So, I'm writing this chapter at the request of someone. I can't remember if it was a PM or if it was in a review but someone on here asked me to add to the story. I'm sorry I can't remember who it was, but I'm not one for shouting people out either. I don't know if they want me to or will have a problem with me doing so. Unless they'd like me to, or anyone for that matter, then they'd have to let me know. If I could only remember... So if this user is reading this, I got my inspiration to do this chapter from you.

It was almost too easy though. I sat in front of my laptop and got 10k+ words out in no time.

With that written, I'm not going to take this out of the Complete section; I'll just be adding snippets of their lives. Nothing that can't be used as an ending, but there is more to come.

Once again, a big thank you to everyone who is still follows/favs this, to the user who asked for it, and anyone else who may stumble on this story. Thank you.

Disclaimer: I own nothing; simply working with the idea.

"Katniss!" Prim has to yell to get Katniss' attention.

"Yea...what?" But she turns back to look out the window, anxiously tapping her foot and biting her nails.

"Hey!" Prim barks. Katniss turns to look at her sister. "You miss him." Katniss nods. "When does he come home?"


"How long has it been this time?" Katniss sighs. Peeta had left for New York two months ago. As the CEO to his father's company, he had a board of directors to answer to. This year, he'd spent most of it away because they had their concerns.

"It's been long enough. I just can't wait to see him." She smiles absentmindedly. "So, how's it going with your hubby?"

"Great! We're still in that honeymoon phase. We're all lovey-dovey and it's still sex all the time."

"Okay! Enough!" Katniss stops her. "I don't want to hear about my little sister having sex."

"Sure you do! We do it-" Katniss almost shoves Prim out of her chair. They both share a laugh at the whole situation.

"Why don't we change the subject." Katniss says as she takes a sip of her drink. An awkward silence falls over them suddenly.

"So, how often does Peeta have to go there?"

"I'm not sure. Before he met me, he lived there so he was there all the time. Now...Well, this is the longest he's been away. At most he's been gone for a couple of weeks."

"What's going to happen when you guys get married?" She shrugs.

"We haven't really discussed it."

"Have you guys set a date yet?" Katniss makes a confused face.

"We haven't talked about that either."

"What have you talked about?"

"Well, we've been busy. My work...his work...his travel."

"You haven't even set a date?! Or talked about it?! Are you even excited about this? Do you still want to get married?"

"Of course I do! There's just some kinks we have to work out. Like talking about it."

"Okay. But promise me that you'll talk to him as soon as he gets home."

"Fine. I'll talk to him. After we have sex, that is."

"Oh god, Katniss! Now I'm the one who doesn't want to hear about certain details."

Katniss was anxious as she stands in the airport. She thought, two months ago, was going to be the longest she'd have to wait. But right now, the last few minutes until his flight deplaned were longer than ever. But the wait is worth it. The moment she sees Peeta step foot into the airport, Katniss has to hold back the tears as she runs towards him. Peeta drops his carry-on to the floor when he sees her coming for him. He lifts her up into his arms and kisses her passionately.

"Cliché much?" He chuckles against her lips.

"I don't care how cheesy it is." She wraps her arms tighter around him. "I haven't seen you in two months!"

"Why don't we just have sex right here then?"

"Don't tempt me." He kisses her sweetly before picking up his bag. He tries to release her but she hangs onto him.

"Am I going to have to carry you?"

"Waiting for you was exhausting." She laughs into his ear. He throws her over his shoulder, making her laugh more.

"Hopefully not too exhausting." He slaps her ass to accentuate his point.

"Peeta! We're in an airport!" They exit the airport just as she says that.

"Where's the car?" She points in the opposite direction to where they're headed.

"Why'd you have to rent a car?" Katniss asks from her position over his shoulder. "I could have picked you up!" She was on her way out to the airport, when a town car pulled to the curve in front of her. The driver stepped out and held the door open for her. She almost thought he was going to kidnap her before he quickly clarified that Mr. Mellark had requested it.

