Chapter Six: The wedding.

Thank you so much for the kind reviews. Many thanks to the reviewer who pointed out the name issue too! I have been too busy to write, but just had to squeeze this one out before tonight's episode!

Reverend Mother had summoned Sister Julienne to the Mother House that morning. This was an unusual occurrence, but the Sister was not unduly perturbed as she entered the office for their meeting.

"It has come to my attention Sister Julienne, that Sister Bernadette had not been required to relinquish her professed name. Why is this?"

Sister Julienne spent a few thoughtful moments looking out towards the convent garden and said,

"Yes Reverend Mother, I realise that the whole situation is highly unusual. But I suspect all of us at Nonnatus House would struggle to start calling Bernadette by any other name after all these years. She is like a daughter to us. We nearly lost her and..." she paused, "I think in many ways, she will always be a part of us despite her change in circumstances."

The silence that followed lasted some minutes.

"This is rather unchartered territory Sister but I have decided to trust your judgement. Sister Bernadette did not leave in disgrace, nor has she lost her faith, she has merely begun a new stage of her journey towards Christ. But we must always be careful to avoid offence or scandal."

"Yes, Reverend Mother."

"The wedding is to take place on Saturday I understand?"

Sister Julienne nodded, her sombre expression relaxed somewhat.

"Well, please assure Doctor Turner and ...Bernadette, that we will be praying for them."

"I will Reverend Mother, thank you."

"Now, there are a few more administrative items to discuss..."


Doctor Turner was getting ready to go home after Surgery. There was a gentle knock on the door, and he was relieved to see his fiancée and Timmy. They had come to collect him on their way to the doctor's house for supper. For the last few months, it had been a regular occurrence at least once a week. He embraced them both and smiled contentedly.

"How did the rehearsal go?" he asked his son,

"Alright I suppose" said Timmy, "but I wish I didn't have to play my violin this year". They had had this discussion many times before and both adults spent the journey home with all the usual responses and encouragement.

After the engagement, it had taken some weeks for the three of them to get used to their new situation, and Doctor Turner was immensely proud of the way his two favourite people had adapted to the change. Sister Bernadette had always had a special place in her heart for Timothy, because she understood what it felt like to lose a mother when very young. Now that she was simply Bernadette, and soon to marry his father, Timmy became a major part of her thoughts.

"I hope you aren't going to ignore me completely once we are married," Doctor Turner had teased her later that night, alone in his car. But it must have been a rhetorical question, as he chose that moment to pull her into arms and kiss her. After some time she rested her head on his shoulder, feeling all the concerns and questions of a soon-to-be bride and step-mother slip away.

" I love you Doctor Turner" she sighed.

In just a few days they would be living under the same roof, sleeping in the same bed (she blushed) and raising a child. She knew they would face each challenge together, just as they had done for so many years at work.

"I'd better go in, we have ante-natal clinic in the morning."

"How can I forget?"


On Saturday morning, the sun came out and Nonnatus House was a hive of activity. Mrs B had been cooking all week, and had come in early to ensure she was ready to cater for the reception at the convent.

Bernadette had slept little that night. She was happy, blissfully happy. She was nervous, excited and thankful. She tossed and turned for much of her last night at the convent. Early next morning, the nuns were delighted to see her at morning prayer and to hear her singing the psalms with them. It was a poignant prayer time, full of memories. But strangely none of the women felt sad. They were full of hope and thanks. Their young sister had found her true vocation, and the peace which comes with that.

After breakfast Jenny and Cynthia helped her to dress. Three months ago Chummy had offered to make Bernadette's wedding dress, and after establishing that the shy former nun was unused to discussing clothing, made a decision. She would design a simple but stunning wedding dress suitable for such a special person. It was made with love and all the midwives were involved in the secretive discussions about its progress.

Bernadette emerged shyly from her room and immediately found herself in a circle of love. Her friends and sisters gazed at the lovely young woman they knew so well. But never in all the years of knowing and loving her had they appreciated her hidden secret: a simply beautiful face, framed with soft golden hair. Her blue eyes were overflowing with joy. She was entirely unaware of how exquisite she was, and cared even less. She was of course, hoping that her husband-to-be would like her appearance.

"Thank you all so much for helping me today. I don't know how I would have managed without you" she said softly.

"Oh you look so lovely," whispered Chummy, the first of the group to find her voice, "I knew I was right not to overdo the dress. Golly you're going to blow Doctor Turner's socks off when he sees you!"

"You've all been...more than kind," said Bernadette quietly, her eyes filling with tears.

"Oh no don't make her cry, I absolutely forbid you to cry Bernie, it's your wedding day and you look like an angel!" cried Trixie,

"Or Saint Cecilia," declared Sister Monica Joan, "or perhaps Ophelia..."


Doctor Turner stood nervously in the church waiting for her. He glanced up the aisle to see Timothy chatting happily to the gathering guests as they walked into the church. The sun streamed in, and he seemed unable to gather his thoughts. It was difficult to take in. He was getting married. Was she really going to walk through those doors after all? But at last she was standing there. At last she was walking towards him, her face barely visible through her white veil.

And now the veil was drawn back and they were face to face.

They remembered that first time, when they had really looked at each other.

They remembered how he had kissed her hand and how much they had longed to be together.

And now they could begin.