Karkat sighed, curling up under the blankets. He had been put on bedrest after he passed out yesterday. He would have gotten off again with Gamzee simply following him around if he hadn't gotten sick this morning all over the floor. So he was stuck in bed, being fretted over by Gamzee. He was spoon-fed something Gamzee made (which wasn't half bad, better than what Karkat could make), carried around to get a bath and to watch a romcom in another room, and cuddled with thoroughly through the movie and back in their shared human bed.

Karkat was tired of sitting around and being carried around and treated like a human princess. Every time he tried to make a protest, Gamzee would go into an almost pouting beaten down baby barkbeast mode and Karkat would bend almost immediately. Which is why Karkat was laying in the bed with Gamzee laying behind him. Gamzee was gently kissing and nipping at his neck, listening to the quiet groans and squeaks. "Stop that Gamzee!" Karkat growled.

"SORRY KARBRO..." the purpleblood purred into his neck.

"... Gamzee, I feel fine... can I please walk around again?" the smaller asked, trying to turn over to look at the other in the eye.


Karkat turned over and looked his partner in the eyes. Gamzee looked scared. The smaller realized how worried he must be, which is why he was making him rest because he was scared he would collapse again or throw up again or something. Gamzee cared so much which is why he tried to refuse the redblood from leaving. Karkat curled into him. "Nevermind... I can stay here..." He felt Gamzee's chest rumble with a relieved purr and cuddled with him.

"... D9 y9u really wish me harm Grand?"

"What are you motherfucking going on about mutant?" the larger troll sneered.

"I asked if y9u really want t9 hurt me Grand... 9r it is just 9rders from the Empress?" the mutant looked away, eyes downcast, away from the purpleblood's face. "Y9u claim t9 n9t like me 6ut y9u never really hurt me 6adly. I kn9w what y9u are and can d9 6ut y9u d9n't hurt me like that, 6ut y9u always make attempts t9 harm me...?" he continued, looking up as he finished. "d9 y9u want t9 hurt me 9r is it just an 9rder?"

"... Just motherfucking shut up mutant."

"Please Grand... tell me."

"Are you motherfucking crying?"

The smaller stiffened, blinking a few times to find he was crying his transparent pinkish tears. "S9-"

"I don't want to motherfucking hurt you... I pity you too much for that."

The redblood made a noise of surprise as he was captured in a tight embrace, his head on the purpleblood's shoulder. He wrapped his arms around him and shooshed his blabber kindly. His bright red eyes trailed to a corner of the room with a soft smile as if he could see their ghostly guest watching. The scene faded, leaving the pair in a small clearing. The older sat down, patting the ground next to him for the younger redblood to sit. Karkat sat down next to him, knees to his chest. "I'm n9t sure why y9u keep sh9wing up here... is s9mething wr9ng?"

"I don't know either... it just seems everytime I fall asleep I end up here."

"I see..."

"What exactly were you doing?"

"I can n9t freely m9ve thr9ugh the 6u66les s9 I can 9nly sit here and wait f9r guests 9r relive thr9ugh my life."

"... So you had a thing with the Grand Highblood?" Karkat asked.

"... Umm well yes in a way," his cheeks were turning a soft red.

"Been here enough you can't deny the fact you and he had some sort of relationship. You know you are really different from what I heard about you."

"Yes yes... I'm dead and n9thing's g9ing t9 change me anym9re, y9u h9wever are living. Why d9n't we talk a69ut y9u and y9ur life instead?" the older suggested.

"... Fine," Karkat sighed.

"Where shall we start... Y9ur matesprit? The game? The humans? mmm 9r y0u can make a suggesti9n t99."

"... Matesprit I guess... the game is at a dead end and the humans are long gone."

"I must say I'm a 6it surprised y9u ended up with the y9ung Makara."

"How did you know that?"

"I can read y9u like a 699k child."

"Shut up," Karkat growled with a huff.

"He isn't as 6ad as y9u think," the older started.

"I know the story, he told me everything... I don't need to hear it again."


"... I think so..." Karkat didn't sound sure anymore. He stared at the ground, wrapping his arms tightly around himself.

"Even what he did t9 the 9ther 9ne?"


"The thing with the humans?"


"The new lives?"

"... What lives? What the fuck are you going on about now?" the younger growled.

"The twin lives gr9wing n9w."

"What are you talking about!" Karkat demanded.

"I d9n't kn9w the exact details... the y9ung Makara m9st likely d9es th9ugh."

"... Y9u are just d9ing this t9 be mysteri9us, fuckass..." the smaller growled.


"Yeah now spill what you know."

"There isn't time f9r that..."

Karkat looked down at his fading body and scowled. "Of all the fucking times for me to wake up!"

The redblood blinked his eyes open, continuing to scowl. That fucking asshole. He blinked a few times, realizing he was alone. Gamzee wasn't in the room. He slowly shifted out of the bed, using the wall for support to guide himself to the door. He headed down the hall, following the muffled voices. The redblood did his best to keep quiet, he was curious about what they could be talking about him. Gamzee was careful to make sure he didn't hear what was talked about and guided him away if he found him listening with a firm scolding.

Karkat peeked around the corner into the room. A tall purpleblood was sitting on the ground with stitches over his smiling lips and white eyes, a smaller distracted looking yellowblood on his lap with a helmet. To their side was the blonde human with triangular shades and a white shirt. Gamzee was sitting, facing both of them. "Everything's going fine correct?" he asked.

"Everything's fine on our end," the human responded.

The taller purpleblood smiled and moved his hands in different symbols.

"EXCELLENT. Anything else to report?" The purpleblood and human both shook their heads 'no'. "YOU ARE BOTH DISMISSED THEN," Gamzee stated. Karkat quickly and quietly went back down the hall, he didn't want to get in trouble with his partner. He paused for a moment before calling down the hall like he just got up and wanted to know where he was. Gamzee came out of the other room, going straight to him and scooping him up in a warm embrace. The redblood hugged him back with a sigh. He wished he would have learned more about it all but Gamzee seemed excellent at censoring everything in a way he couldn't decode. The purpleblood was carrying him to the kitchen, sitting him down and going to work to make him something to eat.

"Gam..." Karkat started.

"Hmmm?" the purpleblood hummed, glancing back at him.

"I had this weird dream..."

"ABOUT?" Gamzee asked.

"Well I have been having the dreams for a while... but they took an interesting turn during my nap... I was talking to my ancestor... and he brought up something about twin lives growing... not sure what he meant but he mentioned asking you about it..."

"Hmmm," the purpleblood didn't really speak, just tapped his clawed fingers on the counter, blinking a few times as he thought about it.


"I CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING... it might be a future thing though, not a motherfucking past thing which is what I would know."

"..." Karkat nodded, looking down at the table he was at. Gamzee approached him, kneeling to kiss his head and hold him. The redblood pressed into him tiredly. He was pretty pathetic as of the late, spoiled and loved too. He couldn't say he hated it though.

Gamzee entered their shared room, frowning when he didn't see his lover resting in their bed. He checked the bathroom, no sign of him. He looked around some more, calling for him. His calls got louder and he panicked, rushing around. He looked all over, unable to find him. He was getting pissed. Then it dawned on him after his continued searches brought up nothing. They were so fucking dead... uhh again!

I decided to bring back Grand and Signless for some fun xD and then to piss Karkat off

Anyway... any ideas where Kar is/who took him? Gamzee seems pretty mad. xD and what the 'twin lives' might be?

Next chapter, one of my fave characters shows up *squeals*

Also the next chapter might be the last chapter. Unless I get a bit crazy and write more than I think I will

Please review, fave, and follow... thanks ^^