Thank you for your patience. Here's chapter 2. Chapter 5 for No words will be up soon.
Chapter 2
Eddie and Tyler got off the elevator to see something they least expected. Cameron, Loren's current boyfriend, had some girl pushed up against the wall right beside Eddie's door and was making out with her like there was no tomorrow. To say that Tyler was pissed was an understatement.
"Tyler I think you should-" Before Eddie was even able to finish his sentence, Tyler was charging towards Cam. He grabbed Cam by the shoulders and yanked him off the girl. The girl screamed and ran to the elevator when Tyler threw him to the floor. Eddie started to walk towards Tyler to break them up, but Tyler stopped him with a look that said 'Don't even think about it'. Tyler grabbed Cam by his collar and slammed him against the wall.
Clearly drunk, Cam asked, "What's your problem, bro."
Giving him a fierce glare Tyler spat back, "What's my problem?! My sister a.k.a. your girlfriend is probably at home wondering where the hell you are and you're here all over some random girl! What the hell is your problem?" Cam shrugged his shoulders and Tyler punched him in the jaw, knocking him out cold. "Let's see if that helps you figure it out."
"What the hell, Ty! He was just a kid?" Eddie wasn't trying to stand up for Cam, but he thought it was a little harsh what Tyler did. "Don't you think that you were a little too hard on him?"
"Are you seriously trying to stand up for him?! He was cheating on Loren! What did you expect me to do? Dance around him singing about rainbows and unicorns?"
Eddie sighed. "Nevermind. So, what are you going to do now?"
Tyler pondered the question for a while. "There's only one to do. I have to tell Loren that her asshole of a boyfriend was cheating on her." He pulled out his phone and scrolled down to Loren's contact. He hesitated for a moment before pressing the call button. This is going to break her heart.
After three rings, she answered the phone. "Hello?" She sounded like her mouth was full of food.
"Hey, Lo." How was he going to tell her? As much as he hated Cam and wanted them to break up, it pained him to think of what Loren might feel once he tells her.
"Oh, hey, big head! What's up? Didn't you leave here like 30 minutes ago? What's the matter, miss me already?", she said in a teasing voice. She really had no idea. This was going to be harder than he thought. He honestly didn't know what to say to her. He hated Cam for cheating on her in the first place. He hated that he was going to have to tell his sister that her boyfriend that she loved, was cheating on her. He hated that he was going to have to see her cry when he got home. He hated that their dad had left her at a young age. And even though there were all these things that he hated, none of that could change the situation at hand.
When Tyler didn't respond after a minute or two, Loren got concerned. "Hello? Ty, is something wrong?" The worry in her voice was clear. "Ty, just tell me. I'm a big girl I can handle it."
This was breaking his heart. "I'm on my way home. I'll tell you when I get there." He hung up before she had a chance to respond. He gave Eddie and apologetic look.
"It's cool, we can hang out some other time." Eddie felt really bad for Tyler. He knew what it felt like to have to tell someone you love bad news and to watch them suffer. They went back down the elevator and got into Eddie's car. The ride to Loren's house was filled with an awkward silence. After what seemed like hours, they finally pulled into Loren's driveway. Tyler stayed in the car for a few moments before getting out. "Good luck, Ty."
"Thanks, man." Eddie backed out onto the street and Tyler waved. He made his way to the door and hesitated once again before entering the house.
"Hey, what is it you wanted to tell me?" Loren was sitting on the sofa next to Mel, who was watching The Notebook. Tyler closed the door and sat in the love seat diagonal to where the girls were sitting.
"Mel, do you mind pausing that for a minute?" Mel nodded and grabbed the remote, pausing the movie. "Um, well...I'm so sorry, Lo." Panic and concern soon consumed Loren's face as these words came out of Tyler's mouth.
"For what? You didn't do anything...You didn't do anything, right, Tyler?" She leaned forward earger for his answer, but still worried about what it may be. When he shook his head she relaxed a bit. "That still doesn't answer my question though. What do you want to tell me?"
Barely audible, Tyler said a little above a whisper, "I caught Cam cheating on you."
Loren's eyes narrowed then widened once she realized what he had said. "No." She shook her head not wanting to believe that it's true.
"Yes, Loren." Even he didn't want it to be true, but it was. And her not wanting to belive it wasn't going to change anything. "Me and Eddie got off the elevator and he had a girl pinned against the wall next to Eddie's door." He got up and sat on the coffe table in front of the sofa so that he was directly in front of her. He cupped her face with hands so that she was forced to look at him. He snuck a glance at Mel and her face showed nothing but pure rage. He looked Loren dead in the eyes bfore speaking slowly and clearly to her. "Listen to me. You don't need him. You're to good for him and he doesn't deserve you, you hear me?" Once she nodded he continued. "Now as much as I hated the bastard to begin with, I would never lie to you and I would never wish this upon you. I love you. Mom loves you. And you don't need me to tell you that Mel loves you. You're surrounded by people that love and support you. If he feels like he has to cheat, then trust me he doesn't deserve any of your tears." He usd his thumbs to wipe away her tears.
