A/N: Hi All! I'm back! In only two weeks! Must be a record or something lol. Just a warning, there is very brief assault and hate speech/cursing in this chapter. Nothing excessive though. Drop me a line if you like! Happy Reading!

Time is only wasting so why wait for eventually?

If we gon' do something 'bout it, we should do it right now...

After practice, Mr. Schue and most of the New Directions cleared out the classroom.

Rachel gave Mercedes and Quinn a celebratory hug telling the blonde how proud she was of her before scurrying out the room. Puck packed up his guitar shooting Quinn a lingering look before nodding and walking out the door leaving Kurt and the pair behind.

The pale brunet turned toward Quinn.

"You did good, Fabray. You're off my list...for now." He paused for a moment and squinted before his lips broke into an easy smile. Reaching out, he pulled her into a hug. After saying goodbye to Mercedes with a bear hug and a peck on the cheek, he was gone. They were finally left alone.

Quinn felt antsy. The feeling was unfamiliar as she never felt nervous around Mercedes. Maybe it was because she actually had to use words to express herself this time...

They must've both felt the weight of the growing silence because they both turned to speak at the same time.

"Mercedes, I-"

"Quinn, I-"

They chuckled after that and Quinn invited Mercedes to speak her piece first.

Mercedes smiled warmly at the blonde, taking her pale hand into her brown one and lacing their fingers. "You were great up there."

"Thanks, but I can't take full credit. It was Rachel's idea…She sure knows how to pick a showstopper," Quinn chuckled softly. Her mood shifted soon after. The next few words weren't easy for her to say.

"Look, Mercedes I... I'm so sorry about what I said in the hallway and for pretending like we weren't anything when we both knew that we were. It wasn't fair and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for hurting you. I never meant to, but I know I did and I can't take that back. You didn't deserve that...not at all. And I-"

"Shhhh…" Mercedes replied reaching out and placing a finger on Quinn's lips. "I know. You hurt me deeply Quinn. I couldn't eat or sleep right for days. You really broke my h-heart…" Mercedes paused to hold back tears.

Quinn's shoulders slumped. She felt lower than scum all over again. "I know...I'm an idiot and I'm sorry. I know I can't undo what I did, but I really, really am sorry. I'm ready to do whatever it'll take to make it up to you. I'm not afraid anymore. I just hope that you can fully forgive me someday..."

Mercedes smiled gently and squeezed Quinn's hand. "I already did Quinn...After we ended, I did a lotof praying and the Spirit finally spoke to me. It told me that in order to move forward and for my heart to heal, I needed to forgive you. I didn't do it for you though...don't get me wrong, I love you, but I did it for me. Forgiving you finally gave me the peace I was searching for. I do accept your apology though. Really. The song was so beautiful. I loved it," she finished, smiling genuinely.

Quinn returned the smile. "Well a beautiful song is the only kind suitable for my beautiful best friend. At least I still think of us like that…I mean, I still want that for us..."

Mercedes smiled reassuringly. "I want that too Quinn. You know, besides praying, I've had a lot of time to do some thinking. It was really hard for me to be away from you. Even though I was mad at you, I couldn't stop thinking about you or how you were doing… I know being back home must've been tough."

Quinn nodded wearily. "It has been. But it's been a little better since my sister has been in town."

"Francine is back?"

"Yea, she's only here for a little while longer though. I'm actually dreading when she'll have to leave…"

"Awww you'll be fine, Q. You've got me, remember?" Mercedes lifted their hands and placed a soft, lingering kiss on the back on Quinn's palm.

Quinn felt heat rise within her. The warm feeling tugging at her heart reminded her of why she'd fallen in love with Mercedes all those months ago. Her big heart and her gentle spirit. She gazed back at Mercedes longingly for a moment before reaching out and stroking her cheeks. Her hazel eyes surveyed her friend's face looking for an answer. It came in the form of a smile and Quinn leaned forward and brought their lips together. The moment their lips touched, fireworks exploded in Quinn's head and the butterflies that were settled in her stomach went bananas. Mercedes' arm rested gently on her shoulders as she closed her eyes and sank into the kiss. When they finally came up for air, they were both breathless.

"I really, really missed you," Quinn rasped, gently stroking Mercedes' soft cheeks.

"I missed you too. Don't you ever leave me again, okay?."

"Never," Quinn replied, drawing her near once more.


Never in a million years had Quinn imagined that falling back into step with Mercedes would be so easy, but she was grateful for it all the same. It didn't take long before they were back to being attached at the hip. Things were good. Maybe even better than they were before.