"Because..." He throws her into the backseat of the car then jumps in behind her. He wraps his arms around her and kisses her passionately. "I wouldn't be able to do this." He tells her before he continues again. He doesn't let up until they get to their condo.

"Peeta, I can walk." She tries to keep his hands off her but he pulls her to the edge of the seat and quickly throws her over his shoulder. "Peeta!" She shrieks.

"Thank you, sir." He tips the driver before he races into their home.

"Peeta! Will you put me down already?!" He drops her onto the couch before ripping his shirt open. Buttons go flying as he chucks his shirt across the room then goes for his pants.

"Well..." Peeta kicks his shoes off then rids himself of both his pants and boxers. "What are you waiting for?" He looks down at a stunned Katniss, who just lays there. "Katniss?" He crouches over her some to get her out of her surprised stare. "What is it?"

"I don't think I've ever seen you this...hard." Peeta chuckles before he kisses her sweetly.

"We've never been apart this long." He gets carried away with their make-out session quickly. Katniss hisses when his naked body presses against her fully clothed one. "Sorry." She shoves him away hard so that she can shed her own clothing. When she's finally done, she looks up to Peeta who just smiles at her.

"What the hell are you waiting for?"

He doesn't say anything. He simply clutches one of her legs, bending it slightly, and thrusts into her. Katniss gasps at the feel of him. It really had been too long to be without him. Her neglected body was squeezing him just right, that it almost makes Peeta finish right then and there. But he doesn't want their reunion to end so shortly.

Peeta slows, and instead, reaches for her chin, tilting it up to capture her lips in a deep kiss. His hand trails down her neck to encompass one of her breasts. Katniss arches up into his touch, giving his mouth access to lavish her breast instead. She adjusts her legs around him, making Peeta hiss.

"Wait." He holds her by her waist, keeping her back. He has to pull himself out of her; she was just too tight that he surely wouldn't last.

"Peeta?" He kisses her deeply once more.

"I have a plan."

"Peeta, I don't want your plan just fuck me!" She groans. Katniss tries reaching for him again but Peeta grabs her wrists and shoves them over her head.

"Shh." He calmly whispers before kissing her once more. His free hand roams her stomach then drops to cup her sex.

"Peeta, please..." She bucks her hips but he keeps her in place.

"I've been reading..." He tells her as he kisses her temple then kisses down her cheek to suck on her collar bone.

"Peeta..." She basically growls. She didn't understand what or why he was talking about this. All she wanted was for them to have sex and he seemed to be adamant on doing anything but. His finger swirls over her clit eliciting a moan from Katniss. Still, it wasn't enough. She needed all of him not just his hand. But a finger enters her, it curves up, and suddenly the pleasure is suffocating. It's like something Katniss has never felt before. "Peeta..."

"Is that where you like it?" He huskily whispers. She can only nod emphatically. She tries to speak, make a noise of some sort, but the feeling is overwhelming. Her mouth opens like a fish out of water, her eyes close tightly as her climax takes over.

"Peeta...Peeta..." She finally manages to get out but Peeta kisses her quiet.

"No talking." He pulls her leg up before thrusting into her again. He wraps her leg around his waist as he pumps into her.

"Peeta..." He slows, suddenly concerned with how much air she's taking in.

"Do you need a minute?" He smiles, tauntingly at her. Katniss narrows her eyes before she thrusts her hips up at him. It catches him off guard that he loses his balance, allowing Katniss to climb on top.

"Do you?" She challenges. Peeta smiles at her.

"You're the boss."

"Don't forget it either."

After they were done on the couch, he'd chased her upstairs where they'd resumed their reunion.

"Peeta? No more!" She shoves him away from her. He can't help but laugh. He tries reaching for her waist once more. "No!" But Peeta's persistent and finally gets a hold of her. He tackles her onto the bed, falling on top of her. He attacks her with kisses making Katniss laugh.

"Don't worry. We won't go again." He kisses her neck tenderly.

"I've been meaning to ask you..." Katniss starts. "What in the world have you been reading?" Peeta chuckles.

"You know when I'm sitting at my desk in the office behind my laptop..."


