Prince: I was just remembering the fact that I had once read a fanfic when Naruto was the teacher of 2A, not Negi. So, in remembrance of that fic, I decided to create Mahora no Kitsune-Sensei (Fox Teacher of Mahora). It's AU to Negito and canon Negima and set about a year after the final fight of Naruto (Naruto and Hidden Nations vs. Obito, Madara, and the Juubi). Naruto will have his canon personality and abilities, along with the abilities of Menma, the Path I Walk Naruto, and A Hero's Path Naruto.

Kiactu: Canon Negima pairings with some Naruto characters, though they will not appear until the arc of Lost in England. Instead of going to England, Naruto's group will instead go to the Hidden Nations. There are no bullshit endings like Negima gave us though. That means no twins going out into the world and finding two animals that just so happen to be princes, no Nodoka and Yue going around expediting and not actually hooking up with Negi, and no other bullshit that Ken Akamatsu decided to throw out there at us in order to finish it.

Prince: Though there might be a slight change to the pairing in the future, it will officially be marked as

Naruto/MASS! Harem



It had been a quarter of a year since the Fourth Shinobi War. There had been many casualties, including one of the people our hero had changed for the better. We could find the young blonde in the ramen shop of his childhood, eating the noodles at a quickened pace before setting the bowl on the table and sighing in ecstasy as the broth flowed down his gullet. "Oi! Ojii-san, more ramen!" he yelled. "Kurama wants to eat a hole through me!"

"You got it, Naruto!" the ramen chef yelled as he made some more noodles for the fryer. "So, what's your plan now, Hero-san?" his daughter, a young woman with brown hair that had to have been a few years older than he was, asked.

Naruto grinned before downing another bowl of noodles. "I don't know," he honestly answered. "I guess I'm just going to have to restart up Ero-Sennin's spy network, though I won't do it in brothels like he was. Or maybe I may just visit other places and spread peace." He looked down towards his stomach. "What do you say, Kurama?"

A shiver ran through Naruto's spine and he glanced up, showing newly colored red eyes with vertically slit pupils. The birthmarks on his cheek thickened before a gravelly voice exited his throat. "I always did enjoy traveling as a kit," it said. "It may be better to set up communications outside of the Nations, but we need a mission that will allow us to do so."

"So, Kurama-kun," the waitress asked, getting the possessed boy's attention. "Where did you travel to?" Kurama's face scrunched up in thought. "There is a barrier that the old man decided to set up to keep us away from the outside worlds," he answered. "The barrier wouldn't even let space-time jutsu like the Hiraishin get through it, even if Naruto had another marker on the other side. Unfortunately, the barrier isn't really that strong (for a Bijuu), so I ripped through it with pure force, creating a loophole big enough so that I could climb through before it shut. After I got through the barrier, I learned that the world out there is able to use chakra differently than we are by manipulating it around them. There were some that also used it inside, but it was nothing like our chakra."

Naruto's face turned back to normal as he thought about it. "So, in order to spread Ero-Sennin's teachings of peace, I have to meet with those outside of its walls, right?" he asked. Somehow this didn't surprise him.

"I didn't know there were places past the Hidden Nations," Teuchi, the shop owner, said aloud as he dipped the noodles out of the boiler. He then began chopping up vegetables, beef, and chicken before making broth before mixing that in. After fixing the bowl in an appeasing way for the customer, he set it down in front of Naruto, who went back to slurping the mixture as soon as it touched his chopsticks.

"I wonder how Hinata-san's going to take that you're planning on leaving, Naruto-kun?" Ayame asked as she stood on the counter with the food. That almost made Naruto spit up his food before coughing uncontrollably, as he hadn't thought about the girl's feelings at all. For some reason, he had a thought of a more aggressive Hinata that probably would've torn him limb from limb. Though this one was hotter since she didn't really try to keep herself covered that much. In his mind, this Hinata, though she had long dark bluish-purple hair like the one he's more associated with, she wore make-up and had a fierce look in her eyes, as if she wanted to kill and/or rape him.

