this chaper and if you did just hit the little nice review button…please?