"I'm not working." He whispers to her.

"I see that now." Peeta moves over some on the bed and lays on his back allowing Katniss to cuddle onto his chest. She makes circles on his chest with her finger for several minutes. "Peeta?"


"When you're over there, in New York, are there any women don't know...want to sleep with?" His eyes roam the room before looking down at her.

"Is that a joke?"

"It's just..." She pushes off his chest to look at him. "You're a very attractive man and we spent all this time apart and-"

"Stop." He tells her. "I'm not sure why you've brought this up but there is no one else."

"Before you met me-" He cuts her off.

"I was a womanizing playboy. I've never lied to you about anything, including my past." He tightens his arms around her. "Women for me were always an outlet, almost like a way for me to get out all my anger, for my past relationships, life, or whatever through sex. I admit that. But when I met you, I couldn't get you out of my mind. You were and still are the only woman I want."

"I'm sorry. You just spend so much time away, I couldn't help but wonder."

"Then should I wonder about you?"


"You're here alone too. Should I be worried that my sexy fiance is stepping out?"

"I'm sorry, okay. I guess it has to do with how Gale was have a bad history with that too."

"It's okay." He strokes her cheek softly. "I trust you."

"And I trust you." She shakes her head. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." He reiterates. "It's really okay." He kisses her softly. "I asked you to marry me because I love you and all your crazy shenanigans." Katniss laughs as he kisses her forehead.

"About the wedding, we haven't set a date yet."

"I know and I'm sorry. But I've been thinking about it-"

"You have?"

"Yea! All the time actually." Peeta laughs. "I was thinking maybe late July into August. It's not too hot or too cold. If we have an outdoor wedding, it's perfect. If it's indoors, then we won't be uncomfortable in our get-ups either." She pushes up some to kiss him sweetly.

"I think that's perfect." She lays her head back down on his chest. "We're going to have to start planning soon. Do we have to hire a wedding planner?"

"We could or we could hire your sister. I hear she did most of her own planning."

"That's true. She'd probably love to help. I'll give her a call later and we can set something up."

"Great! Just don't set anything up for the 28th thru the 4th."

"Why not? Hot date?" She teases.

"No. I have to be in New York for a week." Katniss pushes herself up again to look at him.

"You have to go again?!"

"It's only a week."

"You just spent two months there! Why do you have to go back again?!"

"Work, Katniss! Why else do you think?" She finally pushes herself away from him and sits on the edge of the bed. She reaches for her robe and throws it over herself. "You're mad because I have to work?!"

"I'm mad because we're getting married, Peeta! I'm mad because we haven't had the time to talk about the wedding! What the hell is supposed to happen after we get married?!"

"What do you mean?!"

"What do I mean?! I mean, when are you supposed to be my husband if your in New York all the time?! What happens if, god forbid, we have kids?!"

"God forbid?! You don't want children?!"

"We're not talking about that right now!"

"We're going to have to!" She waves him off. She needed to say everything now or she'd lose her nerve.

"Okay, say we have kids. You do know it's at least nine months of me being pregnant."

"I'm not stupid, Katniss. I know that."

"Yea? Do you know how many of those months are actually going to be spent here with me and not in New York?!"

"I'll be here! I'll only be gone for a while!" Katniss shakes her head.

"You don't know that! First, it was a couple weeks. Now, it's two months. When I'm pregnant, are you going to be gone the entire pregnancy?!"

"I'll be here!

"I don't want you gone one month, one week, or even a day, Peeta! I'm going to need you there. I want you there!"

"You know we could easily fix this if you just moved to New York." She groans into her hands.

"Now you are asking me to move?!"

"It makes sense though!"

"I don't care if it makes sense! I already moved for Gale and now you want me to go?!"

"Okay." Peeta huffs as he stands to face her. "I'm going to need you to stop comparing me to Gale."

"I don't compare you to him!"

"You do it all the time! You've been doing it since we met!"

"That's different and you know it! It's not right for me to compare the only two men I've ever slept with?"

"Fine, but then it's how I treat you in our relationship. You're insecure because he cheated on you. He asked you to move and now you're jumping down my throat! I'm not Gale and I think I've proven that!"

