So im gonna try this again, this time Middle School students!

Walking to school in 80 degree weather in a long sleeve shirt and jeans was something Sara Sidle didn't wanna do. New school, new scars, new friends. Middle school was already gonna be hard no thanks to her abusive father. She sat down in the back of the gym and brought her knees to her chest. She just wanted to get to her locker and class with out anyone asking her about what she was wearing. When she saw someone walking over to her she hid her head.

"Hello," the tall boy said. He had blue eyes and brown hair, a handsome smile.

"Hi," she said shyly.

"Um, I'm Gil. Gil Grissom. What's your name?"
"Sara what?"
"Sidle, Sara Sidle."
"Hi Sara. What grade are you in?"
"Sixth, what grade are you in?"
"Sixth too. You wanna come sit with me and my friends?"
"Uh, yeah, sure."
Sara grabbed her bag and walked behind Grissom as people gave her looks.

"Hey guys, this is Sara. Sara this is Catherine, Nick, Morgan, Greg, and Warrick."
"How long have you lived in Vegas?"
"Um, I moved here during the summer."
"Sara, why are you so nervous? Its just middle school."
"I know. I just don't like being the new kid any more. I've moved a lot."
"Don't worry, we'll all help you through this. We all help each other out."
"Cool," Sara let a small smile slide onto her lip.

"Tell us more about your self, your family."
"Um, I live with my mom, dad and older brother Tyler. I'm 10, almost 11, love math and science. I take a gymnastics class, and I'm on a scholarship there. I'm trying to talk my dad into letting me take karate or taekwondo. Now, you guys tell me about your selves."
"Catherine Willows, 11, live with my mom. I don't know who my father is."
"Nick Stokes, youngest of 7, live with my parents, five sisters and brother. My two oldest siblings are in the eighth grade. MJ and Ethan."
"Warrick Brown. Vegas born, I live with my grandma, 11, and my parents are dead."
"Morgan Brody, dad and mom are divorced, dad is the principal, only child, 11."
"Greg Hojem Sanders, mom and dad, only child, 10."
"Gil Grissom, as you know, I'm 11. I live with my mom, who is def, and my father died two years ago. I am fluent in sign language."

"Show off," Nick coughed.

"Shut up."

Everyone but Sara laughed.

"Alright everyone, sit down."

Everyone shut up and sat.

"Good, welcome students to your first day of school. We have a few new students, not meaning the whole sixth grade, but actually students who just moved here. Where is Sara Sidle?"
Sara closed her eyes and raised her hand, making sure her sleeve stayed up on her arm.

"Ziva and Tali David."
"Its Da-veed," a sixth grader said before her sister could, "and you don't wanna piss Ziva off."
"Alright, and finally Sam and Dean Winchester?"
Dean stood up, "Hey, you don't wanna mess with me."
"Dean, sit down."

Sam just sat in the sixth grade spot while his eighth grade brother made a fool of him self. Sara bit her lip as she saw Sam.

"Someone's got a crush."
"I do not."

"Off to homeroom."
All the kids went off and Grissom showed Sara to her homeroom.

I hope you liked it. Please review