So here's the actual story for Katherine. :D I am experimenting with a slightly different tone of writing this time go round, so just bear with me as I embark upon this new pairing! Also, as of right now, this is Pre-movie. It will proceed to the movie events eventually, but I will have to see how everything plays out to determine how much of the movie I want to use.
Mrs. Jones' School for Young Ladies, May 14, 1910
"Katherine, I do wish you would hurry up."
Katherine looked up from the desk she was sitting at, brown eyes wide as she took in her friend Eleanor's determined stance. Katherine pursed her lips, fighting a small smile at the persistently sulking manner that Eleanor had taken up.
Katherine ran her little finger over the charcoal still life drawing that she had been working on for her art class later that day, smudging the shadow of an apple that had been particularly stubborn in its shading. "I will be along shortly, Ellie," Katherine said with a smile, looking back to Eleanor. "This is due tomorrow morning."
Eleanor pursed her lips, sauntering over to where her friend sat in the morning sun. Had it been warmer weather, she knew Katherine would have had the window open to allow fresh air into the rather stuffy study room. The two were in their last years of finishing school, soon to go back to the bustling city of London to engage in the ever popular season.
"It's terribly good already," Eleanor said as she picked the picture up to examine it. Her golden hair was swept back in a tight bun, her skirts made of the best silks money could buy. "Come on, Katie. Just think! Soldiers!" Katherine tilted her head to the side, looking back at her friend of fifteen years. The two were practically sisters, and yet so very different. The moment Eleanor had heard about the soldiers that would be spending two nights on the eastern grounds of the boarding school, it had been all she talked about.
Katherine furrowed her brow, taking the charcoal-laden paper from Eleanor's hand. "Half of those men are no better than the ones we've already associated with, Eleanor. I told you I do not want to get wrapped up with the likes of them. Especially not with all the rumors about a possible Great War."
The two were in a stand-off of sorts for a moment or two. Eleanor's already white-gloved hands were resting gracefully on her tiny hips. "I'll bet there will be officers…" Ellie said after a moment, linking her arm through Katherine's. "Those would be the ones we'd be serious about anyways…"
"The headmistress said no," Katherine said, but letting Eleanor pull her to her feet all the same.
"The headmistress only said no about going out to see them. She's letting all of the older girls go to tea with them this afternoon. You didn't hear about that because you were so preoccupied with that drawing of yours. Now come," Eleanor said with a grin, tugging Katherine's small hand. "We have to look our best today, do we not? Tis only proper to appear in such a way before a man that fights for the flag of his majesty."
Katherine smiled softly, rolling her eyes as Ellie all but steered her towards the room that they shared.
Katherine smiled at her own reflection, smoothing a bit of powder on over her delicate features as she thought of Eleanor's giddiness. Eleanor was the epitome of a hopeless romantic. Katherine doubted she had ever seen a girl so intent on finding the love spoken of in Jane Austen's stories. To Katherine, however, that was all that that was: Stories. She herself had never been in love, and Katherine was certain that her wedding- should she be successful in her season- would be one of convenience for her father.
But for someone such as Eleanor… If there was a wild love like that of Mr. Darcy's and Elizabeth Bennet's, Eleanor would be the one to find it.
Katherine was not unattractive, far from it. Her bright red hair was the only thing that she did not care for about her body, and even that was not something that plagued her thoughts. She was a girl of substance, more concerned with the sensible side of her life than the frivolous fantasies that seemed to flit through Eleanor's head on a daily basis.
Katherine's father owned a rather large series of fields outside of London. He had been a doctor by profession for quite some time, but she supposed that he preferred the outdoors after so many years of being stifled in a doctor's office. As for Katherine, the sun had never agreed with her pale complexion, though she did take great joy in being outdoors when she could. The light dusting of freckles along the bridge of her nose was testament to her younger years of being outside in the fields and only now that she was in her final teen years did she realize that the sun had left them on her.
She glanced over at the table top clock of her vanity, picking up the pace at which she was getting ready to go to tea as she realized that she would be late if she didn't hurry. She doubted Eleanor would ever trust her to get ready herself again if she was late to this.