Naruto wouldn't have put it past her to do either one. Her jacket, unlike his Hinata's, was opened to show breasts about as big as her counterparts (with them being a low E- high D-cup) hidden underneath a mesh top that showed a toned pale stomach and a short fishnet skirt with biker shorts on underneath. On her feet were heeled sandals that showed feet with red painted toenails.

Thank goodness his Hinata was nothing like that.

His ears perked up at the sound of something moving before he turned to stare at an empty space for a while. The empty space wasn't empty a few seconds later. In its place stood a man in a hooded robe with a mask of an animal of some sort. "Naruto-san, Hokage-sama requests your attendance as soon as possible," the man said before disappearing as quickly as he can.

Naruto sighed before downing the broth from his bowl before nodding to the man behind the counter and leaving the ryo for the meal. "Arigato, Ojii-san, Ayame-nee-chan," he said before disappearing in the same manner.

"And this place was pretty lively here with him, too," Teuchi grunted before he sighed. "Can't believe the hero of the Hidden Nations had to leave our quaint little shop for a mission." Business had been staggering after people learned that Naruto ate at his restaurant from childhood to manhood, but no one would ever replace that knucklehead.

Naruto flickered outside the door of the newly built Hokage building before knocking. "Come in," the person on the other side of the door yelled. When she didn't get a response, she yelled once more for whoever it was to come in before the door slammed open, the culprit walking in with a smile and his foot high in the air. "Ohayo, Baa-chan," Naruto said, his smile not fading anytime soon. The woman behind the desk looked nothing like one.

Her skin was as wrinkle-free and light as can be as her hair had not a touch of grey in them. Her chest, while bountiful, did not show any signs of sag. The woman's eyes did not have a touch of age in them, but they were glaring fiercely at Naruto. "Any reason why you kicked my door in, brat?" she asked.

"I don't know," Naruto answered. "It just felt right at the time. I impatiently storming through your office and asking for a mission. You kick my ass through the roof only for me to come back completely unscathed though a bit bruised. Where'd the time go, Baa-chan?"

"I thought you'd have mellowed out since the war, but that was too much to ask," Tsunade told her surrogate grandson. "It's like you want me to go back in time to where I could kick your ass and brag about it." She then intertwined her perfectly manicured fingernails before resting her chin against the thumbs. "I've gone over your request to leave the nations, Naruto. While I think that it's an excellent idea, there is a greater risk that you may be attacked by people even more powerful than the Akatsuki."

"Come on, Baa-chan," Naruto groaned. "What if I told you that I would keep a low profile? Would that make you feel any better?"

"You're going to have to do better than that, Naruto," she said. "Even if I could let you go, the council would be all over my ass." Naruto tried to argue some more, but Tsunade wasn't having any of it. That didn't stop him until she eventually got fed up with it. Tsunade raised her fist and literally slammed it through the desk to get his attention, breaking the wood and sending it crashing to the floor in a pile of debris. "ALRIGHT! FINE! IF YOU WANT TO GO, GO!" she snapped. "Just . . . send a note by toad every week. If I don't get a letter from you, I know you're in trouble."

Naruto smiled before running off, thanking the old lady before him.

He sat in his apartment, going over some of the things he would need for the trip. "Hmm . . ." he said. "I might need ration bars, some ryo, clothing, Ero-Sennin's books in case the currency used is of another variety." His smile grew wide as he stared at the containers of instant ramen before him. "A few years' worth of Ichiraku brand Instant Ramen. Just the way I like it!" Of course for Naruto a few years' worth could also meant a few days' worth. "Toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, a few weeks' worth of reading . . ." Naruto looked at the books in his hand before grimacing and throwing them away. "Why the hell would I read these books? They're just a waste of time!"

Kurama would agree as well.

