Here is the promised longer chapter. Thank you guys so much for being patient. I'll try not to take so long to update again.

There, standing in my doorway was Gabriel. Gabriel who worked for Derek. Gabriel who spoke in whispers and observed everything. Gabriel who always did as told. Gabriel, who always watched me and never spoke to me. Why oh why was Gabriel here?

After several moments I cleared my throat. "Are, are you my rescuer then?" I ask quietly. To my surprise Gabriel actually laughs. I do not think I have ever heard him laugh before. He has a good smile.

"Heaven's no. You will meet your rescuer soon enough. Are you ready to leave Miss Kinkade?" He has never called me that before. He, like the others, always called me Promise. I am not sure I like the title, but I nod. "Very good then," he says and leads me to the car.

After Gabriel has helped me into the car he starts the engine.

"It will take a good forty-five minutes to get to our destination, miss," he says. I smile.

"Thank you, Gabriel," I reply. I have no intention of sleeping. However my will fails me and before I know it my eyes have closed.

"Miss Kinkade?" I wake to Gabriel's voice. "We have arrived."

I open my eyes and look around. Before us is a huge manor house. It looks like a small castle. My mouth drops into an O and no matter how hard I try I can't fix it. I must look like an idiot. Gabriel politely says nothing.

At last I manage to look somewhat normal. I grab my bag and look to Gabriel for instruction.

"Please follow me," he says.

I follow Gabriel inside the house. The outside was breathtaking. The inside is heavenly. Huge chandeliers with hanging crystals grace the ceilings while every wall has a priceless painting hung on it. The whole hall is golden and green.

Gabriel leads me past hall after hall, door after door, room after room until we reach a winding staircase.

"You may go up and meet your rescuer," Gabriel says. He seems a little nervous. I do my best to smile.

"Thank you, Gabriel." I begin to climb the stairs.

Unlike the rest of the house this staircase is covered in dust and poorly lit. The stairs are narrow and the door at the top of them is plain. Unsure what to do, I knock lightly on the wood.

"Enter," calls a familiar voice. My heart jumps into my throat as I push open the door.

Derek's back is to me as he stares out the window with his hands on the desk. He is watching something below. His hands fiddle with a white rose.

"Is she here yet, Sophie?" Derek asks.

"I'm here," I say quietly. His whole body stiffens. His hands stop moving. His back tightens and his head snaps up, but he still is not facing me. He does not make a move to turn around. Even in the dim light I can make out some of his features that I have never seen before. I realize that this is the first time I have seen Derek when he has not been hidden in his coat and hood. Part of me does not want to see him. There must be a reason he hides.

"I thought Sophie was going to warn me first," he says with a sad voice. My heart breaks for him. Using one hand he gestures toward a wardrobe. "Will you bring me my coat?" he asks me.

I move quickly to the wardrobe and open it. I find a coat easily enough and bring it to him. I am standing too close to him to not notice the strange curve of his back. His long brown hair curls on his head wildly and falls to his shoulders, far longer than normal hair. His hand is thin and frail looking, yet covered in marks as if he had it tattooed a long time ago. It is the hand of an aged man. He uses that hand to take the coat from me, careful not to let me see his face. Accidently his fingers brush mine. His touch is like ice. I force myself not to gasp.

Quickly Derek dons his coat and pulls up the hood as far as it will go. He takes several steps away from me and turns to face me. Once more he looks like the man in the library that I have grown used to seeing every week.

"So now you know who your rescuer is." he says.

"Now I know." I say quietly. "Thank you. I didn't get to thank you that night." I add thoughtfully.

"No you didn't. Are your bruises healing?"He moves to take a step toward me and decides not to. My curiousity begins to rise.

"They are healing," I answer, unsure what else to say.

"Good." Derek pauses for a long moment. At last he adds. "I will call for Sophie. She will help you find a room of your liking to stay in."

"Thank you." I say again before turning to leave.

"Promise?" Derek turns to me and I stop, turning back to face him. "Will you join me for dinner?" he asks. I smile and nod before descending the stairs.

Okay guys. What do you think? We're getting our first peek at Derek. *gulps* I hope I didn't botch it. Please feel free to leave comments and/or critisism. Everything is helpful. Thank you for reading.