Blue Diamond

If the lion was here, then the star master wasn't far behind. It seemed like everyone was going to ruin my fun today.

"Stalking me again?" I teased the handsome redhead.

He pushed his blue shades up his nose a bit, playing it cool for me.

"You know I don't know how to leave a beautiful woman alone," he purred.

Something about his tone was off, it wasn't a normal playful flirt we always did. It sounded like a genuine statement instead of buttered up flattery we always toyed with. A light breeze picked up and I instantly became aware of his sent. It reeked of possessiveness and dominance. He only smelled this way when our Angel was in danger. A new male constraining me in a submissive position must have brought out the Leo in him. I couldn't help but smile, I was part of his pride.

"I'm sorry for worrying you," I apologized with a blush as I froze the vines and broke them easily freeing myself.

"When will you lean? Fairy Tail wizards don't stand by and watch their own be harmed. Lucy has asked you over and over, what's the point of this power if we don't help those we can? Well, Blue Diamond, would you make me stand back and do nothing? Knowing it would kill me to watch you fight alone?" he asked almost sounding like a lecture and a plea all wrapped up in a calming tone that made me feel his pain.

I looked over at the protective lion. His stance was proud, and it reminded me so much of myself. I would never let him fight alone or anyone else I loved, yet here I was trying to fight by myself. I felt like these were my monsters to battle from my past, so I had to do it alone to protect them. Laxus kept telling me he accepted all of me, even the darkness that surrounded my upbringing.

"I would never ask you to do anything that went against your principles, or your pride," I smiled genuinely.

"Good answer," the blond mage of the heavens said as she joined us.

"Now I'm the one who is disappointed, Blue, you've never needed help in battle before. Its interesting to see how far you've fallen from grace," the dark master quipped.

"I was never anywhere near grace and I don't need help, I choose this life. And this life means never standing alone," my smug grin spreading over my lips.

A magic circle opened below his feet and his body disappeared. He was the perfect assassin, he had a flawless camouflage that a normal person couldn't detect. He could sneak up to someone slit their throat, dump poison in their food, or break their necks, and no one would ever know he was ever there. But his magic was useless against a dragon slayer whose nose could sniff them out and ears that could hear the slightest noise.

Loki moved first charging the man, only to watch as he was blown to bits of star dust in front of our eyes. The dark master was found of explosives as well and I refused to allow that to happen to Lucy. A vision of her body spread on the ground in an unnatural way with a gaping hole filled my head. I knew a part of me would go with her if I didn't do something to save her from the mad man. I moved fast, pin pointing his whereabouts and clutching his vulnerable throat with my strong hand.

"You," he gasp, his magic failing and his body revealed once again.

"I told you a long time ago, threaten my heart and I would take yours. She helped me find what was missing in my life. Now, what are you going to do without yours?" I questioned, some of the sickness of my past slipping into my eyes as I covered my free hand with ice talons. Slowly, I pressed the steel like ice deeper, spreading the tender flesh. Warm blood oozed out, but it did nothing to melt my resolve. He withered in agony under my cold touch. From the corner of my eye I could see the blond princess cover her ears to block out his song of pain. It was a chorus as old as time that we wizards knew well. We could evoke it from our enemies and they in turn from us.

"Woman!" a male voice barked and I stopped my fingers from spreading his flesh further.

I turned to see my husband standing by the shocked busty blond, he was glaring at me. I pulled my ice talons back but didn't loosen my hold on the man's neck. My attention returned to the dark mage.

"I'm a Fairy Tale wizard now, remember that next time you want to mess with me. But don't forget that I've killed once to protect this guild and I will do so again and again, even if I get kicked out," I warned him with a shove.

"This isn't over," he countered with a sneer, vanishing before I could lash out at him again.

My husband flashed faster than lightning to grab the cloaked man. He sent a jolt of energy through the dark master to push home that it was over, even if he didn't know it yet.

"Sorry you had to see that, Lucy," I apologized, staring at the ground. I wouldn't take chances with her safety.

"You both alright?" Laxus questioned in a gentler tone.