"And don't worry, Lo. The next time I see the son of a bitch the last thing he's going to remember is me walking up to him." Loren smiled at how protective Mel was being.
"I don't think he's going to remeber anything that happened today, though." Both Mel and Loren gave Tyler a puzzled look. "I kind of knocked him out before I came home." The girls looked at each other before bursting into laughter. They laughed until they had to until hold their stomchs and tears formed at the corners of their eyes. After about another five minutes, they finally composed themselves. Tyler looked between the both of them. "You done?"
"Yeah, sorry. No offence bro, but Cameron's always been the one to knock someone out." Loren Laughed again before getting up and going to her room.
"What are you doing?"
She came back into the living room with her phone. "Nothing. Just going to call the asshole and let him know it's over." Tyler was surprised at how fast she had gotten over him. But, he could tell she was still pissed because she never swears.
Loren dialed Cam's number and after two rings he answered. "Hello? Loren?"
"Yea, it's me. So, I heard you cheated on me." She was beyond pissed but she managed to keep her voice even.
There were a few beats of silence. "Who told you that." Playing stupid wasn't helping his situation. Instead, it made it much worse. He knew that Tyler didn't like him. He knew that Tyler being the awesome big brother that he is, was going to tell Loren. But, what he didn't expect was for Loren to belive Tyler.
Trying to calm herself down Loren said through gritted teeth, "Cam, I really don't have time for incompatence. So, with that being said, just tell me the truth." Tyler was now pacing the floor and Mel had gotten up to stand next to Loren with her hand on Loren's shoulder showing her that she supported and cared about her: two things that until now, Loren realized Cam never did. Any time she would tell him about her dreams of going to Brown or maybe, just maybe, pursuing a musical career, he would just nod and say something along the lines of, "That sound nice", "Oh, really?", or her personal favorite, "Huh, I never knew that." Everything he did, from they way he completely ignored her at times, to the way he talked to her like she was nothing sometimes, all pointed to the obvious; he never had feelings for her. It hurt her to a point where she wanted burst into tears. But, she controlled herself because Ty was right. He doesn't deserve her tears.
Cameron sighs. "Tyler was telling telling the truth." He heard Loren sigh heavily into the phone. "Wait, just hear me out."
Loren couldn't help it. She started laughing, humorlessly, earning confused and concerned looks from both Tyler and Melissa. Finding composure, Loren asked, "What could you possibly say to change and/or help your situation right now?!" When he didn't answer, she said, "Yea. I thought so. So I only have one thing to say you. It's over. Don't call, text, e-mail, look at, or even think about me. It was nice knowing you, babe." And on that note, she hung up. ( a BAWSE! LOL! Go Loren!) She put her phone down on the coffee table, pressed play, and sat down to finish watching The Notebook. Tyler and Mel were staring at her like she had three heads. "What?"
"Are you ok?", Mel asked slowly. She gave Loren a weird look when she started laughing again, this time clearly amused. "What has into?"
"Nothing. I just don't want to spend my time crying over some boy who just doesn't give a damn." And it was the truth. Mel beamed at her best friend and walked back over to the sofa, where she took seat, hugged Loren, and begin wathching the movie again. Loren patted the spot next to her for Tyler, who slowly made his way over and sat down stiffly. "What's wrong?"
"Loren, I know you.", he stated matter-of-factly. "And I know that when you're hurting, you tend to bottle up your feelings so that people won't worry about you. So, right now I need you to tell me, are you sure you're ok?"
Loren sighed. She didn't want to have this conversation in front of Mel - even if she was going to end up telling her later. She got up, grabbed his hand, and literally dragged him to her room. After she closed the door, she gave him a look and sighed.
"Lo, I need to know." Tyler was really worried about her. Loren has always been a generous and caring person. So, when she has a problem or is really hurt about something she doesn't tell anyone because she doesn't want them to worry about her.
Loren flops down on her bed and pats the spot next to her. After Tyler sits down, she explains herself. "I'm oik. Really, I am. I mean, I'm upset and disappointed that he would do something like that to me after everything we've been through. But, at the end of the day, it happened and there's nothing I can do that will change that. So, there's only one thing I can do; Move on." She gives him a weary smile and he nods in understanding.
"Well, just promise me one thing."
"Ok, what is it?"
"If you ever need someone to talk to or you don't know what to do, you'll come to me. Tell me."
She pulled Tyler into a tight embrace and he gladly returns the gesture. "You'll be the first to know. I love you, Ty."
"I love you, too, sis."
Awww. Isn't that sweet? Lol, anywho, sooo sorry for taking so long. I've had a lot of homework lately. I can't wait for school to END! I'm working on chapter five for No Words so look out for that! See you later peeps!