They no longer had to hide anything at school anymore. A few kids outside of class would give them strange looks, but they ignored them and went about their business merrily. The other New Directions members were very supportive and gave them their privacy whenever they needed it. Even Puck eventually showed them love to Quinn's relief. Their friends were so open and accepting of the idea that it was a wonder they even bothered to keep their relationship a secret at all.

Things were so good, Quinn finally believed that things were starting to look up...

One afternoon after glee practice, the young couple sat in Quinn's bedroom studying for their biology final, although both girls were more than a little distracted, Quinn more so than Mercedes.

Mercedes sat on Quinn's swivel chair reading off the flashcards she'd made from her notes. "So if the parents are both heterozygous, what is the probability that their offspring will carry the recessive allele?"

"I don't know…"

"Quinn, come on. This is simple. You should know this."

Quinn groaned as she stared at the ceiling stretched out on her queen sized mattress. "Well, I don't and I'm just a-leel over this studying thing…"

Mercedes chuckled and tossed a Beanie Baby at the sassy blonde. "That was corny as hell, Fabray." It collided with Quinn's kneecap before falling to the ground. The pregnant blonde tried to sit up to retrieve it, but gave up when that proved to be difficult opting to reach for the toy on the ground instead. Quinn gave up on that too when she failed to retrieve it, the object well out of her reach.

"Mercedes, it's in poor taste to pick on someone who isn't in shape to fight back."

"Ohhh..." Mercedes cooed getting up from Quinn's computer chair. She made her way over to the bed, sitting beside her girlfriend and stroking her hair. "My poor Qbear..."

Quinn's lips lifted into a wide smile before she chuckled. "You're lucky you're so cute."

Mercedes smiled before lowering her lips to touch Quinn's. "Flattery will get you everywhere, my dear." She dropped her books and curled up next to Quinn, angling her body so that the blonde was comfortable. Mercedes gently set her hands on her girlfriend's waist, smoothly stroking it up and down.

Quinn closed her eyes and melted into Mercedes. "Mmmm...are you trying to seduce me Mercy?"

Mercedes chuckled lightly. "Is it working?"

"Mhmm…" Quinn sighed contently.

It had been a while since they'd been this close and Quinn welcomed the nearness eagerly. All the nights that she'd longed for Mercedes' touch culminated into this one and Quinn was prepared to give her everything. Her parents weren't home and neither was Fran so they had every opportunity in the world to do as they pleased. Quinn snaked her tiny hands up and under Mercedes' shirt and traced the outline of her nipples before giving them a squeeze. When Mercedes moaned, Quinn lips stretched into a wide grin, knowing she was providing her girl with just as much pleasure as she was giving her.

What started as a game of tease and play for Quinn, soon evolved into need. Mercedes seemed to sense it and she reached under Quinn's skirt and began to rub tiny circles over her cotton covered clitoris. Quinn tried to bite back her moan, wanting the sensation to be prolonged, but the sound sprung from her lips against her will. She looked up to find Mercedes smirking at her, relishing in the effect she was having on her. Quinn closed her eyes and lay back, parting her legs wider to give Mercedes more room to work with. She bit her lip as her orgasm built up. She could feel it creeping up on her as the familiar warmth in her belly returned. When she was close, she reached down and placed her hand on Mercedes' urging her to increase her tortuous slow and steady rhythm. Mercedes continued to tease her for a moment, waiting until she heard Quinn whimper before obliging and picking up the pace, slipping a couple fingers in for good measure.

Quinn came hard, her hips bucking as she rode out her orgasm to the rhythm of Mercedes' chubby fingers. When her body finally relaxed, Mercedes slipped the fingers out and brought them to her lips before sharing them with Quinn. With a little help from Mercedes, she sat up and brought their lips together in a searing kiss. Quinn's tongue probed Mercedes' lips and she parted them allowing it entrance. Her cheeks were flushed red as she tasted herself on Mercedes' lips. She couldn't wait to get her fill of Mercedes. The chubby girl arched her neck, deepening the kiss. When Quinn felt that same need emanating from her friend, she was more than ready to supply.

Her hands found their way to the buttons on Mercedes' blouse and she began to undo them. Their lips remained in place as she hastily pushed it off her shoulder…

She was lost in Mercedes. So far gone in a haze of lust and need and pleasure. Quinn's lips were poised to suck on the skin by Mercedes' clavicle when her bedroom door suddenly flew open.

