Updated on 3/09/13 for minor changes because I wasn't entirely happy with it before.

This was inspired by the amazing Trina fanfictions by Nature9000, TheScarletOctopus, and midnightryder459. They were really inspiring and I really wanted to write one of my own.

And this is SLIGHTLY based off of the book 13 Reasons Why. The concept is the same, but the rest of it is completely different.

Disclaimer: This is called FANfiction for a reason. :( And I don't own anything else.

"No, Trina! I said it once and I'll say it again, you're not welcome here! We are trying to write a song!" Tori shouted loudly, trying to be heard over Trina's protests. Tori and the gang were gathered around the piano, and Trina was annoying them. As usual, their parents were out of the house, their Dad on duty and their Mom having dinner with Gary.

"But-" Trina tried to say, but Tori interrupted her again.

"Don't you have your own friends to bother?"

"Trina has friends?" Cat questioned, playing with her hair, apparently unaware of the hurtful comment that had just passed through her bubblegum pink lips. "Oh, look guys!" She said, going up to the window and tilting her head. "You can see a rainbow! Did you know that rainbows have no taste? My brother-"

"Cat," Jade groaned, pulling her back towards the middle of the room. "We need to focu- I did not say you could play with my hair! CAT!" Beck, on Jade's other side, chuckling, aided Jade in getting her hair out of Cat's grasp and started playing with it himself. Jade just smiled slightly and leaned into his touch subtly.

"Why does Beck get to play with it then?" Cat asked, pouting cutely. Robbie smiled at her from his position on the other side of the piano. "It's so soft, Jadey!"

"Look, guys, we gotta finish this song! It's due tomorrow, and if we don't finish it, we'll have to do a wonky extra credit assignment for Sikowitz again." Andre interrupted, ignoring Jade, who was trying to lunge at Cat, only being unsuccessful because Beck was holding her back. Cat was hiding behind Robbie, hugging him tightly.

Watching the scene in front of her, Trina sighed softly, frowning for a second. "Well, since I'm OBVIOUSLY not welcome here, I'm going to go!" Trina said, loud as usual, hoping for someone to ask her to stay. She flipped her hair and huffed when nobody replied immediately.

"Good riddance," Jade replied, relaxing a little bit. Tori and the rest of the gang ignored her, and Trina gathered some items from the couch before she stomped outside into the rain. It shouldn't affect her, the rudeness and the name-calling, and the general feeling that she was alone, but it did. Even her parents didn't seem to want her around, and when she went to college, she would be going very far away, just like her father had oh-so generously requested. Heck, her mother didn't care if she had even been left in Yerba! They were her parents, and it was almost as if they were ashamed of her!

Shaking her head, she headed to her car and turned the engine on. She would be headed to the usual place, so she could ignore the tickets in her purse and the harsh rejection of her sister. Everything was in place already, now she just had to tip the first domino. She hadn't thought she'd really do this, but things had grown worse and she had grown desperate to get away.

"Hi, I'm Trina Vega, although I'm sure you already knew that. I would like to sing a song for a special someone." She slurred a bit, winking at an older man in the bar. She'd already had a few drinks, because she's 21 (she's surprised anyone believes that because she feels so immature) and needs to get away from it all somehow. She started singing the words to a song she knew all too well. After all, it had been meant for her.

Here I am, once again, feeling lost, but now and then,

The buzz of the alcohol was getting to her, and she faltered, looking around in confusion. Had she just seen-? No, it couldn't be...

I breathe it in, to let it go,

Taking a deep breath, she continued the song, warbling a bit, but doing a decent job. Taking a deep breath, she pulled out an envelope, gave it to the bartender, and chugged down another gulp of her martini. It didn't taste as good as it had before, but she ignored that and focused on the pleasant floating feeling she got after.

And you don't know where you are now,

She was having trouble breathing now, and stopped singing abruptly before she staggered outside and vomited near the bushes. Wiping her spit from her mouth, she looked around frantically, as if worried someone would see her.

Or what it would come to if only somebody could hear,

Pulling her rhinestone studded Pearphone out, she called a number quickly, talking into the phone loudly, with forced cheer. She felt like she was about to cry, but held it back just as she had been practicing for most of her life. Just like she always did, because confident Trina Vega wasn't supposed to cry herself to sleep, now was she? Hanging up, still refusing to let the tears show, she walked back into the bar, trying to pull down the black miniskirt she had rashly changed into and ignored the suggestive looks that the creepy older guy was staring at her with. Avoiding everyone's gaze, especially the bartender's curious, and a bit concerned, look, she grabbed her martini and gulped it down, the fire in her throat giving her to confidence she craved. Then, she stormed out of there and stood on the side of the train tracks, reliving her happiest memories. That Ke$ha concert was nice at first, and finding out that I was accepted into the prestigious HollyWood Arts. Until I almost got kicked out, that is...

Right at 9:00, the train roared up the tracks, not noticing the black-clad girl leap up onto the train tracks until … Crunch.

I hope you liked it! Please review, I need some motivation to keep writing. I've had 1 and 1/2 chapters written for a month now and I'd love some encouragement! :)