A story that I transfered from my Wattpad account, Celestial_Pain. No, it's not an Anthony or Ian love story. It's a Jovenshire story. Originally, the girl was named Danielle, but when I saw King of The Nerds...a girl named Danielle actually voted him off. So, I changed her name to Daniella to avoid confusion.

Also, if you guys have not seen many SmoshGames episodes, there might be a couple references you won't get. Just giving you all a heads up. :)

"No offense or anything, but you look so much better than when we were in our junior year." Ian chuckled.

"No, I agree with you." Danielle cracked a smile and tightened her grip on her smoothie. Anthony glanced her over again. She was wearing a shirt that said IDGAF and bleached skinny jeans. A couple necklaces dangled down onto her chest, and she was wearing a collection of the thick wrist bracelets, like the I Heart Boobies one that Ian was currently wearing.

She had definitely changed over the years. From shy toddler, to awkward teen and then, into beautiful adult. Her hair was down to her mid back and was chocolate brown. Her eyes were practically identical to the ones she had when she was little. A cheery forest green.

"I'd be glad to!" She grinned at the two and looked to Anthony.

"She'd be glad to do what?" Anthony asked, completely lost.

"I invited her over later so she can be on SmoshGames." Ian laughed. "I worry about you sometimes." Daniella laughed as well and Anthony blushed a bit. She wrote something down on the back of a napkin.

"I'll need you to pick me up later, though." She said and got up. The two men smiled and followed suit. Anthony pocketed the napkin.

"No problem, Dani." As she walked away, Ian turned to his friend. "Were you lost in her chest like I was?"

"Yeah." Anthony admitted and the two laughed. The got in their car and headed home.

Daniella's Point of View

It only took about twenty minutes to walk to my house. As soon as I was in the door, my Corgi was bouncing up and down on my bed. I giggled as she leaped down and ran over to me. I set my smoothie on the kitchen counter, and put some wet dog food in the bowl. Quickly, I walked to the bathroom to take a shower.

I stripped off my clothes and turned on the water. As I stepped in, my muscles relaxed. Thank God for hot water! I had to be ready at 4:30. I wiped my hand on the nearby towel and unlocked my Nokia. I still had about 45 minutes. I washed my hair with my favorite shampoo. It smelled like coconut, which made me grin. I shut the water off and climbed out.

As I wrapped the towel around my body, my phone buzzed. I picked it up to see who had texted me. It was Ian. He could wait for a response until I was dressed. I threw on my torn skinny jeans and my favorite shirt. It had The ring from Lord of the Rings on the front with a glowy affect. Above the ring, it said, "One ring to rule them all. One ring to find them. One ring to bring them and in the darkness, bind them." I grabbed my phone and unlocked it once more. I opened the message.

Just letting you know that a couple of our friends also do SmoshGames. Sorry if it makes you feel weird, or awkward. Especially Sokinky...I mean, Sohinki! ;)

I noted it to myself to remind to ask about that later. I swiftly texted him back,

That's fine, Ian. I guess I'm meeting some new people later. :D

As I sat on my couch, my puppy ran up to me again. I grinned and put her on my lap. I now had 20 minutes to watch t.v. I continued to text Ian as I watched America's Funniest Home Videos. I looked down at my corgi.

"What's the matter, Toots?" I tilted my head and she barked. Teasingly, I tapped my index finger on her nose. I laughed as she attempted to eat my finger. "Do I really taste that good? I know I smell good, though."

Suddenly, my phone began to blare You're Freaking Me Out by Kesha. Tootsie leaped off the couch and ran into my bedroom. I danced for a moment, and then answered it.

"It's Anthony."

"You just scared the shit out of my dog." I laughed and I heard Ian laugh in the background.

"Well, we'll be there in a bit." Anthony was just on the verge of laughter.

"Okay." I said and he hung up. I walked into my bedroom, and saw Tootsie hiding in her kennel. I smiled and walked over to my jewelry box. I put my Piranha plant earrings in slowly, knowing how they love poking my ears. I slid my long chain necklace over my head, and grabbed my plastic glasses.

