So we pick up at the morning after the kiss as really there was nothing to write about without it becoming a smut fic. So to clear up any questions, they haven't talked about their relationship they just got lost in each other and being all domestic, we'll get to the talking about their feelings soon and we have a point of view change for this piece or at least part of it XD Anyway enjoy I guess…

He wakes slowly to the sound of running water and a female voice singing. It takes him a while in his just woken up state to realise who exactly was the source of the voice. He realises that he hasn't heard her sing before. He goes to throw the covers off of himself as he hears the water turn off. He pauses sat up in bed with the sheets wrapped around his hips, his hand still clutching on to the fabric.

She emerges from the bathroom clad in only two towels. One was wrapped around her slender frame and another was in her hand being run through her hair. She notices that he is sat up and awake in the bed and smiles in his direction.

"I see you are awake."

She continues toweling off her long hair and seemingly not caring about the small towel wrapped around her body which appeared to be loosening off, or was that just his imagination. He doesn't trust his mouth when he has recently woken and faced with a half-naked woman so he just nods feigning a small yawn and stretching his arms to avoid talking. He sits there blinking for a moment before speaking up.

"What time is it?"

"It's almost 7o'clock Tony…" She gestures to the bedside table area next to him "The clock is only there…"

"Is that in the morning or evening?"


He almost jumps out of the bed from concern when he hears the time "What are you doing up so early Ziva?"

"I was done sleeping and I needed a shower after last night's ice cream incident…"

He nods "Okay… How're you feeling today?"

"I'm feeling much better, thank you." She throws the towel in her hand towards the laundry basket before walking towards her closet.

He untangles himself from the sheets. "So are you considering going back to work today?"

She moves a hanger, a quiet scraping sound ringing through the air. "I have already called Gibbs and he won't let me until I can go a full day without feeling tired…" Her voice conveys her annoyance at not being able to work. "Oh and you are supposed to keep watch over me… I don't know why, it's not like I'm a little girl."

"I think it's more that he wants me to make sure you're not lying about sleeping, not that I am saying you would lie. It's just that he knows your work ethic Ziva"

She nods and pulls out a pair of jeans and a shirt from her closet and lays them onto the edge of the bed. Tony bends over to grab at his trousers on the floor beside the bed. He stands himself up and shuffles himself into the fabric. He finds his shirt hung up on the back of her bedroom door and walk over to collect it. He shrugs the fabric onto his shoulders and goes to button it up.

"I think I need to go home and get a change of clothes again."

"How about you pack something extra for tomorrow?"

"What do you mean Ziva?" He drops the button from between his fingers and looks up to where her voice came from.

"Well, it is possible that you will be staying the night again if Gibbs wants you watching over me, yes?"

"I guess so"

"So why not bring some more clothes back instead of having to go home again?" She's running a comb through her hair, making eye contact with him through her mirror. She then obviously lets her eyes wander over his chest poking out of the open buttons on his shirt.

"If you say it's okay to…"

"Of course I say that it's okay Tony, I suggested it." She laughs as she goes to tie her hair up.

He smiles to himself as he finally buttons up the rest of his shirt before he stands up straight and goes to smooth out any creases from habit. He then walks over to Ziva and presses a kiss to her temple.

"I won't be long Ziva. I will bring some breakfast back with me too if you want?"

"That would be lovely."

He smiles warmly, then turns and walks out of the room on his way to his place.

I walk into the kitchen, looking around I decide that I should probably do some cleaning and I may as well do it while I wait for Tony to come back. I turn the water on, letting it warm up and fill the sink. I grab a cloth and give the countertop a quick wipe over as I wait for it.

The sink doesn't take long to fill and soon there is white fluffy bubbles threatening to spill over the edge. I rush to turn off the water and roll up my sleeves.

As I push my hands into the warm water, I let my thoughts travel to what happened last night. I'm surprised about how easy it felt for me to allow him in, somewhere in the back of my mind my thoughts were screaming for me to pull away but now I am glad I ignored it. Finally I am not living with a huge what if sitting in the back of my mind. I can't help but wonder where everything goes now we can't pretend like it never happened and even if we could I don't think either of us would want to. I certainly wouldn't.

I was rinsing off the final plate as Tony knocks on the door. I grab a towel to dry off my hands as I walk to the apartment door. I'm faced with Tony's grin as soon as I open the door.

He holds up a paper bag up by his face "I brought food"

I lean on the door and smile up at him. "Is that meant to make me invite you in?"

"No… You want to invite me in anyway. This is a peace offering."

I shake my head and move back from the door to let him in. He purposefully pushes past me on his way into the apartment, pressing his chest against my body with a smirk on his face.

He walks towards the kitchen and calls out behind him. "Once we've eaten, I want you to wrap up warm."

I close the door and turn to go in his direction "Why Tony?"

I hear the sound of a cupboard door and I walk into the kitchen to see Tony dishing up the food on to plates. "Because… I am taking you out." He turns around with a smile and plates in hand. "Only for a walk and maybe a hot chocolate if you're good." He sets the plates down on the small dining table and pokes me on the nose. "You've been stuck inside for too long, you need to get some fresh air." He lingers with his body pressed near to mine.

I smile up at him "I think that would be… lovely."

He grins and moves back clapping his hands once "Great. Now let's eat."

And finally I have another piece written, it is pretty much a filler but well… they're needed sometimes. I promise the next piece will be better, I was just having a bit of difficulty that caused this to be put to the back of my mind. x