I sat upright on one of the many chairs in the castle. I held the steaming cup of tea close to my face. Oh man. What have I gotten myself into-? Wait, let me correct that. What has Lolidragon gotten me into? I took a sip as I tried to calm myself down.

"Prince!" I held a hand to my mouth to keep from spit-taking. I nervously looked behind me. I forced myself to swallow; it was Sunshine, who had FairSky in his right hand.

"Sunshiny, are you okay? That girl's not Prince..." She affectionately held a hand over his forehead. Sunshine blushed and quickly shook his head.

"No, I'm sure of it. That's definitely Prince. He looks different, but he's definitely Prince!" Gui walked up to Sunshine and gave him a worried glance.

"You know, Lolidragon was yapping away earlier. Something about a glitch and how Prince would hate her if she didn't hurry up." I twitched. Too late.

"Could this be the glitch she was talking about?" FairSky hugged Sunshine tightly.

"No! I don't want Sun-Sun to lose his awareness! He's mine! Forever!" I slightly gagged. I backed up a bit. I gasped in surprise as I hit something- or someone, I should say.

"Hey, hey. Careful there Lan." My eyes widened in shock before turning into fury. I attacked Lolidragon in a neck-hold. Oh, hohoho? Seems like I still have my strength and agility, lovely.

"H-Help! Prince- er, Lan's trying to kill me!" After Gui and Wicked, who apparently came out of nowhere, tugged at me unsuccessfully, I let go on my own will. I flopped onto a sofa unsatisfied. I smirked as Lolidragon gasped for breath. She then pointed an accusing finger at me.

"Hey! Just because I turned you into a girl doesn't give you any reason to try to kill me-!" She immediately clasped a hand over her mouth as many dangerous glints appeared behind her.

-About ten minutes later, after Lolidragon got a pretty good beating.-

"So...Prince...is actually a girl?" Fairsky was the first to break the ice. I was guessing everyone else was thinking just about the same thing. You have no idea how much I want to run away and never play Second Life again. However, that probably won't help since I've already been exposed. I held my head down; I was too scared to look at their expressions. Would they be angry, or maybe disappointed? Perhaps even infuriated-

"Jeez! Why are you guys so quiet? So what, Prince is actually a girl? She'll turn back into the Prince you all love after a couple weeks or so. Just because she's a girl, does that fact actually change anything about how you think of her?" I stared at Lolidragon. Her gaze was strong and confident, and that's...pretty rare.

"...You're right. Even if Prince's a girl or a boy, we'll respect him- uh, her all the same." I smiled at Yulian, who still had dark circles under her eyes. Everyone started nodding their heads in agreement. The only ones that didn't was...my stupid brother, he already knows anyway. Wicked, well...that's expected. Lastly...I looked up. Gui. He looked at me with huge eyes, to the point I thought they would fall out. His mouth was opened so wide I thought I could shove an entire pie in there. There was an awkward tension in the air.

"My lord...is...actually...my...student..." Everyone gasped as he collapsed back first on the ground. Ugly Wolf and Lolidragon went to pick him up. After they returned from putting Gui somewhere that's not the ground, Ugly Wolf spoke first.

"Umm...don't take this offensively Lan. Gui already told you he wouldn't care if you're female or male, right? I'm pretty sure he's just...shocked. Like the rest of us...we don't see you as any different though." I sadly nodded my head. I felt a hand grab mine.

"Prince, let's go train." My eyes widened as Kenshin handed me my Black Duo.

"I found that on the way to your quarters." I twitched and gave Lolidragon one last glare before following Kenshin. I was initially worried that my Black Duo would be too heavy, but it still seems the same as before. Eventually, we made it to this forest-swampy area. There were plenty mutant mushrooms and flying koalas. I gripped my Black Duo and smirked.

