A\N I know this is long over due but This time i have a bunch of chapters typed out so i should be able to start uploading regularly now

All I can hear is crying and whimpering but I can't figure out where it's coming from. Am I crying and whimpering without even realizing it? That can't be right, I would have noticed if I was or not. Maybe there's someone with me, if I could only just… maybe… no I still can't open my eyes and even worse my entire body is covered with something sticky.

Without any warning Danny felt a sharp pain go through his cheek. He looked up startled and surprised to find out who the pain came from. He looked at her with a hurt look in his eyes, he knew he was acting all pathetic but he didn't think it needed to go that far.

"Cathryn! Why would you do that!" screamed Kono

Cathryn looked at the group of people who were staring at her with shocked expressions. It needed to be done, she had finally come to the realization of why Danny was so hurt by all of this and it wasn't just because he thought he was to blame but she wasn't going to bring it up to the group because she wanted him to be the one who told everyone. She felt betrayed that Danny would do this to her and before she knew what was happening she slapped her hand against Danny's face. She knew if she didn't say anything soon so they would start questioning her for her real reason of why she did it. "I did it because Danny going into an emotional breakdown isn't going to help us to retrieve Steve's body and find Scott and make him pay," she flashed Danny a look of annoyance and telling him that she knew. When he saw her looked he backed away a bit but thankfully no one noticed.

"Cathryn has a point," agreed Chin "we need to continue our search for Scott and…. And Steve's body," Chin was about to say more when a familiar voice sounded from behind him. When he turned around he saw the bastard who had killed Steve

"Aww what a lovely group of pathetic losers, and you've all been crying as well, this day just gets better and better. Now to get to business, I have some good news but it comes at a cost, if my question isn't answered then I'll do something even more horrible then I've already done."

"What could you possibly do that's even worse than killing Steve?" asked Danny

"Well what if I said that you're beloved 'super seal' is still alive? Oh yes I know what you all would do none of you would believe me isn't that correct my sweet Kono?"

Even though Scott was behind a screen Chin couldn't help but step in front of Kono to protect her.

"If I were you I would answer me when I am talking to you or Steve's body will be sent back to you limb by limb. I hope that coroner of yours is skilled in putting body parts back together otherwise you're going to find it awfully hard to lay the man to rest "

Kono looked from the screen to the rest of the group where she saw chin give her a slight nod and stepped away from in front of her. Kono looked back to the screen and let out a sigh, "Yes it is true. Why would we believe anything you had to say you sick bastard?"

"A little more anger then I was expecting but none the less still what I thought you would say. Now be a good girl and step back from the screen."

"You sick and twisted bastard, how you could be so cruel to tell us that Steve is alive when he really isn't. What kind of monster would do that someone? Just tell us where you have Steve hidden so we can bring his body home and lay him to rest" Danny just stared at the screen with tears threatening to spill over waiting for Scott to finally give up Steve's position so they could finally bring him home. He couldn't deny his feelings anymore and he knew that Catherine knew the truth and that was why she really slapped him. He knew the rest of the team had a hunch but the only one who truly knew about it was Rachel and she promised to never tell anyone.

"Oh Daniel I'm hurt that you really think I would do that. Now that we we've gotten far off topic I'd like to bring it back to the real reason for me speaking to you five. As much as I love watching you five squirm and have emotional break downs, oh don't be so shocked you must have known by now that I've been watching you every moves, as I was saying before I enjoy seeing you all suffer but watching you five start fighting among yourselves even more. And might I add I never thought you had it in you to hit one of your friends like you did, I quite enjoyed watching it happen. Now to add some more tension to this group, Daniel why don't you let the group know the little secret you're hiding that made Catherine slap you."

Daniel looked at Scott in shock, how could he have figured it out he doesn't even know him or has even been around him enough to figure out. Looking up from the floor he sees that everyone but Catherine is giving him a questioning look. He couldn't help but flinch away from the cold stare he was getting from Catherine.

"Maybe this will be more of an incentive to get you to speak," when Scott stepped away from the screen what they saw put them in total shock, sitting in the dark room was Steve alive staring at them