Story: Intricate Smiles

Rating: T

Status: Complete

Words: 34651

Cover art by the lovely GlowingRabbit! Go check her out in tumblr, her art is amazing!

Hey guys, so I had this idea when I was in tuition and I couldn't resist writing this.

This is my first time writing a reader x fanfic so I hope I did alright :)

Tell me what you think!

Just a lowdown of the initials:

F/N: fan name

E/C: eye color

H/c/t: hair color/type

Listen to:

Everything You Want - Vertical Horizon

It was a rather chilly cold winter's day in your town.

You awoke feeling refreshed after a long night's worth of rest due to your nightmares the previous night. You shuddered and walked over to your dressing table and swiped your messy hair into a bun.

The walk to the bathroom felt like a stroll over a million splinters of ice as you wince and brushed a stray strand of your (h/c) hair out of your eyes.

You smiled thinking it was the last week of school before the Christmas holidays and you felt a jolt of excitement as you lathered your toothbrush up with some minty commercialized toothpaste and proceeded to brush your teeth.

"(F/N) you'll be late!" your mother's shrill voice said as you sneaked a peek at your alarm clock in the bathroom and your (e/c) eyes widened when you didn't notice the time.

"Coming mum!" you yelled and cleaned up at record time before throwing on a long grey sweatshirt, some jeans and a jacket in a haste, running downstairs.

"(F/N) what took you so long?" your mum said in a disapproving tone as you quickly sneaked a bagel and orange juice box out from the fridge without your mum noticing.

"Uh, I woke up late?" your answer came out in a question as you gave your mum a sheepish smile and hurried out while calling out a goodbye to your mum.

"Oh and mum?" you called out from the doorway.

Your mum said 'yes' and you smiled.

"Have fun in New York," you half called half shouted, feeling bad that you couldn't wish your mum personally and that she was going to be there for almost one week until it was Christmas.

Your mum worked as a business manager and often had to go down to New York because the company headquarters was located there.

"Thanks dear!" she shouted back as you smiled and locked the door, jogging to your semi frozen jeep in the middle of the driveway, cracking open the door and starting the door.

After some considerably long minutes, your car finally defrosted and you felt comfortable enough to hop in and drive to school.

Your school was located about 10 minutes away from your home which was a curse and a blessing as it came in handy when you were late, but not when you were a walking distance away from it.

You rolled your eyes but decided to stick to being grateful as you turned on the radio and there was a news broadcast about the weather on right now.

"…. Snow storms raging now and everyone is advised to stay in or we'll all be having a snow blown Christmas," you caught the end thread of the news report as the reporters mellow tone was replaced by the latest pop song on the radio.

You frowned at the news of the crazy weather but smiled when you heard your favorite song coming from the radio.

Imagine Dragons.

You smiled as they were your favorite band and cranked the volume higher.

You arrived at the school parking lot and found that it wasn't as full as you thought and you sighed gratefully as you parked and walked out while slinging your backpack on your shoulder.

"(F/N)!" you heard someone call your name as you looked up and found your best friend running to you, a grin on her face as you smiled and called out to her too.

Your best friend, Emily arrived in a flurry of blond hair as her eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Woah, woah, slow down Em, what's up?" you said as your best friend rolled her eyes and started jabbering at lightning speed which you couldn't keep up as she dragged you to the lockers.

"Em, slow down, I can't keep up with you," you said with a frown as your best friend laughed at your expression and recounted her tale again.

"There's a new guy coming to our school," Emily said with a mischievous grin. "Rumor has it his transfer was hasty and he left his original hometown just days ago," Emily said with a furrow to her brow.

"Really?" you asked, only mildly interested as you took out your biology textbook from your locker.

"Does rumor says he's hot too?" you asked with a smirk as Emily flushed and gave you a poke in the arm.

"Don't mock me," she said in a half stern voice as you giggled and shook your head at her antics.

"Oh, and by the way, why do you look as if you were dragged through hell and a washing machine and back again?" Emily asked skeptically as she brushed some lint of your sweater.

You look flustered at her as you try to smooth your (h/t) hair.