"Let's get the party started." I charged at this funky mushroom and sliced it in half. You guessed it; rainbow goop spurted out. I grimaced before deciding to stick to flying koalas. I skillfully rebounded on trees until I was at least fifteen meters up in the air. I effectively sliced the koala in half and normal red blood gushed out.

"Finally, something remotely similar to blood." I smirked; they didn't call her the Blood Elf for nothing. After some more mindless slaughtering of koalas and some accidental slashes at mutant mushrooms, I gained a couple more levels. I shook myself to get rainbow goop off of me, I gasped in surprise as Kenshin helped get some off my back. It felt weird...to be touched like that.

"Prince? Are you ready to go back to the castle?" I nodded while my face was still a pink flush. Kenshin started going back first, I followed behind him. I slapped my face a couple of times; get your game together, girl! Kenshin has done that to me a couple times already in the past as well...plus, other things too. Smoke sizzled from my face as I remembered when Kenshin did CPR on me. Right, my first kiss...was...from Kenshin?!

"Eh?!" I ran to the nearest tree I could find and repeatedly slammed my head against it. That. Does. Not. Count. As. A. Kiss! I slammed my face against the tree again; but instead of hard bark, it felt...soft and warm.

"Prince...you'll die if you keep doing that." I topped over as I realized I slammed my head into Kenshin's arm.

"...Prince, your face is really red." I blushed an even redder shade and covered my face. I stood up immediately and put on my best forced smile.

"I'm fine! See? Not a scratch! Let's go, Kenshin!" He sweat-dropped and followed behind me. ...Great, I just made the most awkward situation possible.

"Prince! Why is your face so red?" I ignored Yulian's concern with a simple 'I'm fine' and headed back to my quarters. As I entered, I ran into my private bathroom. I laughed; it was one I was familiar with. High and melodic, feminine and sweet.

"...My face...really is red." I smiled sadly as I proceeded to splash cold water on my face. I grabbed a fluffy towel and wiped the water off of my face. Maybe I should take a shower? Yeah, that would probably calm me down...a little bit. I walked in and set it to warm. The water felt great and it was pretty soothing. After about twenty-minutes, I came out and came to a horrible conclusion.

"I...didn't bring any changes of clothes with me..." I seriously wanted to bang my face against my mirror, but...if some shards cut my face...Yulian would probably kill me for spoiling my 'million-dollar face'. I just angrily dried my hair with a hairdryer and wrapped a towel around me. I cautiously left my bathroom; although it's pretty clear no one in their right mind would enter my room without permission. It's outside of my room that I needed to be careful of. Unfortunately, Yulian decided as celebration for the new theater; she threw out all our clothes and bought us new ones. Well of course she sold our old ones for money...at really high prices too. Well, I suppose fan-girls probably wouldn't even hesitate to buy used clothing from the Odd Squad.

I looked around cautiously outside my room. As long as I get to the Dryer Room without anyone seeing me, I'll be home free. I tip-toed out and dashed to the right and made a quick sharp turn down. Alright, I just need to make this right turn, and I'll be-! Darn, of course the lord above hates me.

"Prince?" My head was still swirly. After my vision cleared I noticed it...was Kenshin?!

"Ah...hello Kenshin." I nervously laughed and ruffled my hair.

"...What attire you wearing?" I sweat dropped. What should I be saying here? It's the newest fashion from the runaway? I inwardly slapped myself before answering.

"It's my towel...I just need to get my change of clothing..." I awkwardly ran past him and tried walking as calmly as possible to the Dryer Room.

"But Prince...that...suits you well." I instantly stopped and looked fearfully behind me. Is Kenshin...a pervert? He looked at me funny.

"Why are you looking at me like that, Prince? Was it wrong of me to compliment your sense of style?" I was at a loss for words.

"No...It's just-"

"Hey Kenshin, did you see P-P-Prince..." I gaped as Wicked fainted while still having an active nosebleed.

"Wicked, what are you doing b-b-b-b-b-bleeding..." I sighed and slapped a hand against my face as Gui suffered the same fate.