I adored them. Even though I was supposed to wear real glasses, the nerdy plastic glasses always made everyone laugh. I wasn't going to put them on yet, though. I threw them in my purse and at that moment, my doorbell rang. I blew a kiss to Tootsie, and walked over to the front door. I opened it to a grinning Ian.


"Hell yes." I grinned and stepped outside. I locked the door and followed him down the front steps. As I climbed into the car, Anthony laughed.

"Love the shirt." He smiled. Ian began to drive. "So, hopefully you didn't eat anything."

"Why?" I asked, my eyes widening slightly.

"Because we're eating pizza before we start." Ian chuckled and I relaxed. "You thought we were going to do something horrible, weren't you?" I nodded and started laughing. As he drove, I kicked my legs into the seat and fiddled with my phone. I suddenly flipped off the seat. Ian and Anthony were cracking up as they kept driving.

"Wear your seatbelt!" Ian chuckled. I laughed and crawled back onto the seat.

"You cracked my phone case, dick-weed!" I cried and Anthony started laughing again. To prevent any further injuries, I sat upright and put my seatbelt on. After that, we pulled into their driveway. I climbed out with my purse and followed them into the house.

"Holy hell!" I cried when I saw the inside. "You guys must make a lot of money to afford this!"

"We do actually." Ian grinned and two guys came out of the kitchen. One had a black shirt with the Legend of Zelda Tri-force on it, and the other wore a plain purple shirt.

"Pizza's here." The taller one said and then noticed me. Shyly, I stuck my hand out. He took it with a smile. "I'm Sohinki, and that's Lasercorn."

"Oh, that reminds me.." I looked back at Ian. "What was the 'Sokinky' joke about?" Suddenly, the house was full of laughter. Sohinki pulled his hood down over his face, and I giggled a bit myself. I gently placed my hand on his head.

"Long story, short time." Lasercorn grinned, and said nothing more. I felt terrible for embarrassing poor Sohinki like that. I saw a girl come out of the kitchen. She was definitely Japanese, but she looked pretty nice. She wore a panda hat and the classic jean and t-shirt combo.

"Hey, I'm Mari." She smiled and stuck her hand out. I shook it once with a slight smile.

"I'm Daniella, but you can call me Dani." Mari nodded and walked into the kitchen. Anthony waved me after her, so I timidly followed her. I saw a guy leaning up against the counter. He had slightly spiked black hair and brown eyes. He had a piece of pizza in his mouth when he spotted me. I looked away, and grabbed a plate. I kind of felt rude for doing so, but I knew I would have time to chat later.

"Damn..." I grunted. "No pepperoni."

"Here, I have an extra piece." The guy slid it onto my plate.

"A-Are you sure?" I stammered and he smiled. Oh my god... His smile made me want to melt like warm chocolate.

"Yeah, I'm not that hungry anyways.." He set his plate down, not breaking eye contact with me. "I'm Jovenshire."

"Daniella." I held my hand out and he shook it firmly. Mari had already left the room, so we hurried out and into the living room together. As we sat down, Lasercorn and Ian fell to the floor. I tilted my head as they wrestled.

"Wow, dinner show.." Jovenshire muttered and I snorted. As we ate, we watched the two wrestle.

"What the hell happened to Iancorn?!" Sohinki cried and everyone laughed. I tilted my head again. Jovenshire leaned to my ear. Jesus Christ, he smells wonderful!

"During one of the Game Bang's, Lasercorn and Ian were forced to dance together." He explained quietly. "We joked that it was 'Iancorn', and it stuck pretty bad." Danielle laughed a bit and turned her attention back to the tussling men.

"Guys, we'll have time for that later!" Anthony laughed and yanked Ian up from the ground. Lasercorn stood, laughing just about as hard as everyone else. "We have to set up."

I'll admit that I felt kind of useless watching them carry chairs and such, but everyone insisted that they didn't need help. So, I sat in the background and watched Jovenshire. Shit. I feel like such a stalker...I couldn't prevent that thought from floating to my mind as he joked around with Ian. I walked to my purse and slyly placed my glasses in my pocket. I pulled my shirt over my pockets.

