Author's Note: This is from the point of view of MaC (nicknamed after Marie Curtis, two time nobel prize winner in two different fields of science). She's tall, has long dark brown hair, that's always in a knot. She was one of the very fist gladers. MaC was also a runner, (so she is automatically, very cut) though she did basically everything, filling in when needed but mostly just keeping an eye out for trouble with in the glade. She and Newt had a bit of a romantic relationship, though Minho always liked her. It killed her to see Newt turn into a Crank. If Minho hadn't been there for her to lean on... well, she might not've been in this story. in this version Tomas did not totally accept Brenda at the end of "The Death Cure" he took time to mourn Teresa, she gave up everything for him, all she wanted to do was protect him though sometimes it meant hurting him... she loved him. And she died for him. Future MaC&Minho and Thomas&Brenda. Enjoy, Review! Be nice, though Constructive Criticism is welcome.

I rested my head on Minho's shoulder, remembering when he used to be the one going nuts while Newt was here next to me. I missed him, but he was gone... dead, I hoped. I hoped someone ened his tourment like I should have. I hoped that wherever he was... he was better now. Minho draped an arm around my shoulders and I hugged him. "What are we going to do?"

"What we always do... Survive."

I snorted, "I guess rolling over and dying has never really appealed to our senses... though sometimes I wonder if it would've been better than the hell we've lived through."

"Depends, though I can't imagine hell is much worse."

I smiled and looked up at him. "I'm not willing to test that... What do ya think Thomas is up to?" I used to call him Tommy, like Newt, but it just doesn't feel right any more, like that was Newt's nickname for him and anyone else call in him that is just wrong.

"Probably sucking face," he muttered. I whacked him and rolled my eyes. We sat there enjoying the silence. this was the first time in weeks we could just... sit. We'd been so busy organizing everyone, giving out jobs, tending the wounded that we never got the time to just sit and wonder how in the world we survived all that klunk. We'd started the night in silence. we'd been avoiding one another. We both reminded the other of Newt, and we weren't over that yet. I hadn't cried, I can't cry, but Minho had known I was crying on the inside and held me close, just as he did when Newt left that note and broke my heart. I never got to thank him... but I think he knows how much I appreciate the fact that he cares.


"MaC, Minho, Quick! They're gonna kill each other!"

Minho was up before he finsihed, "Who?"

"Jimmy, from the glade and some other guy, i think he was from one of the groups we rescued."

"Where?" I said, standing next to Minho.

"The well."

We shared one glance the took off full-speed to the well. Brenda and Thomas beat us to it. The two were holding back Jimmy, while two other men I didn't recognize had a hold on a man twice Jimmy's size, but not nearly as muscular. In a fight, my bet was on Jimmy. He had the strength the power, and the experience, what did the other huy have... a big ego?

"We saved your butt, slinthead!" Jimmy yelled.

"You little brats are the reason we're here!"

"Yes," I said cooly, stepping in between the two, "We are the reason you're here." my voice was rising steadily, "We're the reason you're still alive! We are the reason you aren't crushed under who knows how many tons of rock back at the WICKED facility!"

The man didn't respond. I turned to Jimmy, "Violence is never the answer," I said smiling, I was such a hypocrite sometimes. He snorted and shook free of Thomas and Brenda. "Got to bed," I said to everyone. it was late, I didn't feel like handing out punishments at the moment.

There were four sections, A,B,C, and, D. Each had a different job everyday, and each slept in a different section. I worked A, with a couple other survivors of the glade, while Minho worked B with Thomas. Brenda worked C with some Group B people and Jorge worked D with a collection of others.

Minho and I always ignored the sleeping arrangement we'd come up with for the others. We'd always slept together in the Maze, along with Newt and Alby. we were a tightly knit group before all this. Not being near the other, just felt... wrong.

I laid down under the stars, cushioning my head with my hands. Minho joined me after checking on his guys. "I wish the others were here," I mumbled, not wanting to sound like the sap I feared I was turning into.

"Yeah," he mumbled, mimicking my position. A heavy silence filled the air and I drifted off to sleep.

Minho's Secret

No one knew about the note Newt had given him. He'd found it along with the other note Newt left before he was hauled off to Crank city, where he rejected their attempted rescue saying he was a crank now and it was too late for him. Where he'd pointed a launcher at MaC, looking like he might've actually pulled the trigger.

This is what it read:


Take care of her... I know you love her... at least as much as I did, if not more. It'll kill her if I got crazy, which I know I will. I can feel it working on me, I can't you see that, any of you... especially MaC. She wont cry... she can't cry, she's too tough, but her jaw will tighten and she'll blink really slowly, clenching and unclenching her fists... Just... Take care of her, and stupid and arrogant, and rude, but your a great friend...For what its worth, Im sorry it has to be this way... Goodbye.