"Honey, since Frannie's last night is tomorrow, your father and I wanted to know if you wanted to go out for dinn-OH! OH MY LORD!"

The two girls jumped away from each other, completely startled, but it was too late. Her mother had seen everything.

From Quinn's lips on Mercedes', to Mercedes' lavender bra, to her blue cotton dress bunched up around her waist. Mrs. Fabray covered her mouth and stared for a moment before rushing from the room. Mercedes and Quinn exchanged horrified glances before quickly making themselves as presentable as they could. Just as expected, about a minute later, Mrs. Fabray was on her way back with Mr. Fabray and Francine not far behind.

"LUCILLE QUINN FABRAY! WHAT IN THE GOOD LORD'S NAME IS GOING ON?" her father bellowed from down the stairs.

Quinn winced at her full name. She only ever heard it when she was in the deepest of shit.

Mercedes glanced over at Quinn. The blonde was shaking as tears rolled down her eyes so she moved closer and took her hand.

Quinn glanced over at her gratefully and squeezed back. "Y-you should probably go… this could get ugly fast."

Mercedes kissed her cheek. "No, I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying here with you."

Quinn closed her eyes and for just a moment, like always with Mercedes, she felt safe.

But only for a moment...

Mr. Fabray burst into the room and took one hard look at Quinn and Mercedes holding hands before exploding. His ruddy complexion was comparable to a tomato, bright red and puffed up as he raised an accusatory finger at Quinn. His words dripped out quickly, stinging like venom and burning a hole in everything within arms length of him.

"Five months. Five months ago, you brought that Hudson kid over here to dinner to tell me you were pregnant. Then less than two months ago we hear the dyke rumors and when you KNOW we're still learning to trust you again, you bring it into my house?! For Christ's sakes! I don't know what to say to you, Lucille...I really don't. Kicking you out didn't seem to do anything because now…" He paused to laugh bitterly. "Jesus Christ, now, you're a faggot!"

"Russell!" Judy cried out, "We've got company!"

"Oh, who the fuck cares anymore Judith! It's like fucking Sodom and Gomorrah in here! In my own house! "

Mrs. Fabray turned away from her husband briefly, fidgeting and wringing her hands frantically. Her eyes were enormous. "Mercedes, I think it's best if you leave now..."

"With all due respect Mrs. Fabray, I'm staying. For Quinn."

Quinn turned to Mercedes and shook her head. "No, you should go… I c-can handle it. I'll call you, okay?"

Mercedes lowered her voice so that only Quinn could hear her. "Are you sure? I don't mind, really..."

"Yea I'm sure… I'll call you as soon as I can."

The room was oddly silent as Mercedes nodded and gave Quinn's hand a squeeze before awkwardly walking past a flustered Mrs. Fabray and tightly wound up Mr. Fabray.

The moment she was gone, the noise level shot back up again.

"I mean, Christ it's like I don't even know who she is anymore! It's no wonder she's been acting out, Judith. Look at the type of friends she keeps."

Quinn's body shook. It was one thing for her father to talk down to her. She was used to it, but she would not have him talk about Mercedes like that.

"SHUT UP! Don't you dare speak about my girlfriend like that! You have no idea who I am anymore? You never knew who I was at all because you NEVER gave a shit! You never tried to get to know me. All you ever cared about was Fran. You wanted me to be just like her so you never even paid attention to what I wanted!"

"I never cared? I never cared? Who paid for all those surgeries you had when you were younger, Lucille? All the funds for those gym memberships and diet plans and skin care regimens came out of my pockets. I made you who you are today. You would be nowhere without me. I always cared!"

Quinn shook her head vehemently. "No Daddy! I needed you when I was younger to be there for me! I needed you to tell me that I didn't need those surgeries. That I was beautiful already. I needed you, Dad! All those times I was bullied and depressed, you gave me an out with money, but I know now that that wasn't love," she spat the word out like it left a bitter taste in her mouth. Her mother and sister stared back at her wordlessly as her father stared at the ground. She was shaking and tears were running down her eyes but she continued.

"You can't even bare to look at me can you? The fact that I didn't turn out to be the perfect little girl you always thought I should be? Well I'm sorry, but I can't change who I am. I love Mercedes Jones. I love her and if that makes me a sinner then send me straight to hell!"

Judy and Russell Fabray stared back at Quinn for a moment. Slowly her father walked up to her until he was just a few inches away. He said nothing as he looked her up and down. He reached out and struck her once. With a low hateful growl through gritted teeth, he said, "You are no child of mine. I want you out NOW! GET OUT!"