"Prince...is Wicked and Gui okay?" I gave him a hesitant laugh.

"Forgive me Kenshin, these are what you call perverts." I walked into the Dryer Room leaving Kenshin with mild confusion. I grabbed the driest clothes I could find and put them on. Looks like Yulian bothered to buy some female attire for me; even though it's only be needed for a few weeks. It was black and white off-shoulder blouse and a white ruffled skirt; I think it matches me pretty well. I calmly walked out to find a huge crowd around Wicked and Gui. They were still somehow losing blood and weren't dead just yet.

"What could've happened to them? Did they get attacked? Or, did they run into each other? That would explain why the both of them have nosebleeds." I giggled nervously. Some people heard me and looked over my way. They looked stunned; Doll was the first to talk.

"Lan-jie-jie is so pretty!" I smiled.

"Thank you Doll."

"Umm, we all think you look lovely and all Lan, but don't we have a bigger situation here?" Ugly Wolf looked worriedly at Gui and Wicked. I chuckled evilly and walked towards them. Nobody said a word as I proceeded to pick Gui up and slap his face repeatedly. After he finally woke up, he looked at me and immediately blushed and starting apologizing. Which in return I threw him the air and side-kicked him.

"P-Prince! I don't know what Gui did to you but isn't that a little too extreme?" I looked at Ugly Wolf with a thoughtful glance before smiling.

"No." After being pried away before Gui turned into a burst of light, I stood impatiently near the entrance of my room.

"I refuse to have a time-out." Yulian and Lolidragon sighed.

"Please? We don't know what Gui did to you, but-"

"That pervert saw me in my towel."

"..." There was a split-second of silence before I got dragged away by an enraged Lolidragon and Yulian.

"...For a girl to be seen in a towel. It wouldn't hurt to kill Gui a couple more times now would it?" I inwardly smirked. In your face Gui.

Back to where Gui was in an incredibly beaten-up state, Ugly Wolf was desperately trying to heal him. He smiled when he saw Yulian, but it instantly turned into fear when he saw her expression. It was one of her extremely pissed off smiles. The ones that could make you pee your pants, or wish you never been born.

"Dear, won't you please move away?" Ugly Wolf opened his mouth to protest, but one more menacing glance was all it took to scare him off. Everyone gasped as Yulian kicked Gui in the stomach, turning him into a burst of light.

"Y-Yulian! What are you doing?!"

"Revenge." Everyone instinctively took a step back. I smiled innocently before heading out to go on a walk. Even though I'm extremely thrilled about this; I too, am scared of Yulian when she's pissed. I grabbed my Black Duo and started heading outside. Just in case, just in case. After I made it through the entrance, a gentle and cool breeze greeted me. I smiled, this feels nice-

"Prince...is...that...you...?" I looked behind me, it was Kenshin...what surprise. ...Is he blushing?

Hello! I hope you guys like it! I initially wanted to make it a one-shot or two-shot for fun, but I kinda got carried away. Sorry I haven't updated for a while, I sprained my wrist a little bit. Life lesson learned today, don't put six chairs away in a cart at once. Anyway, since it seems you can't reply to people's messages, I'll do it here! Thanks for all you support! Nothing makes me happier than seeing a new message! I read all of them!

SakuraKoi: I know :D But that's what makes ½ Prince fanfiction enjoyable ;)

Mashy-Gaara4life: Thanks! They're rather cute together I love Kenshin!

AnarchyMaelstrom: Thank you! I'll try to update faster and thanks for reading!

Lightning Blade: Teehee, thankies! I hope I sound like Lan, dorky and sweet and totally loveable :P

DarkLunar1312: Kenshin won't be Kenshin if he isn't oblivious! That's why I love him! I suck at writing summaries, so thank you

Darkkami: Yuppers, she had it coming. Thanks for reading!

Nana Pie: Haha, thanks. I'll update again soon