Summary: Thorin and Dwalin worship and dote upon Fili. Their favoritism annoys Balin to no end. Missing scene from The Hobbit.

Author's note: In which Balin is a BAMF and gives everyone the earful they deserve. This is the end! Tell me what you think!

The group had departed the riverbank quickly and quietly, in case their commotion drew any unwanted attention. "Those lads are growing into a fine pair of dwarves, Thorin," Balin stated. "You should be proud of them." He rode beside their leader at the head of the column, keeping an eye out for more potential campgrounds, though curtains of rain continued to hinder visibility.

Thorin grimaced and said softly, "One of them, at least, is mature enough to carry himself like a warrior."

It was the answer Balin had expected and prepared for, though he still couldn't control a flush of anger. "Aye, I'd feel right safe in battle with Kili's bow at my side," he said sharply, and with that he slowed his pony to drop back next to Dwalin, several paces behind their leader.

"Aren't you lucky Kili saved your pony, Mr. Dwalin?!" Fili shouted from somewhere behind them, loud enough that the whole company could hear.

Balin quickly masked his chuckle with a cough.

Dwalin rumbled back, "Lucky? It's his own fault my boy bolted in the first place."

Balin sucked in a breath and turned to see if Kili had heard, but Bofur and Bombur's broad frame blocked his view. Instead, he guided his horse close to his brother's and swore. "You'd be wise to ease up on that lad's confidence before he loses any ability to hit a moving target."

"If that's all it takes to break him, then he won't even make it to Erebor," he scoffed, causing Balin to curse him again, his stomach boiling. "What! He screamed like a lass from the smallest aches and pains," Dwalin growled.

Balin rounded on him, bumping their knees together and glaring daggers. "The last time I fixed a shoulder, I seem to remember the injured warrior shedding tears and shouting curses at me for nearly five minutes." Dwalin's frown deepened, but he kept his mouth shut. Balin added, soft and venomous, "and you were decades older then than Kili is now."

And he steered his mount back again, leaving Dwalin to stew in annoyance.

Balin could feel Bofur eyeing him warily. "Is there something you'd like to add about Thorin or the boys?" he asked briskly, locking his glare on Bofur, who instantly turned red.

"Oh, certainly not, my friend," he smiled nervously, "it's just not often I find you losing your temper." He swallowed.

Balin took a deep breath and shame watered down his anger. "I'm sorry," he said in a noticeably kinder tone. He nodded at Thorin, "he just seems to forget, sometimes, that he has two nephews he ought to be quite proud of."

"Isn't he, then?" Bofur asked politely.

Balin snorted. "I appreciate the sentiment, but don't tell me you haven't seen how much he praises one, and only ever finds fault in the other," he said so no one else could hear.

Bofur cleared his throat and smiled knowingly. "That was an impressive maneuver Kili pulled in the river to keep that pony roped," he said lightly.

"And sacrificed his body to do so. I just thought Thorin could use the reminder," Balin added, keeping his voice discreet.

Bofur hummed in agreement. "Could you also remind him that we're all cold and wet and sleepy and tired, and there's naught in these woods to fear but bugs, and perhaps each other?"

Behind them, Fili and Kili's telltale laughter chorused. Through the dark shadows of branches, Balin could just make out a red shimmer among the trees off to their left. "There's a light over there!"

Immediately, he heard the snickering die away, and seconds later, Thorin raised a hand and brought the company to a silent halt.

When they had looked at it for some while, they fell to arguing. Some said "no" and some said "yes". Some said they could but go and see, and anything was better than little supper, less breakfast, and wet clothes all the night.

- J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit

AN: aaaaaaand cue Trolls. That's not much of an ending to any story, but what happens next is in the book, sooo.

I'm interested in continuing with this little concept... Maybe I could just go on from here, do early prequels, more missing scenes or things from Fili/Kili's pov. let me know if you have preferences or ideas!

To clarify, this isn't really my personal headcanon. I firmly believe Thorin has a soft spot for BOTH his nephews. This idea is just what assaulted my brain. I don't make the decisions, I only write them down.