The overcast skies were pouring water from above as the two female exorcists entered church while the towns people swarmed in for their daily service. Elizabeth and Miranda chose a seat way in back of the chapel, so they don't attract too much attention. When the priest came out, he began his service praising the congregation for returning to the house of "God" and that their loyalty will be rewarded with immortality.

"Praise him!" Said the priest. "May the one true god bring hope to the dead for there is no heaven."

Everyone repeated but Miranda and Elizabeth did not speak a word. Instead they just watched this man closely. The shapeshifting exorcist twitched her ears, able to hear the soft weeping coming from within the chapel. Elizabeth warned her partner that there are demons nearby, while sniffing the air. They must do their duty and destroy the demons to protect the people.

"Who are you?" The priest demanded as Elizabeth walked in the aisle, Miranda following beside her.

"We're here to put a stop to your propaganda. A regular human who chooses to side with the Millennium Earl will surely be judged for their sins," she asserted.

"Y-You're exorcists?" He looked them with obvious fear.

"Yes! Disciples of the real God, not the phony you brainwashed these people to worship," Elizabeth glared at him.

With that said demons formed from within the church. Some of the regular people screamed and ran for their lives. The priest ran for cover in the back of the church. Elizabeth activated her Innocence to her humanoid wolf form and slashed at the demons. Miranda guided everyone out the building so no will be hurt in the crossfire. When all the demons were destroyed Elizabeth went looking for the priest. But he was nowhere to be found.

"Damn…" she looked down and deactivated her Innocence.

The exorcist looked around and notice vanilla incense were lit, this smelled nice to her but then she felt a sharp stabbing pain on shoulder along with the warm sensation of blood running down her back. This was the priest with a knife in his hand. How come she was unable to smell him? Was it the vanilla? Elizabeth grabbed the man by the throat and pinned him against the wall, then he was able to break free but not without making another stab at Elizabeth body, right in the stomach. He ran off leaving Elizabeth there with her wounds. Miranda came looking for her and that's all she remembered.

The smell of bleach and other cleaners allowed Elizabeth to finally awaken from her slumber. She looked to her left noticing Miranda sleeping in the chair next to her bed. Elizabeth tried to move but the pain in both her shoulder and stomach made her flinch in pain. Judging by the lay out of the room and the stench that she was brought to a hospital. Determined to get up but her canine companion whined for her to stay in bed, which woke Miranda.

"What are you doing? You shouldn't be trying to get out bed yet!" Miranda worried.

"That guy is still out there…" Elizabeth flinched at the pain again.

"But Elizabeth… He almost killed you," her partner told her. "When I found you, you lost a lot of blood."

That's not what was important right now. This guy is still out there but she had no idea about taking this guy down. He's still a human being, so killing him is out of the question. However, he did try to kill Elizabeth… This dilemma is really confusing and frustrating. Miranda encouraged Elizabeth to get more rest and maybe once she starts feeling better they could figure out a way to bring down the priest.

During the sleep, Elizabeth continued to really wonder about what motivated this priest to get where he is now. Could he have some sort inferiority complex? Priests usually have some kind of power over the people, to a certain extent. Was he poor and made an agreement with the devil to get out of poverty? Many factors could play a role in this man motives. Suddenly, a face of a different man appeared in Elizabeth's vision.

Help me said the man in her dream.

Elizabeth jolted awake wondering who that person was. She tried to pull herself out of bed again but it was easier this time. She figured her wounds have healed enough for the pain to ease. The moon shined bright, no need for a light. Elizabeth then noticed that Miranda was nowhere to be seen as she threw on the exorcist uniform. This concerned her a little bit, Miranda shows no sign of being able to fight off the demons, so she wouldn't be able to survive alone. That's when Elizabeth decided to try to smell her out. This may seem weird to most people but this have actually saved lives. Elizabeth activated her Innocence to her humanoid wolf form and gave the chair a sniff, which Miranda was sitting in, then followed the way she could have went. Kale took in Miranda's scent as well to help out.

Elizabeth took Kale in her arms then jumped out of the hospital window. Miranda's scent was still clear so they were on the right track. Their tracking led them to a house, her scent was strong at this place. However, it was really late, so Elizabeth tried to sneak her way into the house. She really hoped that Miranda did not get kidnapped but it could be a possibility. Elizabeth picked up a picture from the shelf in front of her. She recognized the man, it was the same one who appeared in her dream. Suddenly, Kale started barking at a man with a broom tried attack Elizabeth. Luckily she managed to dodge not before striking a pain in her shoulder.

Her Innocence deactivated. But the man still threatened her with the broom until Kale grabbed onto the man's arm.

"Please calm down," Elizabeth told the man.

"How can calm down? You barged into my house!" The stranger yelled at her.

"What's all the racket down here?" Said a woman from the stairway.