"What're you sneaking around for?" Mari's voice made me jump. I lifted my shirt a bit, and she grinned.

"Don't tell them that I still have these." I explained quietly. "Anthony used to adore seeing me in these. He even told me that himself." Mari let out a slightly exhasperated laugh and flitted off. I couldn't seem to keep the grin off my face. After they set the chairs up, we all sat down, excited to see what we were doing.

"We decided to be cruel, and make you all play Just Dance again." Everyone besides me groaned.

"Only this time," Ian smirked. "It's Just Dance 2 AND with the couple dance punishment. The only difference is, is that the TOP scores have to do it." Anthony walked over to the camera and looked at us.

"Which is going to be as weird as hell, because everyone wants to win." I laughed.

"Get into a dance crew position!" I was the first in a position with the whole, 'Come at me bro!' thing. Jovenshire started laughing but managed to bite his tongue as he crossed his arms and knelt down. I shot a glare in his direction, and saw Anthony leap down beside me. He had texted me earlier with what to do. A tiny beep came from the camera to let us know it was going.

"Welcome to another Game Bang..."

"GAME BANG!" I chorused with them, a smile planted on my lips.

"And we have a special guest!" Ian and Anthony stood and pointed at me. I sprung myself up, and bounced on the balls of my heels. "Meet, Daniella!"

"So, this is Just Dance 2 and we are returning with the punishments of a couple dance." Anthony explained. "For those of you who have not seen our first Just Dance video, the punishment is served to the two lowest scores. The last COUPLE punishment was given to Ian and Lasercorn."

"Also, the top two scores get to decide what the lowest two get to dance to...BUT this time it's the opposite. The top two scores have to dance together!" Ian chimed and we moved from our positions and into the chairs. Somehow, I ended up in the second chair, and Sohinki was in the first chair. Anthony came into the room with a top hat.

"Oh, so we have some class now?" Lasercorn laughed. "A top hat?"

"Indubitably!" I nodded and everyone cracked up. Sohinki got up and slowly walked over to him. His hand shook as he reached in and pulled out a paper slip. All was silent for a moment.

"Call Me by Blondie." He muttered and there was scattered laughter.

"I swore to God, you were going to say Call Me Maybe!" Jovenshire said. "I was going to be like, 'THAT WASN'T EVEN RELEASED YET!'" Myself, Mari and Anthony cracked up. As the song started, I popped my neck. I looked down the line when he began to dance. The blank chair beside me was soon occupied by Ian, and after him was Lasercorn.

"Go Sohinki!" I cried as he hit his first star. Everyone laughed and nodded, cheering along after me. I suddenly felt nervous. Sure, I did choreography with a dance group, but dancing in front of an audience. I felt a gentle hand on my back and turned to a smiling Lasercorn.

"No worries, we all look like idiots." He laughed.

"No people here to look stupid for, just George!" I recited, making someone laugh. It was Jovenshire! I grinned when he gripped his stomach.

"Best movie quote ever!" Ian cackled.

"Strum that guitar!" Anthony cracked up as Sohinki leaped up and down, stroking an invisible guitar. Most of us were shocked when he hit three stars. As the song ended, he was just about to hit the fourth one. We cheered and laughed. Ian grabbed his phone and took note of the score.

"Sohinki got 6439." He confirmed, making everyone clap. I stood up and made me way over to Anthony. Nervously, I plunged my hand into the hat and swiftly pulled one out. I blushed when I saw what it was.

"Crazy in Love by Beyonce..." I muttered and there was scattered laughter. Mostly, it was whistles from the guys. I waved at them angrily as we started it. As the dance started, I followed the lady on screen and cat-walked in a circle. Blocking out more whistles, I continued.

"Work that booty!" The hilarious yell came from Ian, causing my blush to escalate. The weird pelvic thrust movement made everyone laugh, because I had to trail my hands from my breasts and to my hips.

"Remind me to never wear jeans to a Just Dance Game Bang EVER AGAIN!" I hollered while parading in a circle again. Everyone was in tears, but I wasn't hearing someone's laughter. Who was missing?

