Lovino was jerked out of his light sleep with a sharp tug. He bolted upright, then moaned as bright lights popped in front of his tired eyes. He inwardly cursed his caffeine-hyped roommate for deciding to play a scary movie at top volume last night, leaving Lovino to yell obscenities from his room that the stupid hamburger eater probably couldn't hear.
A chuckle interrupted him from his thoughts, and he whipped around angrily to face whoever it was who had the nerve to play with his hair while he was dozing.
"Ah, Lovi! You're awake!"
"What is it, tomato bastard?" Cursed Lovino, pushing the overly friendly Spaniard roughly away. "And don't call me Lovi!"
Antonio pouted, his green eyes sparkling. "Aww, but Lovi sounds so cute! Just like you!" He started playing with Lovino's hair again, completely oblivious to the Italian's mounting rage.
"You BASTARD!" Yelled Lovino, causing Antonio back away, still chuckling, "You can go take a running jump offa this roof for all I care of your cute! Cute my ass, and I'm not talking about a figlio di puttana Donkey, and I'm sure you know where to stick that! You can eat that bastard Arthur's food for eternity while I laugh in your face and pelt you with your beloved tomatoes you little piece of Merda! GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OUT OF MY HAIR!"
Lovino jumped out of bed and backed the Spaniard out into the hallway, face pressed threateningly close to his. However, Lovino soon noticed that Antonio wasn't staring at his face...
"Nice boxers Lovi!" Antonio said approvingly, pointing to the pattern of tomatoes adorning Lovino's lower half.
The door slammed, and Lovino leant against it, panting. He could feel his face turning bright red, and inwardly slapped himself. Why did he always get so embarrassed around Antonio? The attractive Spaniard was annoying enough at the best of times...
The sound of knocking resonated through the door as Antonio's plaintive voice resonated through the woodwork.
"Call me that again and I'll castrate you." Lovino growled.
"School is about to start~" he could hear that stupid smile "I'll see you in class, Lovi!"


Send message To Elizaveta
Did you get the footage from earlier?

Send Message To Kiku
OMG YES. Eduard worked out how to hook up the CCTV to his laptop, so no more sneaking into Staff Only for us! BUT OMG SO ADORABLE. DID YOU GET GOOD PICTURES?

Send Message To Elizaveta
Yes I did. This pairing is really kicking off, is it not? Lovino is still bright red.

Send message To Kiku
Wonderful! ^_^ I'll get Eduard to put them up on the blog later. OMG is he? I bet Toni likes that ;)

Send Message To Elizaveta
I am looking forward to seeing what he will say to him later. Class is about to start, so I will see you then.

Compose message To Kiku
Good! I'll just get the others to start packi

Elizaveta looked up from her phone as the sound of footsteps approached the door of the Secret Ship Club. She looked around, taking in the frozen faces of those around her, most of them sitting at computers with bunches of tissues held to their noses.
"Somebody's coming!" She hissed. "You know the drill! Quickly!"
The room jumped into action, stowing away laptops, deleting internet history and slipping sheaf's of paper inside exercise books. Tino rubbed all the diagrams and complicated triangles off the board, while Lili covered the wall filled with photos of their classmates with pictures of boats as Heracles brought in the boat models and placed them on the desk. Elizaveta stood by the door, frying pan at the ready in case the intruder saw anything he shouldn't.

The door creaked slowly open and the unsuspecting victim walked through the doorway, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"I'm sorry I'm late Eliza-"
"Its Alfred!"


"Ow!" Yelped the stranger, clutching his head and pushing his glasses back up his nose. "What was that for? Its just me!"

"Who are you and why are you pretending to be Alfred?" Demanded Elizaveta, brandishing her frying pan, ready for another swing. The blonde haired boy cowered, hands over his head.

"I'm Matthew! You know, Canada! I've been part of the ship club for ages! I write fanfictions!"

Elizaveta slowly lowered the pan and squinted at him. "Oh! Sorry Matthew, forgot about you for a moment there."

"...Yeah well..." Matthew shrugged, and switched on a PC. "I just came to say, you might be interested about what my brother is saying to Arthur right now,"

Elizaveta rushed over to the computer, looking at Matthew expectantly. He logged into the computer and swivelled his chair so he was facing the club and muttered something about: "of course they see me now."
"Well? Are you going to tell us?" Lili asked as she went about covering the rest of the students on the wall.
"Kiku's on the job. I think they're somewhere near the World Economics class. And you guys really should be heading to wherever you're meant to be, right?"
"Right," Elizaveta turned to the club and ordered them to head to their classes.
Elizaveta was sure the teacher wouldn't mind if she and Kiku talked about the current relationship between Alfred and Arthur.

This fanfic is written by TWO people. Myself, ShowMeTheStarsIn221B (Stars) and my friend I Like The Alphabet (Alphabet) (I CAN WRITE FOR MYSELF THANK YOU), so apologies if you notice a dramatic change between writing styles, but still, have fun guessing who is writing which scene ;)
Oh, and I'm in italics and Alphabet is in bold. Apparently they reflect our writing styles. Whoever guesses who wrote which scene gets a tomato! Hehehe~
We decided to include ALL OUR PAIRINGS, which mostly work. However, I'm a Ausswiss Shipper while-
I REFER TO IT AS EDELWEISS. Now, I ship PruAus (am I right, totally adorable?) (not *shudders* Edelweiss)
Please don't diss the perfectness that is EDELWIESS
Excuse me while I laugh
But anyway, we have an AGREEMENT REMEMBER? I let you do PruAus if you let me do Edelweiss and PruCan. So we will have a lot of ship wars before we reach the conclusion ;)
We also made a deal that I could have more PruAus if you could have PruCan so nyeah.
The title. Now this fic has had about 3 titles, the original one was "Spamano Ship Club" but Alphabet changed it to "The Adventures of Lovio and Antonio's tush". (Spelling mistake intentional)So that's its REAL title :D
Idk what happened to make that our title. Oh, Stars wrote Lovio instead of Lovino and I took a liking to it and then we went with the fanon of Antonio having a nice tush so yeah :) It was amazing
And then I wrote LOVIONO. I am the lord of typos!
Can you PLEASE learn to use FULL STOPS? Honestly, you tease me enough about my punctuation...
This fic was inspired by random bits of text conversation, fan art, other fanfiction and randomness :p Pretty much we read a bunch of Gakuen and said to each other; "My kingdom for a perfect fic." "Well why don't we write our own?" And our beloved Spamano was born ^_^ Basically the languages are swear words and we have many side pairings :)
Pretty much. Enjoy!