He kisses me again. And again. A soft touch of his lips on mine, little butterfly kisses to the corners of my mouth, my jaw, around my ears, the tip of my nose. I, in return, lean into the kisses, allow this kisse and, let's face it, kiss him back. I kiss every inch of available skin I can find, kiss kiss kiss, what was that I just kissed? Oh, it was the side of his nose- and what a beautiful nose-side it is. I don't think I've seen one so beautiful before, I don't think there is one as beautiful.

Love me, love me, love me- something inside of me has snapped, and this is all I can think now. Love me, love me, love me, Antonio, love me- I want nothing more on this earth than to be loved by him and, maybe, someday... maybe I could even... love him back? Can I even love anymore? Wait... who's to say I could love in the first place...

His lips find mine again and, this time, it's a deeper kiss... he gently licks across my lips with his tongue. With a small sigh, I open my mouth, let him gently slide his tongue inside, let him slowly move around my mouth. I just don't want him to stop. Ever.

With a small sigh, he pulls back again, and I blearily blink my own eyes open to stare at him confusedly.

"I'm sorry Lovi..." he says, looking at me tenderly. "You're tired. I'm sure you want to rest. I'm sorry." He presses a long kiss to my forehead, and when he pulls back he pulls his body away from mine with him, and that- that's unacceptable.

I slowly wind my arms around his neck, leaning forward and pressing a light kiss to his stubbly chin- when was the last time he shaved? Meh, it doesn't matter, because I like it...

"You don't have to stop," I breathe as I move to kiss his lips. "I... I like it... j-just a little..." My face heats up in it's customary blush, and it grows even warmer as the surprised look on his face fades to a happy smile.

"Oh, okay then, mi amor, I definitely won't stop kissing you then~" He leans forward yet again to place a kiss on my lips, and then everywhere else on my face, it seems, and I close my eyes and enjoy each little flare of warmth that flutters up inside of me with every kiss. I just love it when he kisses me. I didn't know that before just now, but I do, oh, I definitely do...

So when he suddenly stops, I'm confused.

"'Tonio...?" I murmur, blearily opening my eyes once again to see why he's stopped. He's frowning lightly at me, and I instantly think I've done something wrong and the insecurity, the no-one-loves-me feeling come back, full force. I start to move slowly away, unwrapping my arms from around him, tearing up again, but he clutches me back to him before I can get too far away, holding me closely, comfortingly, and waiting a while before finally saying what's on his mind.

"Why were you crying, Lovi, mi amor?" he asks softly.

"I... I wasn't... crying..." I insist stupidly.

"You were," he says simply. "You were. I saw you."

"I... I wasn't, really!" I pause for breath, then sigh. "It was my brother. Feliciano. Everyone just... likes him better. Than they like..."

"You," he finishes for me. He kisses my lightly on my neck, just under my ear, and it's like he's hit a pressure point, because I'm suddenly relaxed again. I close my eyes blissfully before answering.


"Well, don't worry, mi amor, I love you more than I've ever love anyone or anything in my life. I love you enough to make up for everyone liking him more than they like you." He kisses my neck again, and warmth spreads through me, but not from the kiss. How can he say such sweet, beautiful, passionate, poetic things without making an utter fool of himself?

"I... I l-lov- like -no, love- I'm... I feel the same about you..." I mutter, ducking my head into his chest to hide my burning cheeks. I'm relieved when he lets me hide there, because I don't think I could look him in the eye without... without... um, doing... something...

"Lovi, do you really, truly love me?" he asks, and the hopeful note in his voice would seem almost pathetic if it wasn't so- so damn cute.

I think about it. "W-well, I thought that I hated you a while ago, but then I realized I really don't, I really just- I just- won't you kiss me again?" I ask, and suddenly my whole train of that has driven out the window and I stare at him eagerly. He giggles slightly, but kisses me anyways.

"That's good enough for me, mi amor," he says sappily, but it still makes me blush and want to smother him with kisses until we either suddenly turn into one person or we both die of happiness and breathlessness- I didn't realize kissing took so much air.

He squeezes me even more tightly in his arms, and then starts breathing slowly, probably going to sleep like any sane person would.

I want to join him.

But before I do that, I need to ask him something.

"A-Antonio...?" I ask in a small voice.

"Mmhmm..." he replies drowsily.

"Will... will you still be here when I wake up?" I ask, voice trembling slightly- fuck.

He opens his eyes again- and god, that green -and smiles at me. "Of course, mi amor. I'll be here every time you wake up, if you wish it."

"I wish it," I say before I can somehow convince myself not to.

He smiles lazily and closes his eyes, snuggling into me some more.

"Good, because I was planning on staying if you wanted or not."

A/N Awww! And remember, listen to the song! And if you want the version WITH the lyrics, it's on my blog on Tumblr, epicfawesomesauce. ^-^