Katherine immediately felt heat rush to her cheeks as she made it down the stairs of the dormitory wing. It was not the uncommon heat that got to her, but the obvious heavy thudding of men's boots along the wooden floors of the dining hall that was just beyond the set of double doors at the foot of the stairs.
Surely there were not so many men to make such a racket! She licked her lower lip, biting down on it hard in an attempt to get some redness in it before settling into a brisk pace down the hallway.
Idly, she slipped into the line of the girls that had crowded around the door, easily finding Eleanor's golden hair. The headmistress of the school was at the doors, keeping any of the more eager girls from entering before the proper time.
"They just got in," Eleanor said to Katherine, the excitement in her voice slightly tainted by a whisper. "We'll be allowed in in no time."
Katherine smiled. In truth, she too was excited now that it was actually time to meet these men. Her brother was an officer in the Royal Navy, and she often took great joy in listening to his stories when he came home on leave. Perhaps these gentlemen would be able to extend the same type of opportunity to her.
Katherine was a writer. While she loved to draw, she still enjoyed the inevitable build and climax of a good story. There was nothing more intriguing to her than a good story and men that travelled constantly always had some sort of new idea for her.
The headmistress began to speak, pulling Katherine from her train of thought.
"I expect each and every one of you to behave as I have taught you," Mrs. Jones began solemnly. "You will be excused if you prove you cannot reflect well on what you have learned here. These men are officers and men of the king. I expect you to treat them as such."
Katherine bit down on her lower lip, trying to pull blood into it so it looked a bit redder than usual. It was something Ellie had taught her to do.
The doors to the dining hall opened and the girls were ushered inside.
"Oh goodness," Eleanor said with a little huff from her place at the table. The tea that the girls were supposed to be having with the officers had proven to be rather uneventful. All of the girls had been moved to the far end of the hall, taking up a whole of two round tables to themselves. The officers had been given their own seats with the teachers, rendering the chance for any of the girls to get to talk to them quite hopeless.
Kate smiled softly into her tea cup as Ellie stretched in her seat to get a look at the men, quite obviously irritated at the seating arrangements. "Calm down, Eleanor. I am sure we will get to speak with them after tea."
Eleanor cut her blue eyes back to Katherine. "So you think that do you?"
Katherine shrugged, setting her tea cup back into the little groove of her saucer. Her own brown gaze had, admittedly, begun to take in the clean cut uniforms of the soldiers. Many had medals on; Several were well above the rank of lieutenant.
"Do you think all of them are in the cavalry?" Kate said excitedly.
Eleanor pursed her lips, thinking. "Perhaps." Then she cut her eyes back to Katherine. "Why?"
Katherine smiled softly, taking in the twenty or so officers but never answering Kate. Her father owned several horses and kept them on their country estate. She had practically grown up learning how to ride and it was something that excited her. Her gaze continued to roam over the small squad of men, but every now and again it would flit back to one in particular. He was clearly the leader of the small group, and the way he held himself was testament to that. Blue eyes and soft blonde curls were the first thing she noticed when she looked at him, and she realized that he couldn't' have been much older than her. She was eighteen, soon to be nineteen and he couldn't have been older than twenty three. How early did they start in the army nowadays?
Her brother Ben had joined the Navy when he was her age though, and seeing as their family was not exactly poor her father had been able to buy him a decent commission on the H.M.S Allendale.
"Oh look, the old bat's getting up to speak again," Eleanor said under her breath, just loud enough so Katherine could hear her. Kate shot her a look as the headmistress rose from her place next to the blonde officer Katherine had been looking towards.
"Ladies, gentlemen," Mrs. Jones said with a polite smile. "Thank you for joining us today. To the officers of the 54th cavalry, I know I speak for all of us here when I say welcome and that you are forever with our gratitude."
"Oh, just let us speak with them already," Ellie mumbled, and Kate shifted a bit in her seat.
"Now, if all of you would care to join us in the parlor, I believe that Mr. Walsh, our music instructor here, has prepared a wonderful little recital before we send our esteemed guests on their way."
Katherine looked back at Eleanor excitedly, smiling as the officers stood and allowed the girls to exit.