Jovenshire's Point of View

I was completely distracted by her. Wait, no, mesmerized. I kept trying to move my gaze elsewhere, but I found it difficult with her backside as close as it was. She was a very pretty lady, and I hoped to get to know her more. I crossed a leg up over my knee, and continued watching. She passed him! She passed Sohinki!

"Go Daniella!" I couldn't resist the cheer as we watched her climb to four stars. The song still had about a minute left, too. I could tell that she wanted to stop. Her face was beet red, and I know it wasn't from the exercise. She didn't need any, anyways. She was already thin and pretty enough.

Wait a minute...

Daniella's Point of View

As the song ended, I quickly took my bow and sat down at the end of the row. The rest of the evening passed quickly. At least, until Jovenshire had to dance to Viva Las Vegas by Elvis Presley. My favorite song by the rock legend. Throughout the entire dance, I found myself in fits of laughter.

"PEW!" Jovenshire cried as he used his fingers like guns. "PEW! PEW!"

"Use that gun!" Mari yelled.

"That's what she said!" I didn't hold the joke back. Everyone, including Jovenshire, busted into laughter. I could tell that he was having a difficult time concentrating on the dance, even though all of the laughter died down. He just managed to pass Sohinki's score before the song ended.

Wait a minute!

"So, let's tally up the scores!" Ian grinned. "From lowest to highest we have, Mari, Lasercorn, myself, Anthony, Sohinki, Jovenshire and Daniella!" Anthony shot me a grin, and a slunk down in my seat. I glanced at Jovenshire and I swear to God, a blush formed on his cheeks.

"That means, Joven and Daniella get to dance together." Anthony laughed.

"Hey, can we called you Dani?" Ian suddenly asked. Taken off guard by the question, I nodded. "Alright guys, comment below whether you like Danishire or Jovenella."

"Jovenella sounds like juvenile." Lasercorn laughed and I blushed. Anthony paused the camera and pulled everyone else into a circle. They were deciding what we had to dance to. Jovenshire came up to me with frightened eyes. I tried my best to smile.

"We are about to go through hell." He chuckled nervously.

"If you're going through hell," I put a hand on his shoulder. "Keep on going, and you might get out before the devil even knows you're there." Jovenshire laughed and looked in my eyes. The group turned around, and Ian pushed record again. I grabbed my glasses from my pocket and placed them on. The expression on Anthony and Ian's faces were priceless. Mari exploded into laughter.

"Why did you-" Anthony was cut off by Lasercorn.

"So we have made our decision." Lasercorn announced with a grin. He turned to the Wii and flipped to a song. I let a excited squeal fall from my mouth. Jump in the Line! Jovenshire looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

"I love Beetlejuice!" I cried and Jovenshire laughed. They clicked on it and sat back down. As we began to dance, I heard Anthony yell something that sounded like, 'Jovenshire is no longer on Why We're Single!' I ignored him, but noticed that Jovenshire was struggling to follow me. Right! Slow down! Just like dance class!

As we had to shake our chests, I grabbed his hand and shook him with me. Looking at me, he mouthed a 'Thank you!' before letting go. My heart was pounding in my chest. We flung our heads back and shook out hands to the ceiling.

"We're praying to God that we never have to do this again!" I yelled out and everyone laughed. It was a really simple dance for me, but Jovenshire was seriously having some issues. On our final pose, I missed his face by inches. Everyone laughed and I let a breath out of my mouth.

"I am so sorry!" I cried.

"I'm sorry for dancing like shit!" Jovenshire laughed breathlessly. Anthony and everyone stood up. We all hit out dance crew poses, but Jovenshire and I went back to back.

"Well, this was another Game Bang!" Ian yelled.

"GAME BANG!" We screamed and held the positions until Anthony turned the camera off. When he did, I comically collapsed to the floor. Everyone let out a bit of laughter.

"Anyone up for ice cream at my place?" I asked and unlocked my phone. It was 6:30. "I'm sure I have enough." Everyone said yes, except Lasercorn.