"No, you're the same! He wanted me to change in the relationship and now you're doing the same thing! I didn't want to get married! I don't want to have kids! I don't want to move, Peeta!"

"Then if you don't want any of that, what the hell are we doing?! Are we just fuck buddies again?! Are you seeing Gale on the side this time?!" He rounds the edge of the bed to be right in front of her. "Is that why you asked me if I was cheating?!" Katniss shoves him away, hard so he falls on the bed.

"I have every right to ask whatever I want! You're the one I have to worry about! You're the perfect one. Handsome, rich. I'm sure all the whores in New York are all over you! It's probably why you spend so much time there instead of here with me!" He opens his mouth to say something but she cuts him off. "But I shouldn't blame you. I'm the disaster in all this. I'm not very pretty or have money. I barely graduated." She drops her head. "Why the hell are you even with me?"

Peeta stares at her from his spot on the bed. He stands up and walks towards her. He tries to grab her hand but Katniss yanks them away. She reaches for her engagement ring and hands it back to him.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"Maybe we shouldn't do this."

"What? No-"

"We can't agree on anything."

"We're allowed to fight, Katniss. It's what couples do."

"Yea, but these are big things. Things neither one of us is going to budge on. Things that will break us up." He grabs her hand and tries pulling her into him but she keeps him at arms length. "Peeta, I'm going to go."

"No, Katniss." He watches as she grabs a duffel bag and begins to throw some of her stuff into it. "Come on, stop." She does only to put some clothes on instead. He follows her out into the living room. "This is where you live. Where are you going?"

"Don't worry about it." He grabs her forearm and turns her around. His arms finally wrap around her waist as he crashes his lips onto hers.

"How do you expect me not to worry? I love you. Don't go."

"I have to."

"No you don't." He kisses her softly before he rests his forehead against hers. "Don't run from me, Katniss. We can fix this." She can see the tears in his eyes as she feels hers threatening to fall. She kisses him once more before sidestepping him and leaving.

"I told you to talk to him about the wedding not break up with him! Geez, Katniss." Prim berates.

"It's not meant to be, Prim." Katniss hangs her head. "What was I even thinking being with him?"

"You love him and he loves you! Have you lost your mind?!"

"Prim, he wants kids. He wants me to move to New York. I just..."

"You're chicken shit! That's it!"


"He wants to spend the rest of his life with you and you're scared!"


"Yes! You're afraid of what happens after this moment!"

"No. It's just Gale all over again."

"Okay...Gale wanted a life with you-"

"And then he cheated on me!"

"Yes he did but you forgave him. Twice." Prim sighs. "Then he wanted more and you freaked out!"

"No, I just can't, Prim! I can't be a good girlfriend, good wife, or a good mother. I can't!"

"Yes you can."

"With Gale-"

"Forget what happened with Gale! The one thing that was for sure with Gale, is that you two were better friends. Peeta is the complete opposite and you know it! Don't you just feel it because I can sure as hell see it!"

"I love him, Prim. That much I'm sure of. But I can't measure up to the woman he wants or deserves."

"You can't actually believe that. If that was true, he would have never asked you to marry him. He loves you too. There's nothing he wouldn't do for you but can you reciprocate?"

"I..." Katniss has to think about it. It's true that Peeta would give her the moon if she asked him for it; there really wasn't anything he wouldn't do. She's positive that at this moment, he was contemplating doing everything and anything to please her. But could she do the same for him? He wants to marry her and she was chickening out because it all led to more; like children and a house in the suburbs. They would be just some of the compromises she'd have to decide on.

But the question wasn't would she but if she could. Could she put aside her stubbornness and put the love of her life first?

"Uh...Sorry to interrupt." Rory appears in the doorway. "But you have a visitor." He looks towards the hallway just before Peeta takes his spot.

"I'll leave you two alone." Prim excuses herself, leaving them in the room.

"I was going to give you until tomorrow but I couldn't wait that long."

