Reese's P.O.V

It all started last week and I immediately knew that something was wrong. It was strange; I could see little flashes of different colour lights dancing around my room.

Sometimes when I saw people that I knew, I began to see them differently, as if they had done something wrong or were dangerous.

Mum got worried too and even talked to me about going to see a physiatrist. Well she did when I told her that I could hear voices in my head and could see ghosts.

The worrying bit though, was that it was all true. I wouldn't make up something like this- ever.

Daddy has started acting differently whenever he's around me to; it's as if he's scared of me. I didn't mean to scare him; in fact, I didn't even mean to do what I did.

Yesterday, I was sitting in the classroom next to my best friend Emily (I couldn't think of a name so I just used the actor's) doing my English work.

When I finished, Miss Jones, my teacher, asked me to read my work out. But when I finished, she told me that it wasn't any good. So, I got angry.

I shouted at her, which was strange as I hardly even shouted at my mum and dad. As I got angrier and angrier, my hands balled into fists and I shut my eyes tight, as if concentrating on something.

Suddenly, all of the windows in the room shattered, sending shards of glass flying everywhere. That's why no one likes me, they are scared of what I'll do.