Chapter 8

Izzy POV

We were all in my room primping and getting ready for the ball that was about to start. I nervously looked at myself in the mirror. Today is the day I become princess of the vampire world. I just stared a myself. Am I ready for this? Bella came from behind me and hugged me.

"You'll be fine." She reassured me, I smiled and hugged her back.

"Thanks, I needed that." I said grinning at her. She smiled back at me and I took a deep breath. "Are all of you ready?" I asked Jane, Heidi, and Bella. They nodded smiling and we left, but not before I put my pitch black cloak on to cover my face and body. We walked to the ball room and they opened the doors in front of me. I walked forward and took my place next to dad. He opened his arms wide and greeted everyone.

"Hello everyone! I trust you're enjoying yourselves? Now, it's time for the crowning of the new princess of the vampire world!" He called out. Jane and Alec came forward. I held my arms out and they both took off my cloak. Everyone gasped when they saw me and I could see Alec's eyes widen. Everyone stared at me and the venom rushed to my cheeks. Their eyes widened even more. I stood in front of dad and bowed my head. He placed a small crown upon my head. It was made of the finest jewels. I stood tall and turned around smiling at everyone. They all clapped and the dancing began. I sat in a smaller throne than dad's which was a bit behind his, but not much. Many came to congratulate me. The Cullens walked with Bella and she wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm so proud of you." She said into my ear. I smiled at her.

"Thank you." I said into her ear. We smiled and the Cullens congratulated me. After a while of just sitting there, dad leaned toward me.

"Why aren't you dancing?" He asked smiling. I shrugged.

"Why aren't you?" I countered. He smiled and stood up.

"Fair enough." He said holding a hand out to take. I shook my head chuckling. I took hold of his hand and we began to dance. I suddenly had the urge to stand on his feet like I used to with Charlie. When the dance was over, I was going to sit down again but Demetri came forward.

"Would you care to dance?" He asked in a teasing tone. I laughed and curtsied just to amuse him. I also danced with Felix, Emmett, Jasper, Edward, Carlisle, Marcus, and Caius. A slower song came on and couples started going to the dance floor. I sat down on my throne as I watched my sister dance with her husband. Alec came up to me and tapped my shoulder.

"Yes?" I asked as I turned to him. He smiled at me. I noticed he was wearing a black suit with a dark grey collared shirt and a crimson tie that complimented his eyes.

"Would you like to dance, princess?" He asked reaching his hand out. I rolled my eyes but smiled as I put my hand in his.

"Don't call me princess ever again." I said making him chuckle. We began to dance. I saw Bella and smiled at her. She smiled back at me.

'Aw, they look so cute.' I could hear her loud and clear.

'Hehe, thanks.' I thought. She stared at me in shock and I stared back.

'Woah, I can hear Izzy's thoughts!'

'Woah, I can hear Bella's thoughts!' We both thought at the same time. We grinned at each other and nodded.

'Nice.' We both thought in unison. When we passed by each other we high fived and our dancing partners seemed confused. We continued to dance the whole night until the ball ended. Almost everyone immediately left except the Cullens. While the guard put everything the Cullens and I spent some time together. Alice complimented us and couldn't stop freaking out about how well we looked.

"Oh yeah, and Bella and I can read each others minds. Just thought you should know." I said. Their jaws dropped and I laughed because Edward looked jealous.

"How did you guys find out?" Carlisle asked fascinated.

"Bella was just thinking about how cute Alec and I looked." I said. He nodded. Bella smiled at me.

"You two did look really cute. Have you two gotten together yet?" She asked. Venom rushed to my cheeks.

"No. Why would we?" I asked. She gave me a look.

"Because you two are totally into each other! Come on Izzy, I know you've never had a boyfriend but this is ridiculous!" She shouted. I blushed darker.

"So what if I haven't? That doesn't mean I'm gonna hop on the first guy that wants to get with me." I said stubbornly. She shook her head amused. "Ugh, whatever." I said standing up. "I'm going to my room." I grumbled as I raced to my room. When I got there, I took off my crown and put to on my vanity. I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror. Suddenly, Alex was standing behind me. I turned around and looked at him. "It's called knocking you know." I said. He laughed.

"Believe me, I know." I he said smiling. I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want?" I asked him. He smiled at me and at this moment I noticed the door was closed.

And locked.

"I wanted to tell the new princess how heart breakingly gorgeous she looked today." He said smiling. I blushed but kept a cool facade.

"I thought I told you not to call me princess." I said. His smile widened.

"But the title befits you." He argued as he stepped closer.

"But I don't like being called princess." I said. He leaned his head and whispered in my ear.

"Then would you like me to call you my Queen? Or maybe my Mistress?" He said in a seductive voice and a shiver ran down my spine.

"Alec." I whispered. He shushed me with his lips as he kissed me. Our hands ran everywhere. He slowly unzipped my dress and slid it off. We took off each others clothes clumsily as we collapsed on my bed. Tonight, the fires of passion have been ignited.

The next morning I was still staring up at my ceiling. I was in Alec's arms, where I felt I belonged. There was a calm silence that neither of us felt we had to fill with unimportant small talk. We were just content to lay under the covers in each others arms. The sun shone on his exposed chest making him shine. The last few hours were still fresh in my mind. All the touches, and kisses, and pleasure. It hurt at first, as I knew it would, but pain quickly turned into pleasure. I remember how he would moan and grunt my name. I still feel like it was just a second ago that I was screaming his name in pure ecstasy. And now I just laid here blissfully in his arms. I looked up at him and he looked down at me.

"Good morning." I said. He smiled and pecked my lips.

"Good morning, Isabelle." I smiled at the use of my full name. We both got up and got ready for our day. We walked out holding hands and to the throne room. Jane was waiting there with that smug smile of hers and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Everyone in the whole castle could hear your screams." She said. I blushed. Dad smiled at me. Bella came forward and hugged me. I hugged her back.

'Congratulations.' She said in my mind. I smiled.

'Thank you, sister.' I replied. I spent the rest of the day with Bella. We just hung out together since they would be leaving later tonight. I would miss her terribly, but I promised to visit regularly and she did the same. When they left we gave our goodbyes and I hugged everyone.

"I hope you find happiness." She said smiling and holding my hands. I smiled back at her.

"Me too, and I am." I said. We hugged one last time before they left. I sighed and sat in dad's throne.

"Isabelle, are you sad?" Dad asked me worried. I nodded with a small sad smile.

"Yeah, I'm gonna miss Bella so much. But I'll see her again soon." I said. He nodded and kissed my cheek. Him and my uncles left to their rooms and I just sat in his throne. I had a beige knee length dress and my crown was in place on my head. I was barefoot and crossed my legs as I smiled. I sat up straight and put my arms on the arm rests. I made my face calm and emotionless as I stared straight ahead. "Off with his head." I said in a strong voice pointing to where I imagined some low-life vampire to be.

"So this is what the princess does in her spare time." Came an amused voice. I looked up in shock and saw Alec leaning against the wall smiling at me. I smiled back.

"This is the first time I've done this, I was just messing around." I said stepping off the throne and we walked to each other. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He leaned down to kiss me and I kissed him back. We pulled away and leaned our foreheads against each other.

"I love you." He said smiling at me. I grinned back at him.

"I know." I said. He pouted at me and I laughed. "I love you too." I said and he grinned at me. We kissed again and I knew the rest of my existence would be amazing.