AN: Hey to all my readers this is a new story. I'm not 100% back on here for updating but things have settled just a little bit. My daddy got his old job back and I now have my room to myself. I promise once my sister and her kids leave I'll be back to updating. Now without further ado, I give you, 'Jori's Baby Cat'! Enjoy!

Tori Vega smiled as the last bell rang at school. It was Friday and she had a date with her girlfriend of one year, Jade West. Yes, The Tori Vega and The Jade West were lesbians and dating each other. It shocked everyone for six months to see the girls display their affections for each other. Though, their friends were very supportive as were Tori's parents. Jade's parents didn't care since they're never around.

Tori snuck up behind her girlfriend and hugged her from behind.

"Hey baby." Tori whispered into Jade's ear.

"Hey yourself." Jade said turning in Tori's arms to face the grinning half Latina.

Jade kissed Tori and before things could get really heated, Cat bounced over to them.

"Hey guys!" Cat cheered as Jade and Tori broke apart.

"Hey Cat." Tori said wrapping an arm around Jade to calm her down.

"Are you okay with coming to my house at five?" Cat asked directly to Tori.

"Of course. I'll be at your house at five. See you then Cat." Tori said as Cat nodded and bounced off.

"Why are you going to Cat's house?" Jade questioned.

"She needs tutoring in our science class." Tori said.

"Okay. Now where were we?" Jade questioned smirking at Tori.

"Right about here." Tori said before kissing Jade.

When they came up for air, Jade and Tori walked out to the parking lot. Jade walked Tori to her car.

"So how long will tutoring Cat take?" Jade asked trapping Tori on the side of car between her arms.

"Maybe until seven at the latest."

"I'll be waiting for you then. Don't be late." Jade said before kissing Tori once more and walked off.

Tori let out a shaky breath and unlocked her car before getting in. She had a couple hours until she had to go to Cat's house, so after starting her car up, Tori drove home to complete her homework and eat something. Tori finished all of her homework by four. She made herself some bagel bites and was out the door.

She pulled into Cat's driveway and noticed that Cat's car was the only car in the driveway. Tori shrugged the weird feeling off and knocked on the front door. After knocking for two minutes, Tori tried the knob. The door was unlocked. Since she was good friends with Cat, Tori let herself in and locked the front door.

"Cat?" Tori called out wandering around the first floor.

Figuring that Cat must be in her room, Tori headed upstairs. She saw a bright pink door and knew that was Cat's room. Tori knocked on the door and didn't get a response. Quietly, Tori opened the door and gasped at the sight she saw.

Cat was asleep sucking on a bright pink glittery pacifier, wearing a short pink t-shirt and a diaper. Tori smiled and thought,

"Doesn't surprise me."

Then thought,

"She looks adorable like this! Oh shit! What the fuck am I thinking! I'm with Jade! I love her! Maybe Jade... No! Ugh! I just need to tutor Cat and go home to see Jade!"

Tori walked over to Cat and began to gently wake her up. Cat stirred and opened her eyes to see Tori looking at her. Cat rushed into an upright position and took the pacifier from her mouth.

"I can explain!" Cat cried out, tears welled in her eyes threatening to fall.

Tori sat on the bed beside Cat as the synthetic red head began to explain.

"My parents have always been busy with my older brother and I didn't have childhood. I've always had to take care of myself. Now I live here alone since my parents took my brother to a special hospital out of state. Wearing diapers and being like a baby makes me forget that I didn't have a childhood. Please don't tell anyone." Cat begged as her tears fell from her brown eyes.

"Your secret is safe with me." Tori said as she rubbed Cat's back.

"Do you do this because you want to be cared for?" Tori asked as Cat nodded and sobbed.

"W-would you take care of me Tori?" Cat asked through hiccups.

"I don't know Cat. I'd have to tell Jade." Tori said and Cat looked scared.

"Okay." Cat sighed and Tori pulled out her phone and told Jade to come to Cat's house quickly.

Tori received a response from Jade saying,

'Okay. I'm on my way.'

"She's on her way Cat." Tori said putting her phone away as Cat's stomach made an appearance by growling.

"Are you hungry Cat?" Tori asked smiling softly at the girl.

"Yeah. I fell asleep when I got home." Cat said as they heard the doorbell ringing.

As they went to stand up and go answer the door, they heard it open and then slam close. Shortly after the slam of the door they heard the distinct stomping of Jade West coming upstairs.

