Batman regained conciousness slowly. He looked around to see the Creeper lying senseless on the floor, and took this opportunity to put the patch on him. Creeper moaned, and then slowly began to transform back into Jack Ryder.

Ryder opened his eyes, looking around at the destruction. "What…what happened?" he muttered, feeling his head.

"Creeper," retorted Batman. "And Joker and Harley. Frankly, you're probably lucky to be alive."

"Yeah, I remember seeing them and being terrified at losing my patch," he murmured. "But I don't remember anything after that."

"Probably for the best," said Batman.

Ryder shook his head. "Just gonna go get some water," he said, heading for the bathroom.

Batman suddenly heard him say, "Oh God!"

He hurried over to see him standing by the door to his bedroom, staring in horror at the chaos. Almost everything in the room had been smashed or broken, and there was a message left on the wall written in shaving foam:

Hope the headaches aren't too bad, but you deserve them for the headache you both gave me today. Fortunately Harley made things right with some far better than mediocre sex (and here the handwriting changed slightly with the words: Told ya, puddin'!) I would say sorry about the mess, but I ain't. Have fun cleaning up, and don't worry – your secret's safe with me, Jack. Ha ha ha! – J

Batman and Ryder shared a look, before the latter sighed heavily and said, "I'll get the mop."

The End