Hey guys! I think it's terrible that Hollywood Heights ended. I thought that it wasn't enough so why not make one by myself? I'm a 100% Leddie shipper so you'll see a lot of Leddie romance in my stories. I hope you'll like it!

Loren and Eddie were holding each other their hands and they just couldn't stop smiling. No one blamed them because they were all very happy Eddie finally came back.

Loren: "Eddie, when we're back in LA, you're going to tell me everything. I mean how in earth did you make it without any injuries…"
Eddie: "Well I did have some help, but this trip is all about you Lo, you're going to perform in a few hours! When we get to our home I'll tell you everything."
Loren: "Wait; did you just say OUR home?"
Eddie: "Yeah, you already live there right?"
Loren: "That's true… but I thought that you were dead."
Eddie: "and now I'm not, so we're going to live together, if Nora approves of course."
Loren: "Oh Eddie, I don't know what to say."
Eddie: "You don't have to say anything honey. I love you, and I'd love to spend the rest of my life with you."
Loren: "Okay, let's go ask my mom!"

They stood up and walked towards Nora who was sitting with Max.

Eddie: "Nora can I ask you something?"
Nora: "Of course honey, what's up?"
Eddie: "I'd like to have Loren moving in with me, but only if you approve!"
Nora: "Oh Eddie… you're stealing my daughter. But I just want her to be happy, so my answer is yes. But…"
Loren & Eddie: "But…"
Nora: "But… Max and I will be welcome right?"
Eddie (laughing): "Of course, whenever you guys want."
Max: "Good thing that I'm moving in with Nora, so she won't feel lonely!"
Loren: "Wait what?! Mom, why didn't you tell me?"
Nora: "I'm sorry honey, I totally forgot."
Loren: "Hmm. I guess you're forgiven. But don't let this happen twice."
Nora: "I'm sorry mom."

Brenda came in and told every one that they had to sit in their seats again, because they were landing in a few minutes.

Eddie: "Loren Tate, here it comes. You're going to have haters and lovers. But I'll always be a lover and support you with everything you do. Because I love you, and I won't ever leave you again."

Loren: "I love you too Eddie. Thank you for everything.