"Do you have chocolate?" He asked, and tilted his head like a puppy. I laughed and nodded. "I'm in!" We all walked outside and got into our cars. I had to run in and grab my purse again. When I leaped into Ian's car, Anthony looked at me.

"Jovenshire wanted you to go with him." He grinned and I raised an eyebrow. I climbed out and saw him leaning against a tiny green car. I smiled and made my way over to it. I got inside and immediately smelled something my father used to wear.

"Hey Joven," I said. "Is that Dragon's Blood, I'm smelling?" He got in and nodded sheepishly.

"My cologne bottle spilled in the back." Then he looked at me. "How'd you guess?"

"My dad wore it." I grinned and he shot the smile back at me. Fuck...His smile was painfully enchanting. He pulled out and began to drive. I gave him the directions to my house, and we pulled into the parking garage. Ian and Anthony were waiting in front of my apartment door. About halfway up the stairs, I heard Mari, Sohinki and Lasercorn laughing. I guessed that Ian texted them the apartment number. I unlocked the door.

"Make yourselves comfortable." I grinned as Tootsie ran up to my feet. I gently picked her up in my arms. Jovenshire let her smell his hand before petting her. I went into my bedroom, and put her in her kennel. I took my earrings out and placed the glasses on my side table. As I walked into my kitchen, I was hearing faint appraisal. I waltzed into my kitchen to see everyone crowded around a binder.

"Did you draw these?" Lasercorn asked, his jaw was slacked. I looked over his shoulder to see them browsing through my design binder. I blushed a bit and nodded.

"My friend runs a tattoo shop in Portland, Oregon." I explained. "Every month I send him a eight paged binder with designs and I get about eighty dollars in return. I'm keeping this one, though." I flipped to the last page in it. The design was angel wings. They were designed to give the appearance of ripping through someone's back.

"Do you have any tattoos?" Anthony asked and I shook my head.

"I'm hoping to make that one my first." I replied and walked into the kitchen. I took the ice cream out of the fridge. "Okay guys, come and get some!"

"That's what she said!" Sohinki replied as he came into the kitchen.

"You WISH that's what I said." I grinned and he shook his head with a laugh. Soon, we were all sitting in my living room eating ice cream. Oddly enough, Jovenshire and I were the only one's eating strawberry. Ian suddenly turned to me.

"When's your birthday?" He asked.

"In four days." I laughed a bit and he gaped at me.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" He whined.

"Because I'm turning twenty three." I grimaced and leaned back on the couch. Everyone looked at me in shock.

"That's awesome, though!" Lasercorn laughed. Jovenshire leaned over to me.

"Don't worry," He smirked. "I'm twenty five." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"You definitely look that old." I joked and I suddenly became thankful that I set my bowl on the side table. I was tackled off the couch and my sides were being prodded at. I screamed and wiggled around. Everyone cracked up, and used nearby objects as support.

"Save...me!" I cried and reached for Ian, giving Jovenshire aim at my underarms. I squealed and attempted to flip over. Anthony knocked Joven off of me, and I sat upright. As if nothing happened, Sohinki looked at his watch.

"I gotta go." He stood up. "I'm super busy tomorrow. Thank you for the ice cream, Danielle." I smiled at him and stood up. I gave him a gentle hug.

"No problem, just put your dish in the sink." I said and a couple other people had to bid me goodbyes. Soon, Jovenshire was the only one left. He shook my hand and placed his bowl in the sink.

"Before I leave, may I have your number?" He asked and I nodded. As we exchanged numbers, my heart skipped a beat at the smile he gave me. I walked him to the door. When he left, I shut the door and leaped up and down. I have his number! I have his number!

I walked into my bedroom and changed into my blue nightgown. I sat on my bed and threw my necklace onto the side table. I was feeling rather tired. Tootsie came out of her kennel, and leaped onto the bed beside me. I laid back and shut the light off. It felt like forever before I actually fell asleep, but when I did, I only dreamed of one person.


The link below is how Jovenshire and Daniella had to dance. I absolutely adore it. xD
