It was Tori's birthday in three days and Jade had no idea what to get her. She couldn't very well ask Andre or Cat because then they would wonder why she would want to get Tori anything. Because she was supposed to hate her.

But she didn't.

So she was back to searching through Tori's Slap profile to see if she could find anything. At a loss for any ideas she closed her laptop with a huff of breath. She stared at the picture of friends and tapped her nails on the lid of her laptop. Suddenly she stood up and left her room in a hurry. On the car ride over to Tori's house Jade turned her music up and put her windows down. The night air was electrified with summer and Jade sang loudly. She liked to drive at night.

It didn't take her long to reach the Vega's house and when she knocked on the door it was opened by Tori's mother, Holly.

"Hello Jade, Tori's not here at the moment," Holly said.

"Oh, that's okay, I'll just wait for her." Jade entered the house. Holly shrugged and shut the door.

"You are welcome to wait down here, or you can go up to Tori's room if you'd like. It's the first door on the left." Holly informed her as she headed to the kitchen. Jade smiled widely and thanked Holly. She decided to skip asking Tori all together, she would see what she liked based on her room. She wandered up to Tori's room and opened the door carefully. She didn't know why Holly thought it was necessary to specify which door was Tori's considering her name was nailed in pink and purple letters to the white wood. She flipped the switch and light flooded the room. It was big, but not overly large and Jade suppressed a laugh as soon as she saw what covered the majority of Tori's room.

"Really, Vega, Superman?" She ran her hand over the 'S' on her bed sheets. A lot of the Superman paraphernalia was colored pink to be considered more girly. Jade chuckled and glanced around the room.

"Okay, if that's what you like." Jade sniggered lightly and exited the room with a flick of the switch.

Three Days Later

"Here." Jade dropped a box wrapped in black paper and topped with a purple bow in front of Tori.

"Happy Birthday." She smirked. "Better open it before anyone else shows up." She told her as she slid onto the bench beside her.

"Uh, it's not going to be a severed hand or a dead animal, is it?" Tori asked nervously.

"No, trust me, you'll like it." Jade replied as she inspected her nails.

"Okay." Tori pulled the bow off and pressed it to her chest. She smiled and ripped at the paper surrounding the box. After crumbling the material into a ball and tossing it across the table she removed the lid and her smile slipped from her face and she slapped the lid back down. Jade watched her carefully and Tori's eyes slowly met with hers.

"How did you know?" She whispered.

"It's our secret." Jade gestured between them. "Nobody else knows." She assured. Tori's lips pushed into a small smile as she lifted the top again.

"It's beautiful." She reached her hand in and skimmed her hand over the glass figurine in the box. After closing the box and cautiously setting it on the table she threw her arms around Jade's neck.

"Thank you!" She grinned. Jade slipped her arms around Tori's back.

"You're welcome." She replied with a laugh.