He shoved her backwards and Fran and Mrs. Fabray lurched forward steadying her before she fell as Russell turned and left, slamming the door behind him. Fran pulled Quinn in for a hug and held her close. Mrs. Fabray looked over at them with a pained expression before following after her husband. The yelling Quinn had grown so used to started almost instantly.

Fran looked over at Quinn.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

Quinn nodded as tears streamed down her face. "Yea, I'm fine… you know you could've stood up for me there."


"Are you ashamed of me too?"

"N-no… I just…"

"Just leave me alone…please," Quinn wrestled out of Fran's grasp.

"Quinn…" Fran reached out to touch her shoulder, but Quinn flinched away.


Fran looked over at her baby sister and nodded before turning to leave. She gave Quinn one good look before turning and shutting the door behind her.

Francine walked down the hall to where her parents were both yelling at the top of their lungs. She burst into the room, angry at herself for not standing up to them sooner and gave them a piece of her mind. To her surprise, both parents were quiet and listened to what she had to say. Her father tried to interrupt on multiple occasions, but she cut him off every time. When she was finished, she was breathing hard, her face red and flared up. She let them have it. Everything she had regretted never saying to them in the past. Quinn didn't know it, but Fran was aware of how they treated her because of her. Francine also knew that Quinn was right. She never did a thing to help. She had failed as a big sister. Truth be told, she was furious at herself for not standing up for Quinn when she needed her most. She had been for a very long time. Even though her parents felt that Quinn had let them down, the truth was, they had all let her down.

She eventually managed to get them both to get up and walk back to Quinn's room for a civilized conversation, much to Mr. Fabray's disgruntlement. Unfortunately, it was all in vain, because when they finally returned to Quinn's room, they realized that she was gone.

Jehovah Rohi, The Lord my shepherd...

Jehovah Jireh, The Lord who provides…

Jehovah Shalom, The Lord my peace…

Jehovah Rohi, The Lord my shepherd...

Jehovah Jireh, The Lord who provides…

Jehovah Shalom, The Lord my peace...

Quinn sat alone in the dimly lit sanctuary of St. Peter's Baptist Church reading the words on the colored glass set in the sturdy stone walls. The old church was a place she could always go to think, even though she wasn't so sure she belonged here anymore. Reciting the words written beneath the glass provided her with comfort as she prepared to pray. She couldn't manage to get on her knees in her condition so she hoped that God would hear her anyway.

She hated fighting with her family. Confrontation always made her so uneasy, but it seemed as though the chaos of her family life would follow her always. No matter how happy she managed to feel, eventually her own flesh and blood would tear away any and everything she'd fought so hard to achieve.

Quinn closed her eyes tightly and clasped her hands praying hard for guidance. She prayed for healing and finally, she prayed for peace. When she was done, there were tears rolling down her face. She wasn't sure that the man upstairs had heard a word of what she said, it had been a while since she prayed, but something in her heart felt warm and she took that as a sign that he did.

Quinn sat up and wiped her eyes. She didn't want to go back home. How could she after what had happened? She wasn't sure she could turn up to Mercedes' either. She knew it was late. Maybe she could stay here for the night?

She got up slowly to pull out a few things from the bag she'd thrown together in order to make herself comfortable when she saw a figure sitting a few pews back.

It was Fran.

Her eyes were closed and it seemed as though she'd come to pray too. After a moment, she opened her eyes and gave Quinn a small smile and a gentle wave. When Quinn smiled back, she took that as an invitation to join her. Quinn shifted over, making room for her big sister in the pew. They sat wordlessly for a moment before Quinn finally spoke.

"How did you find me?"

Fran's stormy green eyes twinkled and a weary smile graced her lips. "You 'ran away' when we were younger and this was where we finally found you. I guess it was just a hunch…"

Quinn nodded. A few more awkward silences passed before Francine spoke again.

"Luce, I'm sorry.

"What for?"

"For not being around. For being a terrible big sister. I should've spoke up for you ages ago but I never did. You have every reason to hate me." She hung her head in shame.

"I don't hate you…"

"But you should...It wasn't fair for me to leave you all those years knowing Mom and Dad were being so tough on you and it wasn't fair for me to come breezing back in like nothing had ever happened."

"I needed you, you know." Quinn's voice shook. "I needed my big sister months ago when I found out I was pregnant. I was so scared Fran and I had no one to talk to..."