"I'm here. Wh-" Jade froze seeing Cat dressed in the diaper and the short pink t-shirt.

Jade stayed froze in the doorway and continued to glance between Tori and Cat. Sniffles brought Jade out of her shock and realized that Cat was now crying. Tori calmed Cat quickly and whispered something Jade couldn't hear. Tori layed Cat down and gave her the pacifier before dragging Jade out of the room and downstairs to talk.

"What the fuck is going on Tori?" Jade asked immediately when they were sitting on Cat's couch.

"When I got here I found Cat upstairs asleep with a pacifier in her mouth and what she is still wearing now."

"Why is she dressed like a one year old?"

"She wants to forget her lack of a childhood and be cared for. Her parents left with her brother to go to some out of state hospital."

"She asked me if I would take care of her." Tori added.

"What did you say?" Jade asked trying to keep her anger in check.

"That I'd have to talk with you and that's when I texted you." Tori said as she grabbed one of Jade's hand and held it.

"Why didn't she tell me? We're best friends! How long as she lived her alone?" Jade fumed as some angry tears fell.

"I don't know the answers to any of that. I'm gonna make her sandwich, why don't you go talk to her." Tori said pulling Jade up with her as she stood.

"Okay." Jade said wiping her tears as Tori gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

As Tori went into the kitchen, Jade headed upstairs to talk with her friend. Opening the door, Jade saw that Cat had fallen asleep again. Jade took that time to take all of Cat's outfit in. She thought,

'This just makes her more cute and innocent.'

Then thought,

'Tori must want to help her but why hasn't Cat told me before? Does our friendship since preschool not matter anymore. As mad as I feel, I know my heart won't be able to be mad at Cat. She looks so fucking cute like this.'

Jade realized what she just thought and shrugged feeling that Tori must have too. Slowly Jade approached the bed and sat down. Gently shaking Cat awake, Jade smirked softly. Cat opened her eyes to see Jade looking at her.

"We need to talk." Jade said calmly and Cat saddened but nodded.

After taking the pacifier out of her mouth, Cat said,

"I'm sorry I never told you about this," Cat motioned her hand about her outfit, "I thought you'd say I was weird and not be my friend anymore."

"I'm your best friend Cat! Just because you like to do age play doesn't mean I won't be your friend anymore and I'd never call you weird." Jade said having lost her control on her anger.

Seeing Cat scoot back from Jade, Jade got her anger in check and apologized to Cat.

"Why didn't you tell me about your parents leaving? How long have you been living alone?"

"I've been living alone for six months. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to ruin your happiness. You and Tori had just come out to everyone and I didn't want to bother you." Cat said as tears fell from her eyes.

"Oh Cat! Come here." Jade said opening her arms for Cat hug her.

Cat didn't hesitate and flung herself into Jade's arms. Cat sobbed and Jade did her best to calm her childish friend.

"Why didn't they ever care about me? Didn't they even love me?" Cat cried brokenly.

"They don't matter anymore Cat. You have me and Tori now. We're going to care for you." Jade said knowing that would cheer the red head up.

"Really?!" Cat squealed, her tears forgotten already and Jade nodded smiling that her friend was happy.

"You and Tori will be my mommies?" Cat asked.

"Why don't we go ask Tori?" Jade asked and Cat nodded.

"Carry me." Cat said and Jade lifted Cat onto her hip.

As Jade reached the last step, Tori looked up at them. Jade set Cat down and they walked over to Tori.

"Tor what do you think about us being Cat's mommies?" Jade smirked seeing Tori smile.

Tori jumped on Jade and kissed her.

"Cat I think that's a yes." Jade said as Cat jump up and down.

"Jade will now be mommy when we're not at school and I'll be momma." Tori said as Cat nodded and giggled.

"Now sit down at the table and we'll discuss everything." Tori said leading Cat to the table and put her sandwich in front of her.

As Cat ate, Tori and Jade gathered their thoughts. When Cat was finished, Tori took the plate away.

"Alright. Tonight we'll be sleeping here. You won't be left alone ever. At school, you'll call me and Tori by our names and you'll wear pull ups and tell one of us when you're wet." Jade began before Tori started.

"You'll come home with one of us and you'll be put in a diaper and a baby outfit. When at home you'll talk like a baby. Now you'll always have to listen to Jade and I or you'll be spanked and put in timeout." Tori said as Cat nodded.

"Of course we will give you warnings." Jade added.

