Hey guys! This is my first Supernatural fic, it's also my first with an OC! Let's see how this goes...

I clearly do not own Supernatural.

"I don't know what we're doing, Sam. I don't think there's a case here." Dean muttered to his brother.

"I think there is, we just need to look into it a little more, and we've only been here one day." Sam insisted.

"Okay man, one more day." Dean said and handed his brother a drink. A knock sounded from the door, and Dean got up to get it. The door opened with a creak to reveal a blonde girl soaking wet from the rain and a tear-stained face.

"Dean… it's me. It's Britt." The girl said. At that, Sam stood up.

"Britt?" He exclaimed. "As in Brittney Kay Anders?"

"Hey, Sam." She said with a small smile. Sam stared back with a shocked look as Dean pulled her into an embrace, then it was Sam's turn.

"They…they told us you were dead…" Dean murmured.

"I was." She whispered, clearly not wanting to talk about it.

"Brittney Anders, in the flesh." Dean said in a disbelieving tone.


"You're not gonna catch me, Winchester!" The little girl yelled and giggled.

"Oh I'm so going to catch you, Anders." Sam replied playfully and grabbed her around the waist, dragging them both to the ground laughing. They were ten, she was his best friend. If only Sam had known that after he walked her home that day, he'd never see her again, he wouldn't have let her go.

-end of flashback-

"So, why are you here?" Dean asked.

"My dad… he's gone. Guys, I'm alone and I don't know what to do… I need your help." Sam opened his mouth but Britt cut him off. "I know what you're gonna say, your life is not what I think it is, but you're wrong. I know that you're hunters. I'm a hunter too. I was trained by the best, you don't have to worry about me." The two Winchesters stood there, speechless.

"You can stay….if you have a good car." Dean said and winked. Brittney led him out to the parking lot and his jaw hit the pavement when he saw the red ZR1 Corvette.

"Well, I accept you." Dean said. When they got back inside, Sam had set his stuff up on the couch.

"You can take my bed, Britt." He told her.

"Thank you guys, so much… I had nowhere to go…"

"Well you don't have to think about it anymore, Britt, you have us now." Sam said reassuringly as she climbed into bed and fell asleep.