"Hiraishin scroll . . . Why would I need this? I'm already as fast as my dad using Kurama's chakra," Naruto reasoned. He was even faster now than A, who - before Naruto - was the fastest shinobi alive. The jinchuriki still put the scroll in the bag. Though it was his father's jutsu and the one he never wanted to use, he would respect his father's wishes for him to learn the jutsu. "Kaa-chan's scroll . . ." While he did not have to learn his father's jutsu, his mother's was actually a necessity. With enough chakra control, she was able to construct chains that manage to subdue and restrain her target as well as create a barrier around her. Considering that she had special chakra, which he hoped went to him even though she knew no jutsu, Naruto wanted to learn how to recreate her chains.

After packing the things away, Naruto made it to the gates before looking around. Deciding that no one was watching, he tried to sneak away after signing a sheet. "See you later, Naruto," Izumo greeted as he watched the village/national hero walk away. "Yeah, this should be fun," his partner Kotetsu stated.

". . . You think Tsunade-sama still thinks we're gay?" Izumo asked. It was a mystery to Kotetsu as well. "Probably," he answered. "We always seem to be holding hands whenever she walks onto the scene."

"But we always clap our hands together in bro-appreciation."

"She's a woman, so she doesn't get it."

Naruto wasn't even a mile off when he heard those two's conversation and sighed, trying his best to act like that was something he did not hear. After a week or two's journey, he suddenly felt that he was coming close to the barrier that Kurama was talking about. Holding his hand out, he ran it against the air, feeling for it before coming in contact with said barrier. "Think we can overpower it?" he asked the tailed beast inside.

"It's extremely difficult to go through," Kurama answered. "The best we can do is smash through with enough brute force. I think a Bijuudama should do the trick." Naruto sighed in agreement before stepping away. Closing his eyes, he pictured Kurama's chakra flowing through his person before noticing an extra golden light. Opening his eyes, he showed that instead of the cerulean blue they were prior the eyes were now red-orange. His body was covered in a golden shroud of chakra that flickered like a constant flame.

Lines stemmed from a spiral on Naruto's stomach, branching off in lines and spirals of their own: one on both shoulders. He rushed headfirst into the seal, trying his best to punch through it with a Kurama-chakra enhanced fist. The attack rebounded, sending him back before throwing him to the ground and letting him skid. "Guess I'm going to have to go full just to burst through, huh?" he asked, crouching as more of the chakra poured through the seal. The spirals on his body began to open up before showing that his cloak had opened up before turning into a blazing orange haori.

Naruto rushed towards the barrier before roaring, creating a pair of shuriken out of chakra using both of his regular arms and his chakra arms. Two of the four chakra arms grabbed the shuriken before slamming it into the barrier, creating two giant pressurized air spheres that tore into it over and over again. The barrier was down temporarily and he rushed through using speed that rivaled that of light. He got through, before coming to a slide and smirking at the fact that now nothing could hold him.

"Yosh–tebayo!" he yelled as he fisted the air. "Nothing can stop the invisible Naruto Uzumaki!"

"Don't you mean 'invincible'?" Kurama asked.

"Sure . . . That's what I said." It never ceased to amaze the fox how incredibly oblivious his jinchuriki could be.

"Now that you're done celebrating, maybe it's time you made sure you could still summon," it suggested, getting Naruto to nod before biting his thumb. A spot of blood trickled down it before he went through the hand seals for the summoning jutsu. "Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" he yelled, slamming his hand down. Seal runes travelled along the ground before twin plumes of smoke appeared, overshadowing Naruto. "Oi? Why the hell did you summon us, Naruto-aniki?"

"Hey, Kichi, could you tell Jii-sennin that I'm outside the barrier?" he asked, getting the giant toad to glance down at its jinchuriki. "What are you getting at?" it asked, looking down on Naruto, who could only smile before telling him that it was absolutely nothing. "Absolutely nothing when it comes to you is like Pain being a little ant bite on Konoha."

"Oh ye of little faith," Naruto waved off. "What do you think I'm going to do outside the barrier? There's nothing but sand and other things here."