"Peeta," she stands to meet him halfway but Peeta beats her to it. His long, quick strides have him crossing the room in a second.

"Just...let me talk this time." He reaches for her cheek. "I love you so much, Katniss."


"Katniss!" He cuts her off. "You said everything you had to say already. Give me a chance now."


"You said our disagreements were on big things. I have a solution for all of them." He cups her face, turning her head up to look at him. "You don't want to have kids..." He shakes his head. "We don't need to have them. My father was a good man, a good father. I'll probably be shit at it so it's probably for the best anyway." Katniss places her hand over his. "As for New York, I'll quit."

"You'll quit your father's company?"

"If that's what it takes, Katniss. I love you." He repeats. "You're right. It's not fair for me to checkout of this relationship, or our marriage by going to New York. I want to spend 365 days of the year with you. I don't want to miss out on a moment."

"What about our marriage?" She dares ask. He sighs.

"I want to marry you, Katniss. I want the world to know that you are mine but..." He raises her left hand up to his lips. "As long as you're mine forever, I don't need the ring. I'll take what you give me."

"You'd stay with me, even though we're not married?" He leans in and kisses her sweetly.

"Always." Katniss pulls her into him. She throws her arms around his neck and keeps him tight against her.

"I love you, Peeta but I can't let you do any of that." He pulls back to look at her.

"Why not?"

"Because that's not fair for you."

"But Katniss, I refuse to lose you over something like this. Not when I can fix it."

"We can fix this. Together." He sighs.

"How?" It's Katniss' turn to sigh.

"Now, you have to let me speak because I have to get this all out. Okay?"


"I've been thinking about it," Katniss runs her hand through his hair. "What if we have a couple of kids, is that okay? Because I don't know if I can do more than that!"


"I'm not finished." Peeta closes his mouth and nods for her to continue. "And New York? I'll go wherever you will go." He opens his mouth to say something but quickly closes it. He stares at Katniss, waiting for her to give him the green light. "Oh, I'm done."

"I just fell more in love with you."

"You couldn't possibly be anymore in love with me."

"Yea, I could." He pulls her in for a hug. "I'm glad you're willing to budge on the kids-"

"You're going to be a great father." She tells him. "That stuff about your father, if he was a good father, you're going to be great." Peeta chuckles.

"Thanks." He holds her tightly against him. "But I'm not going back to New York. I already put the house up for sale."

"You have a house in New York?"

"It's actually in New Jersey."

"New Jersey?!"

"It's only about an hour drive into Manhattan."

"How come I didn't know that?" He shrugs. "But still, Peeta, I can't let you quit. Leave your father's company? He left it to you for a reason." He nods.

"Yea, but I don't have to go back to New York to run it." She looks up at him.

"Then why have you been going back?"

"Board members."

"And their concerns are going to disappear if you never show up to another meeting?"

"All they care about is a good fiscal period. There's a reason why I'm at the head and they won't take away someone who's producing." He chuckles. "Besides, I own controlling interest. I can't ever really be fired."

"My savvy fiancé."

"Fiancé? Does that mean..."

"I want to marry you, Peeta. And even though I'm scared of what's to come, there's no one else I want by my side while I face those fears." He fishes her engagement ring out of his pocket and places it back on her finger. He wraps her in his arms and kisses her passionately. "Peeta," she says with a laugh. He lays her down on the couch before kissing down her neck. "Peeta, not here."

"Why not? You know how I love the couch."

"Yea, but this is my sister's couch." Peeta lays off long enough to laugh against her lips.

"Let's go home."

"Where? Here or in New York?" She teases.

"Katniss, I'm selling it so don't worry."

"Why would you do that?"

"Sell it?" She nods. "Because I just told you. I'm not going back. What do I need it for?"

"Vacation." She suggests.

"Vacation? In New York?" Katniss nods again. Peeta laughs. "You've obviously never been to New York."

"No, I haven't." He kisses her cheek.

"Then I'll take you."

"You're going to take me?"

"Yea. We'll go soon, before the wedding. But right now, we're going home. To our condo, here, in this state." She laughs as he drags her out of the house.