We nodded, but it wasn't very lively. I could tell the shock hadn't worn off of her yet. I froze the blood on my digits and shook it away. Tossing my hair back I resolved to never put her in danger like that again. I didn't stop to check on the Angel I just walked away. Her kind didn't belong with the likes of a demon anyways. I got back to the rest of the group and the fight was over. Somehow Gray had pulled out a win. I was sure that Gajeel had been distracted by my little battle. I would have to apologize later.

"Let's keep this moving," Erza called, "next numbers, five and six! Get your asses out here!"

Natsu and Juvia were the only ones left. I snickered to myself. Fire versus water was almost as bad as my own polar elements.

The fire mage faced the water woman, the orange flames licked dangerously around his fists. By his face you could tell he was excited to have his turn. It didn't matter who he was fighting as long as he was getting to test his skills.

"Begin!" boomed the mighty Erza.

Natsu took off after his opponent, he launched to the sky in true dragon slayer style. He was a ball of fire hurtling down at her.

"I forfeit!" she sang out.

The Fire Dragon Slayer had just enough time to pull back his attack and go tumbling across the grass and dirt. Getting to his feet while still sliding, he bellowed out "she can't do that! Its against the rules!."

S-class mages and Master shared a look, they would go along with whatever Master decided. Muttering under his breath that he was getting too old for this he made his way to the center of the field. We all knew she gave up because she didn't want to end up fighting Gray. It was sad in my book, but not everyone found it as arousing as I did fighting the one you loved.

"We were going to have you pair off and challenge the S-Class wizards but now, in light of Juvia's surrender, you will be put into trios. If you can't figure out trios on your own then we will place you in them. Begin!" Master ordered.

"Blue, be with me and Lucy!" Natus called to me.

"It'll be a walk in the park if we're together," I huffed, still feeling like I was never going to have my fun.

All the S-Class wizards moved to the center of the field waiting for us to figure out our teams. The devilish grins from them made me have to remind myself that I was married to the lighting mage standing out there. In another life, the looks painted on the she-devil and the Titiana would have made me hot and bothered under the collar. Even Gildharts was looking like a sexy bad ass ready to challenge all the eager children.

My husband caught my eyes lingering on Mira for longer than he found comfortable. He moved in front of me, his large sculpted chest blocking my view of the other superior mages.

I smiled up coyly to the brooding blond, "I'll take you on anytime."

"You'll loose," he warned, his voice deep and sensual.

"Master, I don't need a partner, I'll fight on my own," I volunteered with a cocky smile to my mate.

The old man rubbed his chin as he thought about it, "that's acceptable," he concluded, "winners pair with one of the defeated!"

My eyes danced with excitement but my stoic husband only shook his head slowly.

"Somebody needs to knock you down a peg or two. I just hope its me that gets the chance to do it," he gave me a toothy grin.

"Like you could," I purred, hands threading through his spiky blond locks, my elbows resting on his broad shoulders. My legs instinctively wrapped around his firm center. Our lips locked in a passion driven kiss.

We had taken down a dark guild together, there was no way I hadn't seen the full extent of his power. Then again, these fairies like to keep you on your toes. I would take several kinds of pleasure from fighting with my mate, no doubt about that but I was more interested in fighting other S-Class mages. A little devil had my curiosity peeked only because she was one of the few I had never seen in battle. Gildarts was another who held my interest. The old man carried himself well and no matter how many times Natsu attacked him the results were always the same, Natsu flying in the opposite direction from the old man.

"Alright you two break it up, dragon slayers two countries away can smell the scent you two are giving off," Natsu taunted.

I released my husband to see several of girls blushing from my very public display of affection for the man I claimed as my partner in life. These poor fairies didn't know how to handle the demon among them.

"Natsu, you're up!" barked Erza, trying to not show the blush on her pretty cheeks.

"Let's go Lucy," he bounced out to the field.

"We can't idiot, we both won our fights," scolded the perky blond.

A cute little pout protruded from the pinkette's lips but it didn't last long, and was replaced by a smirk.

"Gajeel, let's do this!" yelled the ever enthusiastic Fire Dragon Slayer.

"I said never again last time," growled the dark dragon slayer.

Natsu laughed like a mad man remembering the games. A sigh sounded from the man with wild black hair as he took to the battle field.

"I'm going to regret this," he mumbled under his breath.

"I will make sure of that," said my mate with a sadistic grin on his face.