"Seriously?" you hissed as Emily bit back a snicker.

"Nah, I'm just exaggerating, but you do look as if you just came back from hell though, your eye bags," Emily pointed out in a concern tone as you shrugged.

Sleepless nights now for you were almost as common as a Lindsay Lohan scandal.

Okay, maybe I'm pitching too far, you thought sourly as rubbed your eyes.

"Don't do that!" Emily half screeched as the both of you walked down the hallway. "It'll be even worse," your blond hair best friend said in a disapproving tone.

You trusted your best friend's advice because she always looks gorgeous even without trying.

At 5 foot 2 she was slender and petite but that didn't stop her from being vivacious and charming. She had guys from left and right admiring her and sometimes you felt jealous because you thought you never attracted a guy's attention.

Emily was funny, pretty in a subtle way and had the bluest eyes you had ever seen which sometimes turned different shades of blue under different lighting.

Your best friend was now trying to engage you in a funny conversation but you were feeling a little weird today.

Maybe watching Final Destination last night didn't really helped with the insomnia.

The both of you parted ways to your first class as you had Biology and she had Chemistry.

You entered the lab adorned with posters chockfull of information that honestly made you sleepy even reading it.

Bio was never one of your forte.

You sat in your usual seat and as the rest of the class started trickling in one by one, you couldn't help but notice your lab seat was empty.

You gave a frown as you turned back to one of the nicer girls in the class, a brunette Asian by the name of May.

"Have you seen Lynette on your way here?" you tried to ask as inconspicuously as you could manage without being overhead above the din of the lab.

May looked up from her notes as she gave a thoughtful look.

"Sorry, (F/N) but I haven't really seen her around," May said and you thanked her before turning back.

Your biology teacher, a balding middle aged man by the name of Mr. Hudson came in while reciting today's lesson.

The class gave a collective groan as you settled in your seat with your right hand cupped on your chin, preparing to be bored out of your wits.

It was when Mr. Hudson handed the class a piece of paper to try while he settled the notes that you caught sight of someone entering the class.

You looked up and noticed a brown haired boy handing in a piece of paper to the teacher while speaking quietly.

You tried to appear busy while you were really eavesdropping on what they were saying.

"Jackson Overland," the boy said quietly as you sneaked a peek at him.

What you saw made your stomach flip and your heart go to your throat.

To say he was handsome was an understatement.

He was clad in simple jeans and a blue hoodie while a blue backpack the same color of his hoodie was slung on his shoulder.

He had a lean albeit thin frame and his brown hair contrasted greatly with his pale skin and boyish features.

"You transferred here two days ago?" you heard your biology teacher saying as the boy nodded in affirmation.

"I got lost here on my way from the office, if you were wondering, sir," the boy said in a sincere tone.

"I'm afraid there aren't any empty seats here…" Mr. Hudson trailed of as he eyed the room in a scrutinizing way.

"How about you take a seat next to Miss (F/N) over there," he said as he gestured to your seat.

You heard the boy approaching and you quickly schooled your features to an indifferent mask, hoping he didn't notice you eavesdropping on him.

"Miss (F/N) do you mind if Jackson seats here from now on?" the voice of your Biology teacher cut through your fake concentration on his mini quiz and you looked up puzzled at him.

"But sir, this is Lynette's place," you explained in an innocent tone.

"I see, well, maybe we can change that, I'll have to do something about the seat chart," you heard him mumble as he gestured for Jackson to seat down.

You heard the chair being scraped back as the boy settled beside you, the small biology table barely fitting the both of you so his closeness was slightly unnerving.

From the corner of your eye you saw him scooting a little further away and you frowned.

"Hey, do you mind if I borrow a pen, mine's out of ink," his low voice cut you out from your reverie as you looked up at him, mildly shocked.

"First day of school and you have no pens?" you asked with a small smile but handed him your stationary.

He gave you a careful smile but thanked you.

You looked up and for the second time that day, your breath caught in your throat.

He had the bluest blue eyes you had ever seen and currently they were staring at you in an amused but concealed way.

"My name's Jackson but you can call me Jack. What's yours?"