The effervescent glow of the luminous nightlife of Tokyo is a blinding sight. The streets were still teeming with life even at this late hour. Late night shoppers gathered in the closest convenience stores. Laughter boomed from bars filled with drunk businessmen. Footsteps clattered on the asphalt as they made their way to their desired destinations. Engines purred loudly from the cars and large trucks on the many streets. Like anywhere else, nightfall comes with a price. When darkness appears, so do the criminals.

An engine roared as it sped up the road, swerving around the other vehicles in its path. A siren rang not far behind the speeding vehicle. The driver let out a string of curses as he slammed harder on the gas. He made a sharp turn on the next right. The tires squealed and dark tracks were left in their wake. The flashing red and blue lights in his mirror made him panic. His second of fear was his undoing. Missing the red light, he nearly rammed into the side of another car. He swerved, missing the other vehicle by mere centimeters. Unfortunately for him the sudden movement added to his momentum caused the car to topple over. The driver groaned in pain as he tried to move, the sirens were getting closer by the second. His battered body managed to crawl out of the door just as the police pulled over. Quickly, he got to his feet, limping a few feet before collapsing. He could feel a presence standing over him, the click of a gun made him want to run.

"Don't move. Put your hands where I can see them," a dark commanding voice turned his blood into ice. He froze on the spot.

"It'd be wise of you to surrender quietly. I'm in no mood to play games with you. Your little stunt kept me from going home," the man was obviously beyond pissed, which in turn made the criminal want to piss his pants.

"Oi teme, are you done scaring the crap out of him? We need to take him back to HQ for questioning," a second cop joined the first.

"Hn, cuff him and put him in the car," and with that he turned his back to them and walked back to the car.

"Why do I have to do it?"

"Because I can't guarantee he'll live long enough for interrogation."

"Geez, what crawled up your ass?" He muttered as he kneeled down to cuff the guy. He hauled him up to his feet and dragged him off.

"You better not cause any more trouble if you want to live."

The two officers walked down the halls of their division's floor. They stepped into the elevator and proceeded to the main floor. One was a handsome dirty blonde with azure eyes and a bronze complexion. The other had dark raven hair with equally dark eyes and a much paler complexion. The very definition of tall, dark, and handsome. The eerie silence was starting to freak the blonde out.

"Seriously Sasuke, what the hell are you so pissed about?" He asked as they got down to the main floor.

"I'm fine," was his curt reply.

"Good work Naruto, Sasuke," behind them their superior officer walked towards them.


"What else would you expect Kakashi? The teme and I are the best team there is!"

"Hai, hai. It's late, I'll see you two in the morning," and with that he went ahead of them. Sasuke followed him out.

"Hey, wait for me! What are you in such a hurry for?" Sasuke didn't answer him and continued to his silver Toyota Corolla. He got in and started the car up, the engine purred.

"I'm going home dobe," he sped off before Naruto could say anything.

By the time Sasuke got home it was already past midnight. He could feel the guilt eating away at him. He quickly kicked his shoes off and called out into the silent house.

"Sakura?" He got no answer and he expected that. He was about to head to the bedroom when he noticed a faint glow from the dining room. The sight he found fueled his guilt. His beautiful wife was hunched over the table, her head cradled by her arms. The faint glow came from two candles that had melt down to the last inch of wax. They illuminated her serene face. Two plates were full and untouched, same with the cutlery. He could still smell the delicious scent of his favorite meal. He felt like such an ass. She waited for him for who knows how long, only to be disappointed. The meals had gone cold hours ago. He stepped closer to her, brushing her lovely pink hair away from her face. The simple gesture stirred her from her sleep. Her soft green eyes fluttered open and when they met his she smiled sleepily at him as she rose from her seat.

"Sasuke, you're okay. I was worried when you didn't come home." She embraced him tightly, burying her face into his shoulder. Breathing in his familiar scent. His arms came up to return her embrace.

"I'm fine. God, Sakura I'm so sorry. Something came up last minute and-"

"I understand Sasuke, I'm just glad you're okay," she pulled her head back to look at his guilt stricken face. He had no reason to be. His career was demanding and she understood that. He appreciated her understanding, but to him it felt unfair for her to put up with all this and be okay with it.

"No, this is not okay. I promise I'll make it up to you."

"You don't have to make up anything Sasuke."

"I missed our wedding anniversary."

"It's not like you did it on purpose," he sighed and leaned his forehead against hers, eyes closed.

"I'm going to make this up to you. You deserve it for putting up with all my shit lately."

"I really don't mind Sasuke. You didn't forget about it and that's all that matters to me."

"But it matters to me. I stood you up too many times for me to remember."

"...Eight times but that's not the point."

"The fact that you remember tells me that you are bothered by this."

"...Maybe just a little, but-"

"Just let me make this up to you."