There was no denying the beautiful sound of the piano as Katherine found herself seated on a couch by the window of the parlor not ten minutes later. It was midafternoon at this point, and she found herself content as she sat on the sofa and listened to the melody that her music teacher was playing. She had tried her hand more often than she cared to admit at the piano, but it was something that did not come as easily to her as her drawings. She had regrettably gravitated away from the art of music making some time ago, but she still found herself very appreciative of the music when the soft melody met her ears.
Eleanor was long gone, somewhere across the room with another girl speaking with the soldiers. Katherine hadn't had the nerve to do such a thing, afraid that she might embarrass herself asking of such silly stories in a setting as formal as this one.
Looking back, perhaps it was divine province that made her stay where she was though, for she was quite certain a certain blonde officer would not have spoken with her had she not gotten up in a snap decision and collided with him instantly.
"Excuse me, Sir!" she exclaimed, trying in vain to right herself as she found herself looking at a rather extensive set of medals over the right pocket on his uniform. "Do forgive me…"
She looked up into eyes so blue she wondered if they were even real. They were… intriguing to say the least and she realized it was the same man she had been studying at tea. He hadn't seemed so tall across the room. Katherine was small, but still! He had to have been six foot tall at the very least! Katherine's own father only barely reached five foot nine...
"The fault is mine, Miss. I should have been more aware."
Kate's mouth went dry as she looked back at his gaze. She could feel heat rise in her cheeks and she looked down. What was she supposed to do now? Introduce herself? That sounded like the right thing to do...
The officer beat her to it though. "I am Lieutenant James Nicholls," he said, obviously unsure of himself as well.
Katherine smiled back. "I'm Kate-Katherine," she corrected herself. "Katherine Sinclair." She smiled cordially as he took her hand in greeting and she was certain her face was as red as her hair was now. How strange he must think her!
She cleared her throat, feeling a bit of the heat in her cheeks die down at last. "Are you enjoying our hospitality, Lieutenant?" she squeaked. She never squeaked.
"I am," he replied with a smile. "Your Mr. Walsh is quite the talent," he added on.
Katherine smiled at that, nodding in agreement. "He is wonderful."
Lieutenant Nicholls smiled warmly at that. "Do you play?" he asked, gesturing a graceful hand towards the instrument.
Katherine raised an eyebrow at that, shaking her head quickly. "Oh no, Sir," she said. "I am afraid I would have half the dogs on the countryside howling along if I attempted. At least that is what my brother tells me." She was joking, but at first she was uncertain if he took it as such.
"That is… unfortunate," he said with a half-smile. Katherine mentally kicked herself.
Katherine grinned, unable to help herself. She had already embarrassed herself in front of him, might as well take it from here, yes?
"I prefer to draw," she said, returning to her demure state but no longer putting up the show she had always been taught to portray.
The Lieutenant raised his eyebrows at that. "I find a great joy in drawing as well," he said after a moment.
Katherine tried to stop her jaw from hitting the floor. Since when did men in the army take stock in the arts? "Really?" she said, pleasant surprise in her voice.
Lieutenant Nicholls nodded, looking back at her before letting his gaze wander around the room. "It is a wonderful stress relief, I find."
Katherine smiled. "I am inclined to agree."
"Where are you from, may I inquire?" the Lieutenant said politely, clearly trying to make small talk.
"My family is currently in London," Katherine replied.
Lieutenant Nicholls smiled. "As is mine," he replied. "I'll be returning for the season shortly though."
Katherine opened her mouth to speak, but she was cut off from her last question as Mrs. Jones rang the small bell on the fireplace, a signal for the girls to go to prayer before dinner. Lieutenant Nicholls looked back down at Katherine as Mrs. Jones spoke, speaking low so only she would hear. "Perhaps when I am in London again we shall see each other," he said with a reassuring smile.
Katherine smiled back, nodding softly. "It was wonderful to meet you, Lieutenant," she said with a little curtsey.
Lieutenant Nicholls smiled back at her, bowing his own head before Katherine turned away to follow the other girls in her class to prayers.
This will be a very slow, very friendly relationship. I don't want to rush it because I don't feel like that's something James would do.
It's kind of scary. As I was rereading through this I realized how much Katherine reminds me of myself. :P
Review if you liked it! I live for feedback