"So remind me why we have to stay here?" Kichi asked.

"Because I told Baa-chan that I would send her a message every time I could," Naruto answered. "You guys are going to have to do better than that to get me to shut up." He knew that the toads wouldn't be able to last more than a few hours in a desert at most, but he really needed the company. Why he didn't bring one was beyond even him.

Thus, Naruto trekked into the world of the Unknown.

After a week or two of walking through the desert (both Kichi and his brother Tatsu, the latter of which was whining about snacks all the way through, had released themselves from summoning after the first two days), Naruto was finally able to make it to the ocean before hopping a boat.

Noticing that it was a cruise liner much to his surprise, as he didn't know that there would be such ships here, he happily snuck on board before looking around and noticing no security looking for stowaways. Naruto hid behind a barrel just to be safe before transforming into his father and hoping that no one would pay attention.

Silently walking through the ship's hallways, Naruto noticed that the people were showing tickets to a weird looking man with a strange-bibbed hat. Knowing that this was probably an attendant, the jinchuriki glanced around before figuring out that he could use his jutsu to transform yet again. This time, he transformed into a little fox kit before jumping in an open room.

His nose twitched, smelling other people in the room before hiding again as they came into view. "Oh! Papa, look at the little fox! " the sound of a little girl said in another language, scooping Naruto up and placing him against her chest. "Can we keep him? " The man only looked down at the two, one just staring up while the other was trying to get him to let her keep it.

"I don't know," the man said. "He may have rabies or something. Besides, even if we did keep him and he was clean, we wouldn't be able to stay on the boat." Naruto turned back to the girl before noticing her downcast gaze before sighing, knowing that he was going to hate himself in the morning. Using his eyes, he managed to expand them unnaturally, getting the man to look in his solemn puppy eyes. He began to wiggle his tail solemnly, pulling off the look as a cluster of whimpers escaped his throat.

Though they didn't speak his language, it got the both of them to coo at it, though the man would try to deny that accusation. "Alright . . . I guess," he finally said, "but you have to bathe it, clean it, feed it, water it, clean up after it uses the bathroom and . . . No wait, you can't walk it when we're outside, then we'd get caught." Just as the man said something there was a series of knocks on the door. Naruto glanced back before sniffing, knowing it was the strange suited attendant before jumping out of the girl's hands and running into the bathroom.

"If anything, he's smart," the father said. "I'll give him that." He opened the door to see the attendant. "Ticket please," he said, getting said parchments before punching holes in them. The girl released a breath before running into the bathroom. "It's okay," she said. "The mean ole ticket man's gone." She scooped him up before picking him up to see what his gender was. "Ah! You're a boy!" she gasped. "I thought you were a girl."

Naruto gave her a deadpan look before listening to her next question. "So, what's your name?" He couldn't understand her. What was the language she was using? "What is your name?" Naruto tilted his head to show that he didn't understand the question . . . or the language used for the question.

"I guess you don't understand me, huh?" she said with a smile as she laid Naruto on the floor. "It's a good thing Daddy let me take those lessons in language spells." The girl then began to recite something before touching Naruto's forehead with a light covered finger. Naruto closed his eyes as visions went through his head . . . Visions of an Academy of some sort teaching him lessons before they finally stopped.

"Wha-what?" he asked. "What happened?"

The girl smiled at her successful spell. "My name is Alex, short for Alexandria Heloise von Anastasia."

"Um . . . Uzumaki . . . Naruto," Naruto introduced back. "What kind of jutsu was that you used?" The girl frowned at the question as if she didn't understand. "Jutsu?" she asked back. "That was a magic spell, not a jutsu. What is a jutsu?"

"I'll explain to you what jutsu is when you tell me what's magic," Naruto answered. The girl pouted before explaining about magic being the force around them. Certain people, called mages, were able to use the energy around them by chanting spells. In return, Naruto taught her that chakra was the mixture of that and the physical energy within their bodies. "Chakra is the mixture of both the spiritual energy gained from exercise and experience and the physical energy vitalized by every part in the body. In order to utilize even the weakest techniques, you have to be able to use chakra." He showed her how he could walk on walls and cling to ceilings without using his claws.