"Okay," her reply was a little reluctant, but she had to admit, she missed spending time with her husband. They've both been pretty busy lately. Sasuke with his cases and Sakura with the hospital. They've only seen each other briefly in the morning and then at night they were too exhausted to do anything except cuddle and sleep. That's why they were looking forward to their anniversary together, but it didn't go as planned.

"I'll start with dinner, let's eat," he pushed back down into her seat.

"But it's cold and no longer fresh," the side of salad was visibly wilting.

"I'll reheat them," she watched him take both plates to the kitchen behind him. He popped one into the microwave and waited for it to finish. Sakura got up and went behind him. She embraced him from behind and nuzzled her face into his lean back.

"I've missed you," she mumbled softly, tightening her hold. His larger hand grasped hers, thumb running back and forth over her knuckles.

"Aa, me too." They stood there, enjoying each other's company. The beeping of the microwave broke the silence around them. Sasuke took the plate out and put the other one in. He passed it to Sakura, telling her to go eat first. She did what she was told, but waited for him to come back before she started eating. They ate while they talked about their day and whatever else they could think about. Sakura didn't care what they talked about, she was just happy, unbelievably happy, to be able to sit down and spend time with Sasuke again.

"I have something for you," his voice snapped her out of her thoughts. She looked at him with confusion and childlike curiosity. He reached into the side of his jacket and pulled a long box. The navy blue color clashed with the blood red ribbon securing it. He handed it to her, watching as she stared at it for a moment. Slowly, she tugged the end of the ribbon, unlacing it from the box. Inside she found a necklace. The chain was silver with a smooth texture. Hanging on the chain was an uchiwa, the Uchiha family crest. The pendant was also silver and encrusted at the top was an icy, blue aquamarine. It was cut to perfection into the shape of a crescent, representing the top portion of the Uchiha fan. Sakura was awestricken, the piece of jewelry was beautiful...and must have cost a damn pretty penny, seeing as it was custom made.

"Sasuke," she didn't know what else to say.

"Look at the back." She did and what she saw brought a smile to her lovely face. Engraved on the back was a sweet little message.

~Aishiteru Sakura~


"Thank you Sasuke. I love it," at this he smiled.

"I know I don't say it as much as I should, but I'm trying."

"I know you are, but I already know you do. It sounds more special when you say it less though." Her hand reached for his on the table and gave it an affectionate squeeze. He returned her gesture, his dark eyes softening. He always thought she deserved better than him sometimes, but he was too selfish to give her up. He couldn't imagine a better life without her. Sasuke never thought he would end up with this future. He never planned on marriage, much to his dear mother's dismay, but then Sakura came into his life. They met in college. Their encounter was an accident—the greatest accident of their lives—that was a bit painful on Sasuke's side. She had accidentally poured her hot coffee on him when someone bumped into her. He could still remember how panicked she look. She was apologizing profusely while wiping his flinching face with her handkerchief until he grabbed her wrist. Stopping her hand and mouth, only for to start apologizing again. He'll never admit that the embarrassed blush she had was, dare he say it, cute. After he told her he was fine she insisted on buying him coffee. He took her offer seeing as that what he came to get, only to have some flying at his face. They sat and talked and talked and talked, surprisingly on his end. He found out she was younger than him by three years. That surprised him, she had to have skipped some grades to be in the same year as him.

They saw each other every now and then at the same shop and gradually something more developed between them. They went out as much as they could, but most of the time they would silently study together, more so on Sakura's part. She would always have some gargantuan medical text to study from. If she had to study, then Sasuke was fine with staying quiet, embracing her from behind with his long legs framing her. He would just hold her while she mulled over one complicated, unpronounceable word over another like she was reading an interesting novel. There would be no noise at all except for the sound of paper moving when she flipped a page and their surroundings. Sasuke could remember the dozens of times he had drifted to sleep to the warmth of her body and her smell. His head would nuzzle into her smooth neck or soft hair. She made him feel so warm and content with his life, he didn't want it to ever end. After the first few times, he knew that he wanted stay with Sakura always. And so, on the day he graduated, he took Sakura out to a nice dinner and proposed to her. She had been surprised because she had thought he would be leaving her now that he could start his new life.

They rented an apartment in the city that was close enough to Tokyo University so Sakura could continue her education. They wanted to get a house once she was done. Sasuke was immediately put into the force to work alongside his brother and father.

Now here they are five years later in their own home. Sasuke, a successful police detective and Sakura, a talented young surgeon at twenty four.

"I have a surprise for you too," Sakura's words brought him back to the present. He gave her an inquiring look. She got up from her seat and approached him, smiling so widely, and took his hands in his.

"I had my check up today at the hospital." He was confused by this and worried.

"Is something wrong?" She shook her head, still smiling.

"I'm fine, more than fine," she started to tug one of his hands towards her and placed it on her flat belly.

"I'm pregnant Sasuke."
