Hey all! I have been a longtime member of FanFiction and posted a long dead story way back. I am back and I (believe) have a better writing style now. Just thought i'd say that. Criticism and praise is definitely welcome! Enjoy

0900 hours, March 2543

Staff Sergeant Derek Griff walked through the titanium hallway wondering what he got called in for. Can't be demotion because it doesn't happen here, he thought having gone through demotion a few times. What's so important to give Kilo Company to another Staff Sergeant? Once he reached the door he stood there for a few seconds letting the scanner look over him, then it opened into a shady room with a bright table in the middle, lights shining on the table alone. No one sat there. He went sit in one of the chairs and sat contemplating.

Then two men and one woman walked in and took places on the other side of the table. The first man was young with the stars of a Vice Admiral along with neatly carved cheek bones and brown hair; he seemed the most human of them. The second man was aged with graying hair and pale skin, and the woman around fifty had short trimmed hair that was jet black for her age.

"We cannot exchange our names with you Staff Sergeant Griff except the fact that we are the ones that are solely responsible for this," the woman said coldly. "We want you for a special mission," she said with her icy tone dropping a portfolio labeled "Confidential" on the table. Griff picked it up almost feeling the coldness from the woman's hand and looked through it.

"I saw more than once in this the word SPARTAN, what is this?" Griff asked puzzled. They already have two Spartan Programs. Bringing another one in would cause even more controversy.

"You are to train a new generation of Spartans; you will be the head trainer of the Spartan Armada Project along with Spartan Petty Officer Second Classes Jerome-092, Douglas-042, and Alice-130." Saying every word casually. "These will be children trainees but not as young as the other programs, they will be teenagers, fourteen through sixteen."

"First of all why me, second of all I thought those Spartans were dead, and third of all what the hell are you thinking?" Griff said not fearing the old woman that he figured out was Margaret Parangosky and nobody crossed her without living. The other two he still did not recognize.

"We chose you because you've got guts and because you aren't afraid to do what many can't do which is winning by any means. Now the Spartans you're working with appeared on the Spirit of Fire on the edge of the Sol System after the Battle of Apex and were after a time sent to Earth to prepare the camp for training," the younger man said.

I will win by any means but I still care for my soldiers and they would do the same for me, he argued in his head silently. "So do I have a choice?"

"You do, but I doubt you will back down. I must warn you, things you do will be against every moral you have but we ask you to pull through for us if you choose to accept," the older man said gruffly.

They all looked at him with unreadable expressions and he began thinking of his choices. If I say no I'll be sitting around with my company "guarding" UNSC bases that don't need guarding, but if I say yes I can train Spartans, Spartans that could win the war. "I'll do it," Griff said simply. No need for speeches.

"Good," Parangosky said her iciness melting away for a second then freezing again. "You will be sent to Earth immediately with a more pronounce briefing. You are dismissed."

All three got up and walked back to the door they came from and left him in the room alone. Well if this is to win the war I'll do it. To save humanity. He got up and walked out of the door a Private was at the door waiting for his arrival. He saluted and waited for the order to relax. Griff didn't really like that, he'd rather the soldiers more relaxed but he just dealt with.

"At ease, soldier."

"Sir I am here to bring you to your Pelican to Montana," he said.

"Lead on," Griff replied. The soldier began walking down the long hallway ready to face the long years to come.

1400 hours, March 2543

Griff stepped on to the uneven ground of a random forest in Montana where the construction of the camp were pretty much done. He strode away from the cacophonous sound of the Pelican to the meeting room of the Camp. The forest was cleared around the camp and from where he was located he could see the medium size Meeting Room to his upper left and the Mess Hall to his upper right with the Barracks behind them. Elsewhere there was construction for big things he didn't recognize. He then walked over to the room and stepped in to see three Spartans saluting before he could register it. Never met a Spartan in person, truly amazing, he thought.

"At ease soldiers," he said with a grin. "You," he looked at the tallest one "must be Jerome," Griff said without saying the Spartan's numbers afterward. It was a fellow soldier, not a robot. "Good to meet Spartans in person." They had UNSC fatigues on. Jerome was an African-American with short hair and a scar on his chin. Alice was a pale woman with UNSC standard length black hair. Douglas had a light tan with brown hair trimmed nicely. They all had a straight but bright face on looking happy to be back on Earth.

"Good to meet you sir," he replied simply.

"I don't mean to interrupt, but I must get you all briefed," an ONI operative said with a straight face.

"Excuse me for that," Griff replied taking a seat with the other Spartans in the auditorium like room.

"Now as you know Spartans Jerome-092, Alice-130, and Douglas-042 participated in The Battle of Arcadia and Battle of Shield World 0459 and were reportedly missing with the rest of the crew of the Spirit of Fire. The truth is we found them on the brink of their ship losing all power and kept it a secret." The operative stated pausing to gauge their reactions.

Griff looked at the three Spartans and they simply nodded. He was beyond shocked those men and women were thought to be dead and gone, even had a memorial for them. Why would ONI do that?

"We kept it a secret so we would have an unknown factor to assist us deep behind the enemy line. It was a success for awhile until their stealth ship was critically damaged. We sent them to Reach where they had down time. Then these three Spartans," he motioned to them "Were asked to train a new generation of Spartans, they agreed and here we are," he ended with a smile.

Griff shook his head out of amazement or disbelief he didn't know but what he did know was that if ONI was behind this it wouldn't be very high on his to-do list. It's for humanity, he reminded himself grimly.

"Now we are here, the great outdoors of Montana in Camp Semper Fi," he said.

Griff thought he heard a scoff from one of the Spartans. He cracked a smile, Always faithful my ass he thought.

"The facility schematics are in these files along with the candidates," he handed them to Griff and passed them out. "I'll talk about the procedures in person."

"What procedures are we talking about," Griff asked.

"Well first you're going to train them with various procedures used with the Spartan IIs and Spartan IIIs along with a few new procedures. They will also receive the Spartan IIs augmentations and a more advanced second set of augmentations that we will inform you of at a later date." He said pausing for questions.

"Well I read in here there will be fifty members for the first company. There will be more?" Alice asked her tone borderline threatening to which Griff was shocked.

"Yes this group will be the test subjects so to speak. After them the other companies will be numbered in the hundreds, if this company survives," he replied pointedly. Alice nodded still looking on edge.

"Now if you will follow me I'll give you a tour of the place," he said oblivious of the Spartan's tone. Griff stood up and glanced at the other Spartans. How do they expect Spartans, ones taken from their families as a young child, to train these kids without even a doubt in what they're doing, insane Griff thought and saw them with similar looks in their eyes.