After a week or so, the three got along pretty well . . . even if Naruto was a bit surprising to Alex's dad. But that all ended when they got to a little island in what Alex called Wales, where she was going to school to become a proper mage. When asked where she learned magic from, she answered that her father taught a class off the original campus and that they were getting more and more students every year. Her father had some business to attend to at the main school, which is why they were on their way to Wales, and wanted to bring his daughter along.

Eventually Naruto knew this was the end of his stay with the two and he accepted it with grace. And by grace I meant trying to look cool as he and a crying Alex parted ways, the girl going back to her homeland while he decided to stay in Wales for a bit. He allowed a few tears to slip by and watched as she left, promising that she would be back in the school some years later to see how much he'd grown.

After a few years of staying there (though he didn't seem to age while the others did), he met a nice little couple of kids living together after their town had been turned to stone by a demon uproar. Apparently, they could sense how powerful Kurama was and tried to attack him, making him feel guilty about bringing them to a silent town like this. Naruto eventually stayed with them even as both of the girls went off to the Academy to learn magic.

The boy soon followed after, leaving with Naruto to become a mage while Naruto tagged along just to go. Before long, the jinchuriki was registered as a student at the Academy, but as he did in Konoha, was about the last one to graduate on time . . . again. At the graduation ceremony, he watched as Negi (the name of the boy he watched over after his father left him in his charge; I'll get to that later) walked across the stage before getting a job as a fortuneteller in another part of the world from his friend Anya. Naruto would get the job as a teacher in Japan; an English teacher.

"What the hell?" he asked/yelled, freaking out at the fact that he had to teach a whole class of people. "I know mages are sworn to secrecy, but I can't teach anybody anything!"

Kurama, who was asleep during Naruto's trek, grumbled before allowing himself to speak. "You taught that Sarutobi kid stuff."

'That was one person! Now I have to teach at least a hundred if this school is anything to go by!'

"Naruto, I have never seen you freak out as much as you're doing right now," Kurama said. "How are you going to face Negi when the two of you meet up when you're both older? This is not the jinchuriki that won the Fourth Shinobi War, is it? Because he's really starting to sound like a little bitch." That got through to Naruto. "Who's a little bitch, you damn furball?! I'll show you I can deal with this!'

The trio just watched as Naruto argued with himself, displaying different emotions. "Should we stop this?" Anya asked.

"No . . . For some reason I have a feeling he's really in a conversation," Negi answered. "I think one time I tried to probe his mind and got rejected by something else in there. The next time I tried, a giant creature of some kind roared in my face. It was really scary." And resembled a bit of a fox with rabbit ears. If the eyes weren't as terrifying as those long red claws, he would've thought of it as funny.


Prince: I have to stop it there. After some homage to the works made by people who seemed to not be able to finish some good works, I decided to make another non-Kiactu related crossover where Negi isn't the new teacher of Mahora. I had to rush through some parts though, but there will be more in-depth chapters for Naruto's time with my OC family. And guess what else . . . You got it. Naruto will be meeting up with Alexandria again in my story. And one more thing . . . During the demon attack, should I let Naruto regain access to both Version 1 and 2 of his Demon Fox Cloak? I mean, whenever I watched Naruto, just seeing that cloak made me feel all giddy, like it was a sure win that Naruto was going to beat the baddies' ass when he used Kurama's chakra? Or should I just let him just have Sage Mode and the Controlled Jinchuriki Cloak?

Kiactu: Next chapter will introduce the girls along with Naruto's wardrobe.

Prince: What? Did you expect someone who goes against other's orders to actually do what someone says for once? Besides, I think Naruto looks better in a different wardrobe than a suit, don't you? Of course, he'll still wear his jumpsuit and other stuff into battle.