I promised to finish this story and I will. I left it at Vlad and Danny talking at Victoria's restaurant. This might be the second last chapter. If people like it ill make another chapter up as soon as I can. No, I'm not bored by my stories, I've just been taking care of my niece and now I have another on the way as well as trying to get back into school. I apologize for the delay I wanted to end this in a good way too. So here it is Vlad and Danny's last chapter of this story but not the last story I will ever write about them.

Disclaimer: I own nothing

This is about a 1 and ½ years after meeting up at Victoria's

"Vlad Stop, " Danny laughs breathlessly. "Please, the tickling is too much."

"It's just too much fun to tickle you," Vlad says laughing as he stops. " I still can't believe I can call you mine again."

"Me neither" Danny looks at him and smile. "but this time we're equal partners. Besides, we've got the rings to prove it." He shows off his wedding and engagement band.

Vlad laughs and holds Danny's hand then kisses him.

"I'm so proud to call you my husband and I can't believe you are going up into space for a year. " Vlad says. "I'll miss you so much, love."

"I'll miss you too," Danny says. "I wish you could come up with me but we'd never get any work done." He chuckles.

"All too true love. All too true."

"What are you going to do while I'm gone? I leave tomorrow."

"I'll probably work and spend nights looking up at the stars probably to try and find you."

"Sappy old goat," Danny says affectionately.

"Well, you are a kid to me so watch it." Vlad laughs as he pulls Danny into a hug. "It's the last time I'll see you in your favorite black t-shirt with Ember band on it, your leather pants and boots for an entire year. I'm so happy for you. Working with NASA and working on the space station for a year."

"It's also thanks to you Vlad." Danny smiles. "You helped me get this far. Yeah you had to open a few doors but you're right I earned it. Damn, I'll miss you dressing' like this. In your white button-ups and black pants. Don't forget your leather boots." He laughs a little.

Danny cuddles into Vlad a bit and Vlad pulls him closer.

"Our last night for a whole year Danny," Vlad says with a sigh. "It will be hard to deal with."

"I agree but we'll be fine. We've both grown up since we hurt each other. We were able to learn and not do it like that again. I've been with you all over the world and you've been with me at my workplace. It's been amazing since we got back together. We have our fights and stuff no doubt about that but we don't run like we use to. We work it out now." Danny smiles giving Vlad a kiss.

"You're right now," Vlad smirks. "Let's do something about these clothes. If this is our last time together for a year, I tend to do more then talk."

"Well, Mr. Masters." Danny smirks. "I'm waiting."

"Your wish is my command, Mr. Masters," Vlad smirks at him before tackling him to the bed.

There we are. If people like this chapter I will add another one. Then I'll go back and redo the other chapters. One day I plan on taking all my stories and re-editing them. So please enjoy and thanks! Heart of a Goddess2009 out! Later!