After consulting with Bulma (unfortunately, no time for food), I IT'd back home to find Chichi working her magic in the kitchen. Goten rushed out of his room as soon as I stepped through the door.

"Dad's home!" he shouted, as if no one else could sense my ki.

"Hey, Goten, how's it going?"

He gleefully detailed his day at school while I went and hugged my wife. She tensed a little bit before I went to kiss her cheek.

"Smells good," I whispered in her ear.

Chichi tried to hide her smile as she smacked my head with a (still hot!) frying pan.


"You're late. Again," she scolded.

I smiled apologetically and turned to sit down at the table. Goten had already jumped into his seat next to mine. My other son walked into the dining room, still reading his textbook.

"Hey, Dad," he greeted.

"You learning anything in those books?" I teased.

He smiled and took a seat across from me as Chichi hurried to serve dinner. It was a feast fit for a king, or, in our case, two Saiyans. The sounds of munching, chewing, slurping and swallowing filled the air.

"You three eat like you're starving," Chichi exclaimed. "At least use some silverware! I didn't raise two heathens."

I then heard her mumble what sounded suspiciously like "but I sure did marry one".

"But Chi, the food's just so good!" I said around a mouthful of fried rice and pork.

She rolled her eyes good-naturedly and continued to primly eat her meal. My sons and I finished just a minute later and all three of us pushed back our chairs and headed outside. Gohan and I rose towards the clouds while Goten stayed on the ground to run through his katas. We both powered up to ascended super Saiyan and began a heated hour of training.

It wasn't too long before we both felt the effects of sparring. Gohan's speed nearly matched mine when we're both at the second stage of Super Saiyan. I'm stronger and have a better sense of combat, but we were both breathing harder than normal after an hour in the setting sun.

"Let's call it a day," I said to my son after I sent him spinning in the air after a brutal kick.

As the sky turned a red-pink, I headed back to my favorite spot- the waterfall. After stripping off my boots, I sat down on a grassy spot just next to the river's edge and dipped my feet into the rushing currents. The day had flown by so quickly. It was only this morning that Vegeta had approached me with such weird aggressive behavior. What had he been thinking? And that look in his eyes… it was like a starving man looking at the juiciest steak in the world. Vegeta had never looked at me like that. Vegeta had never looked at anything like that except for maybe the dragon balls that held the possibility of immortality. Just the memory of him staring at me was enough to send shivers down my spine.

Instead of focusing on the crazy, I tried to shift my thoughts back to my conversation with Bulma. She had given me an opportunity of a lifetime! And all I needed was to get Vegeta sound asleep. I wasn't too comfortable with the idea of tricking my friend into going along with the experiment, but I just couldn't imagine him agreeing to share his mind with me. But seeing my home planet, my people, maybe even my family, was worth it. I guess it's a good thing that the only other surviving Saiyan had been married to my super-smart best friend. Bulma explained that many years ago, she had concocted a mix of tranquilizers that would put two elephants down for half a day. After tripling the dose, it apparently knocked Vegeta out for a few hours. I didn't ask why she wanted to make her husband unconscious, but I'm guessing it had something to do with his habit of blowing up parts of their home when he was in a temper. She seems very confident that this "medicine" will work. My job is to slip it to him sometime in the evening, then get him back to Bulma's basement and hook him up to the machine. Bulma said she'd do the rest. After I go to sleep, supposedly our waves will hook up in the brain… or something along those lines. I didn't understand all that science talk.

I suddenly realized the sky had grown dark. Without delay, I pulled my shoes back on and IT'd back home. Chichi would definitely be waiting. My bed sounded very comfortable right now. I realized how tired I was; I could sleep for days! Maybe tonight I wouldn't have any more weird dreams.

My eyes wouldn't open. I couldn't move my body. Everything seemed muted, like I was a floating body. All of a sudden, I felt strong, gloved hands grasp my arms. The fingers drifted down to my waist where they stopped and clutched my hips with a bruising intensity. I still couldn't see or move, but my sense of touch was on fire. And then it wasn't just the gloved hands I could feel on my skin. It was hair and muscle and sweat and battle armor and all the other sensations that make up Vegeta. He was all over me, and I had the feeling that his very being surrounded me. It was incredible, being so close to such magnificent power. I could feel his skin on mine, yet I wanted more.

"Damn it!"

"Goku? Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, Chi," I called back.

"Okay, if you're sure," she said.

The problem was, I was not okay. This was the second time I had dreamed about the prince. And the second time I had woken up with an erection pressed against the fabric of my pajamas. I scrambled into the shower. The cold water was welcome and helped calm me down. Well, a certain part of me calmed down. The rest of me was still thinking about that dream. It wasn't a "sexy" dream. Just a regular dream with Vegeta in it. I must be going crazy. How could I think about Vegeta like that? He was my friend, and the only other Saiyan in the universe! But then, how could my body be responding like this?

I stepped out from the cold water and got ready for my day. I had a feeling it was going to be a rough one. Training in the morning, training in the afternoon, then meeting with Bulma to get the vial of "medicine" (I said no needles!), and then training again. As much as I loved training, it does get repetitive after a while. And my opponents never changed: Gohan, Goten, Piccolo, and of course, Vegeta. I'd traveled to other worlds just to mix it up, but nothing seemed to pose much of a challenge. Maybe I was growing soft, but I needed something to drive me. I knew Vegeta felt the same. He practically yelled it to my face. Our Saiyan blood called for action, for a fight.

I put on my standard gi and headed out to face the morning.