"Can we start now?" Cat asked and Tori and Jade nodded.

"Me wanna pway!" Cat squealed in a baby voice.

"What do you want to play baby girl?" Tori asked as Cat thought for a moment.

"Me pway wif my dolwies! Ou pway wif me momma?" Cat asked pleading with her puppy dog face.

Jade snorted and Tori sent a playful glare at her. Then Tori grinned and said,

"I'd love to baby girl and we'll leave mommy to clean up."

"Sure babe. Besides you'll just come along later and re clean later." Jade smirked and Tori shrugged before Cat pulled her off upstairs.

Cat dragged Tori into her room and made her sit on the floor and Cat sat beside her. She grabbed all of her dolls and dumped them in front of herself and Tori. She grabbed a fairy doll and shoved it into Tori's face and with a giggle said,

"Ou pway da pairy momma! I gonna be da pwincess!"

Cat grabbed her princess doll and her and Tori began playing. Tori lost track of time and soon Jade joined them. Jade sat beside Tori and Cat shoved another fairy doll into Jade's face.

"Ou gonna pway da pairy wif momma mommy!" Cat said with a pout when Jade didn't take the doll.

"What if mommy wants to be the evil witch?" Jade asked and Cat shook her head.

"No! Ou be da pairy!" Cat screamed and Jade shook her head.

"Do not scream at me baby girl." Jade said in a 'try me' tone.

"Ou gonna pway da pairy?" Cat asked and Jade nodded.

"Mommy is going to play the evil fairy." Jade said holding the doll and Cat shook her head.

"No be ebil pairy mommy!" Cat screamed and snatched the doll from Jade and then said,

"Me no wike how ou pway dolwies!"

"Catrina that's not nice. Now you'll apologize to mommy and then you'll put your dolls away and sit in timeout." Tori said as Cat kept playing.

Tori took the dolls away from Cat and put them away. Then she made Cat look her in the eye and said,

"Apologize to mommy and go stand in the corner or you'll be getting a spanking on the bare on top of everything."

"I sowwy mommy." Cat said before going to the corner.

Jade and Tori cleaned up Cat's room and got everything organized. As they were finishing they heard soft cries. They went over to Cat and sat beside her.

"Kitty what's wrong?" Jade asked softly as she got Cat to face her.

"Me was bad an now ou gonna leab an no be my mommy!" Cat cried and Jade pulled Cat into her arms.

"Kitty I'm not going to leave because you were bad. I'm still your mommy." Jade said as she rocked Cat back and forth in her lap.

"Me lub ou an momma." Cat said and Tori placed a kiss on Cat's temple.

"We love you too sweetie." Tori said wiping Cat's tears away.

They stayed huddled on the floor until Cat let out a yawn. Jade and Tori noticed that Cat was barely awake. Tori stood and took Cat from Jade and carried Cat to her bed.

"Kitty where are your diapers?" Jade asked and Cat pointed to the last drawer of her dresser.

Jade grabbed a new diaper, wipes, rash cream, baby powder, and a cupcake covered footie pajamas. Tori quickly changed Cat into a new diaper and then put Cat in the footie pajamas. Tori layed Cat in the middle of the bed and tucked her in. Jade gave Cat her giraffe and as they went to leave the room Cat let out a soft cry.

"Ou leabin'?"

"No Kitty. Do you want us to lay with you until you fall asleep?" Tori asked as her and Jade headed back toward the bed.

"Yesh pwease." Cat whimpered.

Jade and Tori layed down and Cat sighed in content. Jade rubbed Cat's back while Tori softly sang to Cat. Minutes later Cat was asleep and Jade and Tori quietly left the room. They went downstairs and Jade turned the TV on.

"Babe how do you feel about Cat?" Tori asked suddenly causing Jade to look at Tori.

"Honestly?" Jade asked and Tori nodded.

"I think I love Cat. How do you feel about Cat?"

"I think I love her too." Tori said as Jade turned the TV off.

"So what should we do?"

"Would you be opposed to dating Cat? Like a three way relationship."

"No but it'll take some getting use to. We can talk to Cat in the morning but until then mommy wants to give momma some pleasure." Jade said before tackling Tori.

After having their fun, Jade and Tori went upstairs. Having spent nights before so they had some clothes to change into. They grabbed new clothes and took a shower together before dressing for bed. Then they got in bed on either side of Cat.

AN: That's all for this chapter! Hope y'all enjoyed it! Drop some love down in that review box, won't cha!