Chapter 21:

"He's late…" Lukas sat by the window, staring out at the cobbled street barely lit by the city's weak lights and muted ever more by the rain. He shoved away Mathais and his attempted affections, determined to concentrate on any movement outside.

"He's probably just off wandering the city before coming back to big brother's house." With a wolfish grin, Mathais fell back into his chair. "Who knows? Maybe little Emi' got distracted down by the docks, if you know what I me-" He was cut off when Lucas whipped a boot at him, forcing him to dodge or be struck. "Lukas! There's no need to be jealous! I'm sure Emil would be glad to teach his big brother the ropes!"

"St'p bother'ng him, 'thais…" Rolling his eyes at the other two, Berwald continued his work at the stove. He cursed in soft Swedish when a sudden pounding at the apartment door caused him to slip and knick his finger with the knife. When the other two, too far gone in a tangle of chokeholds and embraces, ignored the door, Berwald sighed and went to answer it, finger in his mouth.

"Calm d'wn, I'm com'ng." The heavy latch gave way beneath his touch. Instantly the door flew open and Berwald was forced to jump out of the way as a blur rushed at his legs. Peter bolted into the warm brownstone, nearly tripping over himself in the process.

Mathais leaned back to cast the frazzled boy a puzzled glance. "What's the alarm, kid? Seems a bit late for a blue blood like yourself to be runnin' about the street of this city by yourself." The Dane looked back to Berwald and found the larger man with his head stuck out the door looking about. "Where'd ya lose Tino at? Its not nice to be playing all these tricks on him; he won't stop blaming himself if anything happens to you ya kn-"

"I didn't lose him!" Whipping around on Mathais, Peter clenched his fists. The Dane's eyebrows shot up at the disheveled appearance of the Kirkland child. The boy's clothes had several fresh tears and mud stains, with matching scratches licked across his cheeks. "I didn't…"

"Easy," Lukas came to kneel before the boy. He reached out, brushing back rain-soaked bangs from Peter's eyes before resting his hand atop the boy's shoulder. "What happened? You're soaked and shaking." Lukas waved a hand and Mathais darted off. "Is Tino far behind?"

Shaking his head, Peter looked back at the door. He started for a moment when Mathais returned, laying a folded quilt around the boy's shoulders before kneeling down at Lukas' side. "He's down the street. I-I tried to make him come with me, honest! But he tripped and…" He shrank into the quilt as Berwald bolted out the door.

Mathais frowned, his hand on Peter's head. The boy shook beneath his palm, silent and trying to fold into the quilt. "Peter? Did you two get lost or something? What on earth are you two doing out here in town so late?"

"Was Emil-" Lukas' question was cut off when Berwald reappeared balancing a weary Tino in his arms. Mathais rushed off to help the larger man bring Tino in. They rest him on the couch, Tino holding fast to Berwald's damp shirt in a white-knuckled grip.

"Jesus, Christ!"

Berwald turned at Mathais' shout to find the Dane looking down at his hands in shock. Both palms were smeared with diluted blood, and on quick inspection, Berwald found his hands to be the same. "T'no!"

Tino shook his head like one possessed, struggling to make words past the chattering of his teeth. "I-I'm…I'm fine! Back…We need…" Tino frowned when Berwald tried to hush him and swatted the larger man's hand away. In response, he yanked the man closer to him. "E-Emil!"

Lukas jumped up, shoving Berwald aside. He grabbed the shaking man's hands, holding them close and tight. "What about Emil, Tino? Is he hurt? Did he get lost?" He scowled when Tino shook his head, unable to get the words out. "Well then, where is he?!"

"Lukas…" The Norwegian's head shot back, glaring at Mathais. Mathais dropped his hand, stepping back before turning away from the scene to glance at Berwald.

Weakly grabbing back at Lukas' hands, Tino pulled the Norwegian closer. "Ba-back…at the estate. Emil… Oh God, L-Lukas!" When the Fin began to shake anew, breaking down like a maltreated toy, Lukas ripped his hands back as if scorched. He flews to his feet, nearly racing out of the brownstone had Mathais not stepped in his way and grabbed him about the shoulders.

"Slow down, I'm coming too!" The Dane was quick to let Lukas go, swinging into his coat and snatching up his truncheon before following the other out into the street. Lukas was already feet ahead of him, head whipping in all directions to search for a desolate hansom on the flooding streets. Quickly pulling up his collar, he raced off after Lukas, shouting for the other to wait.

Author's Note:

I am SO sorry for such the long hiatus! But I'm back now! Fixed some found plot holes and still editing, but back! Summer is literally a week away for me so I'm really going to try and get back into a weekly updating pattern again for this and PoH. Again, sorry for such the long wait! Hope you enjoy!