The woman turned flicked a match and let up a lamp, which gave quite a bit of light to the room. The man put the broom down when he noticed what kind of coat Elizabeth was wearing. Without asking anything the woman took a look at Elizabeth's shoulder, noticing a bruise forming around a wound. The kind woman asked how she got such a mark and Elizabeth just said she was stabbed, not saying by whom. The man gave Kale a bowl of warm milk.

"I'm sorry for startling you," Elizabeth begged for their pardon. "I was looking for my partner and the scent trail lead to here."

"Who was your partner?" The woman asked.

"Miranda Lotto," the exorcist replied.

"So you do know that woman!" The man seemed excited.

Elizabeth tilted her head a little confused at this man's eagerness. He then began to explain what happened. Elizabeth then realized that she was in the hospital longer than she anticipated… She was unconscious for about three days. So, while she was out of commission Miranda went out to do some investigation. Her research allowed to her find this man, whose name is Richard and the phony priest is named Theodore. Richard told her that the phony came to this town about five years ago and had a hard time adjusting to the way of living. But then one day an old church, which was abandoned, was brought back to life. Took him three days to rebuild it then suddenly people began to attend his services.

"Which is bad, considering hardly anyone attends to Richard's services anymore," the woman named Elsa, who happens to be his wife, really seemed concerned.

"So that's why I had that vision…" Elizabeth looked down.

"Huh?" Richard tilted his head.

"S-Sorry, just thinking out loud," she waved it off. Then started talking to herself. It would seem the Millennium Earl feed on this man's desperate need for a living and offered him an agreement. This man, Richard, looks like he a kind priest, one that gives true hope to the people. Theodore just gives false hope in order for the Millennium Earl to create more demons.

Elizabeth stood up and looked out the window still deep in thought. Wondering on how she could find Miranda. The longer she stands, the longer it'll take to find her friend. This was making Elizabeth anxious to end. Kale whimpered and nudged on her hand. She gave him a pat on the head and thanks him for being concerned. Then Elizabeth thought about something and ran to the shelf to see if she could find it.

"Did you think of something?" Richard asked.

"Yes! I was thinking that you should do to Theodore what he did to you. My question is though, what exactly do you preach?" Elizabeth said holding a book.

"Most of the townspeople here are Jewish, so I preach from the first testament," he said.

"Then try preaching from the new testament!" She beamed.

"H-How can you be so sure that it'll work?" The hopeless priest sighed.

"Honey, it'll be a worth a shot," Elsa encouraged then looked at Elizabeth. "But why do you suggest this?"

Memories of her family began to flow back to this exorcist, happy memories, these were from before her mother died. Thus, when everyone was still alive.

"When I was really young, every night before we go to bed my mother would read a page from the bible every night, to my sister and I. Even after she past away my sister would continue to read testaments from the new. It gives hope for the living and the dead," Elizabeth's eyes flowed with tears.

The man pulled Elizabeth into a hug and was happy to give it an effort in order to take back his people and stop the endless cycle grief. Everyone went back to bed, except Elizabeth and Kale, who were awake for the rest of the night. Being asleep for three days restored her energy to it's max potential. Elsa gave the exorcist and her dog something eat while they were awake. When daybreak came, that's when everyone started their day. Elizabeth could even see people getting shops ready to be opened.

Richard began to read from the new testament, while standing on a sturdy crate. Hearing what he was saying did bring back memories of her childhood and even from three years ago. As he kept reading people looked at him, wondering what he was saying. The more he read the more powerful his voice gotten. This created goosebumps on her body… What was this feeling? It felt similar to the first day she activated her Innocence.

"He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away," Richard quoting that sentence really make Elizabeth want to cry.

Some of the people who were gathering were starting to cry as he Richard kept reading. The question was, were these people actually taking in what he's saying. The longer Elizabeth stayed the more powerful those words began to feel. She looked up to the sky and really prayed to find Miranda soon. She also prayed for the people in this town to find comfort in the words of what Richard is saying. Suddenly, the book flicked a specific page where Richard began to read from.

"Brothers and sisters, we do not want you be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope," he gripped the book tightly.

Elizabeth began to hear the whimpers from the souls of demons nearby. Kale began to growl as she took on a battle stance. People looked to her wondering what is the matter. The back crowd of humans turned into demons, mostly all level ones. Elizabeth demanded everyone to stand back and find shelter. She then activated her Innocence to her humanoid eagle form and flew up to defend the people. Giving a screech to stop the demons in their spot then she began to speak loudly to the people.

"Attention to those who follow the priest Theodore! You were given false hope by that man and this is the result of his preachings," Elizabeth flapped. "What you see here are demons created by someone who believes that our God is evil and believes he is doing this world a favour by creating these weapons of destruction. Those who have passed away have to no hope for escape when they are called back in his name."

Elizabeth called on her "feather storm" attack to destroy those demons. Then the people looked to her, some were discouraged while others seemed curious. A woman spoke up demanding information.

"How come you know so much about those monsters and how do you really know what they are? One of those demons were my cousin! I saw just him yesterday!" The woman started crying.

Elizabeth landed back on the ground and deactivated her Innocence.