Fran nodded as tears rolled down her cheeks. She wiped them away as fast as they came smudging her makeup. "I-I know. I'm s-so sorry. I don't even know the first thing about my little sister. Here I was thinking you were still seeing Finn and preparing for Cheerios nationals. No wonder you didn't open up to me when I got back... I'm pretty much like a stranger to you, aren't I?"

"You don't have to be…" Quinn replied turning to face her. "Being pregnant has taught me a lot of things. Like growing up. People are constantly telling me that this baby will screw up my life, but maybe, m-maybe she's here right now for a reason. She's shown me how not to be selfish. To take better care of myself and to value those around me. A lot has changed and we have so much to work out, but I still want you in my life Frannie. I still need you."

Fran nodded as she wrapped her arm around Quinn's shoulder and squeezed it, resting her head in the crook of her sister's neck.

"Do you think that I'm a screw up? Like Dad says? I know I'm always disappointing him…"

Fran shook her head. "No, you're not. Dad has always been a hardass. He means well but he has a... poor way of expressing himself sometimes."

Quinn scoffed. "That's putting it lightly…"

Fran chuckled softly. "I know… in his own little way, I know deep down he cares. He didn't mean what he said you know. He's just scared. Of course, I'm not excusing his behavior at all, but I think that his baby girl is just growing up faster than he can handle...and forming relationships that he never imagined having to deal with..."

"I didn't choose to be like this you know..."

"I know…"

"Fran?" Quinn spoke in a soft voice.


"Why did God make me like this? Sometimes I just wish...he'd made me someone else. Maybe more like you. Sometimes I think he made a mistake with me..."

Fran got up and faced Quinn. "God made you exactly the way you're supposed to be. Who you are, the events you encounter, the people you grow to love- none of that is a mistake, Lucy."

When Quinn didn't look convinced, Fran stroked her hair softly out of her face and smiled. "No matter what you do, or what mistakes you make, you'll always be my Lucy. I love you more than you know little one."

"I love you too," Quinn replied pulling her sister into a hug. It was awkward with the baby bump in the way, but they still managed.

"I just can't wait for things to get better," Quinn sighed.

Fran released her and held her at arms length. "They will. I promise. I don't know what your plans are for the baby, but I believe that you will make the right choice for you and for her. Lima is not your endgame baby sister. You are so much better than this little town. Moving away was one of the scariest but most rewarding things I've ever done and I know it will be the same, if not better for you. There is life after Lima, Ohio and you have so much to experience. This isn't your last stop. Not by a long shot."

"Has getting out been everything you've ever wished for?"

"Better," Fran replied with a smile. "You know, things haven't been perfect out there for me either. I lost my job just the other day. I haven't told Mom or Dad yet, but Dave and I are thinking of starting over again. Moving somewhere warmer. Maybe down south to Miami or out west to Los Angeles for a change."

"LA or Miami sounds really nice, Fran. I'm happy for you."

"Thank you, Luce. I-I want us to keep in touch...I know I can't make up for the years that I missed out on, but at least that way, we won't waste anymore time and maybe when we're settled, you can come for a visit?"

Quinn smiled brightly. "I'd love to."

Fran squealed and kissed her on the cheek. "You know, I'm happy for you too Luce. Mercedes seems like a very sweet girl."

"She is," Quinn smiled fondly. "I'm very lucky to have her."

"Maybe I'll get to meet her? Make sure she's treating my little sister well."

Quinn chuckled. "You've nothing to worry about. She treats me like a queen. She loves me...and I'm sure she'd love to meet you too."

"Then it's settled," Fran grinned widely. "Come on, let's get out of here. It's late."

"I know, but I don't think I'm ready to leave yet. I wasn't planning on leaving at all actually..." Quinn admitted.

"You were going to stay here?"

"Well, yea," she admitted sheepishly. "I've been disowned. Again. I didn't think going back home would be such a good idea..."

"Probably not," Fran agreed. "But I don't think you should stay here. I could get us a room at the Lima Inn. We could hang out for the night and then I could drop you off at Mercedes' in the morning?"

"I'd like that," Quinn replied gratefully.

"Perfect," Fran said rising from her seat. She helped Quinn to her feet before grabbing the duffle bag off the floor and hoisting it over her shoulder. She looped her arm around Quinn's as they walked out toward the church parking lot.

Quinn glanced back at the stained glass windows and then skyward as she smiled to herself.

It seemed as though her prayers were heard after all.


A/N: Things have been pretty Quinn-centric lately so the next chapter will be mostly if not completely from Mercedes' POV. Next up, Regionals and Baby Fabray is on her way! Thanks again for reading!