"I am one of the chosen disciples to defend this world from the chaos... A long time ago I witness this evil man's work by bringing back my mother from the dead, by taking advantage of my father's grief. Then… My master told me everything about what they are. Souls called back to this world in the name of the Millennium Earl are then forever trapped to become slaves of murder. Killing all their path, no matter who they are. It could be your mother, son, father, daughter, even your grandparents," she explained then approached the weeping woman. "I'm sorry about your cousin. The Earl does not ignore anyone's grief but this endless killing can end with all of you, by turning your hopes, to this man."

Elizabeth smiled softly as she pointed towards Richard, who was in awe, staring at her.

"So, you're saying that everything Theodore was telling us was just a lie?" A man demanded.

"That's exactly what I'm telling you! He made an agreement with the devil for money and he's using all you for his greed!"

Everyone was talking to one another then noticed Elizabeth's troubled face. She was worried about Miranda still. Wondering where she could be and really hoped that Miranda was alive. Richard put a hand on her shoulder and wondered what was on her mind. Then she reminded him that her partner still has not been found.

"Who is your partner?" Said a man.

"Miranda Lotto," Elizabeth told him.

"You mean unlucky Miranda?" Said a kid with his mother by his mother slapped him on the shoulder for making such a reference.

"As unlucky she may be, this woman is just a valuable as all the lives in this town. From what I remember her telling me was that she originally from this town."

The townspeople decided to help aid Elizabeth on her quest to find Miranda. They said the search should start at the chapel. Everyone realized he'd probably be preaching at his service at the moment. But Elizabeth was not going to let that stop her, the men were impressed by her determination. As they barged into the building those who were in the pew jolted and stared back at the people. Theodore was shocked to see Elizabeth.

"Nice to know you're still alive," he smiled.

"Where is Miranda!?" Elizabeth demanded.

"That should be the least of your concerns," the evil priest smirked.

Demons appeared from some of the people in the congregation. Most of them were just level ones so Elizabeth activated her Innocence to her humanoid lion form and gave a powerful roar! With just that roar the demons exploded as the innocent people rushed to the back of the chapel.

"I'll ask again, where is Miranda?" Elizabeth said baring her large canines.

Theodore did not say anything.

"You should have been struck down for what you've done to this town!" Said a man holding a pitchfork.

"Ha, if my preachings were false then haven't God himself struck me down? Surely he has the ability to do that!" He argued.

The people were puzzled, almost reconsidering what he just said.

"God won't strike down people like you, you're too weak and because of your sins, you have are to repent for what you've done!" Elizabeth pointed at him. "He gathered his loyal followers and asks for us to take care those the one who chose the path of destruction for greed… You!"

With that said the townspeople all charged at Theodore to overwhelm him. They managed to get the area of where Miranda was being kept. Elizabeth, with her innocence still activated, she pushed the altar to reveal a stairway. She rushed down to find a cell.

"Miranda!" Elizabeth looked at who seemed a little weak.

"Elizabeth… I always knew you'd come," she beamed.

Elizabeth tried to touch the bars, it shocked her. Not this again, the lion exorcist thought. Miranda told her to be careful because the bars were wire with something that only affects exorcists. This is diffidently the work of the Earl. Electricity that only reacts to Innocence but this is only effective to those are weak willed. Elizabeth took a deep breath then took hold of the bars. The pain from the slightest touch was critical but through determination this can be defeated.

"Please, don't concern yourself over me!" Miranda whimpered.

"I'm not going to leave you!" She kept trying until the pain from her other injuries were triggered. Elizabeth fell to her knees, unable to move.

"Hey, what's the matter down there?" Called one of the men from above.

Elizabeth hated that she had to this but there was no other choice.

"Could you help us out?" Elizabeth replied.

A couple of men came down to the cell and Elizabeth explained the situation. Turns out regular humans can touch these bars, so it only affects exorcists. The men worked together to break Miranda out of the prison. When they managed to get the door opened one of them picked up the weak Miranda and then the other picked up with Elizabeth, who was back to her normal self.

A few days later of hospital food and visitors from the townspeople. Elizabeth and Miranda were recovering well. The people seemed happy and Richard really gave her his regards. For if it was not for her, the people who continued to be lost and creating more destruction. Being an exorcist has it hardships, for this is a war, but knowing that something good can come out of all this really makes the job worth doing.

"Hey, Miranda… Why do you think God chose people like us to being exorcists?" Elizabeth pondered as she laid in her hospital bed.

"I've been asking myself that a lot but I believe he chose me so I can have a sense of hope again," Miranda replied. "And as for you. I think you were chosen because you have a destiny full of hope. To spread the light by touching the hearts of everyone you meet."

"What makes you say that?" The shapeshifting exorcist was confused by that statement.

"Everyone in the order just loves having you around. Allen is a sure example of how you've affected him. Anyone you come across really knows that you are sure sign of hope to this world," the time exorcist smiled.

"How can you be so sure?"

"All you have to do is smile."